Biomagica 3 J

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BODY FLUIDS AND CIRCULATION BLOOD ‘Special connective tissue (Fibre free fluid matrix) Plasma Formed Elements Matrix © Erythrocytes, Leucocytes, Straw coloured Platelets (© 55% of Blood (9 45% of Blood [> Erythrocytes/RBC :- @ 90-92% water Other © MostAbundant © Count (Adults) -5~65 millonimm? Proteins Minerals Nutrients. © Formedin red bone marrow (68%) {small amount) (Glucose, Amino © Devoid of nucleus (Na’, Ca”, Mg”, ‘acids, Lipids) © Biconcave inshape Heo, cr) © Have red coloured, iron containing gases transporting 5igment heamaglobin (12-16 gm Hb/100 miblood) Fibrinogen :- ea slobin (2 189 ) © Needed for ciotting/coagulation of blood (other clotting factor are also present in plasma in inactive form) © Serum tama — Clotting factor Globulin :- Primarily involved in defence ‘mechanism (Antibodies) ‘Albumin :- Help in osmotic balance (BCOP) Platelets (Thrombocytes) > Cell fragments ¢——! # Produced from megakaryocytes (special cells in bone marrow) © Count = 1.53.5 Lakh platelets/mm’ . @ Involved in coagulationcloting ot biooa «Reduction in thelr number -» Clotting disorders (Excessive loss of blood) . ‘Average life span = 120 days (Destroyedin spleenigraveyard) b> Leucocytes/WBC :- © Relatively lessin number Count (Adult) =6000-8000/me" Colouriass due tolack of Hb Nucleated Life span=shortlived 2main categories Granulated 3% = Resist infection, allergic reactions 0.5-1% = Histamin, Serotonin, Heparin © Involved in flammatory relation 30-65% © Neutrophil Phagocytic Agranulated ‘© Monocyte (6-8%) = Phagocytic + tymposes 20.25%) 7 Reson Piinmine pense 104 Lae BLOOD GROUPS ‘ABO Grouping Rh Grouping Satedon setvantion fa 4 0% humans -> ign Bhesus Monkey Presence/Absence of [ Rh ve tention emia than con femaining humans (RBC) = Rh ve ‘re mune espn mic nego) — Presence of 2 natural antibodies Anta & B {Antibody = Proteins produced in response to antigen) 4Blood Groups H Blood Antigens on Antibodies Donor’ Group RBCs inPlasma_ Group (2) Cases A A anti Ao 8 8 anti BO AB AB nil AB,A,B,0 — Preanancy: ° vil anti-A, B ° During G Universal delivery AAP recipient Rh antibodies Teak into blood offoctus destroy octal Universal ‘CAN BE AVOIDED by Recs donor” Op é administering ant/-th antibod severe anaemia to the mother immediately ater S jaundice to baby delivery of first child Fatal t3footus (Enthrobiastosis fostals) 105 COAGULATION OF BLOOD Blood exhibits coagulationiclotting in response to an injuryitrauma Prevent excessive loss of blood from the body InjuryPtrauma St 7 ‘Stimulates platelets in Blood Tissue at site of injury (2 Release certain factors + Initiate series of inked enzymic reactions (cascade process) involving number of factors present in plasma in an inactive state + Formed an enzyme complex (thrombokinase) on! Prothrombin —* + Thrombin car Fibrinogen + Fibrin [ts network + dead damaged formed elements of Blood are trapped in it= Clovicoagulam (Reddish brown scum)] CIRCULATORY PATHWAYS CLOSED Artery = Closed network of blood vessels capillary 1 vein Flow of blood can be Ex. Arthropods molluscs Ex:-Annelids chordates more precisely regulated More advantages 106 POSITION OF HEART IN HUMAN BODY Right Lung, Noon Left Lung Heart, the mesodermally derived organ, is situated in the thoracic cavity, in between the two lungs, slightly tilted to the left. It has the size of a clenched fist, HUMAN HEART - INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND CONDUCTING SYSTEM Aorta ‘Superior vena cava Pulmonary artery (Only artery which carry ‘deoxygenated blood) Pulmonary veins (Only vein which cary ‘oxygenated blood) i San om gariaPa Loft atrium Bicuspid valve (Mitral valve) (Prevent back flow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium) Chordae tendinae Ty setrmene Right atsium— Tae Inter nodal pathway — Papillary muscles AV node: 17” Left ventricle ‘Semilunar valve (Prevent backtow a bed tom ‘eres ovenrele) Left bundle branch Interventricular septum Tricuspid valve (Proventbaekow of 008 rom toh Ventre a ght aun) AV bundle. Inferior vena cava— Right bundle branch Purkinje fibres Right ventricle 107 EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE IN THE PATTERN OF HEART AMONG THE VERTEBRATES. Bun Pesequieyg snog (posoqureys snoy ‘1 weoy o1p02019 u) Pevequieya eau, ydooxa soindoy uopeinssig eiqnog, pesequiey easy, ueiquduy len = Awnuny = ¥ Pezequieyg om, usta 108 Taine Depew osBaIaU| ose Ue sououoy KrMpOU eUOIPY 109 feuds exe6u0ig0 ennpoy. enveu snBen ‘seuqy envou ‘anauedus, soiqy ono) 3 axuos onowedusseze soyesojo090 o1p1eD anos snojonn eben MOUSIYU!o1pIeD (SNv) Woishs snoweu oRuoUOINe YBnoN UONOUNy 2ips29 94} sye19pow ued eyeSuE|AO BIMPoUL O4N Ul YeOY ou Jo SONATE jeWON ‘umjeynosnu ep1e9 94) WHO4) pue 0} Po0yq JO UOHEINIID ayAI0} AlERISTIOKS sesna hwy eye woos own sued pog bo - yew psn eos ‘fuye Areuowing ALIALLOV DvIGdVD 40 NOILW1ND3ay NVIINH NI NOILVINIUID 0018 40 NV1d JILVINSHS 109 BEY LEE CARDIAC CYCLE ‘The cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the b #6 To bog wh ath ou caerbarsafhoar aren stad etn Le, tay areinjart arte As| potent which Simclates bot th| etrauspidand bcuseae re open. Sood] ata to undergo a simutanecu| rem fe puronary vane and vena cave Fows|_ [eorracton~ he ata systole Ts Iris etek ana te grt vorcerespecevly]_|ncroasos the fow of beod Ino | rough the left and righ ara. The semisnar| | ventlesby abou 30 per com avatars tosses hsstape | te vorcibs now relax venti aston) andthe vari prossure fale causing te] cere of seminar valves rich prevent ha backow of lod inate vnc. A te [The SAN now gonorates av act) |The son pantie condoted she versa age bye AN] nd AY bugs om where the Bund cis anata | entra veticlar muscle hs causes he venievar meade fo canvact. vancuar syst), the sta urdargoes ‘laxaten| into), comeing wth the ornedaraytle, Vora ayt0 | Inerever the vetreulr pressure causing te domi of bese fang Hewspis valves de to atampod Sack of blo athe ra. As ina Youre pressure eroass luo, to sera ves quaang the puronary anor (hse) are aoa | co) are forced open, asowig the od Inte vrs to fom ough these vests ne crestor pathways Fis sequen evant hth haat wich oicaly repeated eased ne crac yea and icons ofl nd dace he atta and vente Ae mortones eer, he hear best 72 af perared | raion a crac by ne Blosnow once again moves sly tothe voles. The verte and ati are now span na oisxoa (arta) sale av cater Soon th SAN generate a raw acon polo a he vena deacbed above arerepeaedin thal anquanon rte process conics Fiatearaane pagent aaa ar a 1 Feaeawige cenmaee so[Retoany Seana eal ames scsi a \ HEART SOUNDS \ | N Memes al aaa Vy Y TUS | W y wey 8 ESS 5 gi asa oe sa Eig foktencastgecoue gor wos Rasen pray i ra a some te eeaeetcemeecetye coat San encase er Saete| nigel pears ere semecth cooeete nes Siete dnc tbe aca re famoatShs ena ie sane fear! SS sees as Pp s t Teor sea oan ano Rape ofa ono oo [ts ea, wnicn esc othe sonrscton of oth ns sta ommal state fepotrston) Th ond othe Twat manstioondoFeyeoe ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH (ECG) 110 BLOOD VESSELS “Tunica media (Endothelium/SSE) ‘Tunica intema (Circular smooth muscle) “Tunica externa Artery Capillary Voin ‘Smooth Muscle —S (less muscular) Lumen smooth Muscle + (Constricio) ee Thin wall Lumen (colapsabiey (de) Thick wall (non collapsable) (with low pressure and speed) way (with high pressure and speed) ‘Elastic wall Valves abs + Single layered + Exchange vess 7 DISORDERS OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 1. High blood pressure (Hypertension) : Blood pressure that is higher than normal ie. (140/90) ;Blood pressure (BP) = Pressure exerted by blood on walls of Arteries ‘SystolicPumping pressure —_—Diastolic!Resting pressure Higher limit (during systole) Lower limit (during diastole) 120 mm of Hg 80 mm of Hg Normal BP (Adult) = 120/80 Instrument= Sphygmomanometer _Brachialiradial Artery 2, Coronary artery diseases (CAD) = Atherosclerosis of coronary artery Arteriosclerosis Atheroscler CChloresterol calcium fat fibrous Ca’ deposition in walls tissues deposit in lumen Hardening of artery Narrowing of artery ‘Angina pectoris :- Acute chest pain -> When no enough oxygen is reaching the heart muscle. (More common among the middle aged and elderly) Myocardial ifarction/Heart attack :- Sudden death of heart muscle ~> Due to inadequate blood supply. Cardiac arrest Heart stop beating 6, Hear failure - Heart not pumping blood effectively -> Ta meet the needs of the body 11 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM ‘Superior vena cava Right subclavian, Axilary Iymphnodes: Right Thoracie uct ZIM Left subclavian vein Left throacic duct Lymphatic capillary Inguinal ‘Actery Iymphnodes Interstitial id BLOOD LYMPH + RBC + RBC Thies [Pent | SP _]Aben + Neutrophil? + Lymphocytes Clotting time (less) | + clotting time (more) +0,Nutrients? +60,7 + Soluble protein? + Insoluble protein? +wect 12

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