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Character Analysis

Table of Contents (Clickable):

I. Table of Contents
II. Icon Explanation
III. Enhancements Explanation
IV. Optimal Arte Information & Terminologies
V. Character Analysis
A. Rainbow Sync
i. Tales of The Rays
1. Ix Nieves/Kocis
2. Mileena Weiss
ii. Idolmaster
1. Haruka Amami
iii. Valkyrie Profile
B. Red Anima Sync
i. Tales of Destiny
1. Stahn Aileron
2. Rutee Katrea
3. Leon Magnus
ii. Tales of Destiny 2
1. Kyle Dunamis
2. Reala
3. Judas
iii. Tales of Link
1. Sara
2. Kana
C. Blue Anima Sync
i. Tales of Legendia
1. Senel Coolidge
ii. Tales of Xillia
1. Jude Mathis
2. Milla Maxwell
3. Elize Lutus
4. Leia Rolando
5. Alvin Vint Svent
iii. Tales of Xillia 2
1. Ludger Will Kresnik
2. Julius Will Kresnik
iv. Tales of The World
1. Pasca Kanonno
2. Kanonno Earheart
D. Green Anima Sync
i. Tales of Eternia
1. Reid Hershel
2. Farah Oersted
3. Meredy
4. Keele Zeibel
ii. Tales of Vesperia
1. Yuri Lowell
2. Repede
3. Rita Mordio
4. Raven
5. Estelle
6. Karol Capel
E. Brown Anima Sync
i. Tales of Innocence
1. Ruca Milda
2. Illia Animi
3. Kongwai Tao
ii. Tales of Zestiria
1. Sorey
2. Mikleo
3. Edna
4. Alisha Diphda
5. Rose
6. Dezel
iii. Tales of Berseria
1. Velvet Crowe
2. Laphicet
3. Eizen
4. Eleanor Hume
F. Yellow Anima Sync
i. Tales of Phantasia
1. Cress Albane
2. Chester Burklight
3. Arche Klein
4. Mint Adenade
ii. Tales of Rebirth
1. Veigue Lungberg
iii. Tales of the Abyss
1. Luke fon Fabre
2. Tear Grants
3. Jade Curtiss
4. Guy Cecil
5. Anise Tatlin
G. Purple Anima Sync
i. Tales of Symphonia
1. Lloyd Irving
2. Colette Brunel
3. Raine Sage
4. Zelos Wilder
5. Mithos Yggdrasil
ii. Tales of Symphonia : Dawn of The New World
1. Emil Castagnier
2. Marta Lualdi
iii. Tales of Graces
1. Asbel Lhant
2. Cheria Barnes
3. Sophie Lhant
Icon Explanation

Melee Combat Arte

Spell Arte
Ranged Combat Arte
Physical Mostly does melee combat arte.
Dash Combat Arte
Arte Mostly does spell arte Buff/Debuff Arte
Heal Arte
Hybrid Balanced around using both melee and
spell arte. Limited time prism only arte. Get them
while you can.
Ranged Mostly does ranged combat arte. Only available on event banners, and not
on story banners, or for an event
Tank Capable of taking hits. character’s case, an MA that is exclusive to
a certain special event.(Mainly those
Dasher Capable of dodging attacks with dash seasonal MAs.)
arte. Only obtainable from an event.
Attack Up/Attack Down
Buff/Debuff Capable of giving buffs/debuffs.
Defense Up/Defense Down
Healer Capable of doing healing arte. Arte Attack Up/Arte Attack Down
Arte Defense Up/Arte Defense Down
Villain Antagonist character, which has special
perks over player characters. Speed Up
(Speed Down is not taken account of
because it’s Slow, which also has an
ailment proc rate.)

Enhancement Explanation

Damage Increase damage by 10%

Stagger Increase enemy stagger time by 0.1 sec
IS Break Reduces enemy Iron Stance by +2 hits
HP Vamp Recover HP equal to 8% of damage dealt
Heal Boost Boost HP recovery effect by 10%
Caster Heal Caster gains 20% of HP recovery effect
Area Heal Heals self and party members within range by 3%
Knockback Increase knock-back power by 15%
Rush Increase rush distance by 15%
Iframe +0.17 sec. of invincibility after use
Float Increase float power of last hit by 10%
Slow Descent Slow descent speed of lifted foes
Cast Speed Increase casting speed by 5%
Cast Proc 10% chance to cut casting time to 1/4
AoE Boost Widen area of effect by 10%
-1CC Reduce CC cost by 1
MG Boost Mirrage Gauge by additional 10%
MG Heal Increase allies' MG by 10%
Ailment Chance to cause status effect on enemy hit
Ailment Cure When used, negate status effect on caster
Ailment Proc Boost odds of inflicting ailment by 2%
Ailment Power Boost strength of ailment effect by 1
Buff Time Increase duration of buff by 5 seconds
Debuff Time Increase duration of debuff by 3 seconds
Party Effect Arte effect now affects all allies
Double Proc 25% chance of doubling attack power
Projectile Block Single shot won't stagger user mid-arte
MR Increase duration of debuff by 3 seconds
HP Recover Recover 10% of user's max HP

Optimal Arte Information & Terminologies

Bold means notable artes that is significant.(I don’t oblige the arte. You’re kinda
free to pick with what you would go with, but the bolded is my recommendation.)
The ones that aren’t bolded means artes that is notable, but has a less priority
compared to the bolded ones.
(Also I don’t oblige characters to play with a certain artes. Feel free to experiment with
your artes as you like.)
You can also click the arte name to view a video of the arte.
OTG(Off The Ground) - Gets enemy back up from being knocked down state, allowing
the character to continue combo.
KD(Knock Down) - Knocks enemy down.
Dash - goes through the enemy to the other side, which gives the character invincibility
frame while doing so.
IS(Iron Stance) - Iron Stance is shield that every enemies has which prevents them to
get staggered from any attack for a certain amount of hits, and players need to break
this by hitting enough times. This can be fasten up by hitting the enemies with an arte
from full CC(which has a bigger amount of hit value.) and hitting the enemy with an IS
break enhance arte(with the IS break enhance making the first hit have extra hit counts)
Tank Slot - The 4th party member slot, which usually gets the top priority of enemies at
the start of the battle, making it a perfect slot to put tanks who would take hit there. You
can also play as the tank character by simply swapping to him once you’re in the
dungeon. While it applies most of the time, it doesn’t always work because as some
enemies can have their mind of their own and go after random characters.
Action Count - A hidden mechanic in Rays in which the more arte you chained before
doing spells, the faster the spell would be. You can build cast speed by doing a combo
of artes, and backstep and normal attack counts as one arte.(max 5) This makes mages
with ranged normal attack(Tear, Cheria, Edna, Elize) have an easier time making their
spells faster while staying out of harm, but mages with melee ranged basic attack like
Keele or Rita can also keep up by using the AAC Tech. It’s also is used by 5* in which if
you use the arte after a certain amount of actions, the Master version if it would trigger.
AAC(Auto Attack Cancel) - A tech that allows characters to normal attack thin air, and
is done by quickly tapping attack and then auto attack on/off button. Can be done
multiple times to fully do a normal attack combo. While useless for melees, this can be
used by mages with melee ranged attack to build Cast Speed Count from. Tech
demonstrated here.
Hybrid Scaling - A Calculation of damage that applies to combat arte that has an
element,They take a bigger % from either stat, and then a smaller % from the other as
opposed to nonelemental combat which has 100% phys or spells which has 100%
arte(usually the higher one being the stat type the character isn’t build around on. For
example Jude has a higher arte scale than physical scale, while Elize has a higher
physical scale than arte scale.) See all the calculations of the scaling here.
Villain Character - A unique type of playable character exclusive to the playable
antagonist, Villain character boast the properties of a boss(such as having a much
higher HP, stats, and the ability to Iron Stance enemy attacks using the enhancement
from their weapons.), but at the cost of the ability to get healed by allies, making self HP
recover enhancements much more valuable.

Anima Def
Character Notable Arte
Sync Type
ToTR Character Analysis (Backstep Update) WIP

Rising Falcon

Geyser Tusk

Geyser Tusk
Guardian Field

Guardian Field
Bestial Roar

Demon Fang

Ix Nieves
Recommended Setup:
- Obliteration Surge
Scaling: 60/ 100 - Shredding Talon / Guardian Field
Lv 50 HP: 2770
- Rising Falcon
- Geyser Tusk / Demon Fang

Character Summary:
Being the Main Character(or is it?) of the game, it's not suprising that he does need to be
since he's the first character you take control in the game, and luckily he aced that require
With the ability to continuously dash around his enemies using Rising Falcon and Shred
solid IS breaker and combo arte Obliteration Surge, Ix managed to do his job of his com
ability for Ix to be used everwhere thanks to 1.5x sync anywhere he goes, he became one
game to the point of being as viable as the more powerful 2x sync characters due to his s
just dodge everything.
And the cherry on top of Ix? His overray mode, which allows him to gain full sync, full MG
regeneration, making him even more powerful though you are limited to a maximum of fou
every 6 hours. He's a strong character early on and remains so even late to the game, so

Notable Artes:
Obliteration Surge (7CC, 500)
Enhancements: Stagger, IS Break, Stagger, IS Break, MG
Ix's best combo arte and IS breaker, Obliteration does a lot of hits while dealing a solid am
finisher that is short enough to be connected to almost anything Ix has in his arsenal. Defi
being his only reliable IS breaker.
Shredding Talon (4-3CC, 260-296)
Enhancemenets: Stagger, Iframe, Damage, Iframe, -1CC
Another amazing arte for Ix, Shredding Talon has always been a classic for pretty much a
everything due to it's speed of excecution. Great enhancements too with some iframe boo
not fast enough to be used as a combo arte on enemies with fast hitstun recover. It will ha
so Rising Falcon might end up being a better option for dodge tanking.
Rising Falcon (5 CC. 430-473)
Enhancements: HP Vamp, Stagger, HP Vamp, Damage, HP Vamp
Probably the more prefered method of dash arte compared to Shredding Talon, as Rising
while almost being a perfect dodge apart from the jumping startup that, while is out of rea
suspect to spells which has no problem knocking Ix down.
Geyser Tusk (4 CC, 245)
Ultimate Geyser Tusk (6th action, 14 CC, ???)
Enhancements: Float, IS Break, Float, MG, Slow Descent
Geyser Tusk is an alright combo arte for it's cheap CC cost, though it might not fully hit on
delay between the tackle and the ground smash(mainly the big and the fast hitstun recove
spam it on lightweight enemies due to enemies being launched midair at then end, makin
Geyser Tusk to catch the enemy in the air.
Ultimate Geyser Tusk on the other hand is great arte to nuke the enemy with a strong finis
keep the enemy staggered while Ix is airborne due to long delay before it actually does sm
Guardian Field (6 CC, 235-258)
Phoenix Guardian Field (6th action, 16 CC, ???)
Enhancements: Area Heal, Damage, Area Heal, Stagger, Area Heal
Guardian Field is an alright combo arte, and it does an AoE attack while healing nearby a
useful when you have melee allies clustered againts an enemy or as a combo arte to con
The downside is that weak at the cost of AoE melee, so it's not that good againts single e
Phoenix Guardian Field is also a great Master arte, as it has a huge AoE while staggering
great finisher of a combo, especially if you coincidentally did it as an AoE spell is about to
Bestial Roar (5 CC, 400-440)
(Obtained from Asbel and Cheria event prism shop.)
Enhancements: IS Break, MG, Knockback, Damage, Knockback
A knockdown arte that you can OTG with Rising Falcon. I don’t think it’s really worth gettin
stick to his main three artes, and 1.2k prism is a steep price for a meh artes. Also it’s wors
property, and Knockdown is generally RNG based so it won't always work.
Demon Fang (3 CC, 190-247)
Enhancements: Damage, Stagger, Damage, MG, Damage
Suprisingly enough, Demon Fang turns out to be Ix's best option for combo arte to perform
though it's not needed for Ix since you're using him mainly to dodge tank the crap out of e
breaking with Obliteration Surge, but it's by far the best filler arte if you have remaining we



Sentir Ray

Pixie Circle

Luminous Rise



Blazing Shell

Mileena Weiss

Scaling: 130/ 30 Recomended Setup:

Lv 50 HP: 2228
- Nightmare / Ray
- Sundering Snow
- Sentir Ray / Blazing Shell
- Pixie Circle

Character Summary:
While you initially thought Mileena would've been a pure mage to contrast Ix, apperently i
a bit share of melee attacks, though it really costs Mileena from being able to do destructi
using her limited time weapons.
Her main spell arsenal, Ray and Blazing Shell, deal decent damage for such a short cas
best that you'll get unfortunately from her initial vanilla arte selection. Through various new
however, she'll get a lot more stronger, with options such as Sundering Snow and Hanak
damage and backstepping away to build actions count for faster spells and easier Master
master arte Darknessmare and Sentir Ray are damage nukes, though unfortunately her
Mileena one of those characters that would be either be excellent or absolute garbage, de
event gacha limited weapons that you do have later. She's still an amazing carry for newe
rainbow sync, but easily replaceable once you get an actual mage with a proper heal arte
have her event limited stuff which allows her to keep up.
Notable Artes:
Harmony Eulogia (120 MG, 900)
Enhancements: Debuff Time, MR, MR, MR, Debuff Time
Solid MA with a lot of stuff packed into one, from dealing damage, atk debuff, and healing
for Mileena, though it's nothing that is absolutely obligatory due to how it's a seasonal MA
the risk you’ll take and an unlikely chance to actually do get the MA.
Nightmare (5 CC, 680)
(Higi) Darknessmare (5th action, 15 CC, ???)
Enhancements: AoE boost, IS break, AoE Boost, Cast Speed, AoE Boost
The main spell itself is pretty eh despite the big damage due to the delayed hit, though yo
Boost, but what really matters in this arte is the Darknessmare, the master variant of it wh
and AoE, and it even comes with arte defense debuff that is very useful to your overall ma
suggest to focus triggering Darknessmare instead of Nightmare.
Sundering Snow (4 CC, 295)
(Obtained from Asbel and Cheria event prism shop.)
Enhancements: Float, IS Break, Float, MG, Slow Descent
A must have for a strong Mileena, Sundering Snow grants Mileena mobility to back away
also gathering action counts for Master arte and faster spells at a cheap cost of CC, so it's
assuming you do take control for her, though it's also beneficial for AIs as mages tend to m
spells and Sundering Snow would allow her to back away while doing so. Too bad it's a lim
it if you can.
Sentir Ray (9-8 CC, 950)
(Obtained from Ex-Clipse challenge event.)
Enhancements: Cast Speedt, MG, Cast Speed, -1CC, Cast Time Proc
An actual AoE spell for Mileena? Yes please. It takes a while to cast, but it's pretty destruc
spread out mobs, and with Hanakasumi or Sundering Snow, cast time should not be that
Mileena. It's not that good of a damage spell for bosses, but it's still worth using for the lon
Pixie Circle (5 CC, 20-24)
Enhancements: Heal Boost, AoE Boost, Heal Boost, Cast Speed, AoE Boost
Mileena’s main method of healing, as she doesn’t have any other option than First Aid. It’s
gotten to 2nd enhance, it has a size enough to have all melees healed(since they’ll gather
to occasionally miss when you have characters running around though.
Luminous Rise (100 MG, 25)
Enhancements: Heal Boost, MR, Heal Boost, MR, MR (Fully enhanced)
While usually not needed, an emergency button for an AoE heal MA works pretty well as a
needed, but it can find use on situations where your whole party would get nuked such as
Hanakasumi (5 CC, 360-396)
(Higi) (5th action, 15 CC, ???)
Enhancements: MG, IS Break, MG, Damage, MG
Gacha alternative to Sundering Snow if you missed it. It's not as good as Sundering Snow
slightly larger CC cost, but it's an option if you want to build your action count faster for M
Sundering Snow is the MG gain you can get from using the Master version of it(and that’s
you do own Harmony Eulogia.), so it's pretty eh.
Blazing Shell (5 CC, 470)
Enhancements: IS Break, Stagger, IS Break, Stagger, IS Break
While it doesn’t even has an AoE, and it is pretty easy to miss unless a melee stops the e
time, a decent damage, and an Iron Stance break enhance that easily breaks Iron Stance
It’s unremarkable once you get actual AoE spells from Mileena’s selection of event gacha
Ray (5-4 CC, 730)
Enhancements: Cast Speed, MG, Casting Speed, -1CC, Cast Time Proc
Mileena's only AoE spell if you don't have any of Nightmare and Sentir Ray. Pretty servica
huge damage againts big bosses since they are an easy target to a full hit Ray, so it still h
DPS on fights againts singular boss fights.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Haruka Amami

Scaling: ???/ ???

Lv 50 HP: ????

Coming Soon

Dragon Swarm

Light Spear
Tiger Blade

Recomended Setup:
- Infernal Torrent
- Rising Phoenix
Stahn Aileron - Dragon Swarm/ Tiger Blade
- Light Spear Blast
Scaling: 60/ 100
Lv 50 HP: 2890

Character Summary:
Our silly voiced dumbass of our Tales of franchise is a physical tank in this game with a so
moveset is pretty alright to serve what he's all about.
With Rising Phoenix, he can pretty much dodge tank enemies while safely HP Vamp the
with the IS breaker arte Infernal Torrent and good combo arte such as Dragon Swarm a
quite well as an offensive melee, though his spell arte selection are ultimately duds due to
(They're worth keeping if you find Stahn's ‘Fiyabooooooll’ or ‘Fureeatonado' entertaining e
them just to hear him saying it though.)
Overall the best tank for red anima sync, though his elements coverage is limited and his
Notable Artes:
Infernal Torrent (7 CC, 500)
Enhancements: IS Break, Stagger, IS Break, Stagger, IS Break
A bit delayed on the startup, but a very solid IS breaker with spread out multiple hits in fro
damage to start a series of combos with. You can also use Torrent as an OTG as well, so
Rising Phoenix with this to stand the enemy back up for more combos.
Rising Phoenix (7 CC, 415-456)
Enhancements: HP Vamp, Stagger, HP Vamp, Damage, HP Vamp
Stahn’s main and only means to dash attack. It’s fast, and it can knockdown the enemy fo
abusable for continuous dodging, though it's CC cost is too steep for it to be reliable at all
attack small enemies right away with Rising Phoenix, as Stahn can outright overshoot due
Dragon Swarm (7 CC, 540)
Enhancements: Stagger, Rush, Iframe, Projectile Block, Rush
Stahn's main combo arte. It's fast and the strongest out of 4stars, and you can combo it fr
enhancement can be disadvantegous though, as it might push enemies away from other m
Light Spear Blast (6 CC, 385-424)
Enhancements: HP Vamp, Stagger, HP Vamp, Damage, HP Vamp
Another solid combo arte for Stahn. It's pretty lengthy, and it comes with the HP Vamp wh
taking the hits like Stahn.
Tiger Blade (3 CC, 255-331)
Enhancements: Damage, Stagger, Damage, MG, Damage
Very cheap on CC and and outpowers all of Stahn’s other useable arte by power/CC, mak
damage at the expense of lengthy staggers. Don’t rely it too much on hard to unlaunchab
possibly be not enough to keep the combo going.

Acid Rain

Ice Tornado

Snipe Air

Slash Rain

Snipe Roar

Ice Needles


Recomended Setup:
Rutee Katrea Mage: Mele
- Acid Rain / Snipe Air - Aci
- Ice Tornado - Sla
Scaling: 130/ 30
Lv 50 HP: 2288 - Ice Needles - Sni
- Heal - Hea

Character Summary:
Rutee boasts a great array of arte variety. She’s capable of spells, melee attacks, healing
Rain, debuffing as well. She infamously broke the game with Snipe Air, a melee arte that
spammed by a player, allowing her to dodge tank as long as her CC provides, making her
tanker due just by using one arte. Combine that with a super high movement speed, and R
since she's well geared on all of the categories.
However, with being a jack of all trades comes her very own weakness: being limited at b
weapon count limitation, Rutee could only do one or two arte at both melee and spells, ma
only limited to Slash Rain while her spells offense capability is only limited to Ice Tornado
both of these, but they're all a farcry from these two.). So building her up to full mage/mele
since you need to find all of her melee/mage weapons for it to work. Not to mention AI Ru
melees when you have one equipped so hybrid isn't really an option.
Overall, Rutee might be very limited at the things she can do at first, but once you start ga
very useful 'jack of all trades' character to cover a lot of roles at once. And as for melee R
Rutee due to Ice Tornado’s AoE that can be boosted and Heal, but apart than that both ar
Notable Artes:
Acid Rain (4-3 CC, 0*)(*Arte deals damage.)
Enhancements: Cast Speed, MG, Cast Speed, -1CC, Cast Time Proc
Acid Rain is an amazing asset for both melee and mage Rutee, as it inflicts defense debu
and other melees, and it does a whole field AoE damage in a short cast time which is ben
up cast time quick. Too bad it's locked behind the bars of being an event gacha only arte,
you to get the arte.
Ice Tornado (7 CC, 665)
Enhancements: AoE Boost, IS Break, AoE Boost, Cast Speed, AoE Boost
Rutee’s main spell arte. Ice Tornado has a somewhat lower damage compared to usual A
time for it's big AoE(that you can make even bigger), so it's somewhat compensated prett
must have for spellcaster Rutee.
Snipe Air (3 CC, 215-280)
Enhancements: Damage, Stagger, Damage, MG, Damage
Snipe Air… is a perfect iframe arte. Yes, you aren’t hearing that wrong, you can be compl
arte, allowing her to bullshit through absolutely any attack as long as she has the CC to sp
bad for it’s cheap cost as well, and you can improve that with the enhancements. And it’s
obtained just by leveling her from a mission, so you can already dodgetank with Rutee rig
anything else for her.
Rosewater Squall (100MG, 24)
Enhancements: Heal Boost, MR, Heal Boost, MR, MR
Like Milenna, Rutee’s Rosewater Squall is a neat MA for an emergency heal button, and i
make sure melees take less damage, though I don’t recommend bringing Rutee just for th
gain much heal from it.
Slash Rain (6-5CC, 435-479)
Enhancements: Stagger, Iframe, Damage, Iframe, -1CC
Rutee’s main means of dealing physical damage, and it staggers the crap out her enemie
enhancement also helps the arte as Rutee needs to avoid attacks as much as she can du
idea to use it multiple times though, as there is a jumping delay, so it’s best to alternate w
Snipe Roar (3 CC, 205-226)
Enhancements: HP Vamp, Stagger, HP Vamp, Damage, HP Vamp
Snipe Roar isn’t a good arte by an ordinary melee’s standard due to the midair ending tha
ground first, but Snipe Roar turns out to be Rutee’s only third melee arte, so it’s definitely
even if it isn’t much. Also comes with HP Vamp though, so it’s neat when you want to gain
stuff, though her falling endlag leaves her open to attacks.
Ice Needles (3 CC, 180)
Enhancements: HP Vamp, Stagger, HP Vamp, Damage, HP Vamp
Like Snipe Roar, Ice Needles is pretty bad by a typical mage standardsm as it’s a projecti
Rutee who only has this as her only other spell, this is better than only having Ice Tornado
Heal (6CC, 30-39)
Enhancements: Heal Boost, Caster Heal, Heal Boost, Caster Heal, Heal Boost
Rutee can cover healing as well with Heal, though it is more useful in the hands of mage R
need of arte stat.

Moon Fall

Demon Attack

Demon Lance

Phantom Edge

Moon Glare

Demon Fang

Stone Wall


Leon Magnus Recomended Setup:

Hybrid: Mage
Scaling: 60/ 100 - Demon Lance - De
Lv50 HP: 1999 - Moon Fall / Moon Glare - De
- Demon Attack - Sto
- Phantom Edge - Gra

Character Summary:
Unlike typical melee or hybrid characters where they usually should be at able least take s
degree of HP, Leon has a very low HP while at the same time having an arte defense type
when going melee. However, this is compensated with an amazing skillset that makes him
or a hybrid character. With solid melee attack such as Moon Glare, Moon Fall and Demo
selection of spells such as Demon Lance, Grave and Stone Wall, and an almost perfect
Edge arte which compensate Leon's poor defenses very well, Leon can be an advancing
character you build him as, though he needs a bit of enhancement at first on his melee ar
requires enhancement and trying to stagger your enemy as fast as possible is pretty vital
Leon. It's also recommended to at least have one arte heavy weapon as Leon's melee art
melees, as it requires the hybrid calculation boost to keep up with the melee damage.
Under the hands of a player that knows how to time their dodge arte properly, he can be a
that did not suit you, you can turn him into a mage instead which also functions quite well.
story character, his weapons can only be obtainted from event banners(You see those mi
Yeah.), so if you do look foward to get him geared up, you’ll have to wait until he does sho
Notable Artes:
Moon Fall (7 CC, 410)
Enhancements: Stagger, IS Break, Stagger, IS Break, MG
Moon Fall lot of hits and staggers a lot, making it solid both as a combo arte and IS break
from a followup combo from any melee arte to any other melee arte, so it's definitely a mu
replace it with Moon Glare for a cheaper combo arte.
Demon Attack (8 CC, 440)
Enhancements: Ailment, Ailment Cure, Ailment Proc, IS Break, Ailment Power
Demon Attack sports beam with a bit of range. So it's useful offensively when attacking an
from knocking you out of your combo and defensively when being chased by multiple ene
a distance away to use spells. It's kinda disappointing that it have to suffer from ailment en
getting the IS break enhance for it's defensive use. It's also a bit delayed, so it also requir
going againts enemies with fast recovery.
Demon Lance (7 CC, 715)
Enhancements: Stagger, IS Break, Stagger, IS Break, MG
Leon's main spell. Demon Lance takes quite a while to cast and is a bit weak for an AoE s

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