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Elaboración de ensayos, análisis crítico de obras literarias,

redacción de párrafos, edición de textos y creación de poemas.
Apoyo en la elaboración de tesis.

Student: Laura Rodríguez Rojas.Problem Solution essay

Speaking in English: The big challenge
Current research suggests that the English language is now spoken by approximately
1.35 billion people worldwide. That's 17% of the world's population. (Gration, 2022). English
is the language of business and the corporate world, a language that allows constant
interconnection with people of any nationality. In addition, a bilingual person has better job
opportunities than one who is not, and also access to a better salary. Despite this, speaking
English is never an easy task. In fact, Speaking in English fluency and accurately, is the most
difficult skill to manage for non native speakers. For that reason, the best way to solve this
problem is applying a methodology focus on conversation. This will allow the students to
communicate in the target language as much as they can, overcome the fear of speaking in
public and integrating grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary while they are speaking.

The first point to take into account is the teaching methodology, since multiple studies
have shown that speaking in English is the most difficult skill to acquire, since it requires
courage and good preparation. Leong, L.M & Masoumeh, S. (2017) states that humans are
programmed to speak before they learn to read and write. In any given, human beings spend
much more time interacting orally with language rather than using it in its written form.
Speaking is the most important skill because it is the one of the abilities that is needed to
perform a conversation and have a good communication. Therefore, it is important that in the
classroom, the teacher uses Teaching-Learning tools aimed at improving the communication
skills of students. To do this, the teacher must promote various activities in the classroom
such as dialogues, role plays, retelling stories, dramatizations of real situations, mimes,
brainstorming, ice-breaking exercises, pronunciation games, and any other activity that
promotes students to actively communicate in English.

The second point to take into account when developing speech activity is stage fright.
Speaking in public is always a challenge, no matter if it is in our mother tongue or another,
nerves always betray us. Therefore, speaking in public, and also in English, represents a level
of great difficulty for most students. To deal with this problem, it is very important that the
teacher creates an environment of trust, in which the error is seen as an opportunity for
growth and improvement. It has been shown that in an environment of terror, learning can not
take place since it generates high levels of anxiety, stress, rejection and little motivation.

Therefore, teacher feedback aimed at correcting pronunciation errors should be done with
respect and without underestimating the value of the students, and if necessary, in private. In
this sense, it is important that the teacher promote oral conversation and that he or she only
intervenes to make minimal corrections, so that the student polishes his o her oral and public

The third aspect to take into account is the proper integration that must be done when
speaking, which must be promoted by the teacher. Regarding this, Brown (2004) says
“speaking has five components namely: grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and
pronunciation”. (p. 172) Students have to be aware of these components. Before they speak,
they should know what they will say; therefore, they need to have many ideas in their minds.
When speaking in English, all the other skills are being put into practice, therefore it is very
important that along with the development of communication skills, the teacher does
activities that strengthen grammar, learning new vocabulary, comprehensive reading,
consistent writing and listening activities. It is not possible to have a good level of
conversation if you do not have enough vocabulary or the necessary grammatical structures
to make coherent sentences and phrases.

Finally, it can be said that of all the macro skills that exist in English, the most
difficult to acquire is speaking. This is because speaking in English represents a great
challenge for students. Therefore, the solution to this problem lies in the teaching
methodology applied by the teacher in the classroom. Teachers should promote
communicative activities in the classroom such as dialogues, role plays and dramatizations. It
is also necessary that the Teaching-Learning process takes place in an environment of trust
and respect. Finally, hand in hand with the pronunciation activities, it is necessary to promote
the good use of grammar, apply listening and writing activities, so that students can learn the
grammatical structures necessary to achieve fluid communication. Speaking another language
is possible, but it requires practice, commitment and a lot of discipline. And you, what are
you waiting for to take on the challenge?

Work cited

Brown (2004) Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 4thEd. New
York: Pearson Education.

Gration, E. (2022) English Language Statistics: How Many People Speak English

Leong, L.M & Masoumeh, A (2017) An Analysis of Factors Influencing Learners’ English Speaking

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