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I, along with my team members attended the meeting with SHAMIM

AUTOS LTD. One of their manager talked with us. We told him
about our Team, what we do, what we are going to do. Then we
informed him about the project proposal and sponsoring.
He then told us their company is the sole distributer and importer of
EPPKO Lubricant, Dubai. And he wanted to know how the EPPKO
Lubricant is going to be benefitted by sponsoring us. We told him that
as we work on automobile we need lubricant. We can use their brand
and thus they will get promotion as we have a brand value and a good
popularity in Bangladesh. We showed him our media coverage and
Facebook followers.
We then showed him our sponsorship plans and total budget. Seeing
the huge budget he was somewhat startled. Then he asked why we
need so much money to ship our car to INDIA and then asked why so
much money is needed for the travel and accommodation of 24 people
in INDIA. We somehow managed to answer. Then he asked about the
speed of the car. Then we told him about the competition and the
Then we told him about our previous sponsors. He wanted to know
whom we went this time before meeting him. We told that we went
some other companies who were our previous sponsors.
After that he told us that they are focusing only on three wheelers and
bikes. So they are not in a situation to sponsor us. As he was closing
we reminded him that it is not necessary that he can sponsor us with
money only.. He can also be our partners with providing or import us
machine parts. We also told him that he can give us lubricants and
become our partners. He then opened our project proposal again and
read the partnership plans. He then said he would talk to his higher
ups and let us know.

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