Laura Rodríguez Rojas. Cause Effect Essay

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Cause effect essay -Laura Rodríguez Rojas

Procrastination: a race against the clock

Did you know that between 80 and 95% of students have procrastinated at some point in
their academic life? Yes, the vast majority of students tend to leave homework for the last minute.
Procrastination may be due to lack of motivation, lack of interest in the subject or, worse, a feeling
of low self-efficacy and self-efficiency in the student body. But in addition, procrastination has
multiple negative effects on the student, including poor academic performance, reduced mental
well-being and increased negative emotions that can even lead to school dropout.

The first step in understanding the effects of procrastination is to define it. Solomon and
Rothblum cited in Jones & Blankenship (2022), “defined academic procrastination as pervasive and
permanent desire on the part of learners to postpone academic activities, which almost always is
accompanied by anxiety”(p.2). Binder (2000) expanded the definition and described academic
procrastination as “any academic task that is delayed or avoided as a result of the discrepancy
between intention and actual behavior to the extent that it produces negative affect in the
procrastinator” (p.1). Therefore, procrastination is a real problem that has multiple negative effects
on the student.

The first negative effect that procrastination has is the poor academic performance it causes.
Due to the fact that the student does not organize his or her time in order to complete a certain task
in a timely manner, procrastination normally produces low-quality tasks that later translate into
poor knowledge, little significant learning, gaps in learning, limited depth in the subject, and a low or
null scope of the objectives of the course. This increases the probability of failing a subject, dropping
out of a course, or even dropping out of college.

Second, procrastination produces a reduction in the state of mental well-being since it

produces negative feelings such as stress, anxiety, sadness, depression, sleep and eating disorders.
When a student delays completing a task until the last minute, he or she puts herself or himself
under great psychological stress, which in turn has negative effects on his or her body. These effects
include sleep disturbances, eating problems, sweating, headaches, anxiety, and depression of the
immune system. This immune system’s depression can somatize and lead to constant flu or stomach

Third, procrastination can increase negative emotions including poor personal self-concept
and low feelings of self-efficacy. When a student procrastinates, it can cause her o him to see

himself or herself as unable to complete a task, and this inability can lead to feelings of shame,
dissatisfaction, or failure. Procrastination also has a spiral effect, since by causing poor performance
on the task, this reinforces the poor self-concept that the student has of himself or herself.
According to Elsaeed & Khalid (2022) students who tended to procrastinate “experienced lower
psychological wellbeing, more anxiety, more psychological distress, less emotional ties, less general
positive affect, more loss of behavioral and emotional control, and more depressive symptoms than
others” .(p.18)

In conclusion, it can be said that procrastination is a real problem that affects students since
it causes poor academic performance, loss of mental well-being, and negative emotions of
incompetence and low self-esteem. Procrastination not only causes the student to not fully achieve
the objectives of a subject, but also causes stress, emotional fatigue, headaches and even physical
health problems. That is why procrastination must be understood as a real problem and teachers
must help their students to avoid it at all costs. Only then they will achieve their full potential and
discover the work of art within them without the emotional torture that procrastination represents.

Work cited:

Binder, K. (2000). The effects of an academic procrastination treatment on student procrastination

and subjective well-being. Unpublished master's thesis, Carleton University. Ottawa,
Ontario. https:/

Elsaeed A. Dardara & Khalid A.(2022) Al-Makhalid.Procrastination, Negative Emotional Symptoms,

and Mental Well-Being among college students in Saudi Arabia. Annals of psychology. 2022,
vol. 38, nº 1 (january), 17-24.

Jones, Irma & Blankenship, Dianna C. (2022) Year two: Effect of procrastination on academic
performance of undergraduate online students. Research in Higher Education

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