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ANXIETY DISORDERS Organs - such as the liver, to reconvert glycogen

stores to glucose for food

• In the resistance stage, the digestive
• it is a response to external or internal
system reduces function to shunt blood
stimuli that can have behavioral,
to areas needed for defense.
emotional, cognitive, and physical
symptoms. • The lungs take in more air, and the heart
beats faster and harder so it can
• is distinguished from fear, which is
circulate this highly oxygenated and
feeling afraid or threatened by a clearly
highly nourished blood to the muscles
identifiable external stimulus that
to defend the body by fight, flight, or
represents danger to the person.
freeze behaviors.
Anxiety Disorders
• But if the person adapts to the stress,
• comprise a group of conditions that the body responses relax, and the
share a key feature of excessive anxiety gland, organ, and systemic responses
with ensuing behavioral, emotional, abate.
cognitive, and physiologic responses.
• The exhaustion stage occurs when the
ANXIETY AS A RESPONSE TO STRESS person has responded negatively to
anxiety and stress: body stores are
Stress depleted or the emotional components
✔ Is your body’s way of responding to any are not resolved, resulting in continual
kind of demand or threat. arousal of the physiologic responses
and little reserve capacity.
✔ It occurs when a person has difficulty
dealing with life situations, problems, What are the different theories on the cause of
and goals. Each person handles stress anxiety?
differently Psychoanalytic Theory
• Hans Selye (1956, 1974), an Anxiety is caused by a conflict between the
endocrinologist, identified the Id and Super ego.
physiologic aspects of stress, which he
labeled the general adaptation Interpersonal Theory
syndrome. Cause of anxiety is fear of interpersonal
• He determined three stages of reaction rejection.
to stress: Behavioral Theory
• In the alarm reaction stage, stress Anxiety is a product of frustration.
stimulates the body to send messages
from the hypothalamus to the glands Learning Theory
and organs to prepare for potential
Exposure to early life fearful experience
defense needs.
causes anxiety.
Gland - such as the adrenal gland, to send out
Conflict Theory
adrenaline and norepinephrine for fuel
Presence of two opposing drives, causes • More common in women than men
• Minority children and children from low
Biologic Theory socioeconomic environments at risk

Anxiety may accompany physical • A familial predisposition exists

How much is too much?
Family Studies
• When anxiety is out of proportion to
Anxiety can run in families the situation that is creating it.

Precipitating Factors • When anxiety interferes with social,

occupational, or other important areas
Threat to one’s biological integrity
of functioning.
e.g. surgery
Anxiety Disorders
Threat to one’s self system
• Agoraphobia with or without panic
e.g. insult disorder

Peplau’s 4 Levels of Anxiety • Panic disorder

• At the mild level, individuals employ • Specific phobia

various coping mechanism to deal with
• Social phobia
various stress.
• Includes: eating, drinking, sleeping,
physical exercise, smoking, crying, • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
laughing, and talking to persons with
• Acute stress disorder
whom they feel comfortable.
• Posttraumatic stress disorder.
• Anxiety at the moderate to severe level
that remains unresolved will result to a Agoraphobia
number of physiological disorders –
migraine headaches, cardiac Panic disorder
arrhythmias Specific phobia
• Extended periods of repressed severe Social phobia
anxiety can result to psychoneurotic
patterns of behaving – anxiety disorders Obsessive–compulsive disorder
and somatoform disorders Generalized anxiety disorder
Anxiolytic Drugs • is characterized by at least 6 months of
Anxiety provides the motivation for persistent and excessive worry and
achievement, a necessary force for survival. anxiety.

• Anxiety disorders are the most common • Apprehensive expectations more days
of all psychiatric illnesses than not for 6 months or more about
several events or activities;
uncontrollable worrying; significant Risk Factors
distress or impaired social or
• a combination of factors including
occupational functioning; three of the
genetic, environmental, psychological
following symptoms: restlessness, easily
and developmental.
fatigued, difficulty concentrating or
mind going blank, irritability, muscle • Anxiety disorders can run in families,
tension, sleep disturbance suggesting that a combination of genes
and environmental stresses can produce
• Intervention: anti-anxiety;
the disorders.
• Shyness, or behavioral inhibition, in
Acute stress disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Having few economic resources
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Being divorced or widowed
PTSD Symptoms are generally grouped into four
• Exposure to stressful life events in
types intrusive memories; avoidance, negative
childhood and adulthood
changes in thinking and mood; and changes in
physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms • Anxiety disorders in close biological
can vary over time or vary from person to relatives
• Parental history of mental disorders
Symptoms of intrusive memories may include:
• The CAUSE of anxiety disorders are
• intrusive recollections or dreams, currently unknown but likely involve
flashbacks, physical and psychological
distress over reminders of the event • Researchers are finding that genetic and
environmental factors, frequently in
Symptoms of avoidance may include: interaction with one another
• avoidance of thoughts, feelings, Treatments and Therapies
conversations, people, places, amnesia,
diminished interest or participation in • Anxiety disorders are generally treated
life events, feeling detached or with psychotherapy, medication, or
estranged from others, restricted affect, both.
sense of foreboding A. Psychotherapy or Talk Therapy
Symptoms of changes in physical and emotional • must be directed at the person’s specific
reactions (also called arousal symptoms) may anxieties and tailored to his or her
include: needs
• sleep disturbance, irritability or angry Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
outbursts, difficulty concentrating,
hypervigilance, exaggerated startle • It teaches a person different ways of
response thinking, behaving, and reacting to
anxiety-producing and fearful situations.
Post-Traumatic stress disorder
• CBT can also help people learn and • Medication does not cure anxiety
practice social skills, which is vital for disorders but often relieves symptoms.
treating social anxiety disorder.
- These are used as the initial treatment of an
Self-Help or Support Groups anxiety disorder, or are used only if there is
insufficient response to a course of
• joining a self-help or support group and
sharing their problems and
achievements with others ❑ What are the priority NURSING
• Internet chat rooms
Ineffective individual coping
• Talking with a trusted friend
Stress-Management Techniques
• Stress management techniques and
meditation can help
BE C →alm
B. Medication
A →dminister medications
• See Table 13.3 DRUGS USED TO TREAT
ANXIETY DISORDERS L →isten to patient’s concern

M→inimize environmental stimuli

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