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ENG1503/Assignment 02/S1/2023

Tutorial Letter 001/1/2023

Academic Language and Literacy in English


Semester 1

Department of English Studies

This tutorial letter contains important
information about the ENG1503
Assignment 02 for Semester 1

Note: This is a fully online module. This document is, therefore, only available on myUnisa.


Dear student

Welcome to UNISA and to the ENG1503 module. We hope that you are going to find this
ENG1503 module informative and enjoyable. The purpose of this module is to develop your
ability for critical reading and critical writing which are essential academic skills, improve your
academic English competence (academic discourse and literacy) and develop your abilities to
read and write academic genres (for disciplines and various contexts), such as argumentative
and essay writing, research-based essays, research articles, lectures, using appropriate
conventions, such as citation, and research skills. Please refer to the specific outcomes (SO)
and assessment criteria (AC) in your module form (Addendum B in your TL101) to understand
more of what we will be teaching you and assessing you on.

To ensure your success in this module, you should work with all your learning material
continuously, read the announcements that we post regularly, engage with your eTutors,
download and read all additional resources, attend Teams meetings with us and participate
with your lecturers on the ENG1503 site.


The purpose of this tutorial letter is to provide you with details of assignments and their due
dates for Semester 1. Please keep this tutorial letter safe and check it regularly so that you
do not miss assignment submission dates. Please read your myLife emails regularly as
we will post information if there may be changes in due dates. It is your responsibility
to keep up to date with all announcements.

N.B. Please note that we will be hosting live streams and posting feedforward tutorial
letters before each assessment. You are strongly encouraged to engage with our
classes and resources before you submit your assessments.


ASSIGNMENT: 2 - Research-based essay

Unique number: 645537

Compulsory: Yes

Due Date: 13 April 2023


In this question, you are expected to write an essay of 500 words in length. Your essay should
demonstrate the writing conventions you have learned in the module about essay structure and
layout. This includes forming a thesis statement, clarity of message, taking a clear position and
stance, using the appropriate words for the type of essay; cohesion and logical organisation of
information, proper paragraphing, correct sentence structure and referencing.

To successfully answer this question, find FIVE (5) academically valid sources and include a
reference list. At least one source must be from a printed book or journal. Website sources are
allowed as a main source only if they are authored articles from journals or books from
nationally/internationally recognised institutions (this means you may not use websites such as
Wikipedia). Articles from newspapers, magazines or civic organisations may not be used as a
reliable source of scientific information. Website articles written by unidentified individuals or
authors may not be used.

Choose ONE of the following topics:

Question 1

Text A

A study by Pence (2021) states that the use of technology affects students’ learning in many
ways. Technology use in education has grown throughout the years. Currently, higher
education institutions are going through a surge of technology use since the normal way of
teaching and learning has changed drastically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we
need to take into considerations the positive and negative effects that comes with technology
use in education, especially with students’ learning.

Adapted from: Accessed on 2022,

May 19.

Instruction: Using research, discuss TWO (2) positive and TWO (2) negative effects of how
technology use in education affects students’ learning. Your response should include a minimum
of FIVE (5) credible sources.

(50 marks)


Question 2

Text B

According to Wyatt and Ochoa (2017:179), “first year [university] students are faced with a
rollercoaster of emotional changes that are directly correlated to the stress caused by
transitioning into [university] life”. With that said, mental health plays an important role on how
students perform academically.

Adapted from: Wyatt, T.J. & Ochoa, Y. 2017. Mental Health and Academic Performance of
First-Year College Students. International Journal of Higher Education, 6 (3): 178 – 187.

Instruction: From the above statement (Text B), do you think mental health plays a role on how
students perform in their academic studies? Include THREE (3) arguments to support your
answer. Your response should include a minimum of FIVE (5) credible sources.

(50 marks)

Level Range Content 20% Language 20% Presentation and writing conventions 10% Overall


1 0-4 Very little or no evidence of Poor command of vocabulary, sentence Cluttered presentation. Very

Total: [50 marks]

• • •
understanding and knowledge of the structure and punctuation • Illegible handwriting. Poor
topic. • Very limited use of the appropriate grammar • Many grammatical and
• Very little understanding of the genre and syntactic structures typographical errors, which impede
conventions • Inappropriate use of expressions meaning.
• Fragmented/disjointed/ muddled ideas • Poor knowledge of genre
• Writer stance and voice muddled conventions
(Marks: 0 – 2) Heavily plagiarised.
2 5-9 • Unsatisfactory handling of the topic • Limited vocabulary and sentence variety • Inconsistently defined paragraphs Poor
• Some irrelevant and repeated • Inadequate use of appropriate syntactic • Progression of ideas hard to follow.
information language features/structures • Essay introduction and conclusion

We will use a marking rubric in the next page to mark the essay:
• Mundane handling of the topic • Poor punctuation and sentence construction not clearly defined.
• Flawed by generalizations and • Obscured/confused meaning • A few gaps in knowledge of genre.
inadequate supporting detail
• Writer stance and voice vague and
indeterminate (Marks 3-4) Partial and mostly
3 10-13 • Some understanding and knowledge of • Occasional flawed sentences, punctuation, • Reasonably good presentation Satisfac
the topic and spelling errors • A few poorly structured paragraphs tory -
• Reasonable development of idea • Word choice, vocabulary and diction is • Legible, but with some typing Good
inadequate appraisal of positions on appropriate for the genre errors.
the topic. • Sentence structures are correct but not as • Clearly defined introduction and
• A few lapses in content, claims not fully varied conclusion.
supported • Sentences are not so well linked and (Marks 5-6) Some/Partial plagiarism
• Sometimes disjointed and loosely coherent
4 14-17 • Sound understanding and knowledge • Very good command of grammatical • Well-structured essay, neat and Good-
of the topic structures legible very
• Convincing but not captivating • A wide range of vocabulary, linking devices • Clearly defined paragraphs good
presentation of the topic and sentence structures • Clearly defined introduction and
• A concerted effort at originality • Demonstrates a mastery of the register of conclusion.
• Relevant supporting details the genre • Structure is easy to follow and
• Evidence of a research based • Sentence are linked, and coherent adheres to the structure of the
argument but not well substantiated • Meaning clear, occasionally hindered by genre.
• Writer stance and voice but with some grammatical errors (Marks 7-8) Some plagiarism
5 18-20 • An excellent understanding and • Punctuation and grammar are correct • Logical flow of ideas in the essay Excellen
knowledge of the topic. • Word choice, vocabulary and diction is and within paragraphs. t-
• Well-conducted appraisal of positions highly appropriate for the genre • Very clear introduction and outstan
on the topic • Demonstrates a mastery of the register of conclusion ding
• Insightful and original demonstrating a the genre • Structure is easy to follow and
clear stance and voice • Sentence structure is correct and varied adheres to the structure of the
• Highly selective supporting details • Sentence are linked, coherent genre
• Captivating introduction and highly • Meaning clear with very few or no grammar
convincing errors
(Marks 9-10) Some/Partial plagiarism

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Unisa resolved that all examinations will be held online. Thus,
no venue-based examinations will be written in 2023. Please select the exam centre code
(36013) for 'Online Examination' when registering online. Please note the following important
information regarding examinations:

- The marks for the assignments and the examination are equally weighted according to
a 40/60 ration. Please refer to module specific tutorial letters for specific details.
- The semester 1 final examination will take place during May/June 2023.

Other information

- All your study material (tutorial letters, study guide and information on prescribed books)
can be accessed on myUnisa.
- If you are facing difficulty with registering for any of the modules, please email the
Department of English Studies at:


You can contact your lecturers using the details found on myUnisa. Never use your private
email accounts to reach your lecturers; always use your allocated MyLife email account.
Lecturers will not be responding to private emails used by students.


We will be uploading resources on myUnisa under Additional Resources, Announcements,

Podcasts and FAQs. Therefore, it is important to check your mylife email throughout the year
so that you do not miss out on any communication from us. In addition, join the online tutorial
groups and other online learning activities to gain more knowledge. Do not hesitate to contact
us via email if you are experiencing problems with this tutorial letter's content or with any
academic aspect of the module.
We wish you all the best in your studies


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