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Animal nutrition

YR10 Biology IGCSE

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A balanced diet Learning Outcomes-


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Balancing energy Learning Outcomes-


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Starvation Learning Outcomes-


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Digestion Learning Outcomes-


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Teeth Learning Outcomes-


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The stomach and Learning Outcomes-

small intestine

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Absorption and Learning Outcomes-


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Revision of topic Learning Outcomes-


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A Balanced Diet

Large molecule Small building blocks Where found in the body


Fatty acids & glycerol


Food tests:

Name of test Method Positive result



A balanced diet

A balanced diet includes appropriate proportions of the following:

1. C_______________________

2. P_______________________

3. L_______________________

4. V_______________________

5. M______________________

6. W______________________

7. F_______________________
Nutrient Why do you need it? Foods where it is What happens if you don’t
found (sources) get enough? (deficiency)

Protein It is used for growth and repair of Meat, eggs, fish,

body tissues. lentils , cheese.

Oils, butter


Vitamin A

Vitamin C Helps bind cells together You get scurvy (bleeding

gums, bruising, tender skin)

Vitamin D Cod liver oil



Iron Needed to make red blood cells

Calcium Milk, cheese, green


Use your table to try and answer the following questions:

1. Explain why:

a) Young children should drink a pint of milk a day.


b) Bruce the body-builder eats a whole chicken every day.


c) Women need extra nutrients when they are pregnant.


2a What are the health risks associated with a diet high in fat. Use diagrams to help with your explanation.


Balancing Energy Needs

Complete the following using the words below:

exercise energy sugar obesity high-energy fat fatty

If you take in more ______________ than you use, the excess is stored as

______________. Eating _______________ foods and foods with added

______________ over long periods of time can lead to ______________. A

person can lose weight by eating less _________________ foods and taking

more __________________.

List 4 health problems that are linked to obesity.





How could someone lose weight?

Calculate the body mass index for the following people and name the BMI

category in each case.

a) A man 1.70m in height with a body mass of 110kg.

b) A woman 1.75m in height with a body mass of 50kg.

c) A man 1.85m in height with a body mass of 75kg.

State 2 good sources of roughage in the diet.



Explain the effects of a lack of roughage in the diet.







1) What are the symptoms of Kwashiorkor?




2) What are the symptoms of marasmus?





Fill in the table below to show how each of the following has increased the worlds food


Improved agricultural machinery

Artificial selection

Use of fertilisers

Use of pesticides


Define the following words:









Use the following words to fill in the paragraph below:

mechanical two chemical specific carbohydrase

enzymes carried

Digestion involves _____________ types of processes. These are firstly ______________

digestion and secondly _______________ digestion. Chemical digestion is ______________

out by __________________ which are chemicals produced from glandular tissue. Specific

enzymes break down _____________ types of food. For example __________________

enzymes break down carbohydrates.

Label the diagram to show the events that occur during swallowing.

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