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A study to assess the effectiveness of a structured

teaching programme on knowledge and practice of
safe insulin administration among nurses in a tertiary
care hospital: A pre-post design
Pankaj Punjot, Valsa Thomas, Sudhaya Vinodkumar, Maninder Singh Setia∗
Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, Hillside Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Received: October 15, 2019 Accepted: November 21, 2019 Online Published: December 10, 2019
DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v10n3p72 URL:

Background and objective: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is not only a health issue but also an economic issue in India. Incorrect
insulin injection techniques can lead to side effects such as pain, lipohypertrophy, and poor glycemic control. We designed the
present study to assess nurses’ knowledge about safe insulin administration and evaluate the role of a planned teaching programme
on knowledge and practices of safe insulin injection techniques in a group of nurses in tertiary care hospital.
Methods: This is a pre-post design to study the effectiveness of the structured training programme - one hour of didactic lecture
followed by demonstration of safe injection practices. Demographic data and knowledge about safe insulin practices were
collected at baseline. We conducted two post training assessments–day one and three months after training. The injection practices
were assessed using a check-list. We used the random effects linear regression model to identify factors associated with change in
scores over these three observations.
Results: The mean (SD) scores for insulin knowledge at baseline was 6.81 (2.28). It significantly increased to 16.85 (1.84)
immediately after training (p < .001). These scores reduced significantly after three months compared with post-training scores
(14.18 [2.14]; p < .001). A significantly higher proportion of nurses had used re-suspension technique for insulin injection after
three months (76.3% vs 52.5%, p = .003) and cleaned the injection site with alcohol swab before injection (93.8% vs. 75.0%, p =
.001). On an average, knowledge scores changed by -0.15 (95% CI: -0.29, -0.02; p = .03) with each unit increase in age (years).
The average score in nurses with a degree was significantly higher compared with those who had a diploma (1.02, 95% CI: 0.28,
1.76; p = .007).
Conclusions: The study demonstrated that insulin injection practices improve with adequate guidance and information. However,
there is a need to have a regular training programme to sustain the practices. Certain practices such as site rotation and assessing
lipo-hypertrophy, and the relation between these two should be emphasized in these sessions.

Key Words: Insulin injection, Technique, Knowledge, Practice

1. I NTRODUCTION tion.[1] According to the Global Burden of Disease database,

Diabetes Mellitus (DM)—a chronic condition–may affect DM accounted for 2.23% of total Disability Adjusted Life
multiple organs and is an important global health condi- Years (DALYs) in the in India, and 3.93% of DALYs among
∗ Correspondence: Maninder Singh Setia; Email:; Address: Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, Hillside Avenue,

Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

72 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2020, Vol. 10, No. 3

50-69 year old.[2] Furthermore, DM accounted for 3.11% patient clinic and 50 indoor patients are managed by the
of total deaths and 4.67% of those who were more than 70 nursing staff daily. Furthermore, diabetes care is an impor-
years of age.[2] Another study found that drugs costs were an tant component of clinical care in the hospital.
important economic burden in individuals with DM, particu-
larly in the low-income groups in India.[3] Thus, DM is not 2.2 Study procedures
only a health issue but also an economic issue in India.[4, 5] All consecutive consenting nurses who manage diabetes pa-
tients were enrolled for the present study from September
Though, authors have suggested the role of diet and exercise
2017 to December 2017. The components of the procedure
in management of diabetes; hormonal treatment with insulin,
nonetheless, is an important treatment option.[6] Insulin is
considered to be a life-saving drug; however, regular access A) Baseline assessment: We collected demographic data
to low-cost insulin – particularly the newer analogue types (age, gender, academic training, years of experience, depart-
– may be reduced in economically poor countries and indi- ment) and knowledge about safe insulin practices using a
viduals.[1] When available, insulin should be administered structured questionnaire at baseline. The structured ques-
appropriately for proper management of DM and reduction of tionnaire included: insulin storage, handling of insulin, safe
side effects. It has been reported that incorrect techniques can administration of insulin, safe disposal, hazards of needle
lead to side effects such as pain, lipohypertrophy, and poor reuse, hypoglycemia management, side effects of injection.
glycemic control.[7–9] Injection techniques are considered to B) Structured programme: It was one-time teaching pro-
be very important and guidelines have been developed for gramme – one hour of didactic lecture followed by demon-
proper insulin techniques globally and in various countries in- stration of safe injection practices. The teaching was con-
cluding India.[10, 11] These guidelines cover multiple aspects, ducted in groups. A total of four teaching sessions were
such as counselling, selection of site, size of needle, stor- conducted to include all the participants. The lecture cov-
age, and addressing potential complications.[10] Furthermore, ered the following topics: a) Information about insulin and
health education to patients and nurses helps to reduce mor- types; b) Methods of administration; c) Site selection for
bidity and mortality due to diabetes mellitus by improving administration; d) Hazards of needle reuse and identifica-
knowledge of individual, family and community regarding tion of potential complications; e) Tips for making injection
diabetes management and insulin administration.[12] Litera- less painful; f) Storage of insulin; g) Disposal of needles; h)
ture has also suggested that training programmes should be Management of hypoglycemia; and i) Nurses’ role in man-
aimed at reducing the gap between theoretical knowledge agement of diabetes. The training was conducted by the same
and clinical practices in nursing care.[13–16] Thus, training individual for all the groups (who was a certified Diabetes
the individuals who administer the injections in theoretical Educator from the Indian Association of Diabetes Educator).
aspects of these techniques and monitoring of these practices
is important for effective management of DM patients. C) Post training assessment: We conducted two post train-
ing assessments using the same structured questionnaire:
With this background, we designed the present study to: as- first on the day of training and the second three months of
sess nurses’ knowledge about safe insulin administration ; training. We also assessed insulin administration practices
and evaluate the role of a planned teaching programme on using a check-list by observing the nurses in practice. The
knowledge and practices of safe insulin injection techniques first practice assessment was after their three-month post-test
in these nurses. evaluation and the second practice assessment was one week
after the first assessment. All the assessments were done by
2. M ETHODS the same individual
This is a pre-post design to assess the effectiveness of a
planned teaching programme on knowledge and practices 2.3 Statistical methods
about safe insulin practices in 80 nurses in a tertiary hospital Data were entered in Ms Excel ( c Microsoft, USA) and anal-
in Mumbai, India. ysed in Stata Version 13.1 (
c College Station, Texas, USA).
We calculated the means and standard deviations (SD), and
2.1 Study site median and inter-quartile (IQR) for continuous variables. We
The study was conducted at the Hiranandani Hospital in calculated proportions for categorical variables. The means
Mumbai, India. It is a tertiary care private hospital in sub- were compared using t-test. The proportions were compared
urban Mumbai with multiple specialties and sub-specialties using chi square test or Fisher’s exact test for low expected
(such a critical care, neurology, pediatrics, orthopedics, gy- cell counts. A p value of < .05 was considered statistically
necology etc.). About 600 patients are managed in the out- significant.
Published by Sciedu Press 73 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2020, Vol. 10, No. 3

We used the random effects linear regression model to iden- 6.81 (2.28). It increased to 16.85 (1.84) immediately after
tify factors associated with change in scores over these three training; this increase in scores was statistically significant
observations. The main outcome variable in the regression (p < .001). These scores reduced significantly after three
model was insulin knowledge scores. The main explana- months compared with post-training scores (14.18 [2.14]; p
tory variable was the observation point (pre-training, ob- < .001). However, these scores were significantly higher com-
servation one and observation two). We also included age, pared with baseline scores (see Table 2 and Figure 1). The
gender, years of experience, and qualification as potential mean (SD) increase in scores from baseline to post-training
confounders in the regression model. three-month assessment was 7.36 (2.70).
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Hiranan- Table 2. Scores about Insulin injection in 80 nurses in
dani Hospital, Mumbai, India (approval reference Number Mumbai, India
IECM/Res./September – 2017/0001). Mean Minimum Maximum
Timeline Std. Dev.
Score score score
Baseline score 6.81 2.28 2.00 12.00
Post training-1 16.85 1.84 13.00 19.50
The mean (SD) age of these 80 nurses was 25.9 (4.8) years.
Post training-2 14.18 2.14 8.50 19.50
Majority of them were females (93%), were educated from a
Note. p < .001 1 vs. 0 p < .001, 2 vs. 0 p < .001, 2 vs. 1 p < .001
private nursing college (91%), and had a degree in nursing
(71%). These nurses were posted in various departments of
the hospital. They were posted in wards (50%), intensive
care units (19%), and A&E (10%). The median (IQR) years
of experience in our population was 2.08 (1.00, 3.92) years.
Detailed demographic information have been presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of 80 nurses in Mumbai,
N %
Baseline characteristics
N = 80 100
Mean (SD) 25.9 (4.8)
Female 74 92.5
Male 6 7.5 Figure 1. Change in knowledge scores over the three-month
Training Sources period among 80 nurses, Mumbai, India
Ministry of health 3 3.8
Public institute of higher learning 4 5.0 In addition to these scores, there was a significant change
Private nursing college 73 91.3 in certain practices. We found that a significantly higher
Academic qualifications
proportion of nurses had used re-suspension technique for
Diploma in nursing 23 28.8
insulin injection after three months (76.3% vs 52.5%, p =
Degree in nursing 57 71.3
.003) and cleaned the injection site with alcohol swab be-
Department (working currently)
fore injection (93.8% vs. 75.0%, p = .001). Similarly, we
A&E 8 10.0
Day Care 4 5.0 found that a significantly higher proportion of nurses as-
Intensive Care Unit 15 18.8 sessed lumps (48.8% vs 30.0%; p = .02), followed systemic
Labour Room 2 2.5 rotation of sites (70.0% vs 51.9%; p = .02), and injected
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 5 6.3 slowly to ensure that plunger/thumb button is fully depressed
Out Patient Department 4 5.0 (100.0% vs 92.5%; p = .03). A higher proportion of nurses
Scopy Department 2 2.5 who followed systemic rotation, assessed lumps and avoided
Ward duties 40 50.0 these sites during the first observation compared with those
Years of experience who did not follow systemic rotation (36.6% vs 23.7%; p =
Median (IQR) 2.08 1.00, 3.92 .21); the difference was not statistically significant. In the
second observation, however, this difference in proportion
The mean (SD) scores for insulin knowledge at baseline was was statistically significant (62.5% vs 16.7%; p < .001). We
74 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2020, Vol. 10, No. 3

have provided detailed proportions for the first and second tion. On an average, score changed by -0.15 (95% CI: -0.29,
observation in Table 3. -0.02; p = .03) with each unit increase in age (years). We also
found that with each unit increase in the year of experience,
In the multivariate analysis, after adjusting for age, gender,
the average score changed by 0.17 (95% CI: -0.02, 0.36; p
years of experience, and academic qualifications, the average
= .08); however, this change was not statistically significant.
increase in scores in the first post training observation was
The average score in nurses with a degree was significantly
10.04 (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 9.51, 10.57; p < .001).
higher compared with those who had a diploma (1.02, 95%
However, the average increase in scores was just 7.36 (95%
CI: 0.28, 1.76; p = .007) (see Table 4).
CI: 6.83, 7.89; p < .001) in the second post training observa-

Table 3. The insulin injection check-list practices in 80 nurses in Mumbai, India

Sr. Observation 1 Observation 2
Parameters p value
No. n (%) n (%)
1 Blood sugar level monitoring done, 30 min. prior administration of insulin injection. 76 (95.0) 80 (100.0) .12
2 Checked the consultant order and choosing of correct pen or syringe or injection. 80 (100.0) 80 (100.0) -
3 Re- Suspension technique was done for insulin injection. 42 (52.5) 61 (76.3) .003
4 Selection of accurate dose of insulin as per consultant order. 79 (98.8) 80 (100.0) > .99
5 Proper selection of insulin injection administration site. 62 (77.5) 71 (88.8) .06
6 Cleaning of injection site with alcohol swab before the injection. 60 (75.0) 75 (93.8) .001
7 New needle was used for every insulin injection. 79 (98.8) 77 (96.3) .31
8 Lump was assessed and avoided for insulin injection. 24 (30.0) 39 (48.8) .02
9 Systemic site rotation was followed. 41 (51.9) 56 (70.0) .02
10 Inserted the needle at 90 degree to the skin in quick smooth manner. 77 (96.3) 80 (100.0) .25
11 Injected slowly ensuring plunger/thumb button is fully depressed. 74 (92.5) 80 (100.0) .03
12 After administration of insulin dose leave needle in skin for about 10 seconds. 59 (73.8) 73 (91.3) .004
13 Massaging of injection site and pinching of skin was avoided. 71 (88.8) 78 (97.5) .06
14 Remove the needle from the pen device after injection and safe disposal. 68 (85.0) 68 (85.0) 1.00
15 Documentation done with counter signature. 78 (97.5) 80 (100.0) .50

Table 4. Random effects regression models for Insulin 4. D ISCUSSION

knowledge scores in 80 nurses in Mumbai, India Thus, in the present study, we found that knowledge about
95% Confidence appropriate insulin injection was low in nurses; but it in-
Variable Estimate p value
creased significantly immediately after a structured training
programme. These scores, however, reduced three months
Pre-training scores Reference
after the training even though they remained significantly
Observation 1 10.04 9.51, 10.57 < .001
higher compared with baseline scores. Some practices such
Observation 2 7.36 6.83, 7.89 < .001
as cleaning of injection site and systemic site rotation im-
proved significantly over time. Though, there was a signifi-
Per year increase -0.15 -0.29, -0.02 .03
cant increase in the assessment of lumps and avoiding these
sites for injection, the proportion of nurses practicing this
Female Reference
was relatively low. Knowledge was significantly associated
Male -0.72 -2.00, 0.56 .27
with age and qualification of nurses.
Education qualification
Diploma in nursing Reference Improving the knowledge about diabetes and its manage-
Degree in nursing 1.02 0.28, 1.76 .007 ment in health care providers is an important way to reduce
Experience morbidity and mortality in diabetes patients. It has been
Per year increase 0.17 -0.02, 0.36 .08 suggested that specialized nurses who manage diabetes pa-
Constant 9.56 6.31, 12.80 < .001 tients may be useful to improve the health outcomes in these
Rho 0.26 patients – such as good glycemic control and reduction of
side effects.[17, 18] The importance of maintaining appropriate
Published by Sciedu Press 75 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2020, Vol. 10, No. 3

insulin techniques for management of diabetes mellitus in is associated with type I Diabetes Mellitus, needle reuse,
patients has been discussed extensively in the literature.[19, 20] with abdomen being the most common site.[33–35] Occur-
Furthermore, suggestions and guidelines (including updates) rence of lipo-hypertropy is also associated with failure to
have been regularly published.[21–23] Thus, education pro- systemically rotate of injection sites in insulin patients.[35, 36]
grammes that impart training on these guidelines and im- We assessed both these practices – systematic rotation and
prove knowledge about insulin injection, will improve man- assessing for lumps - in our study, and found a statistically
agement practices and improve the overall quality of life of significant association between these two practices in the
diabetes patients.[24] Studies have shown mixed results on the third month observation. Thus, it is important to stress on
effectiveness of educational intervention programmes. On the relation between these two practices in the training pro-
one hand, Uding and colleagues found a significant increase gramme. Appropriate rotation of the needle injection sites
in the post intervention scores on nurses’ knowledge after and avoiding lumps will ensure adequate insulin absorption
training in peer-developed diabetes management.[25] How- in patients with Diabetes mellitus.[37]
ever, on the other hand, however, Eaton-Spiva and Day found
The study was not without its limitations. We only observed
no significant increase in knowledge and skills of nurses after
the practices in this study and did not monitor the blood
a computer-based educational training programme.[26] Fi-
glucose levels. It has been shown that good injection tech-
nally, a study by Kaur and Walia[27] reported a significant
niques will improve glucose control on patients with diabetes
increase in knowledge scores immediately a workshop on dia-
mellitus.[20] However, the main objective of our study was
betes care in nursing students. However, these scores reduced
to assess the change in practices in nurses after a training
after three months of the workshop – a finding also observed
programme. We do not have long term follow-up of practices
in our study. Thus, even though training programmes may
in these nurses. Though, we used a structured knowledge
increase knowledge about diabetes management and care
questionnaire and practices, researchers have highlighted the
in the short term, these changes may be not be sustainable
need to develop and test new instruments to assess this knowl-
in the long-term. Hence, regular training programmes in
edge.[38] Our check list was based on the Forum for injection
nurses will be useful for appropriate management and care
technique and therapy expert, India recommendations.[11]
of diabetes patients – including appropriate insulin injection
After preparing the initial questionnaire we discussed the
practices. Furthermore there
same with senior nurses for their expert opinion. However,
Knowledge about certain injection practices may be low in as stated earlier, there is a need to develop instruments which
these nurses who manage diabetes patients. Studies have assess the behaviours and practices. Furthermore, since the
found knowledge deficiency in insulin storage, preparation, trainer was observing the practices, Hawthorne effect cannot
and site rotation.[28, 29] Furthermore, knowledge about insulin be ruled out.[39] However, as seen in our results, even though
practices was associated with years of experience and qual- the practices improved, some of them did not improve as
ification of nurses.[30] Chrysoula and colleagues[31] found much as others. The mean age in our study was 25.9; hence
poor knowledge about various insulin injection practices – there may be concerns that the population of nurses included
such as points in which insulin injection will lead to better in the study is relatively young. However, this is close to the
absorption and glucose control. Educational interventions median age of the Indian population (27.1 years).[40]
with pharmacists also has an important role in ensuring ap-
Nonetheless, despite these limitations, we have presented
propriate insulin practices.[32] As seen in our study, certain
useful data in the study. The findings can be used to de-
practices such as use of re-suspension technique and sys-
velop training programmes for nurses and nursing students
temic site rotation was practiced by only 50% of the nurses
for diabetes management and insulin injection practices. The
in the first observation period. Even though, there was a
study demonstrated that insulin injection practices improve
significant increase in these were practices, the proportion re-
with adequate guidance and information. However, there is a
mained lower compared with other practices. We also found
need to have a continued programme to sustain these prac-
a relation between years of experience and change in scores.
tices. Certain practices such as site rotation and assessing
Thus, it is important to focus on the importance of injection
lipo-hypertrophy, and the relation between these two should
techniques, and pre-injection and post-injection practices. in
be emphasized in these sessions. Nurses are important for
the educational programmes.
diabetes management and insulin therapy in hospitalized pa-
An important area of concern, however, was the relative low tient. Thus, if they are updated with current guidelines and
proportion of nurses that assessed and avoided lumps for new recommendations, the clinical outcomes will be better
injection even in the second observation in our study. It has in these patients. Well-developed training programmes that
been well documented that insulin-induced liperhypertrophy use multiple teaching tools (didactic presentations, on-site
76 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2020, Vol. 10, No. 3

clinical training, case discussions, and online updates) will Chatterjee for continuous support and encouragement. Our
help to improve the knowledge of nurses on issues related to sincere thanks to the entire nursing team for being there
DM–particularly insulin injection therapy. throughout.


We would like to extend our gratitude to CEO Dr. Sujit The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

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