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The level of maritime crime in the Malacca Strait is no higher than in the Strait of Hormuz and the
Persian Gulf. Nevertheless, the Malacca Strait has strategic importance in global maritime security
between Asia and the Middle East with Europe and North America, making it a frequent area of cross-
border criminal activities, illegal trade, and ship hijacking. Therefore, it is necessary to improve security
operations against piracy in maritime areas by involving joint military and civilian operations using
sensing technology. This research aims to develop a concept design of military and civilian
interoperability based on sensing technology in supporting the defense system in the Malacca Strait
region. The research method used is a literature study on military and civilian interoperability with
simultaneous embedded applications that refer to the LISI and OIM interoperability criteria. Generation
of wave and wind climatology maps for 2013 - 2022 using Ina-Waves modeling for wave information and
Ina-Flows for information on currents, salinity, and sea temperature at each depth—literature study on
HAPS sensing technology. The results showed that interoperability between the Indonesian Navy and
Bakamla RI and the Indonesian Navy and the Indonesian Air Force is still at an ad-hoc level, while
interoperability between Bakamla RI and the Indonesian Air Force is still at an isolated level. This
condition can be overcome by designing an interoperability concept that is expected to be applied in
planning the use of HAPS sensing technology to strengthen defense in the maritime region in the future.

Keywords: Interoperability, Sensing, HAPS, Border, Defense, Strait of Malacca


The Malacca Strait is an international trade route with around 84,000 ships per year connecting the
world economy between Asia and the Middle East with Europe and North America ( Rusli et al., 2021).
This indicates that the Strait of Malacca is one of the busiest routes in the world (Chia, 1987). The
Malacca Strait, which is located between three countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore,
has a strategic role in world trade ( Balakrishnan & Varkkey, 2017). The Malacca Strait has excellent
potential to become a globally essential knowledge center and drive sustainable economic growth with
the right policies and investments ( Evers & Hornidge, 2007).

The Malacca Strait holds three crucial potentials: trade, renewable energy, and fisheries. This is
supported by the existence of the ports of Singapore Port, Tanjung Pelepas Port in Malaysia, and Busan
Port in South Korea as goods exchanges. (Wan et al., 2021). In addition, the Malacca Strait has a high
potential for renewable energy from waves and tides. (Chong & Lam, 2013). In terms of fisheries, the
Malacca Strait is a body of water where sea surface temperatures and currents have significant seasonal
variations ( Isa et al., 2020) and a positive correlation between sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-
a, inviting much fish ( Harahap et al., 2020) ( Fadhilah et al., 2021). The marine catch of the Malacca
Strait, which is included in the waters of North Sumatra, Indonesia, reached 424,876 tons in 2020 and
helped improve the regional economy (BPS, 2022). But amidst the many good potentials, the Malacca
Strait also has great potential threats.

Threats in the Malacca Strait include the risk of marine accidents, environmental damage, and piracy.
The changing speed and direction of ocean currents can affect the ship's path, estimating ocean current
conditions and managing shipping lanes are necessary to avoid the risk of accidents or environmental
damage ( Haditiar & Rizal, 2016). Cooperation between Malacca Strait coastal countries is essential to
prevent and address marine pollution by taxing ships to improve the environment ( Grigalunas et al.,
2000) ( Trihastuti et al., 2020). Ship emissions in the Malacca Strait and Singapore Strait contribute a
large proportion of atmospheric pollutants, particularly nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2)
that impact human health and the environment, as well as reduce air quality and visibility (George et al.,
2017). The Malacca Strait is one of the most important shipping lanes in the world, but a potential target
for maritime terrorism in Southeast Asia ( Teo, 2007). Although sea crime records from 2004 to 2016
obtained from the International Maritime Bureau show that the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf
have a higher rate of sea crime compared to the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea, this is not
the case ( Zohourian, 2019). However, the Strait of Malacca is also of strategic importance in the context
of global maritime security and is therefore a frequent area of cross-border criminal activity, including
piracy and illegal trade. Therefore, maritime security in the Strait of Malacca is important for economic
stability and security. ( Rusli et al., 2021). In the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea, piracy and
armed robbery are considered crimes under the national laws of each country and are often dealt with
by the police or navy of the country concerned. ( Zohourian, 2020).

Preventive measures, security, and maintenance of critical maritime infrastructure are important
( Kajitani et al., 2013). Protection of shipping lanes in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore is
fundamental to enhancing security and reducing disruptions that affect energy supplies and economic
stability (Casey & Sussex, 2012). A holistic and multidimensional approach to enhancing maritime safety
and security in the Malacca Strait needs to be taken by strengthening coordination between countries
(Simon, 2011) ( Pulungan, 2021). However, maritime security cooperation in the Malacca Strait has
several obstacles including political differences, policies, and interests between countries ( Xu, 2017).

Cooperation is the foundation that must be built between agencies within the country before the
country cooperates with other countries. Previous research has summarized that interoperability and
utilization of sensing technologies play an important role in defense. Interoperability between TNI AU’s
(the Indonesian Air Force) 51st Air Squadron and TNI AD (the Indonesian Army) plays an important role
in the use of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in securing border areas ( Pasaribu et al., 2017). The use
of drones can increase the effectiveness of joint TNI operations in West Kalimantan ( Batubara et al.,
2019). Satellite communication systems can greatly improve the effectiveness of communication in the
implementation of TNI operations and exercises ( Batubara et al., 2019). Interoperability between TNI AL
(the Indonesian Navy) and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise is very important in carrying
out surveillance of violations in the Nusantara Sea area ( Zulkarnain, 2022). The utilization of UAVs can
improve surveillance and monitoring capabilities for areas that are difficult to reach or dangerous for
humans ( Iskandar et al., 2022). The interoperability of TNI information systems in border security
operations in the North Natuna Sea still needs to be improved by overcoming obstacles in the
interoperability of TNI information systems, such as differences in communication systems and
differences in technology platforms used ( Kusumah et al., 2022). Interoperability between institutions
involved in maritime security in the Malacca Strait is still poor because there are constraints such as
differences in duties and authorities, differences in communication systems, and lack of coordination
( Priyanto et al., 2022).

Implementation of interoperability between institutions must be carried out to facilitate the exchange
of information so that maritime security and defense systems in the Malacca Strait are well maintained.
Interoperability of information systems that utilize sensing technology by integrating the forces of TNI
AL, TNI AU, and Bakamla RI needs to be done. Strong and effective interoperability of military and
civilian information systems is essential in building national security and defense. This research aims to
develop a concept design for military and civilian interoperability based on sensing technology in
supporting the defense system in the Malacca Strait region. Interoperability between the military held
by TNI AL (the Indonesian Navy), TNI AU (the Indonesian Air Force), and civilian held by Bakamla RI
(Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia) by utilizing sensing technology is expected to
build an information system to facilitate the detection of pirate ships in the Malacca Strait.


Military and Civil Interoperability

This research is a development of the Satellite-Based Interoperability Optimization Concept research to

Support Defense Strengthening in the North Natuna Sea Border Area which recommends satellites in
optimizing interoperability between agencies to distribute data in real-time and build a communication
system in the long term ( Triregina et al., 2023). The method used is a mixed method that can provide
researchers with many design options involving sequential and concurrent ranges (Terrell, 2012). The
concurrent model combination method is a research procedure in which researchers combine
quantitative and qualitative data by mixing them at the same time (O’ Cathain, 2020). This research uses
the Concurrent Embedded method, this method is part of the mixed method but is carried out with
unbalanced weight ( Mustaqim, 2016). This research adopts concurrent embedded mixed methods
consisting of a quantitative study and a qualitative study (Chang & Chen, 2020). The procedure of this
mixed method is to combine qualitative and quantitative data to produce a comprehensive analysis
(Creswell, 2010). In practice, both data are integrated and interpreted but the researcher can choose
one form of data that is more prominent (embedded) and tailored to the research question (Creswell,
2014). In embedded research design, the researcher must explain the rationale for embedding one form
of data, the timing of the embedded data, and how to address issues that may arise from the
embedding ( Yu & Khazanchi, 2017). In this research, the research process will use a qualitative
approach as the primary method, while quantitative as a secondary method is used to support the
discussion/analysis. Analysis of data processing results using LISI (Level of Information System
Interoperability) and OIM (Organizational Maturity Model) criteria in assessing interoperability that has
been running in the TNI AL, TNI AU, and Bakamla RI units.

Table 1. Navy Interoperability Attributes





1. TNI Doctrine

2. Field Coordination

1. Windows OS

2. Internet Protokol (IP)

1. Siskomsat
2. Radio devices, HF, VHF, UHF

3. KRI Usman Harum-359

4. KRI Kerambit-627

5. KRI Teuku Umar-385

6. Datalink

7. AIS

8. Transponder


10. VSAT

1. Email

2. Multi-format

Source: Triregina (2023)

Table 2. Air Force Interoperability Attributes





1. System Interoperability Standard Book on Air Force Defense Equipment version 1.0

2. Flight Manual Book

1. TNI_AU_OS-based (operating system)

2. Client-Server (User Interface)

3. TNI_AU_OS-based (Data Processor)

1. F-16 Fighting Falcon

2. Hawk 100

3. Hawk 200


5. Datalink

6. Boeing 737

7. Radar
1. Multi-format (graphics, video, dan audio)

2. Text

Source: Triregina (2023)

Table 3. Bakamla RI Interoperability Attributes





1. SPBE Manual Book


1. Intra-tissue

2. Layanan SPBE

3. Wideband


Source: Triregina (2023)

In this study, qualitative approaches were increasingly used in the research process to comprehensively
answer and deepen the research questions. Based on the results of in-depth interviews and supported
by the theory used, this approach provides an overview of the readiness of the information systems of
the TNI AL, TNI AU, and Bakamla RI to demonstrate interoperability. We hope to be able to support you.
For surveillance of border areas in the Malacca Strait. Next, we will use a quantitative approach to
design interoperability of communication systems to support enhanced defenses in the Malacca Straits
border region. However, due to the significant value of the classified status of the existing information
systems within TNI, research cannot be conducted directly on a live agency information system.
Synthesis of relevant literature studies has become the role of sensor technology in the concept of
interoperability between different dimensions. Therefore, the use of this sensor technology can create
an interoperability concept and is recommended for implementation as an attempt to strengthen the
defenses of the Malacca Straits border region.

Characteristics of the Malacca Strait

Characteristics of the Malacca Strait sea area using 10-meter wave and wind climatological maps
processed using BMKG (Indonesia’s Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency) OFS (Ocean
Forecasting System) data every month for 10 years (2013-2022). BMKG OFS consists of 2 main modeling
components, namely Ina-Waves to support wave information and Ina-Flows to support information on
currents, salinity, and sea temperature at each depth. The results of running the Ina-Waves and Ina-
Flows models produce output in the form of NetCDF files ( Marelsa & Oktaviandra, 2019) ( Anggara et
al., 2022) ( Sinaga, 2019). The analysis data is the first-time step data from each NetCDF file generated
from the above process. The analysis data was categorized by month and the average and maximum of
each month were calculated, then the data was plotted into climatological maps of waves and winds for
2013 - 2022. The following is the flow of the research conducted:

Source: Processed by the Author

HAPS Sensing Technology (High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellite)

Innovative services can be provided by HAPS in the field of information and communication technology
(ICT), and then new approaches to HAP design are presented. (Dumas et al., 2009). High-altitude HAPS
platforms used to extend the coverage and capacity of wireless networks have several advantages, such
as the ability to overcome inference problems and handle high data traffic (Arum et al., 2020). The HAPS
platform can optimize the use of radio resources in multicast systems by setting certain parameters in
the system, such as the height of the blimp or drone, the distance between the source and destination,
and the use of appropriate modulation, which can increase the efficiency of radio resource use and
improve signal quality in multicast services (Ibrahim & Alfa, 2019). HAPS technology as a
telecommunications technology product that will be integrated into the Indonesian defense system can
be an effective and efficient solution to answer the needs of national defense development in
anticipating threats in the digital era, with the implementation of HAPS it is also possible to monitor the
environment and anticipate and overcome the impact of natural disasters, as well as to obtain
important information as defense data input. ( Martharaharja et al., 2020). Future use of HAPS
combined with IoT, and also the application of Super Macro Base Station (SMBS) mounted HAPS was
introduced as a promising and cost-effective solution to handle future network traffic demands. (Kurt et
al., 2021). Improved wireless communication network performance using a mixed FSO/RF integrated
satellite-HAP relay network concept in the presence of eavesdroppers is evaluated, pointing errors,
atmospheric turbulence, and shadow severity significantly degrade system performance. Heterodyne
detection offers better system performance compared to heterodyne detection IM/DD ( Odeyemi &
Owolawi, 2022). The technology (Project Loon) uses the HAPs communication system, where balloons
are used as vehicles to fly at stratospheric altitudes of around 20 kilometers or the equivalent of 6000
feet which form an extensive network and are integrated with Artificial Intelligence technology that can
read and adjust to the wind direction, to adjust its position in a better direction ( Budiyanto et al., 2019).
Measuring the impact of changes in the position of HAPS on the quality of service felt by mobile users
(Mobile Station / MS), by measuring the throughput value which is focused on when the MS performs
handover (HO), where users are wimax mobile users who are doing voice communication over the
internet (VoIP) ( Mellyssa, 2017). The application of HAPs, considering capacity performance, is
measured using a genetic algorithm to produce the right subcarrier allocation according to channel
conditions obtained through channel state information (CSI), simulations are carried out by changing the
number of users and bandwidth ( Utami & Hasanah, 2022). Future airspace technology in theory,
regulation, and application in Indonesia has great potential ( Palinggi & Lande, 2021).


This research is adopted from previous research that examines the interoperability of the Indonesian
Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla RI in the North Natuna Sea region. This has been carefully
considered, seeing that the territory of the Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla RI is still
in the same area and is a high priority. The Malacca Strait is located in ALKI I under Koarmada I at the
strategic level and Lantamal I at the tactical level, the Jakarta FIR is controlled by Koopsau I at the
strategic level and Kosek I at the tactical level, and the High Priority DOM is precisely for region B for the
Malacca Strait area under Bakamla RI.




Command Style



* Have a unit doctrine

* Engage in joint exercises

* Established communication

* Decision-making by command leaders

* Tupoksi is integrated with other implementing units

Bakamla RI

* Engage in joint exercises

* Established communication

* As a maritime information center for other units

* Division of responsibilities in the region

* Tupoksi and strategic goals, can share information


* Have interoperability rules/standards

* Having a unit doctrine

* Engaging in joint exercises

* Established communication

* Information sharing/coordination with other dimensions

* Decision-making by the command leader

* Tupoksi, can share info with other units (as an information support operation)

Sumber: Triregina (2023)

The processed data from the Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla RI show that in
securing the Malacca Strait, the interoperability of the Indonesian Navy and Bakamla RI is at Level 1-ad
hoc with Level 2-connected information systems. This applies equally between the Indonesian Navy and
the Indonesian Air Force which are organizationally included in the Level 1-ad hoc category with Level 2-
connected information systems. This category has shown conditions at the preparedness level, already
having general guidelines even though the implementation has not run optimally. Furthermore, at the
understanding level, information sharing and communication sharing have been established in the
context of border security. While at the command style level, there is a separation of accountability
reporting lines or a different chain of command. The final stage of the Ethos level is the sharing of tasks
and functions.

Meanwhile, Bakamla RI and the Indonesian Air Force are at Level 0-independent with level 0-isolated
information systems. This category has shown conditions at the preparedness level, there is no
readiness in carrying out interoperability between agencies. Furthermore, at the understanding level,
communication is carried out by telephone which is not intense. While at the command style level, no
interaction has been seen. In the final stage of the Ethos level, the sharing of functions/ tupoksi is only
done on a limited basis.

Communication interoperability has been established between the Indonesian Navy and Bakamla RI but
has not yet implemented a one-command system that harmonizes joint military and civilian operations
in the Malacca Strait region. However, interoperability between Bakamla RI and the Indonesian Air Force
has not been well established. The Indonesian Air Force acts as an element of the Indonesian Navy that
can move faster by air to coordinate in the same area of operation. Based on this, it is necessary to
design a concept of information system interoperability based on sensing technology to support the
defense system in the Malacca Strait region between the Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and
Bakamla RI. In addition, it is necessary to map the characteristics of the Malacca Strait area to facilitate
both sea and air surveillance.

Figure 1. Average sea tide for the last 10 years

Source: Processed by the author

Figure 2: Average wind speed for the last 10 years

Source: Processed by the author

The airspace in the Malacca Strait is controlled by three FIR (Flight Information Regional), namely Jakarta
FIR ( WIIF), Malaysia FIR ( WMFC), and Singapore FIR ( WSJC). Although efforts are currently underway to
transfer the Singapore FIR to the Jakarta FIR area by Indonesia, it requires a comprehensive and
collaborative approach through diplomatic efforts, technical assessments, costs, benefits, stakeholders,
and policies ( Supriyadi et al., 2020). The Malacca Strait is a very congested international and national
flight route to and from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Malacca Straits region is the Final
Approach for several major airports including Kuala Lumpur International Airport ( KLIA), Kualanamu
Airport Medan, and Changi Airport Singapore. Not only is the airspace very congested, but the sea area
in the Malacca Strait is also a very vital international ship traffic route. Based on the results of processing
data on the sea area in the Malacca Strait, climatologically for the last 10 years, the monthly average
characteristic of calm waves is around 0.1 - 1.25 meters, but in May-August the maximum waves can
reach 2.5 - 3.5 meters, especially the northern part of the Malacca Strait. For a monthly average wind
speed of 10 meters across the Malacca Strait, it ranges from 4 - 10 knots with a maximum speed of 25 -
30 knots in August - December. The high natural dynamics of the Malacca Strait region can influence the
maritime surveillance strategy of the Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla. This needs to
be supported by monitoring the presence of ships in real-time. In this case, a sensing technology is
needed that is capable of conducting real-time surveillance by monitoring and tracking suspicious

Sensing technology can answer the GAP of information and communication equipment between the
Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla. Sensing technology that can be applied is HAPS
(High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellite) to overcome crucial problems in information sharing and
communication sharing. Based on research ( Gultom & Yuniarti, 2016) HAPS has several interesting
indicators, namely the availability of real-time data, the altitude is different from the flight altitude of
conventional air surveillance aircraft, flexibility, and mobility, low cost that can replace satellite
functions and is environmentally friendly. This has a high potential for HAPS to detect pirate ships. The
application of this sensing technology can be the main tool for monitoring the Malacca Straits area both
at sea and in the air by tracking AIS on ships and IFF on aircraft with the availability of real-time data.
HAPS is located in the stratosphere above the aircraft's flight altitude so it does not interfere with the
aircraft's flight path and can detect objects with a wide range. HAPS is flexible with moderate mobility
that can move from place to place as needed. HAPS procurement costs are lower than satellite or
conventional air surveillance aircraft. In addition, HAPS can use solar power to charge and has low
carbon emissions when compared to conventional surveillance aircraft, making it environmentally
friendly. The design of the concept of interoperability of military and civilian information systems based
on sensing technology to support defense systems in the Malacca Straits area can be seen in the
following figure:

Figure 3. The design concept of interoperability of military and civilian information systems based on
sensing technology

Source: Processed by the Author


HAPS technology in Indonesia has been echoed since 2016, but for its implementation, many
encountered several obstacles, namely the first related to the security of the HAPS data itself. If the
HAPS is used for defense purposes, it should not involve foreign interference, such as the example of the
Loon project which involved Google as the vendor. The second is related to the absence of regulations in
Indonesia that support the use of HAPS, such as regulations on frequencies that can be used by HAPS, to
the operational placement of HAPS in the air which is still hampered by Regulation of the Minister of
Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 180 of 2015 concerning Control of the Operation of
Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Airspace served by Indonesia and Regulation of the Minister of
Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 163 of 2015 section 107 concerning Small Unmanned
Aircraft Systems.

HAPS technology also plays an important role in interoperability between the military ( TNI AU and TNI
AL) and civilians ( Bakamla RI) where for now there are still crucial problems in information sharing and
communication sharing. The solution to these problems can use a platform or system specifically built
for defense and surveillance by involving HAPS technology for overall integration.

In this study, HAPS technology is used as the main monitoring tool to prevent piracy cases, especially
those that occur in the Malacca Straits area. Due to the very limited airspace in the Malacca Strait to
operate HAPS, to prevent cases of piracy, it is necessary to map the piracy hazard zone to narrow the
area of surveillance and determine a suitable location for placing the HAPS as well as the main focus of
surveillance and maritime patrol locations in the area. Malacca Strait. This is a recommendation for
research that can be done in the future.


The interoperability of the Indonesian Navy and Bakamla as well as the Indonesian Navy and Indonesian
Air Force are at Level 1-ad hoc with a Level 2-connected information system. Meanwhile, Bakamla RI
and Indonesian Air Force are at Level 0-independent with an information system level 0-isolated. Based
on this, it is necessary to design the concept of interoperability of information systems based on sensing
technology to support the defense system in the Malacca Strait area between the Indonesian Navy,
Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla. In addition, it is necessary to map the characteristics of the Malacca
Strait area to facilitate supervision. The high natural dynamics of the Malacca Strait region can influence
the maritime surveillance strategy of the Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla. Sensing
technology can answer the GAP of information and communication equipment between the Indonesian
Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla. Real-time monitoring of the sea can be carried out by utilizing
sensing technology using HAPS (High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellite) which supports information and
communication systems between the Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, and Bakamla. The use of
HAPS has a high potential for detecting pirate ships with several indicators, namely the availability of
real-time data, different altitudes from conventional air surveillance aircraft, flexibility and mobility, low
cost that can replace satellite functions, and is environmentally friendly.

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