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Behavioral Ecology Vol. 13 No.

1: 52–58

The cost of parental care: prey hunting in a

digger wasp
Erhard Strohma and André Marlianib
Theodor–Boveri–Institute for Biosciences, Würzburg University, Germany, and bZoological Institute,

Bonn University, Germany

Trivers’s concept of parental investment is an integral part of modern evolutionary biology. ‘‘Parental investment’’ is defined

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as any parental expenditure that benefits a current progeny at the expense of a parent’s ability to reproduce in the future.
Because future costs are hard to quantify, other currencies were used that were thought to be related to the actual costs.
However, the validity of these alternative measures has rarely been established, at least in insects. Specifically, these measures
were not shown to represent costs at all. We investigated provisioning behavior in a sphecid wasp, the European beewolf,
Philanthus triangulum F., and tested whether prey hunting entails future costs to the female wasp and thus represents parental
investment. We increased as well as decreased the females’ hunting effort experimentally and determined their hunting success
on the following day. Furthermore, we analyzed the correlation between hunting rate of unrestricted females and their life span
and assessed the effect of an experimentally decreased hunting effort on life span. The future rate of bee hunting decreased
when hunting expenditure was increased (in the field) and vice versa (both in the field and in the laboratory). In contrast,
there was no trade-off between hunting rate and life span, and life span was not affected by an experimentally decreased hunting
effort (in the laboratory). Because prey hunting entails costs in terms of a reduced rate of prey hunting in the future, it meets
Trivers’ definition of parental investment. Key words: cost of reproduction, European beewolf, parental investment, Philanthus
triangulum F., Sphecidae, Trivers. [Behav Ecol 13:52–58 (2002)]

T he concept of parental investment is a fundamental ele-

ment of sexual selection and investment allocation the-
ories (Clutton-Brock, 1991; Trivers, 1972). However, empirical
has for studies of Hymenoptera (Nonacs, 1986; Trivers and
Hare, 1976). In this study, we investigated a solitary digger
wasp, the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum (Hyme-
studies have notoriously suffered from problems to quantify noptera, Sphecidae), and asked whether parental behavior
parental investment (e.g., Bérubé et al., 1996; Brockmann and entails a cost to females.
Grafen, 1992; Strohm and Linsenmair, 1999). ‘‘Parental in- Female European beewolves hunt exclusively on honeybees,
vestment’’ is defined as any resource that increases the success Apis mellifera (Strohm, 1995; Tinbergen, 1932). Bees are par-
of current progeny at the expense of a parent’s ability to re- alyzed on flowers (Rathmayer, 1962; Tinbergen, 1935). Fe-
produce in the future (Trivers, 1972). Thus, parental invest- males carry the prey in flight to their nest, which is construct-
ment in a current progeny should ideally be quantified as the ed in open, sandy soil. Bees are temporarily stored in the main
parent’s decrease in future reproduction. Because this is usu- burrow. The wasp excavates a lateral side burrow with a ter-
ally not feasible, alternative measures have been used that are minal brood cell, places the bees into the brood cell, oviposits
thought to be related to the actual costs. However, this as- on one of them, and finally closes the brood cell by refilling
sumption has not been adequately tested (Clutton-Brock, the side burrow very carefully. Larvae hatch 2–3 days later and
1991; Rosenheim et al., 1996; Strohm and Linsenmair, 1999), feed on the bees for about 6–7 days. Then they spin into a
so the validity of these measures is hard to judge. cocoon and either emerge as a second generation the same
Parental investment is particularly difficult to quantify if year or hibernate and emerge the next summer. Male progeny
parents provide substantial parental care because these ex- are provisioned with 2.2 ⫾ 0.8 bees (mean ⫾ SD, range: 1–
penditures are more difficult to measure than, for example, 5), whereas female progeny receive 3.8 ⫾ 0.5 bees (range: 3–
the amount of nutrients in an egg. Recently, for example, 5; Strohm and Linsenmair, 2000).
suckling time, which was often used as a measure of parental Beewolf females spend time, energy, and material on four
investment in mammals, has been shown to be a questionable main aspects of reproduction: prey hunting, nest excavation,
estimate of milk intake (Cameron, 1998). Nevertheless, there preservation of the prey, and egg production (Strohm, 1995;
is some information on the future cost of parental care for
Strohm and Linsenmair, 2001). Prey hunting comprises
mammals and birds (Clutton-Brock, 1991). However, little is
searching, stinging, and the transportation of prey in flight.
known about costs of parental investment in insects (Nalepa,
Flying per se, and particularly flying with a load, is extremely
1988; Tallamy and Denno, 1982; Tallamy and Schaefer, 1997),
costly energetically (Casey, 1992; Kammer and Heinrich, 1978;
particularly in solitary as well as social aculeate Hymenoptera.
Wegener, 1996). A beewolf female weighs 110 ⫾ 20 mg (mean
This is in contrast with the prominent role that brood care in
general and the concept of parental investment in particular ⫾ SD) and carries a honeybee that weighs 80–160 mg (de-
pending on the filling status of the honey stomach). Conse-
quently, flying with a prey is probably the energetically most
costly part of beewolf reproduction. Furthermore, flying activ-
Address correspondence to E. Strohm, Zoologie III, Biozentrum, ity has been shown to have negative consequences on subse-
Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany. E- quent reproduction in other insect species (Collatz and Wilps,
mail: 1986; Slansky and Scriber, 1985). Therefore, we focused on
Received 3 August 2000; revised 13 March 2001; accepted 13 March the question of whether hunting bees generates future costs
2001. for a beewolf female.
 2002 International Society for Behavioral Ecology One of the reasons for the paucity of information on the
Strohm and Marliani • Cost of parental care 53

cost of parental care (i.e., the negative relationship between with experimentally increased weight and unmanipulated
current and future reproduction), is a general difficulty of control bees. We predicted that females need longer to bring
investigating trade-offs (e.g., Lessells, 1991; Roff, 1992; van in manipulated bees and make longer pauses before starting
Nordwijk and de Jong, 1986; see also Bailey, 1992; Sinervo and on a new hunting trip. Females were caught at a field site
DeNardo, 1996). Three different approaches have been used near Würzburg, Germany. They were kept in an outdoor flight
(Lessells, 1991; Partridge, 1986; Roff, 1992). First, observa- cage (4 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 m) where they could nest in a sand com-
tional data on the intensity of current and future reproduc- partment at one narrow side of the cage (Strohm and Linsen-
tion were used to assess a possible trade-off (phenotypic cor- mair, 1997). Females were observed for their entire daily ac-
relation). This method has one major weakness. Because in- tivity period. Bees were provided ad libitum. The weight of
dividuals might differ considerably in their total reproductive half of the bees was increased by 20 mg (an increase of about
potential, superior individuals might produce more progeny 20%) by bending a piece of lead solder around each hindleg
both now and in the future. The result would be a positive (bees were not conspicuously affected by this treatment). We
rather than a negative correlation between current and future recorded the duration of foraging trips procuring control and
reproduction (van Nordwijk and de Jong, 1986). This prob- experimental bees as well as the duration of the pause until

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lem might be solved if the confounding variable that accounts the next hunting trip. If a female stayed for longer than 2 h
for the differences in reproductive potential (e.g., size) is in her nest after bringing in a bee, she probably provisioned
known and its effect is controlled (Roff, 1992). The second a brood cell (Strohm and Linsenmair, 1997, 1998). Thus,
method is to increase (or decrease) parental expenditure ex- pauses longer than 2 h were regarded to belong to different
perimentally and to determine its effect on future reproduc- brood cell cycles and were not included. We compared du-
tion (phenotypic manipulation). Finally, negative correlations rations of hunting trips and pauses of individual females using
on the genetic level can be investigated by selection experi- Monte Carlo simulations for paired data. Only females with
ments or sib analysis (genetic correlation; e.g., Rose and Char- at least five flights with each kind of bee were considered in
lesworth, 1981a,b). the analysis.
In this study we mainly used a phenotypic manipulation
approach. We assessed the effects of both an experimentally
increased and decreased expenditure for parental care on fu- Increased hunting effort in the field
ture reproduction. Additionally, we report the results of a phe-
notypic correlation analysis. Costs might manifest themselves If prey hunting is costly, an experimental increase of the ex-
either as a decreased rate of future reproduction (delay of penditure for prey hunting should cause a decrease in the
subsequent reproductive event or lowered reproductive out- hunting success on the following day. In the field, the expen-
put per unit time) or as reduced life span. We investigated diture for bringing in bees was increased by removing some
both aspects and addressed the following questions. Does an of the bees before a female entered the nest. Females were
increased effort for the transportation of a bee delay subse- observed for their entire daily activity period for several days,
quent hunting trips? Does an experimentally increased (de- and the number of bees they brought in was recorded at a
creased) hunting effort on one day have negative (positive) field site near the Biocenter of the University of Würzburg.
consequences for the hunting success on the following day? On day 1 of a trial, females were not disturbed. On day 2,
Is life span negatively correlated with the rate of hunting of every second bee that a female of the experimental group
unrestricted females? Do females live longer when their hunt- brought to the nest (starting with the second prey) was re-
ing effort is experimentally decreased? Because female size is moved just before the female could enter the nest. Control
known to affect hunting success (Strohm and Linsenmair, females were disturbed when trying to enter their nest in a
1997), we also analyzed whether a possible cost depends on way similar to the removal of bees from experimental females,
female size. but bees were not removed. On day 3, all females could hunt
undisturbed. The number of bees the females brought to the
METHODS nest was recorded on each day. Experimental and control fe-
males were pairwise matched (from the same generation, dif-
General ference in head width ⬍ 0.1 mm, nests less than 2 m apart
Where possible, we analyzed the hunting success of beewolf from each other with identical exposition and shading). Am-
females using matched-pairs designs. We matched pairs of ex- bient temperature differed less than 2⬚ during the experi-
perimental and control females with regard to as many rele- mental period of 3 days. The experiment was conducted in
vant factors as possible (size, age, location, and microclimate three different trials (3-day experimental period) with 6–7 ex-
of nest site). Assignment of a female to experimental or con- perimental and control females in each trial. Because there
trol group was random. Because sample sizes did not allow us were no differences between these three trials and because we
to reasonably test for assumptions of parametric tests, we cal- used a matched-pairs design, the results of the different trials
culated p values by use of Monte Carlo simulations for paired were pooled.
data (or independent data when indicated; in each case The desired effect of the manipulation, an increase in the
100,000 iterations; SPSS 10.0.7). Sample sizes differed some- females’ expenditure, requires that experimental females ac-
what among tests because the conditions for the inclusion of tually bring in more bees than they would have if not manip-
the data from one female might have differed (e.g., there ulated. Therefore, we tested whether the number of bees
might have been no female of similar size to be compared in brought to the nest on day 2 was higher for experimental than
a paired design; however, a comparison of data of this female for control females. To test whether there was a decrease in
before and after a treatment is possible). In cases of multiple hunting success of experimental females on day 3, we com-
tests based on the same data, the significance level ␣ was cor- pared their change in hunting success between day 1 and day
rected (sequential Bonferroni correction; Rice, 1989). 3 (day1/day3) with the respective values of control females.
Because female size might influence the impact of the manip-
ulation, we tested for a correlation between size and the
Hunting of loaded bees change in hunting success of experimental females on day 2
If flying with prey is costly, flying with a larger load should be relative to day 1 (number of bees on day 2/number of bees
more costly. Females were simultaneously provided with bees on day 1) as well as day 3 relative to day 1 (day 3/day 1).
54 Behavioral Ecology Vol. 13 No. 1

Decreased hunting effort in the field females were kept in a large indoor flight cage (l ⫻ d ⫻ h ⫽
4 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 m) with males for about 7 days to allow mating
We predicted that the future hunting success of females could (males do not show territorial behavior when kept in small
be enhanced when their current expenditure for hunting was cages; Strohm, 1995). During this time females had access to
decreased. This experiment was conducted at a field site near prey and could nest in a large sand filled box (l ⫻ d ⫻ h ⫽
Bonn, Germany (Wahnerheide; see Strohm and Lechner, 1.2 ⫻ 0.8 ⫻ 0.5 m). Subsequently, females (n ⫽ 42) were
2000 for details). Experimental and control females were pair-
individually housed in smaller cages (cage size and abiotic
wise matched (from the same generation, difference in head
conditions as above). Bees were provided ad libitum, and the
width ⬍ 0.1 mm, nests ⬍ 2 m apart from each other with
number of bees a female brought in per day as well as its life
identical exposition and shading). Experimental females were
span were recorded. Female body size might be a confound-
prevented from hunting by covering their nest entrances with
ing variable that obscures a possible trade-off because hunting
small gauze cages (250 cm3 volume) before they became active
success is positively correlated with size (Strohm and Linsen-
in the morning. Because females were also prevented from mair, 1997). Because life span is a time event variable, it is
nectar feeding, they were provided with water and honey. probably not normally distributed (Abacus Concepts, 1994).
When necessary the cages were shaded to avoid overheating.

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Therefore, we analyzed the data using survival analysis pro-
Control females were not manipulated in any way. On the cedures (program Statview; Abacus Concepts 1994). A Weibull
next day, experimental and control females were allowed to equation provided an adequate fit to the life-span data. We
hunt freely, and we recorded their success for the whole daily tested whether the inclusion of the covariates mean rate of
activity period. Because the weather was very unstable during bee hunting (bees/day) and female weight at emergence sig-
the whole season, it was only possible to analyze the data for nificantly improved the fit.
the day after caging. Thus, the hunting success of pairs of
experimental and control females was compared by Monte
Carlo simulations. The effect of female size on the impact of Limited bee availability and life span
the treatment was assessed by testing for a correlation between
size (if not identical for a pair of females, the mean was used) An experimentally reduced hunting effort should extend life
and hunting success of an experimental female relative to the span. After the mating period of about 7 days females were
respective control female (experimental/control) on the day individually kept in the laboratory as described above. Fe-
after caging. males of the experimental group were provided with one bee
per day, whereas the control group received bees ad libitum.
The number of bees actually hunted by a female and life span
Limited bee availability in the laboratory were recorded. We analyzed the data using survival analysis
procedures (program Statview, Abacus Concepts, 1994). The
Again, we predicted that an experimentally decreased hunting two treatment groups were compared by a Mantel-Cox test.
effort on 1 day should result in increased hunting success in To test for the effect of female size on life span, we chose a
the future. In contrast to the previous caging experiment in Weibull equation that provided an adequate fit to the survival
the field where experimental females were not allowed to data and assessed the effect of female size as a covariate.
hunt at all, in the laboratory experiment females were provid-
ed with one bee per day for a period of several days. Beewolves
were caught at the field site near Bonn. Experimental and RESULTS
control females were pairwise matched (from the same gen-
Hunting of loaded bees
eration, difference in head width ⬍ 0.1 mm). All females were
individually housed in cages that consisted of a sand-filled Females needed on average 77% more time to bring in a load-
compartment (30 ⫻ 20 ⫻ 25 cm) and a flight compartment ed bee compared with control bees (Figure 1; Monte Carlo
(gauze cage, 30 ⫻ 20 ⫻ 20 cm). The cages were placed in a simulation: n ⫽ 12, p ⫽ .017). The pause until the next trip
room with a light/dark cycle of 14/10 h. Temperature ranged increased by 48% after flying with a loaded bee (Monte Carlo
from 23⬚ to 28⬚C at day and 20⬚ to 23⬚C at night. The cages simulation: n ⫽ 10, p ⫽ .01). Thus, flying with a bee that was
of experimental and control females were randomly distrib- 20% heavier than the average bee increased the time expen-
uted in the room. Control females were provided with bees diture for a hunting trip by about 64% (control: 30.1 min,
ad libitum (at least one bee was available throughout the ac- loaded: 49.5 min). Consequently, after flying with a loaded
tivity period). Experimental females were provided with only bee, subsequent hunting trips were delayed, and the rate of
one bee per day for 5–10 (mean ⫾ SD ⫽ 7.7 ⫾ 1.7) days. hunting decreased.
Subsequently, they were provided with bees ad libitum. Bees
were caught at the same hive throughout the experiment. The
number of bees a female hunted per day was recorded. We Increased hunting effort in the field
compared the hunting success of pairs of experimental and Because females sometimes entered the burrow very rapidly,
control females by Monte Carlo simulations. To assess a pos- only 42% of the bees (on average 2.1 bees per female) could
sible effect of female size on the impact of the treatment, we be removed from experimental females on the day of manip-
tested for a correlation between size (if not identical for a ulation (day 2). After removal, females flew around in the
pair of females the mean was used) and relative hunting suc- vicinity of their nests for about 0.5–2 min, possibly searching
cess of experimental females versus control females (experi- for the lost bee. Usually females then entered the burrow for
mental/control) on the first day of unrestricted bee availabil- several minutes before starting on a new hunting trip (56 of
ity. 84 cases). Less often (28 cases) females immediately left to
hunt anew. The manipulation on day 2 caused a significant
Correlation between rate of bee hunting and life span increase in the hunting effort of experimental females. They
brought about 1.5 more bees to the nest than control females
We predicted that the rate of bee hunting and life span should (Figure 2, Monte Carlo simulation: n ⫽ 21, p ⫽ .001). There
be negatively correlated. This trade-off might, however, be was no significant effect of size of experimental females on
masked by differences in female quality (see introduction). the hunting success on day 2 relative to day 1 (Spearman rank
Cocoons were hibernated in the laboratory. After emergence correlation: rs ⫽ .25, n ⫽ 21, p ⫽ .27).
Strohm and Marliani • Cost of parental care 55

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Figure 1
Mean (⫾ SD) duration of hunting trips and of pauses until the Figure 2
next trip of beewolf females bringing in a control bee or a loaded Hunting success of beewolf females in the field (mean ⫾ SD
bee (mean of means of individual wasps with at least 5 flights with number of bees per day, N ⫽ number of females). On day 1 and
each kind of bee, N ⫽ number of females). day 3 both the control and experimental group were not
manipulated. On day 2 every second bee that an experimental
female brought to the nest was removed, and control females were
On day 3 (day after manipulation) experimental females disturbed in a similar way but the bee was not removed.
brought about 37% fewer bees to the nest compared with day
1 (Figure 2). There was no correspondingly strong decrease
in hunting success of control females. As a consequence, the
difference in hunting success between day 1 and day 3 was
significantly larger in experimental (-1.3 ⫾ 1) than in control
females (-0.3 ⫾ 1.5; Monte Carlo simulation: n ⫽ 21, p ⫽
.015). Thus, the increased effort of experimental females on
day 2 probably caused the significant decrease in hunting suc-
cess on day 3. Female size had no significant effect on the
decrease of hunting success on day 3 relative to day 1 (Spear-
man rank correlation: rs ⫽ .2, n ⫽ 21, p ⫽ .38).

Decreased hunting effort in the field

All females that had been prevented from foraging to reduce
their hunting effort brought in bees on the following day.
They brought in significantly more bees (1.3 ⫾ 1) than con-
trol females (0.55 ⫾ 1, Monte Carlo simulation: n ⫽ 15, p ⫽
.005). Overall hunting success was low because of low bee
availability at this site and suboptimal weather conditions dur-
ing the observation period. Female size had no significant
effect on the ratio of hunting success of an experimental fe-
male relative to the respective control female (Spearman rank
correlation: rs ⫽ .45, n ⫽ 12, p ⫽ .14).

Limited bee availability in the laboratory

During the period of limited bee availability (1 bee/day) ex-
perimental females brought in significantly fewer bees per day
than control females (Figure 3, Monte Carlo simulation: n ⫽
12, p ⫽ .004). On the first day of ad libitum bee availability,
experimental females brought in significantly more bees than Figure 3
Hunting success of beewolf females in the laboratory (mean ⫾ SD
control females (Figure 3; Monte Carlo simulation: n ⫽ 12, p number of bees per day, N ⫽ number of females). During the
⫽ .027). On the second day (and the following days), the treatment phase (5–10 days) females of the experimental group
difference was no longer significant (Monte Carlo simulation: received only 1 bee per day, whereas control females were provided
n ⫽ 12, p ⫽ .12). Female size was not significantly correlated with bees ad libitum. In the test phase (day 1 and 2) both groups
with hunting success of experimental females relative to con- received bees ad libitum.
56 Behavioral Ecology Vol. 13 No. 1

trol females on the first day of unrestricted bee availability data suggest that in beewolves the negative effect of decreased
(Spearman rank correlation: rs ⫽ .25, n ⫽ 10, p ⫽ .48). hunting activity is reversible and lasts for about 1 day. Gen-
erally, there might be two nonexclusive explanations. For both
there is only little information available in insects. First, ex-
Rate of bee hunting and life span haustive flight might cause ultrastructural changes in flight
Mean (⫾ SD) female life span was 40.1 ⫾ 17.5 days. There muscles (e.g., disruption of mitochondria; Hoffmeister, 1961,
was no significant effect of the rate of bee hunting (␹2 ⫽ 0.74, 1962; Johnson and Rowley, 1972) that negatively affect muscle
df ⫽ 1, p ⫽ .78) or female weight (␹2 ⫽ 0.01, df ⫽ 1, p ⫽ function, and recovery takes some time. Second, energy re-
.90) on life span. serves (probably glycogen) might be depleted, and replenish-
ing the stores might take some time ( Johnson and Rowley,
1972; Neukirch, 1982). However, honeybees flown to exhaus-
Limited bee availability and life span tion resumed flight about 10 min after feeding on sugar so-
Treatment groups differed in the number of bees hunted per lutions (e.g., Crailsheim, 1988; Loh and Heran, 1970), sug-
day (experimental group ⫽ 1 bee/day: 0.88 ⫾ 0.01, n ⫽ 20; gesting that depletion of energy should not have effects that

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control group ⫽ ad libitum: 2.5 ⫾ 0.24, n ⫽ 19; Monte Carlo last for about 1 day.
simulation: n ⫽ 19, p ⬍ .001). Females that were provided The result that females are able to hunt more bees than
with 1 bee per day had a life span of 35 ⫾ 11 days and those they would have without manipulation suggests that they usu-
that received bees ad libitum lived for 43 ⫾ 12 days. The effect ally do not completely exhaust their capacity. One explanation
was thus opposite to the prediction and nearly significant for this is that excessive hunting effort would decrease future
(Mantel-Cox test: ␹2 ⫽ 3.49, df ⫽ 1, p ⫽ .062). The low p hunting success as indicated by this study. Second, hunting
value suggests that there might actually be some effect that effort might be adjusted to the rate of egg maturation. Finally,
was not detected in this experiment. There was no significant females might have to save some energy (or other relevant
effect of female size as a covariate on life span (␹2 ⫽ 0.31, df resource) to produce an egg or to excavate and provision a
⫽ 1, p ⫽ .57). brood cell.

DISCUSSION Hunting effort and life span

There was no correlative evidence for a trade-off between the
Current and future hunting effort
rate of bee hunting and life span, and no effect of size as a
All experiments that manipulated a female’s hunting effort potentially confounding variable. Though an experimentally
revealed some negative relationship between current and fu- decreased hunting effort increased hunting success on the
ture hunting success. Females delayed subsequent hunting following day, there possibly was a negative rather than a pos-
trips after bringing in loaded bees, thus lowering the subse- itive effect of a restricted availability of prey (1 bee per day
quent rate of bee hunting. When bees were removed from versus ad libitum) on life span. We first discuss the nonexis-
homing females, they increased their hunting effort with the tence of a positive effect of restricted hunting opportunity on
consequence of a decreased success on the following day. In life span, second the possible negative effect of restricted
the field and in the laboratory, an experimental reduction of hunting, and third the conflicting results that a decreased
hunting effort was associated with an increased hunting suc- hunting effort had a negative effect on the following day but
cess on the following day. In all experiments, the relative in- not on life span.
crease (decrease) of hunting success was independent of size. In contrast to our results, a positive effect of experimentally
These results suggest that hunting is costly in terms of re- induced low rates of reproductive activity on life span has
duced hunting success. been found in several insect species (e.g., in a bruchid beetle;
However, the increase of hunting success after caging in the Messina and Slade, 1999), though not in all (Collatz and So-
field might have two alternative explanations. First, because hal, 1986). Because our results are from females kept in the
experimental females were provided with honey, this food laboratory, several factors differed from the field. Most im-
supplementation might have improved their hunting ability portant, the distance flown with the bee was probably consid-
on the following day. Beewolf females preferentially feed on erably smaller than in the field (though it was larger than
the content of the honey stomach of the prey bees as well as might be expected from the size of the cage because females
on flowers. Because control females had unlimited access to mostly flew around for some time with a prey before entering
both bees and flowers, their food supply might not have been the nest). Increased predation is a potentially important cost
considerably restricted compared with the caged females. Sec- of increased hunting activity in the field but not in the labo-
ond, because experimental females could not hunt, they ratory. However, we do not have any indication of predation
could not oviposit, although they might have had mature eggs. on foraging females (very few females were missing in action;
If success of overmatured eggs is reduced, experimental fe- most died in their nest). Thus, overall predation risk might
males might have had a strong motivation to bring in bees be rather low in the field, too.
and oviposit on the day after caging. Both alternative expla- A negative effect of a low rate of reproduction (limited host
nations are not relevant in the laboratory experiment because availability) on life span has been reported for parasitoid
both treatment groups were provided with honey ad libitum, wasps (Sahragard et al., 1991; van Lenteren et al., 1987). This
and experimental females were able to oviposit because they is probably caused by limited opportunity of host feeding
had one bee available each day. The result of the laboratory (Collier, 1995; Sahragard et al., 1991; van Lenteren et al.,
experiment is consistent with the field data. This suggests that 1987). Beewolf females also feed on their prey’s hemolymph
in both experiments the increase in hunting success is due to (Rathmayer, 1962; E. Strohm, unpublished observations), and
the decreased hunting effort on the previous day and not with only one bee per day hemolymph might not be available
(only) the result of artifacts. in sufficient amounts. Alternatively, when provided with only
What are the physiological mechanisms mediating the neg- one bee per day, beewolf females might continuously search
ative effect of current on future hunting success? Unfortu- for prey and spend even more resources on flying than do
nately, the physiological processes underlying trade-offs are nonrestricted females.
poorly understood (but see Nilsson and Svensson, 1996). Our Differing effects of brood care on the future rate of repro-
Strohm and Marliani • Cost of parental care 57

duction and life span, similar to what we have found in bee- hunting and oogenesis or synthesis of protective chemicals
wolves, were observed in a lace bug. Brood care (guarding of share certain resource pools, see Slansky and Scriber, 1985).
the eggs and larvae) caused a reduction in the rate of ovi- In conclusion, based on our current knowledge, the num-
position but did not reduce life span (Tallamy and Denno, ber of bees hunted provides a reasonable measure of parental
1982; see Roff, 1992, for differing examples). Why is the fu- investment in the European beewolf (Strohm and Linsenmair,
ture rate of reproduction affected but not life span? Possibly, 1999), though some doubt remains. Ideally, the most limiting
the rate of reproduction and the duration of the reproductive resource or process should be identified. However, species
period depend on different resource pools or processes and might differ vastly in this respect, making the identification
thus might be more or less independent of each other. For of the limiting factor extremely difficult (Rosenheim et al.,
example, the rate of bee hunting might depend on energy 1996; Strohm and Linsenmair, 1999). Nevertheless, future
reserves that can be fully replenished, and a female is able to studies that quantify parental investment should characterize
regain its maximum hunting capacity. Life span, however, the measure used and at least test whether it represents costs
might be influenced by the eventual depletion of nonrenew- at all.
able reserves or a constant rate of attrition (for a review, see

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Collatz and Sohal, 1986). Anyhow, the different results of a We are grateful to J. Field and U. Grafe for providing valuable com-
manipulated level of reproduction on the future rate of re- ments on an earlier draft of the manuscript. We thank the Institute
production and on life span suggest that both factors have to of Agriculture, Bonn University, and the Department of Animal Phys-
be considered when reproductive trade-offs are being ana- iology and Sociobiology, Würzburg University, and its bee-master Mr.
lyzed. Demmel for allowing us to get honeybees from their stock. We ap-
preciate the permission to investigate beewolves in the training area
and nature reserve Wahner Heide granted by the Bundesforstamt
Wahnerheide, the Belgian Army, as well as the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis.
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