Social Justice in My Classroom

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Social Justice


Within our classroom, we will strive to avoid oppression and discrimination of any kind. One of
the major ways that we will do this is by creating a classroom community (Dell'Angelo, 2014).
By creating an environment in which the classroom feels like a safe place and family, my
students will be able to avoid feeling not good enough or being treated wrong due to their
differences. This classroom culture will be created through having curriculum that is diverse
and encourages differences (Dell'Angelo, 2014).

Another thing we will be doing in the classroom is having guest speakers come and share
about different cultures (Promoting social justice in the classroom, 2020). All parents are
welcome to come share! Having speakers and activists come and share, our students will be
exposed to the opportunity to use their privilege to bring about change in their own societies
(Promoting social justice in the classroom, 2020).

Within our classroom, the things we learn

about Social Justice will always be
In this classroom we...
connected to the students' daily lives, as
1. Treat others with respect
this allows for students to be exposed to
2. Speak kindly to those around us
the power they have in their own personal
3. Do not say anything about someone behind
lives (Dell'Angelo, 2014). This will be
their back that we would not say to their face
done through always finding the
4. Encourage diversity
application in topics of Social Justice
discussed in class.

While I was in college, I was able to take a course about Social Justice in which my
perspective was changed regarding this topic. I learned so much about inclusion, equity, and
the importance for social justice within the classroom. Since this class, my eyes have been
opened to the injustice that occurs within the classroom, and I firmly believe that this should
not happen. Every student is unique and those differences make each person special in their
own way. Also, I believe that God created each person exactly the way they are and a
person's qualities are not ever mistakes. While I expect the students to treat other in this way,
I am asking that you as parents hold me to this standard as well.

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