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MUSIC WAT PHO-sculpture in Bangkok made of plaster on brick

PINPEAT-Cambodian musical ensemble BOROBUDOR TEMPLE-famous structure in Indonesia

IRAMA-Indonesian term for tempo INSTRUMENTS OF THE PINPEAT SRI MARIAMMAM TEMPLE-structure constructed for power to cure diseases in Singapore
GAMELAN-popular form of music in Indonesia  Samphor WAYANG GOLEK-where small statues and breathtaking carvings are found in Cambodia
PESINDHEN-female soloist singer  cching IKAT-technique where weavers tie and dye portion of weft before weaving
PELOG-heptatonic scale  oneat
 kongvong P.E.
HSAI WAING-traditional folk music in Myanmar
 skorthom
NHA NHAC-Vietnamese classical music in honor of their gods Flexibility Cardio respiratory fitness Balance Power
KERTOK-musical ensemble in Malay Peninsula Muscular strength Body composition Muscular endurance Coordination Speed agility
PI PHAT-Thailand musical ensemble
FITNESS-individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life
MUSICAL ENSEMBLE MUSCULAR ENDURANCE-develop in performing curl ups
SKILL RELATED FITNESS-activities that would enhance ones performance
FLEXIBLE-moving body parts through full range of motion or joint
SIT AND REACH-it test for the lower extremities particularly the hamstring
SPEED-ability to cover a distance for a period of time
Samphor cching kongvong Oneat dikir barat 3 MINUTE STEP TEST-measure cardiovascular fitness
WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE-good predictor of visceral fats
STANDING LONG JUMP-test administered to measure the power of legs
ZIPPER TEST-used for the upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility
PAPER JUGGLING-improve one’s coordination body parts and senses
STORK BALANCE-an activity that one will stand on one leg with raised heels and maintain equilibrium within a period of time
saung gauk silat melayu Gamelan sep noi skorthom
CURL UP-intended to measure the strength of the abdominal muscles
CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS-ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles for an extended period of
ARTS time
WAU BULAN-national symbol of Malaysia MUSCULAR STRENGHT-ability of the muscles to exert maximum effort force against a resistance
LOI KHRATONG-Thailand festival held on the night of the 12th full moon known floating crown HEALTH
DALANG-puppeteer who narrates stories of the puppet shadow play in Indonesia SEX-defines a man and a woman based on biological characteristics
BOROBUDOR TEMPLE-largest religious monument in the world GENDER ROLE- set of roles, characteristics and expectations of how a aman and woman should feel, think and act
SENTOSA MERLION-biggest replica in Singapore SEXUALITY-refers to everything of you as a man and a woman
WAT PHO-famous sculpture in Bangkok GENDER EQUALITY-permits a man and a woman to have fair enjoyment of human right
APSARA-relief sculpture of the female spirit of the clouds and water PHYSICAL SELF-the way you look at your self
DROP-process of dyeing the fabric with the use of resist technique SOCIAL SELF- how you interact with others
KHORAT-center of silk industry in Thailand ETHICAL SELF-the way you value your relationship
HADONG-center of weaving and sericulture in Vietnam EMOTIONAL SELF-how you feel toward yourself and others
SIMPUR-national flower of Brunei SELF EXPRESSION- your way of showing your individuality
SIHN-Lao’s simple and elegant ankle long skirt R.A. 8504-known as Philippine AIDS LAW
SONGKOK-type of cap widely used in Indonesia 1.Determine the problem 4.Identify your values
WAYANG KULIT-craft in Indonesia made of skin as puppet 2.Explore the activities 5.Decide Self-love knowledge respect confidence expression
SKYLANTERN-craft flowing during the 12th full moon in Thailand 3.Consider the consequences 6.Evaluate
LOCAL SA-material in Laos and Cambodia in making paper
Name:________________________________________________ Grade & section:________


______________1.It is the period known as the middle ages or dark ages.
______________2.The characteristic of Renaissance music is mostly ___.
______________3.Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental.
______________4.A monophonic chant based on Latin liturgy, used of neume notation and others.
______________5.A pearl or irregular shape.
______________6.He is known as The Red Priest.
______________7.He is known as Adam the hunchback
______________8.Form of sacred musical composition that sets texts in Eucharistic liturgy
______________9.Form of orchestral music during the Baroque era
_____________10.Musical comp that resemble a horizontal version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant church during the Baroque era
Identify the composer.
1.Fugues,cantatas,concerto grosso-
2.Fire Fire my Heart-
3. Pope Marcellus Mass-
4.The Four Seasons-

Handel Vivaldi Bach Morley De la Halle

Matching type.Letters only
__1.Greatest classical temple in Greece A.Ancient Egypt
__2.Architecture built in sturdy stone architecture B.Greek Era
__3.Develop a form of architecture based on megaliths C.Prehistoric
__4.Paintings were found on vases, panels and tomb D.Roman architecture
__5.They used symbolisms,hieroglyphics in empty spaces E.Parthenon
__6.Stained glass also known as Catherine Window F.Rose Window
__7.Prehistoric painting featuring large animals G.Paintings cave of Lascaux
__8.Earliest panel painting H.Pitsa Panel
__9.Mosaic accompanied by ladies in the court I.Court of Empress Theodora
__10.Romanesque painting show traces of Mozarabic J.Christ in Majesty,St.Clement church
Identify the Era /Period on the following sculpted figures and architecture. Prehistoric, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Romanesque, Byzantine or Gothic
1.Chatres Cathedral-
2.Megalith stones-
3.Pyramid of Giza-
7.portonacio Sarcophagus-
9.Venus of Willendorf-
10.Bust of Nefertiti-
__________1.It measures cardiovascular endurance
__________2.Measures strength of upper extremities
__________3.A stretch or tear of ligament
__________4.A twist pull or tear of a muscle or tendon
__________5.When 2 bones that come together to form a joint become separated
__________6.A break in the bone
__________7.Her BMI is 30.0
__________8.The THR at vigorous intensity of physical activity
__________9.The THR at moderate intensity of physical activity
__________10.Daily estimated calories for a 14-18 years old female
__________11.Daily estimated calories for a 14-18 years old male
__________12.The energy required to maintain your body at rest
__________13.The total number of calories your body needs on a daily basis
__________14.System of sports used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules
Identify the hand signals in playing:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Identify the terms being described.
___________1.A sudden flood of great volume
___________2.An Act providing for an ecological solid waste management program.
___________3.The waste from preparation of cooking and serving of food.
___________4.These are dump food waste or discarded materials.
___________5.An environmental problem causes flooding and greenhouse effect.
___________6.It is caused by deforestation from nature and human activities.
___________7.Service is given by maternal health care unit in the community
___________8.It refers to the discipline associated with the control of generation,srorage,collection,transfer and transport processing and disposal of solid waste
___________9.Maintaining and protecting the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts
___________10.Type of pollution that gives loud and unpleasant sounds.
___________11.The lifeless animals die from accicents and diseases.
___________12.Animal waste from barns,stable and the like
___________13.Residue from fires usedfor cookingand heating.
___________14.Extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth
___________15.Sociological group in a large place sharing one environment
___________16.The state of complete physical,mental and social well-being and not just the ansence of disease or infirmity.
___________17.Unwanted cars and trucks left on publiproperty
___________18.Waste materials such as bottles,broken glass ,tin cans and other wrapping materials.
___________19.Proper disposal of a discarded or discharged material in accordance with local environmental guideline ot laws.
___________20.The alteration on the properties of water resulting in the impairment of its purity.

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