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Date : 23/12/2017 TEST ID: 11
Time : 00:15:00 BIOLOGY
Marks : 60

1. Which of the following statement is correct regarding the evolution of humans?

I. The skull of adult chimpanzee is more like adult human skull than baby chimpanzee skull
II. The skull of baby chimpanzee is more like adult human than adult chimpanzee skull
III. Dryopit h ecus is oldest human like fossil
IV. Dryopit h ecus found in Miocene rock of Africa and Europe
The correct option is
1) I and II 2) I and III 3) I and IV 4) All excepts I

2. Choose the correct statements

I. Law of embryonic development was given by Von Baer
II. Recapitulation theory was proposed by Haeckel
III. Haeckel theory states that ‘Ontogeny repeats phylogeny’
IV. Haeckel theory and biogenetic law were proposed by the same person
The correct combination is
1) I and II 2) II and III 3) III and I 4) I, II, III and IV

3. Which of the following are the wrong statements

I. Organs which are different in basic structure and origin but performs similar functions are called
analogous organ
II. Organs with different to basic structure and origin but perform similar functions are called homologous
III. Homologous organs lead to convergent evolution
IV. Analogous organ leads to divergent evolution
The correct combination is
1) I, III and IV 2) I, IV and III 3) I and II 4) II, III and IV

4. Australopit h ecus africanus is also known as

1) First ape man 2) Modern man 3) Erect man 4) Cro-magnon man

5. Identify the vestigial organ in the given figure

1) Vermiform appendix 2) Auricular

3) Coccyx (short tail) 4) Plica semilunaris

6. Blood groups-A and B are found in

1) Monkeys 2) Apes 3) Dogs 4) Cats

7. What is the use of Electronic Spin Resonance (ESR) in fossil studies?

1) It helps to study the proteins in sedimentary fossils

2) It helps to revise the evolutionary period for different groups of organisms

3) It helps to study the enzymes present in sedimentary fossils

4) All of the above

8. Fossils are useful in

1) Studying extinct organisms 2) Studying history of organism

3) Both (a) and (b) 4) None of the above

9. Homo sapiens were arose in

1) India 2) America 3) England 4) Africa

10. Birbal Sahni was

1) Palaeobotanist 2) Zoologist 3) Ornithologist 4) Palaeozoologist

11. Connecting links are organism which shows characters of

1) Its phylum only

2) Two groups (phylums)

3) Its class only

4) Its order only

12. Biochemical similarities indicates the

1) Similarities in carbohydrates of organisms 2) Similarities in fat (fatty acid) of organisms

3) Similarities in protein and genes of organisms 4) All of the above

13. Primates which existed about 15 million years ago were

I. Dryopit h ecus
II. Homo h abilis
III. Ramapit h ecus
IV. Australopit h ecus
V. Homo erectus
VI. Neanderthal man
Choose the correct option
1) I and II 2) III and IV 3) V and VI 4) Only III

14. Human arm is homologous to

1) Seal flipper 2) Octopus tentacle 3) Bird wing 4) Both (a) and (c)

15. Somatic cells of gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan have

1) 44 chromosomes 2) 42 chromosomes 3) 46 chromosomes 4) 48 chromosomes


1) 4 2) 4 3) 4 4) 1
5) 3 6) 2 7) 1 8) 3
9) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 3
13) 4 14) 4 15) 4


1 (4)
The skull of baby chimpanzee is more like adult human
skull than the adult chimpanzee skull.
Dryopithecus is the most oldest human like fossil. It is
considered as the common ancestor of both human and
Dryopithecus was found in miocene rock of Africa and
2 (4)
4 (1)
Von Bear’s law The development of an organism
Australopithecus (first ape man). Raymond Dart
proceeds from the general to the special forms and the
(1924) discovered Australopithecus africanus from
embryos belonging to various classes closely resemble
Pliocene rocks
one another in their earlier stages but diverge more
5 (3)
and more as development proceeds. He formulated
Baer’s laws of embryology
Atavism It is the reappearance of certain ancestral
(i) General characteristics of the group to which an
characters, which had either disappeared or were
embryo belongs, develops before the special
reduced. Some examples of atavism in human beings
are the power of moving pinna in some persons,
(ii) General structural relations are likewise formed
developed canine teeth, exceptionally long dense hairs,
before the most specific relations appear
short tail in some babies (coccyx) and presence of
(iii) The form of any given embryo does not converge
additional mammae in some individuals
upon other definite forms but, on the contrary,
6 (2)
separates itself from them
Evidences for common ancestory of great apes and
(iv) Fundamentally, the embryo of a higher animal
man are as follows
form never resembles the adult of another animal form
Evidence from Blood Protein It has been proved by the
3 (4)
blood protein tests that man is most closely related to
II, III and IV.
great apes (Chimpanzee and Gorilla) and next closest,
Homologous Organs The organs which have the same
in order are the old world monkeys the new world
fundamental structure but are different in functions
monkeys and tarsiers
are called homologous orangs. These organs follows
Evidence from Blood Group In humans four blood
the same basic plan of organization during
groups A, B, AB and O occurs. The blood groups A and
development. But in adult condition, these organs are
B are found in apes but not in monkeys. This indicates
modified to perform different function as an
that human beings are more closely related to apes
adaptation to the different environment. Homologous
than to monkeys
organs are the resultant of divergent evolution
Evidence from Haemoglobin There is 99% homology in
Implants homologous organs may be a those of
haemoglobin of man and gorilla. This suggests that the
Bougainvillea or a tendril of Cucurbita, both arising in
two are closely related
the axillary position
7 (1)
Analogous Organs The organs which have similar
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Dating Many materials
functions but are different in their details and origin
found in archeological sites are able to trap electronic
are called analogous organs. The analogous organs
charges as a result of bombardment by radioactive
shows convergent evolution
radiation from the surrounding sediment.
The presence of these trapped charges can be detected
by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy.
The intensity of the ESR signal is a measure of the
accumulated dose and thus of the age. Tooth enamel is
ubiquitous at archeological sites and is well suited for
ESR dating, with a precision of about 10-20%. Seymouria Annelida and Arthropoda
This method has now been used to date many sites Reptiles and Mammals
critical to the biological and cultural evolution on Rickettsia
modern man Protopterus (Lung Annelida and Mollusca
8 (3) fishes) Protista and Fungi
Both (a) and (b). Proterospongia Pisces and Amphibia
Protista and Bryophytes
Peripatus (walking Gymnosperms and
worm) Angiosperms
Ornithorhynchus Animals and plants
Palaeontological evidences (Evidences from fossil (duck billed Reptiles and mammals
records) platypus) Pteridophytes and
Study of fossils is called Palaeontology Neopilina gymnosperms
Leonardo de Vinci (1452-1519) an italian painter and Coelenterates and
invertor is called the Father of Palaeontology Myxomycetes Platyheliminthes
Fossils are the remains of hard parts of life-forms Latimeria Bryophytes and
found in rocks. Rocks forms sediments and a cross- Pteridophytes
section of earth’s crust indicates the arrangement of Hornworts Cartilaginous and bony
sediments one over the other during the long history of fishes
earth Gnetum Chordates and non-
A variety of fossils ranging from the modern organisms chordates
to extint organisms can be observed and depicted by Reptiles and birds
evolution Bacteria and fungi
Echidna (spiny and
By studing the different sedimentary layers, the easter)
geological time period in which the organisms existed Cycas
can be predicted
9 (1) Ctenophora
Homo sapiens arose in Africa and moved across
continents and developed into deistinct races. During Club moss
ice-age between 7,000-10,000 years ago, modern
Homo sapiens arose. Pre-historic cave art developed
Chimera (rabbit
about 18,000 years ago. Agriculture came around
10,000 years back and human settlements started
10 (1)
Birbal Sahni (14 November, 1891 and 10 April 1949)
was an Indian palaeobotanist who studied the fossils of Archaeopteryx
Indian sub-continents. He was also a geologist who Actinomycetes
took an interest in Archaeology. He founded the Birbal 12 (3)
Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany in Lucknow, India. His Biochemical Similarities between Groups
greatest contributions lies in the study of botany of the The different types of biochemical reactions occur in
plants of India. every living organism. These reactions are same in all
Apart from writing numerous influential papers on the living organisms. Some of the chemicals and their
these topics, he also served as the President of the reactions are
National Academy of Sciences, India and as the (i) Enzymes The amylase in all the living organisms
Honorary President of the International Botanical digests the carbohydrates. The trypsin in all the living
Congress, Stockholm. He died on 10 April, 1949 organisms digests the proteins.
11 (2) (ii) Hormones In frog, the metamorphosing hormone is
Connecting Links The organisms having the structures thyroxin. If human thyroxin is injected into thyroid free
of two different groups are called connecting links. tadpole larva, if undergoes metamorphosis. This
These explain the path of evolution. indicates that the function of thyroxin is same in all
Connecting Links Organisms are those which show animals.
characters of two different groups. They show the (iii) Haemoglobin It carries oxygen and carbon dioxide
possible path for evolution in all animals. Haemoglobin carries oxygen in the form
Some Important Connecting Links of oxyhaemoglobin. In all birds the oxyhaemoglobin is
Link Between the Groups identical. This indicates that the birds have close
relationship among themselves
Xenoturbella Protozoa and Metazoa
13 (4)
Living and non-living
The fossils Dryopithecus africanus was discovered
Virus Annelida and Mollusca
from Miocene rock of Africa and Europe. It lived about
Echinodermata and
20-25 million years ago.
Trochophore larva Chordata
Dryopithecus gave rise to the Ramapithecus which was
Amphibia and Reptilia
on the direct line of human evolution. They appeared
Tornaria larva Amphibian and Reptiles
about 14-15 million years ago
Virus and Bacteria
14 (4)
Sphenodon (living Bony fishes and Amphibia
Both (a) and (c).
fossil lizard) Protozoa and Porifera
Homologous Organs The organs which have the same
fundamental structure but are different in functions Bougainvillea or a tendril of Cucurbita, both arising in
are called homologous orangs. These organs follows the axillary position
the same basic plan of organization during 15 (4)
development. But in adult condition, these organs are Somatic cell of gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan have
modified to perform different function as an 48 chromosome (24 pairs) while humans have 46
adaptation to the different environment. Homologous chromosome (23 pairs)
organs are the resultant of divergent evolution
Implants homologous organs may be a those of

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