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Teachers’ Teaching Incapabilities

Our educational system has a terrible problem with teachers who aren't capable
of instructing. As a result, it can prevent students from developing. But there are reasons
why this issue has developed in our educational system. This issue is also having a
negative impact on the students. Teachers who are qualified are crucial for students'
growth, yet some of them lack both drive and expertise. Thus, the Department of
Education must adopt a strict policy, hold seminars, provide resources, and increase

Qualified teachers with effective teaching capabilities are important. This is

because teachers who are capable of teaching assist pupils in developing in mental,
physical, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects. Due to the fact that they educate
students how to overcome challenges, a qualified teacher can assist students' mental
development. Additionally, teachers may aid pupils' mental development by normalizing
their academic struggles. Emphasizing and repeating that concept with the aid of a
qualified teacher enables pupils to respond positively when they are challenged,
enabling them to grow mentally. A qualified teacher may support a student's physical
growth by teaching them a variety of sports and giving them the chance to advance
their social and physical abilities. Students can improve their fitness and acquire the skills
they need to live a healthy, physically active lifestyle with the assistance of a qualified
teacher. Having a qualified teacher can aid in a student's social development since they
can reprimand students while also guiding them toward making better decisions by
helping them become aware of what they are doing and how their actions influence
others. A good teacher can also help a student's emotional development by establishing
a trusting relationship with them. Teachers who show kindness, affection, and respect
contribute to this. Teachers can actively teach and improve students' emotions also by
utilizing evidence-based ways to teach, model, and encourage beneficial behaviors for
emotional development. A qualified teacher can also support a student's intellectual
growth by promoting problem-solving in the classroom, where practically every day a
student will consider how to address a specific academic issue. A qualified teacher may
also relate to their students since he or she instills knowledge, positive values, tradition,
modern-day issues, and strategies to overcome them in students. The influence of a
teacher in a student's life can improve their morale and teach them crucial lessons. Due
to their ability to encourage engagement, attentiveness, and even bring pupils out of
their shells, an effective teacher can also make students feel better about themselves.

There are always explanations for why certain teachers perform with instructional
deficiencies. One explanation is that some individuals who are now working as educators
might not have passed the Professional Licensure Exam. Unlicensed teachers have not
undergone the same training and licensing requirements as conventionally certified
teachers, and because of this and their lack of teaching experience, the learning
outcomes of pupils may suffer. Without some of these credentials, teachers are ill-
equipped to construct curricula, comprehend child development, deal with behavioral
problems, and promote student success. Employing a teacher who has passed the
licensing exam is crucial since it guarantees that they have had adequate training prior
to working with students and because it is a defining characteristic of a high-quality
instructor. The use of subpar instructional strategies by certain teachers is another factor
contributing to their instructional deficiencies. If teachers lack effective teaching
methods or abilities, they find it difficult to convey the substance of the course materials
to students. Teachers who had more diversified teaching methods were unprepared to
teach the topic according to the specified schedule because they lacked effective
teaching techniques. Teachers must be well-equipped with appropriate teaching
practices that enhance teacher-student participation. The lack of appropriate teaching
resources among some teachers is another factor contributing to their instructional
deficiencies. All of the subjects included in the school curriculum can be learned with the
aid of instructional resources. They give students the opportunity to interact with words,
symbols, and concepts in ways that enhance their ability to read, listen, solve problems,
see, think, talk, write, and use media and technology. However, a lack of adequate
resources will result in pupils' worse academic performance and decreased interest in
several academic fields. The struggle to effectively communicate with the students is
another factor in why certain teachers have instructional deficiencies. Communication
abilities are a crucial component as a teacher. Everyone gains when communication is
effective. It fosters better communication, promotes understanding, and serves as an
example of constructive behavior. Students may struggle to understand teachings and
put their thoughts into order if a teacher is inefficient at communicating with them. Some
teachers may lack training, either in academic preparation or in teaching experience,
which is another factor contributing to their instructional deficiencies. Lack of training for
teachers is a concern because it significantly influences how well students succeed. Both
new and seasoned instructors need to complete teacher training programs. Teachers
must grasp cutting-edge pedagogy, interactive assessment methods, and
differentiation, which will be covered in training and in the classroom, to animate the
teaching-learning process. A teacher may not have the necessary knowledge and
comprehension of the field in which they work due to a lack of academic preparation.
Lack of experience contributes to a lack of training since it may allow an unqualified
teacher to instruct without being familiar with the right teaching techniques. Some
teachers' instructional deficiencies can also be attributed to their lack of motivation to
do a good job of educating students, which is the result of inadequate pay. Teachers
may take on a second job when their earnings are low, which saps their motivation and
effort when teaching. And as a result of the teacher's subpar teaching efforts, children
will bear the cost of poor academic performance.

Due to some teacher's lack of teaching skills, some of the repercussions of their
instructional deficiencies have a substantial impact on the students' bad performances,
which leads to ineffectiveness and inefficiency. Students will get disinterested, which will
decrease their satisfaction and motivation to learn. Additionally, this will cause parents to
worry and question the school, which could lead to complaints from the parents and
questions about the school's hiring practices when they hire inexperienced teachers.

Once the issue has been identified, a quick response to a solution that must be
sufficient in both effectiveness and efficiency to properly address the problems is
required. To ensure that pupils receive effective instruction, DepEd should adopt a
stringent policy requiring both public and private schools to exclusively hire teachers who
have completed the licensure exams. This will guarantee that students receive effective
instruction. Holding seminars and training for teachers by DepEd might also be an option
to improve and develop abilities with room for growth. Given that students are now
computer proficient in terms of their education, DepEd should provide instructors with
cutting-edge teaching resources and train them on how to use them. Since technology
is now a component of education. Both teachers and students would gain from this.
DepEd should raise teachers' pay to make it more valuable and to improve their
enthusiasm to teach students with passion. This will encourage teachers to be more ready
to teach.

The development of students depends on quality teachers, but some of them lack
both motivation and knowledge. As a result, the Department of Education needs to
establish rigorous policies, provide seminars, offer resources, and raise salaries.

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