Factshots - : Current Affairs Revision Module

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FactShots - Current Affairs Revision Module

FactShots - Current Affairs Revision Module - PRELIMS 2023

Revise and brush up all the current affairs happenings over the past year in a quick revision format.
Designed in a UNIQUE revision format, revise entire current affairs in very less time. : Arranged theme and
subjectwise modules helps you to learn efficiently can aid in better understanding and retention of the


JANUARY 2022 - MARCH 2023

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FactShots - Current Affairs Revision Module

1.1 Acts / Bills
1.2 Rights/DPSP, Etc
1.3 Panels/Committees/Commissions
1.4 Issues related to Parliament & State legislature
1.5 Judgments
1.6 Judicial Doctrines
1.7 Centre-State Relations
1.8 Issues related to Local Self Government
1.9 Issues related to Election
1.10 Issues related to Governance
1.11 Constitutional, Statutory, Executive and Other Bodies
1.12 Government Schemes, Programs, Projects, Missions, etc. in News
1.13 Judgements, Judicial Pronouncements, Doctrines etc. in News
1.14 Legislature, Executive, etc in News
1.15 Miscellaneous Issues in News

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FactShots - Current Affairs Revision Module

Doctrines of Judiciary

Doctrine Summary Application

Doctrine of Pith and Incidental effects or encroachments are • State of Bombay Vs. F.N. Balsara case: Bombay
substance permissible at times, keeping true Prohibition Act was held valid by the court because it
nature & substance in mind. was in its pith and substance and fell under the State
List though it was impacting the import of liquor, a
subject in the union list.

Doctrine of If something can’t be done directly, it • State of Bihar v. Kameshwar Singh Case: The Court
Colourable Legislation can’t be done indirectly. This applies in applied the concept of the Doctrine of Colorable Law to
cases where the legislature seeks to do declare Bihar Land Reforms Act 1950 as illegal.
in an indirect manner which it cannot do • Though the law was brought to lay down the principle
directly. of compensation, it laid down no such principle and
therefore deprived the petitioner of any compensation.

Doctrine of Executive authority is given powers by • D.S. Gerewal v State of Punjab, 1959: Court had
Delegated Legislation primary legislation to make laws or applied this doctrine to declare that the All India Service
other similar instruments. Act, 1951 was constitutional.
• It was held that there is nothing mentioned in Article 312
of the Indian Constitution that takes away the power of

Doctrine of Necessity Used to justify the violation of rights or • Gullapalli Nageshwar Rao vs State of Andhra
extra-constitutional by the state in Pradesh: The court ruled that this doctrine has to be
extreme situations to restore peace and invoked but only in exceptional cases.

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FactShots - Current Affairs Revision Module

Doctrine of Pleasure Except for the provisions provided by • Union of India v. Balbir Singh: The Supreme Court held
the Constitution, the civil servants hold that it had the power to examine the satisfaction on the
the office at the pleasure of the basis of which the President or the Governor dismissed
President or the Governor as the case a public servant.
may be. • If the satisfaction is unrelated to the security of the State
then it would be considered irrelevant and the Court can
hold such dismissal invalid.

Doctrine of Eclipse Fundamental rights infringing pre- • Bhikaji vs State of MP case 1955: The doctrine of the
constitutional law will only be deemed eclipse was applied in this case.
unenforceable, not declared null or void • Provisions of the CP and Berar motor vehicle
from the start. amendment act 1947, were infringing the 19(1)(g). The
court held that we will not make the full act void but
eclipse those provisions which are violative of Article 19
(1) (g).

Doctrine of If any of the laws enforced are

Severability inconsistent with the provisions of
fundamental rights, then the courts will
treat only the objectionable provision as Get Complete File - factshotsupsch.stores.instamojo.com/
unlawful and not the entire law.
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Doctrine of Any legislature can pass legislation on • Tata Iron And Steel Company vs. Bihar State: The
Territorial Nexus issues outside its territorial jurisdiction state of Bihar passed a Sales Tax Act for the levy of
only if it creates a territorial nexus. sales tax.
• But after that, the Issue arises whether the sale was
concluded within the state or outside if the goods were

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FactShots - Current Affairs Revision Module

produced, found and manufactured in the state. But the

court held there was sufficient territorial nexus and
upheld the Act as valid.

Doctrine of The powers that are not given directly • Bidi Leaves and Tobacco Merchant’s Association v.
Implied Powers by a Constitution to a certain authority The State of Bombay: In this case, the Supreme Court
like parliament or the Supreme Court. talked about the applicability of the Doctrine of Implied
However, it is assumed that these Powers.
powers are required for the proper • According to the court, this doctrine of implied power
discharge of the obligations set forth in can only be invoked where the material provision of the
the Constitution. Act would be impossible to enforce without the said

Doctrine of It indicates that if a legislative body has • State of Rajasthan v. G Chawla (1958): In this case, the
Incidental or Ancillary the power to legislate on a particular Supreme court held that “The power to legislate on a
powers matter, then they have the power to topic of legislation carries with it the power to legislate
legislate on ancillary or connected on an ancillary issue that can be regarded to be
topics, reasonably related to that reasonably covered by the authority granted.

Doctrine of Precedent Hierarchy or precedence is established • Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum Case: It was
by Article 141 of the Indian Constitution held that the Supreme Court’s interpretation of religious
which states that laws or decisions texts is a binding precedent.
declared by the Supreme Court are
binding on all courts within the territory
of India.

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FactShots - Current Affairs Revision Module

In case of any inconsistency between Sri Shankari Prasad Singh Deo Vs Union of India, 1951: Court
Doctrine of statutes, proper harmonisation is to be used the Harmonious Construction Rule to bring harmonisation
Harmonious done between the conflicting parts so between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State
Construction that one part does not defeat the purpose Policy.
of another. • It was determined that Fundamental Rights and Directive
Principles of State Policy are two sides of the same coin
that must be worked together for the greater good.
• In the case, it was held that the Fundamental rights may
be revoked under certain circumstances and modified by
Parliament to bring them into compliance with
constitutional provisions.


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