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Explain the changing analytical perspectives in the development of political theory. 60 (2008)

a )Political Theory is, simply mans attempt to consciously understand and solve the problems of his group life and organization It is the disciplined investigation of political problems not only to show what a political practice is but also to show what it means. In showing what a practice means or what it ought to mean, political theory can alter what it is. (Sabine) 20 (2009)
2.THEORIES OF THE STATE: Liberal, Neo-Liberal, Marxist, Pluralist, Post-Colonial And Feminist.
(c) "The discovery of Sovereign in a federal state is an impossible adventure." (Laski) 20 (2005)
(b) THE GENERAL WILL .... is not so much the will of the State as the will for the State, .... (MacIver) 20 (2006) (2006) 20

c) Impact of Globalisation on State Sovereignty. 20

d). Because the society is federal , the authority must also be federal.( Laski ) (2007)

c) The great and chief aim of mens uniting into a Commonwealth and putting themselves under Government is the preservation of property. 20 (2008) 3.a)Evaluate Marx instrumentalist approach to the state.(30)(2010) 4.a) Do you think that the modern nation-state has been declining in the wake of globalization? Justify your answer.(30)(2010)


Conceptions Of Justice With Special Reference To Rawls Theory Of Justice And Its Communitarian Critiques. 1.d)Veil of ignorance(15)(2010) 4 .EQUALITY: Social, Political And Economic; Relationship Between Equality And Freedom; Affirmative Action. 5 .RIGHTS: Meaning And Theories; Different Kinds Of Rights; Concept Of Human Rights.
(d) "The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number is self protection." (J.S. Mill) 20 (2005)

3. Human rights are basic moral guarantees that people in all countries and cultures possess, simply because they are people. Explain the statement. .60 (2008) d)Real rights are a result of performance of duty. (Mahatma Gandhi). 20 (2008)

b) Explain as to why Jeremy Bentham dismisses the theory of natural rights as nonsense upon stilts. 20 (2009) 4.b) Critically examine the cultural relativist approach to human rights.(30)(2010).

6.DEMOCRACY: Classical And Contemporary Theories; Different Models Of Democracy Representative, Participatory And Deliberative.
Q."Democratic theory presupposes self-determination, human rights and social justice." Discuss this with particular reference to M.K. Gandhi 60 (2005)

c) Comment on the proposition that liberal constitutionalism precedes liberal democracy. 20 (2009)

1.b)Robert Dahls concept of deformed polyarchy.(15)(2010) 2.a)Assess the deliberative theories of democracy.(30)(2010)


4. Critically examine Hamza Alavis formulation of the overdeveloped State. . 60 (2009)

a) Politics as a power concept 20 (2008) 1.a)Power flows throughout the systems like blood in the capillaries of our body.(Foucault)(15)(2010)

8 .POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES: Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, Gandhism And Feminism.

2. Do you agree with the view that liberal theories are based on 'atomism', whereas communitarians have a 'social thesis' ? Present your line of argument. 60 (2005) Q.The root of politics, according to Marx, does not lie in the state; it lies in the social conditions underlying this institution, that is, in the material conditions of life as reflected through the mode of production." Comment. 60 (2005)
c). state is the result of the irreconcilability of class antagonism (Lenin ) 20 (2007)

b) Facism is the destruction of liberal ideas and institutions in the interest of those who own the instruments of economic power. 20 (2008)

b)Women has always been mans dependent, if not his slave;the two sexes have never shared the world in equality. (Simon de Beauvoir) 20 (2009)

d) Socialism is a much used hat, whose original shape no one can define.( C.E.M.Joad) 20 (2009) 3. Examine in detail Marxs prescription for ending alienation and reaching the stage of de-alienation. 60 (2009) 2.b)Distinguish between liberal feminism and socialist feminism in detail.(30)(2010)
9 .INDIAN POLITICAL THOUGHT : Dharamshastra, Arthashastra And Buddhist Traditions; Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Sri Aurobindo, M.K. Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar, M.N. Roy .
(a) Four Purusharthas in Indian tradition (20) (2004)

b) "Of those (officers) the ways of embezzlement are forty." (Kautilya) (2005)
4. Explain Gandhis ideas regarding State and highlight their relationship with modern democracy and principles of anarchism. 60 (2006) (a) Ambedkars Concept of Social Justice 20 (2006)

b). In the happiness of his subjects lies the kings happiness in their welfare of his welfare. ( Kautilya ) 20 (2007) (2007)

3. Critically examine the Sapta Prakriti of state as envisage by Kautilya. 60

2. a) Compare and contrast Kautilya and Machiavelli on statecraft. 20 (2009) 3.b)Compare and contrast Dharmasastra and Arthasastra with reference to state power.(30)(2010)
10 .WESTERN POLITICAL THOUGHT: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, John S. Mill, Marx, Gramsci, Hannah Arendt.
(b) "Hobbes starts as an individualist but ends as an "absolutist" .(2004) (c) Mill was the prophet of an empty liberty and an abstract individua1 (2004)

2. Plato's theory of education 'is the logical result of his conception of justice'. Discuss. 60 (2004) 4. Is Gramsci a theoretician of super-structures? Give reasonsin support of your answer. 60 (2004) (2005) (a) "The State is Individual Writ Large." (Plato) 20
Q. State is individual writ large (Plato) 20 (2006)

(d) ..... that the anatomy of this civil society, however, has to be sought in political economy. (Marx) 2. Attempt a critique on Aristotles ideas on slavery. 60 (2006)

a). Platos communism is a supplementary machinery to give effect to and reinforce that spirt which education is create. ( Nettleship ). 20 (2007)

4. Discuss the importance of Machiavelli in the history of political thought. Is it correct to say that Machiavelis theory is narrowly local and narrowly dated? 60 (2007)

4. Critically examine Gramscis concept of.60 (2008)

c)Western thought, one might say, has been either platonic or anti-platonic but hardly ever non-platonic. (Popper 20 (2009)
1.c)Personal is political.(15)(2010).


(a) Surat Split (1907) (20) (2004) (b) The Government of India Act, 1919 ( 20) (2004)

5. a) Indian nationalism as depicted in SN Banerjees A Nation in the Making (15)(2010) A.POLITICAL STRATEGIES OF INDIAS FREEDOM STRUGGLE: Constitutionalism To Mass Satyagraha, Non-Cooperation, Civil Disobedience; Militant And Revolutionary Movements, Peasant And Workers Movements.
Highlight Mahatma Gandhi's role in the Indian National Movement. 60 (2004)
6. Political reforms must precede not follow social reform Tilak. Elucidate. 60 (2007)

a) Swaraj is the culmination of Swadeshi and Sarvodaya. 20 (2008)

B. PERSPECTIVES ON INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT: Liberal, Socialist And Marxist; Radical Humanist And Dalit.
a) Views of Jaya Prakash Narayan on 'Total Revolution' 20 (2005)

a) Radical Humanism

20 (2009)

2 .MAKING OF THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION: Legacies Of The British Rule; Different Social And Political Perspectives. Q. Explain the 'federal scheme' under the Government of India Act, 1935. Why could
this scheme not be implemented? 60 (2005)

6. Discuss the dominant external and internal influences in the framing of the Indian Constitution. 60 (2008) 7.a) The constituent assembly was a one party body in an essentially one party country.The assembly was the Congress and the Congress was India.(Granville Austin)(20)2010)


The Preamble, Fundamental Rights And Duties, Directive Principles; Parliamentary System And Amendment Procedures; Judicial Review And Basic Structure Doctrine.
(c) Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution (2004) (d) Parliamentary Committees in India 20 20 (2004)

Q. Explain the main principles embodied in the Preamble to the Constitution of India. What is their significance? Do you think that they are the political horoscope of the country? Discuss. 60 (2004) (b)Fundamental Duties under Article 51A of the Constitution of India . 20 (2005)
(c) Judicial Activism 20 (2006)

7. Do you agree with the view that Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy Constitute the 'Core and Conscience' of the Indian Constitution? Comment on the emerging trends in their interrelationship. 60 (2005)
b). The Directive principle of state policy are not mere pious declaration but clear direction for the guideline of state policy. 20 (2007)

b) The type of Government enshrined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. 20(2008)

4 .(A) PRINCIPAL ORGANS OF THE UNION GOVERNMENT: Envisaged Role And Actual Working Of The Executive, Legislature And Supreme Court.
8. How does the Supreme Court of India function as the "Guardian of the Constitution" and" protector of the rights of the citizens"? 60 (2004)
7. Explain the concept of judicial activism and examine its impact on the relationship between executive and judiciary in India. 60 (2007)

(B) PRINCIPAL ORGANS OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT: Envisaged Role And Actual Working Of The Executive, Legislature And High Courts.

6. a)Critically examine the arguments being advanced for review of the present system of appointment of judges to the higher judiciary of the country. 30 (2009)
5 .GRASSROOTS DEMOCRACY: Panchayati Raj And Municipal Government; Significance Of 73rd And 74th Amendments; Grassroot Movements.
7. Highlight the impact of 73rd Constitutional Amendment on the working of the Panchyati Raj institutions in India. 60 (2006)

d) Role of Gram Sabha under the Constitution (73rd-Amendment) Act, 1992. 20 (2005)
d). The panchayati Raj institutions and district administration should develop a new relationship for achieving the goal of good governance. 20 (2007)

8. Discuss how far the grass root democratic institutions have remained successful in accelerating (2007) the process of rural development after 73rd constitutional amendment. 60

6 .STATUTORY INSTITUTIONS/COMMISSIONS: Election Commission, Comptroller And Auditor General, Finance Commission, Union Public Service Commission, National Commission For Scheduled Castes, National Commission For Scheduled Tribes, National Commission For Women; National Human Rights Commission, National Commission For Minorities, National Backward Classes Commission.

Q. Make an assessment of the composition, functioning and the role of the Election
Commission of India in the conduct of free and fair elections. 60 (2005)

c) The functions, duties and powers of the appropriate National Commission as laid down in clauses (5),(8) and (9) of Article-338 of the Constitution 20 (2009)
6.a) Assess the effectiveness of the NHRC in redressing grievances pertaining to human rights violations in India.(30) (2010) 7 .FEDERALISM: CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS; Changing Nature Of Centre-State Relations; Integrationist Tendencies And Regional Aspirations; Inter-State Disputes.

a) Inter State Committees

20 (2009)

5.c)Inter-State water disputes (15)(2010) 7.b)Articles 2 and 3 of the Indian Constitution are inconsistent with the spirit of federalism.(20) (2010)
8 .PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT : Nehruvian And Gandhian Perspectives; Role Of Planning And Public Sector; Green Revolution, Land Reforms And Agrarian Relations; Liberalilzation And Economic Reforms.
(d) Decentralized Planning. a). Nehrus View on socialism 20 20 (2006)


d)The correlation between democracy and development in India. 20(2008) d) Economic Liberalisation and uneven development among Indian States. (15)(2010) 8.b) Do you think that post 1991 reforms in India mark a significant shift from the Nehruvian model of economic development? Justify your answer.(30)(2010).


c). the instability of national policies is due to rising influence of religious politics. (2007) 20

7.Examine the effects of caste and community in Indian politics.Do you forsee their continued relevance in the countrys politicts? . 60 (2008)

7.The OBC politics has challenged the nature of dominant caste politics in the states. Critically examine this statement and bring out your conclusions. 60 (2009) 6.a)Minorities are the natural custodians of the secular state.(DE.Smith) Discuss.(30)(2010)
10 . PARTY SYSTEM: National And Regional Political Parties, Ideological And Social Bases Of Parties; Patterns Of Coalition Politics; Pressure Groups, Trends In Electoral Behaviour; Changing Socio- Economic Profile Of Legislators
(c) Coalition Governments in India at the Centre since 1998 20
6. Discuss whether coalitional politics has led to a different patterns of federalism in India. 60 (2006)


c) Revision in the election Code of Conduct. 20 (2008) 8. In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence in politics in the Indian political context. Discuss the implications of such influence being exerted. . 60 (2008)

a)Implications of the use of Electronic Voting Machine (EVMs) on electoral politics. 20 (2009)

out the changing educational profile of the Members of the Lok Sabha over the years upto the present (15th ) Lok Sabha. 30 (2009)

5.b) Upsurge in political participation among the marginalized communities in the Indian General elections during the last two decades.(15) (2010)

7.c)The principle of collective responsibility, a la the Cabinet system of government, has eroded in the context of the emergence of coalition governments in India.(20)(2010)
11 . SOCIAL MOVEMENTS: Civil Liberties And Human Rights Movements; Womens Movements; Environmentalist Movements.
(b) The Concept of Women Empowerment. 20 (2006)

8. The environmental movements have challenged the policy and pattern of economic development in postindependent India .Analyze with examples. 60 (2009) 8.a)In what ways do civil liberties and human rights movements influence the working of Indian democracy? Give your answer with suitable examples.(30)(2010)

1. Do you agree with the view that Political culture of a society is highly
significant aspect of the Political System? Give reasons in support of your answer. 60 (2006) 8. Critically examine the role and contribution of Indias bureaucracy in nation building. 60 (2006)

2. Political process in a country is merely the manifestation of political culture. Elucidate 60 (2007)

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