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We may clearly conclude from this quote that the environment plays a critical role in

protecting human life on Earth. This is because all living beings largely relied on
environmental resources to provide them with food, water, air, and other basic
necessities. The question is, did we humans care for our environment? We humans who
relied primarily on natural resources abused the environment. The environment suffers
irreparable harm as a result, which leads to subsequent problems like climate change,
global warming, droughts, and other natural disasters. All the actions that can damage our
environment should cease or minimize because we highly relied on it for our survival and
also to avoid the adverse impacts of pollution from occurring.

Stopping or minimizing logging activities can be beneficial to us. As we know trees are
one of the producers of oxygen in our environment, helps reduce the possibilities of
floods by absorbing the water run offs and helps reduce the carbon dioxide build up in the
atmosphere that contributes global warming. According to Nature Organization,
Photosynthesis, the process through which trees produce food, includes taking carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their wood. The carbon dioxide will be
stored by trees and plants for the duration of their lives, helping to halt the buildup of the
gas in our atmosphere that has been accelerating global warming. Ceasing the logging
activities will largely help our environment because by stopping it, it can significantly
address numerous environmental problems. According to GreenPeace Organization,
stopping logging operations will safeguard millions of animal and plant species, lessen
global warming, avoid floods, restore indigenous livelihoods, and—most importantly—
invest in a more sustainable future. Burning of fossils fuels should be stopped. Fossil
fuels is one of the sources of energy but this source of energy can cause an air pollution
that can harm our environment badly. According to the National Geographic Channel,
fossil fuels are the primary cause of climate change and global warming because they
create greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and other ones that trap heat in our
atmosphere. By ceasing the uses of fossil fuels, it can help our environment greatly and
might lead to the healing of our environment. claims that eliminating the use of
fossil fuels as a source of energy will reduce global warming. The uses of plastic
materials should also be stopped. As we all know plastics is a material that we use every
day but these things even though it is helpful to us humans, it is not helpful to our
environment. This is because plastic sticks around in the environment for centuries,
endangering species and spreading pollutants. Also, due to the chemicals used in its
manufacture, which derive from the production of climate-warming fuels, it also
contributes to global warming (gas, oil, and even coal). According to the World Wildlife
Fund, plastic is one of the most persistent contaminants on the planet. It is built to last,
and it frequently does so for 400 years or longer. And plastic emits greenhouse gases that
contribute to global warming at every stage of its lifecycle, even after it has been
discarded. Stopping the usage of plastic materials is very essential and beneficial to our
environment. According to Westminster City Council, lowering the usage of plastic
materials will minimize the quantity of new raw materials required, hence preventing
pollution. Additionally, it will lower greenhouse gas emissions, which fuel climate
change. Many people will argue that by stopping all activities that can harm the
environment, such as logging, using of plastics, and burning fossil fuels, will affect our
lives badly because these activities help the modern society that we live in to function.
Cutting down of trees according to others are very beneficial to our life and society
because woods give us a lot of things. The Detroit Climate Action Organization claims
that deforestation is primarily advantageous economically. People engaging in logging
activities all around the world have jobs. They also result in jobs for those who later use
the cleared area for activities like agriculture. Cutting down trees yields materials that can
be used to make useful goods. They would also argue that trees are not the biggest
producers of oxygen. Although the chopping down of trees can create jobs and help our
economy run it can be subjected to economic exploitation. According to Rainforest
Mongabay, short-term economic exploitation through deforestation can be disastrous for
the long-term economy of poor countries since it destroys potential forest products in
addition to crucial ecosystems that provide important functions. As said by Baird (2013),
Not all of the oxygen on Earth comes from trees. Instead, the ocean is the primary source
of the atmospheric oxygen that we need to survive as humans. While it is said by Baird in
2013 that trees are not the major producer of oxygen, they are still important in our
atmosphere since they absorb carbon dioxide that is a major contributor of the Global
warming. Many people will also argue that by stopping the usage of plastic materials it
will have a negative effect on our lives. According to the Recycling Magazine, without
plastics, food waste would increase. The heavier automobiles without plastics would
result in higher gasoline prices. Healthcare would be incredibly challenging, if not
impossible, without plastics. Although plastics are very helpful in making our lives easy,
they are not that helpful in our environment it is hard to live without plastic at first but we
can adopt to it and might find other alternatives as technology is progressing. According
to, It can take hundreds of years for plastic materials to disintegrate, and it can
be difficult to replace them with materials that degrade more slowly. However, a lot of
businesses and researchers are working hard to discover environmentally friendly
alternatives to plastic. Competitive Enterprise Institute stated that comparing to other
materials, plastics use less water and energy and produce less pollution. Plastic products
—whether they be bags, food packaging, or home siding—are frequently the most cost-
effective option since they frequently take a lot fewer resources to produce than
alternatives made of paper, metal, stone, or glass. Although plastic is cost effective to
produce their ingredients in producing it is very harmful to the environment and also to
our health. According to the Made Safe Organization, polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, is
widely known as the most toxic plastic for human health and the environment. In its
production, it releases dioxins, phthalates, vinyl chloride, ethylene dichloride, lead,
cadmium, and other toxic chemicals.  Many people will also say that banning fossil fuels
will also change our live badly. According to, without fossil fuels, the
building materials for your home are very limited. Bricks, wood, cement, drywall, and a
few other materials would be available to build your home. The wood might not be
pressure treated though because some of the chemicals used in pressure treatment have
fossil fuel raw material. Although in building structures burning of fossil fuels are
necessary in materials that are used but there is still alternative material that do not use
fossil fuels. According to, there are alternatives to wood treated with fossil
fuels. These are composite materials (including steel, fiberglass-reinforced concrete, and
laminated wood); and species of wood that are resistant to pests. Other people will say
that if the burning of fossil fuels is to be abolished then there will be no enough
electricity as fossil fuels are the largest sources of energy generation. According to the
UK Assets Publishing Service, primary oil (crude oil and natural gas liquids) accounted
for 42% of total production; natural gas accounted for 29%; primary electricity (nuclear,
wind, solar, and hydro) accounted for 16%; bioenergy and waste accounted for 12%; and
coal accounted for 1%. Although fossil fuels are top producer of electricity, they are not
beneficial to the environment. We can reduce the usage of fossil fuels by using the
alternatives for generating electricity though they may come at a price but it is the best
way to protect and conserve the environment. According to, the five primary
alternatives to fossil fuels are renewable energy, nuclear power, hydrogen, biomass, and
geothermal energy.

Overall, in protecting our environment we need to stop the activities that can harm
it. Even though most of the harmful activities can make our lives easy the consequences
of it are very detrimental to us and our environment as well as its natural resources.
Stopping the logging activities Is very beneficial to us. Even though logging helps our
economy they can be subjected to economic exploitation. The usage of plastic should be
banned for it is harmful to our environment and our health. This is because there is a
substance in the plastic that harms our health. Stopping the use of fossil fuels is also
beneficial. While it said that fossil fuels provide us with electricity, they damage our
environment but there are still alternative that can be used to generate electricity.

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