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Blissful Burden

Even in the most precarious and peaky mountains, there is always a valley that offers a spectacular

Education is a constantly evolving landscape. Its environment is continually changing, making it harder
for the future educators to stay up to date to the academic requirements and involve students in
worthwhile learning activities. Additionally, it can frequently feel burdensome to satisfy the rising
demands of high expectations coming from the schools, friends, and families.

However, there is hope! Future educators are capable of overcoming these seemingly insurmountable
mountains if they have the necessary information, skills, and attitude.

First and foremost,they must be lifelong learners. They must be open to change and keep up with the
most recent developments in technology and education. These soon to be educators must need to ask
themselves: How can they use the newest tools and technologies to provide their students with
compelling learning experiences?

Second, aspiring educators must be able to accept assistance. There are many tools and people who can
offer support, despite the fact that a person cannot accomplish everything on their own. Seeking
assistance, whether from a mentor or a professional development program, is a crucial component of
developing into a successful educator.

Finally, aspiring teachers must be enthusiastic about their future profession. A strong feeling of purpose
and dedication are essential for success in the challenging field of teaching. If they are passionate about
what they do, they will be motivated to come up with fresh, creative approaches to engage their pupils
and make learning relevant.

Being an excellent educator is difficult to undertake. It is hard to make directions that will lead the
students to success. Some regular teachers say, "Do not be a teacher, regret comes after." It is because
teaching holds much responsibility. But what they did not realized is the blissful burden along with it.
There is bliss and happiness in teaching especially when teachers see the joy in the students’ eyes as
they learn something new, the pride in their faces when they understand a concept, and the excitement
when they master a skill. It is a joy that is indescribable.

Furthermore, the ascent up an insurmountable mountains can also serve as a reminder to the future
educators that life is an ongoing journey. It is important to look ahead and focus on the goals and
objectives that is lying forward. Lastly, having a purpose and something to strive for can bring a sense of
fulfillment and contentment.

Dig yourself in teaching. Stand before the students, not just as a future educator, but as a teacher
surmounting a blissful burden.

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