Biomagica 1N

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DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Gal avy ta 8 ar] Ltn mmsserenme ‘Oral cavity wir Spat ena ee margytiver rea a' 73 1g ncaa nmanW| a emocser sen Re nenaarawcmen) Gall bladder Duodenum ‘Transverse colon ‘Ascending colon Eee um Vermiform appendix: Paratia gland and ‘sublingual glands. Salivary glands, aioe sa Submaxillary Ovsophagus [ly Caontr-cosapnogeat nasi otal sphincter [Te songs bone ew ge Ripon Stomactffr = ii erg ere cca a A lve Pancreas| [race ‘suai roe eee “care Jejunum Descending colon ‘Rectum (Store house of faecal matter) Anus, all Bladder Cystic duct ancteate duet uodenum Hepatopancreatc duct ‘The Duct System of Liver, GallBladdor and Pancreas ‘Structure of Tooth 39 HISTOLOGY OF ALIMENTARY CANAL ‘The wallof alimentary canal from oesophagus to rectum possesses 4 ayers namely serosa, muscularis, sub-mucosa and mucosa, Serosa ~ Outermost layer, made up of a thin mesothelium with some connective tissue Outer Longitudinal | Muscularis ~ an oblique muscle layer may be present in ‘some rogions as in stomach Inner circular Made up of loose connective tissue containing nerves, ‘Submucosa]] biood and lymph vessels. In duodenum, Brunners glands are also present which synthesise and secrete nonenzymatic part of intestinal juice (Succus entericus) “forms irregular folds called rugae in stomach = forms small finger lke folding called vill in small intestine — forms gastric glands in stomach whereas crypts of Lieberkuhn in small intestine Mucosa _ payer's patches and paneth cells in jejunum and ileum. (lnnermost layer) “°F P ma ee Te col ting the wil produce numerous mioscopi projection called mov ig Tips bast sppearsnce Phone moacalon nonce oe sures ro anouey Oesophagus ~ Stratified squamous nonkeratinised epithelium Medteatons tly [2 Semseh-» Sil cslunar andar opteiom Dundenur Spl caumpar bush ode ganar piel wth nt ll oj, Youn + Simple colrma brash border land eptelum wh sharp pated Unneed Eitan Sah date oun, en ee a atele’ —]pecusephcn mf enor bt |Gastric Glands 1 Vili niin BRAS nANnnnnnne NAM Lana Poot al i fou Spt = _Rerous ct Cireul | Circule Cireule ic i “el Pevers Hewat ate ate ee I Mascularis mucosa Longitudinal Longitudinal Longitudinal [Longitudinal ™ Submaicors of Areal CCT ich in blood vessels, [Brunner Gland jv nd nee ci Spa al a i as a £ Obtgus jreular rela Ey cam [Ome ete Chae el 2B Nene Bins [Brachv of Spat nl peraspaaic nae ves ea nae pla = Longitudinal [Longitudinal Longitudinal Longitudinal [Longitudinal SeroeaVade mot | Acar CT pet [SSE Fae Lrmgh [Semen ses fimpesqemos "| calatnuicrsivenin |r = Oravcnn sii recon Dace Tomah Toadeum Te oan 90 ‘ouuhys se uMot Buwanyp Aq ‘s1098) ISUMIUL B 1OHe Sio9 onUAXONEIOUEG ‘sue 30 oom aujse6 ut punoy owszua 40 dey tpn @uop sounided + Sesonjo1d<—a— SUIPIOd (onhooyosd) Toe yoewoys Jo soon TONVTS SHULSVS sejeuogioigy sont Sh ‘snonuu & si]99 490u snonw ‘1S}eyS¥ad pojfea suoReNIUOD Je|rasnW Jo SOAEM anSseDaNS ‘fq snGeydosao uy yBnouyy umop sessed oyun, oe vorrtop 1 bop fa wbaydng « mums enone! spue|6 oulzo0%3) @ spurs Keres, spueib Avenies 1s061e" © “ eee ‘wo{ veito| pus Jedd Jo Uo} raupeewanS qane Tien Snuiau Jo yonp panes s1 puey6 si spueid ‘anBuo} 24) yenbyans, 0s004)6 pue spige Aye} oj sie} esouew see Kenies seoueysans [> space v61 ca %680 Dp sieueroct pon ur amso on xs'e6 PP OmeonA {> uranyy (900, 0 uoxeouany ue) Lojsem Nn Sumoyems yo uonewioe. (enbuo) @ 00} 0 uoneonsew (w0eL) @ HOIWWOLS OL ALIAV 1VHO WOU NOILS49IC 40 ADOTOISAHd ‘1 SUEjU Ur SuIB}ONd yu 40 UOHSABIG. « usdsy vnooe ri = DATA > HIM J0 Aunnoe ou soseosouy 92 MECHANISM FOR MOVEMENT OF NUTRIENTS THROUGH ABSORTIVE EPITHELIAL CELLS OF VILLI End products of digestion pass through the intestinal mucosa into blood or lymph, Certain drugs coming in contact with the mucosa of mouth & lower side of the tongue are absorbed into the blood capillaries lining them, ‘SMALL INTESTINE I Principal organ for absorption of] rutrients. The digestion is completed here & the| final products of digestion such as - Glucose ‘Absorption of H.O, simple sugars ‘and alcoholetc. takes place © Fructose © Fattyacids LARGE - INTESTINE © Giycerol © Aminoacids are absorbed through mucosa into blood] vessels & lymph, ‘Absorption of © Water © Some minerals and © Drugs takes place > Villus (greatly enlarged) Liver Blood capilary ‘Amino acid Lactea! Monosaccharide. Aterole “Thoracic duct NS Lymphatic vessel -Chylomicron Fatty acids and glycerol being insoluble, cannot be absorbed into the blood. They are first incorporated into small droplets called micelles which move into the intestinal mucosa. They are re-formed into very small protein ‘coated fat globules called the chylomicrons which are transported into the lymph vessels (lacteals)inthe vill. ‘The absorbed substances finally reach the tissues which utlise them for their activities this processiscalledasAssimilaion DISORDERS RELATED WITH DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Jaundice: The liver is affected, skin and eyes {urn yellow due tothe deposit of bile pigments, Diarrhoea: The abnormal frequency of bowel ‘movement and increased liquidity of the faecal discharge isknown as diarrhoea. Itreduces the absorption of food Vomiting: Its the ejection of stomach contents through the mouth, This reflex action is controlled by the vomit centre in the medulla. A feeling of nausea precedes vomiting. Vomiting centre (Medulla Oblongata) Cascade of (™ vomit ‘Contraction (of diaphragm and ‘abdominal muscles Ee omal Constipation: in constipation, the faeces are retained within the rectum asthe Bowel mavements occutirregulary Normal Bowel Constipatod Bowel ‘Stagnation ‘offecal mass Indigestion: inthis condition, the food is not propery digested leading to a feeling of fullness. The causes of] indigestion are inadequate enzyme secretion, anxiety, food poisoning, over eating, and spicy food. 94

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