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Case Study: Topic and Resources

Can we cause earthquakes? is there any way to prevent earthquakes? Can we cause
earthquakes? Is there any way to prevent earthquakes? | U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

I asked myself are earthquakes preventable? Turns out no. This article clears up that confusion on how
the sentence was written. You can mitigate damage from earthquakes but you can’t prevent them

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, February 22). Earthquake. Wikipedia. Retrieved February 26,
2023, from

It’s good old Wikipedia. It gives excellent information on earthquakes and associated phenomenon.
However, it didn’t have much on prevention.

Earthquake preparedness. Accurate Essays Earthquake Preparedness Comments. (n.d.).

Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

Cheat codes. Gives an example that could help you. Also gives you tips and ideas that you might not
have thought about. Gives you a template.

Do's and dont's | official website of national center for ... - seismo. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26,
2023, from

There were many U.S government sites that gave useful information but not many from other countries.
This one is from the National center for Seismology in India. It’s very concise and provides visual aids.

5-1 10 tips for earthquake safety. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

Took a look at this and thought it was a very poorly designed cheap website that can’t be trusted. But
then, I though about it and thought that it might have been made that way on purpose. It excludes
anything unnecessary and gives very concise information that are links that can give more information
and give visual aid. Also has preparation tips. Turns out it’s the Tokyo fire department page.

トップページ|東京都防災ホームページ. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

From Japan which has had many earthquakes. Has a whole book on disasters. Divides into 3 steps: know
and learn, prepare, what to do when disaster strikes. Provides many ways to learn.
National earthquake hazards reduction program. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26,
2023, from

A government site that gives information about NEHRP which is the main thing America has to help
prevent earthquake hazards. Includes many links to other government sites and for more information.
Because it’s a American government site, focuses on America.

GSN - Global Seismographic Network. GSN - Global Seismographic Network | U.S. Geological
Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

Provides information about GSN which is a global network used for monitoring, research and education.
It’s a government site which means its reliable and includes links to their partner organizations.

Prepare. Prepare | U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

Has its resources listed. Also, lists many links, some of which are articles with more specific topics. For
instance, Children, stress, Disasters. Gives brief descriptions of what the links lead to.

Here's how Japan is using technology to mitigate disasters. PreventionWeb. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 26, 2023, from

Talks about how Japan is using technology to mitigate disasters. Talks about how assistance is more
allocated in recovery rather than prevention. Stresses how important communication is.

World Bank Group. (2021, March 17). Learning from Megadisasters: A decade of lessons from
the Great East Japan earthquake. World Bank. Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

A world bank article about what we have learned and what the future holds after the great east Japan
earthquake. Focuses on one key example and gives a closer look. Focuses a lot on what they learned and
talks from experience.

Fowler, G. A. (2022, December 21). How millions of phones get early notice of California's
biggest quakes. The Washington Post. Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

An article about an app that can give earthquake warning notifications. Written in a way that is intended
to help encourage people to use it. Explains how to get the notifications on your phone. Additionally,
explains how the system works for a more in depth understanding.
BBC. (2023, February 26). Turkey earthquakes: Collapsed buildings investigation widens. BBC
News. Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

Information on the recent most catastrophic earthquake. Gives an example of failing to prepare for an
earthquake and what it can entail. I would use this because it’s very recent and people know more
about it than other earthquakes. They might be able to relate.

Harnessing citizen science helps develop efficient earthquake early warning. PreventionWeb.
(n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2023, from

An article about how citizen science helps develop efficient earthquake early warning. Looks at how
citizens can help develop warning systems. Talks about how they improved the DYFI survey and how
they are integrating earthquake early warning systems with behavioral sciences.

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