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Câu thành ngữ: nuts and bolts

– Nghĩa tiếng Anh: details; basic components of something

– Nghĩa tiếng Việt: những thành phần cơ bản của cái gì đó, chi tiết của cái gì đó

Ví dụ 2: Simon really understands the nuts and bolts of how toilets work. He would be a
very good plumber.

1. Nuts and bolts of Internet

- Host / end systems: computing devices – PCs, Laptop, Phone, Workstation
- End systems are connected together by a network of communication links and
packet switches
- Different links can transmit data at different rates, with the transmission rate of a
link measured in bits/second
- When one end system has data to send to another end system, the sending end
system segments the data and adds header bytes to each segment. The resulting
packages of information, known as packets in the jargon of computer networks,
are then sent through the network to the destination end system, where they are
reassembled into the original data.
- A packet switch takes a packet arriving on one of its incoming communication
links and forwards that packet on one of its outgoing communication links.
- Packet switches come in many shapes and flavors, but the two most prominent
types in today’s Internet are routers and link-layer switches.
- Link-layer switches are typically used in access networks, while routers are
typically used in the network core.
- The sequence of communication links and packet switches traversed by a packet
from the sending end system to the receiving end system is known as a route or
path through the network
- End systems access the Internet through Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
- End systems, packet switches, and other pieces of the Internet run protocols

that control the sending and receiving of information within the Internet.

- The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) are
two of the most important protocols in the Internet.
- The IP protocol specifies the format of the packets that are sent and received
among routers and end systems. The Internet’s principal protocols are collectively
known as TCP/IP

2. A services desciption

But we can also describe the Internet from an entirely different angle—namely, as

an infrastructure that provides services to applications

- The applications are said to be distributed applications, since they involve

multiple end systems that exchange data with each other
- Importantly, Internet applications run on end systems—they do not run in the
packet switches in the network core
- End systems attached to the Internet provide an Application Programming
Interface (API) that specifies how a program running on one end system asks the
Internet infrastructure to deliver data to a specific destination program running on
another end system.
- The postal service, of course, provides more than one service to its customers. It
provides express delivery, reception confirmation, ordinary use, and many more
services. In a similar manner, the Internet provides multiple services to its
applications. When you develop an Internet application, you too must choose one
of the Internet’s services for your application. (Learn in chapter 2)
We have just given two descriptions of the Internet; one in terms of its hardware and
software components, the other in terms of an infrastructure for providing services to
distributed applications.

3. Protocol

A protocol defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or more
communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of
a message or other event

- All activity in the Internet that involves two or more communicating remote
entities is governed by a protocol
- For example, hardware-implemented protocols in two physically connected
computers control the flow of bits on the “wire” between the two network
interface cards; congestion-control protocols in end systems control the rate at
which packets are transmitted between sender and receiver; protocols in routers
determine a packet’s path from source to destination. Protocols are running
everywhere in the Internet, and consequently much of this book is about computer
network protocols

4. Network egde

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