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UNIT 6.4 page 35, exercise 3

6 1 I fancy doing something exciting, something that’s a physical challenge.

What about you?
2 Sorry, Antonio, you were saying ...
3 It would be nice to get away from the rest of the world. Don’t you think so?
6.1 page 32, exercise 5 4 Go ahead, Carrie.

1 I’ve never driven in the snow.

6.5 page 35, exercise 4
2 Have you ever written a poem?
3 She’s never given a speech before. 1 It’s best to go on vacation by yourself because you’re more likely to
4 Has he ever spoken to her? meet interesting people. [PAUSE]
5 I’ve never forgotten my parents’ birthdays. 2 Everyone should travel as much as possible. You can’t understand the
6 We have never eaten at that café. world if you haven’t seen it! [PAUSE]
7 Have you chosen your dessert yet? 3 Sports like sailing and mountain climbing aren’t dangerous if you use
8 Has she taken her driving test? the right equipment. [PAUSE]
4 All students should take a year off from studying to go traveling.
6.2 page 34, exercise 5 [PAUSE]

1 If I were you, I’d be annoyed.

6.6 page 36, exercises 1 and 2
2 She’d go back to college if she could afford it.
3 If you could play any instrument, what would it be? Sa = Sam, T = Tom, So = Sofia
4 If she was taller, she could be a model.
T: So Sam, we’re talking about survival courses today. Do you think you
5 If Larissa came to the party, Alex would be happy.
could “survive” one?
6 I’d join you at the restaurant if I could leave work earlier.
Sa: No way! I barely survive getting up in the morning.
7 Fatima would be happier if she had more friends.
T: Well, in that case, you should listen to Sofia, who just came back from
8 If I didn’t have to work, I’d go to the movies.
T: Sofia, what exactly is a survival course?
6.3 page 35, exercises 1 and 2 So: Well mine was run by some ex-soldiers from Canada. They teach
people to take care of themselves outdoors in the wild.
A = Antonio, C = Carrie
T: And who goes on these courses?
A: We need to decide what we’re doing for our vacation this year, don’t So: Teachers, salespeople, nurses – anyone really!
we, Carrie? T: And why did you decide to take one?
C: Absolutely! Let’s try and decide on something this weekend. So: Well, you hear stories about people breaking down in the middle of
A: I fancy doing something exciting, something that’s a physical challenge. deserts or planes crashing in remote areas, and I thought, if that
What about you? happened to me, I wouldn’t have a clue what to do!
C: I don’t know. What kind of thing do you have in mind? T: So, what did you find out on the course?
A: Something active – hiking, bike riding, maybe canoeing. We can take So: All kinds of things: how to get food, build shelters, and so on. But above
tents with us. all, you learn what to do if you run out of water, where to look for it, and
A/C: Then we … / But there’d … how to treat it so that it’s safe to drink.
C: Sorry, Antonio, you were saying … T: Isn’t that difficult in a desert?
A: It would be nice to get away from the rest of the world. Don’t you think So: Yes, but there are things you can do, like following wildlife. Animals
so? know where the water sources are. And stop yourself sweating by
C: But there’d be no Wi-Fi, no comfortable beds, no nightclubs … staying as still as possible and covering your skin.
A: Exactly! It’ll be fantastic – just fresh air and exercise, and evenings spent T: Wow, that’s interesting!
watching the sunset from our tents. So: I learned how to make a fire without matches, too – that’s really
C: Oh, come on! This is the twenty-first century, in case you haven’t difficult! And how to hunt animals, although I hope I never have to do
noticed. Wouldn’t it be nicer to watch the sun go down from a that; I’m a vegetarian!
comfortable hotel with a nice drink in our hands? T: So you can look after yourself without a supermarket now.
A: I don’t think so. I’m bored with hotels and vacation resorts. I want to go So: In theory! But what you really want is to be rescued, so you have to
somewhere without tourists. decide whether to stay where you are or try to reach civilization. If
C: But we are tourists. you decide to move, you need to know about traveling safely over
A: I suppose so. But that doesn’t mean we have to go where everyone else unknown countryside – how to cross rivers, for example, or how to tell
goes. Two weeks by ourselves would be fantastic. which direction you’re going in from the position of the sun. Otherwise
C: I’m not sure about that. I like meeting other people on vacations. you can just walk around in circles! And if you decide to stay where you
A/C: How about … /How about … are, you need to be able to attract attention, to let people know where
A: Go ahead, Carrie. you are. So we learned how to send smoke signals.
C: I was going to suggest Australia. We could climb up Uluru and go T: So, do you think you’re better prepared now?
snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. And if you want to be even more So: Oh, definitely, but I hope it won’t happen for real!
active, you can go surfing at Bondi beach while I do some sunbathing.
Then we’ll both be happy.
A: You’re right, that’s a great idea. OK, then. Australia, here we come!

B1 Pre-Intermediate 1 Personal Best B1 © Richmond 2018

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