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Chapter 03

Fundamentals of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

True / False Questions

1. Both total revenues (TR) and total costs (TC) are likely to be affected by changes in the output.

True False

2. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis assumes that the production volume equals sales volume so
that any changes in unit prices can be ignored.

True False

3. The total contribution margin is the unit contribution margin multiplied by the number of units

minus the fixed component of the total costs (TC).

True False

4. Profit is the unit contribution margin multiplied by the number of units minus the fixed component
of the total costs (TC).

True False

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5. If the average selling price is $.60 per unit, the average variable cost is $.36 per unit, and the total
fixed costs are $1,500, then sales of 15,000 units will result in operating profits of $3,600.

True False

6. The average selling price is $.60 per unit, the average variable cost is $.36 per unit, and the total
fixed costs are $1,500. If operating profits of $900 are desired, a sales volume of 2,500 units is

True False

7. The contribution margin ratio is the contribution margin per unit divided by the selling price per


True False

8. If the fixed costs are $2,400, targeted operating profits is $1,200, selling price per unit is $2, and
the contribution margin ratio is 40%, then the required sales volume is 9,000 units.

True False

9. The break-even point in sales dollars is fixed costs divided by the contribution margin ratio.

True False

10. An organization's operating leverage is high when it has a low proportion of variable costs in its

total costs.

True False

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11. An increase in the selling price per unit will decrease an organization's operating leverage,
assuming sales unit volume doesn't change and there are no other changes in its cost structure.

True False

12. The break-even point for an organization with a low operating leverage will be relatively higher
than the break-even point for an organization with a high operating leverage.

True False

13. An increase in an organization's fixed costs will result in a lower margin of safety, assuming all

other costs and sales remain unchanged.

True False

14. Microsoft Excel® is ideally suited for analyzing alternative CVP scenarios using its "What-If
Analysis" function.

True False

15. Microsoft Excel® cannot be used to find break-even points.

True False

16. An increase in an organization's tax rate will cause an increase in its break-even point.

True False

17. Before-tax operating profits are equal to the after-tax operating profits divided by (1 - tax rate).

True False

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18. If an organization's fixed costs are $2,400, tax rate is 40%, and contribution margin is $5,200,
then its after-tax operating profits are $1,680.

True False

19. If the fixed costs are $2,400, targeted before-tax operating profit is $1,200, tax rate is 25%, selling
price per unit is $2, and contribution margin ratio is 40%, then the sales volume is 9,000 units.

True False

20. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is more complicated for organizations with multiple products

because typically each product has a different contribution margin ratio.

True False

21. The Frances Manufacturing Company sells two products, FRN and CES. FRN has a higher
contribution margin ratio than CES. If the product mix shifts towards CES, the company's break-
even point in total units (i.e., FRN plus CES) will increase.

True False

22. In multi-product cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, the fixed product mix method and the

weighted-average contribution margin method yield different break-even points.

True False

23. The more important the decision, the more the manager will want to ensure that the assumptions
made for CVP analysis are applicable.

True False

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24. The best course of action in sensitive decisions is that the manager should depend upon the cost
analyst's CVP analysis without considering alternative assumptions.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

25. The difference between total sales in dollars and total variable costs is called:

A. operating profit.

B. net profit.

C. the gross margin.

D. the contribution margin.

26. The following information pertains to Tiller Co.:

Sales $800,000

Variable Costs 160,000

Fixed Costs 40,000

What is Tiller's break-even point in sales dollars? (CPA adapted)

A. $200,000.

B. $160,000.

C. $50,000.

D. $40,000.

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27. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is a simple but powerful tool to assist management in making
operating decisions. Which of the following does not represent a potential use of CVP analysis?

A. Ability to compute the break-even point.

B. Ability to determine optimal sales volumes.

C. Aids in evaluating tax planning alternatives.

D. Aids in determining optimal pricing policies.

28. Which of the following would not cause the break-even point to change?

A. Sales price increases.

B. Fixed cost decreases.

C. Sales volume decreases.

D. Variable costs per unit increases.

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29. If the fixed costs for a product decrease and the variable costs (as a percentage of sales dollars)
decrease, what will be the effect on the contribution margin ratio and the break-even point,

Contribution Margin Ratio Break-even Point

A. Decreased Increased

B. Increased Decreased

C. Decreased Decreased

D. Increased Increased

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

30. The Skyways Company is currently selling its single product for $15. Variable costs are estimated
to remain at 70% of the current selling price and fixed costs are estimated to be $4,800 per

month. If Skyways increases its selling price by 10%, its variable cost ratio will:

A. not change

B. decrease

C. increase

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

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31. Cost A is a fixed cost, while B is a variable cost. During the current year, the volume of output has
decreased. In terms of cost per unit of output, we would expect that:

A. cost A has remained unchanged.

B. cost B has decreased.

C. cost A has decreased.

D. cost B has remained unchanged.

32. If both the variable cost per unit and the selling price per unit decrease, the new contribution
margin ratio in relation to the old contribution margin ratio will be:

A. Lower.

B. Higher.

C. Unchanged.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

33. A company's break-even point will not be increased by:

A. an increase in total fixed costs.

B. a decrease in the selling price per unit.

C. an increase in the variable cost per unit.

D. an increase in the number of units produced and sold.

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34. Which of the following changes to a company's contribution income statement will always lower
the break-even point (either in units or in dollars)?

A. Sales price increases by 10%.

B. Sales price decreases by 5%.

C. Variable costs increase by 10% and fixed costs decrease by 5%.

D. Variable costs decrease by 5% and fixed costs increase by 10%.

35. At a break-even point of 400 units, variable costs were $400 and fixed costs were $200. What will
the 401st unit sold contribute to operating profits before income taxes?

A. $0.50

B. $1.00

C. $1.50

D. $2.00

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36. Dartmount Corporation has provided its contribution format income statement for June. The
company produces and sells a single product.

Sales (2,900 units) $269,700

Variable costs 107,300

Contribution margin 162,400

Fixed costs 137,100

Operating profit $25,300

If the company sells 3,100 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to:

A. $27,045.

B. $181,000.

C. $162,400.

D. $173,600.

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37. Goodson Inc. produces and sells a single product. The company has provided its contribution
format income statement for March.

Sales (4,500 units) $427,500

Variable costs 265,500

Contribution margin 162,000

Fixed costs 135,300

Operating profit $26,700

If the company sells 4,300 units, its operating profit should be closest to:

A. $7,700.

B. $25,513.

C. $26,700.

D. $19,500.

38. The contribution margin ratio is 25% for Crowne Company and the break-even point in sales is

$200,000. If Crowne Company's target operating profit is $60,000, sales would have to be:

A. $260,000.

B. $440,000.

C. $280,000.

D. $240,000.

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39. Opal Company manufactures a single product that it sells for $90 per unit and has a contribution
margin ratio of 35%. The company's fixed costs are $46,800. If Opal desires a monthly target
operating profit equal to 15% of sales, sales will have to be (rounded):

A. 1,486 units.

B. 3,467 units.

C. 1,040 units.

D. 2,600 units.

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40. Razor Inc. manufactures industrial components. One of its products used as a subcomponent in
auto manufacturing is Fluoro2211. The selling price and cost per unit data for 9,000 units of
Fluoro2211 are as follows.

Per Unit Data

Selling Price $150

Direct Materials 20

Direct Labor 15

Variable Manufacturing Overhead 12

Fixed Manufacturing Overhead 30

Variable Selling 3

Fixed Selling and Administrative 10

Total Costs 90

Operating Margin $60

During the next year, sales of Fluoro2211 are expected to be 10,000 units. All costs will remain
the same except for fixed manufacturing overhead, which will increase by 20%, and material,

which will increase by 10%. The selling price per unit for next year will be $160. Based on these
data, Razor Inc.'s total contribution margin for next year will be: (CMA adapted)

A. $882,000.

B. $980,000.

C. $972,000.

D. $1,080,000.

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41. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and slogans.
Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them was $2.25
per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net income last

year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the following: (CMA


• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third

• Fixed costs will increase by 10%

• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

The selling price that would maintain the same contribution margin ratio as last year is:

A. $9.00.

B. $8.25.

C. $10.00.

D. $9.50.

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42. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and slogans.
Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them was $2.25
per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net income last

year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the following: (CMA


• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third

• Fixed costs will increase by 10%

• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

Based on a $10 selling price per unit, the number of T-shirts Dorcan Corporation must sell to

break-even in the coming year is:

A. 17,000 units.

B. 16,500 units.

C. 20,000 units.

D. 22,000 units.

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43. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and slogans.
Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them was $2.25
per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net income last

year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the following: (CMA


• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third

• Fixed costs will increase by 10%

• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

Sales for the coming year are expected to exceed last year's by 1,000 units. If this occurs,

Dorcan's sales volume in the coming year will be:

A. 22,600 units.

B. 21,960 units.

C. 23,400 units.

D. 21,000 units.

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44. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and slogans.
Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them was $2.25
per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net income last

year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the following: (CMA


• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third

• Fixed costs will increase by 10%

• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

Based on a $10 selling price per unit and if Dorcan Corporation wishes to earn $37,800 in after

tax net income for the coming year, the company's sales volume in dollars must be:

A. $213,750.

B. $257,625.

C. $207,000.

D. $255,000.

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45. Lamar has the following data:

Selling Price $40

Variable manufacturing cost $22

Fixed manufacturing cost $150,000

Variable selling & administrative


Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

How many units must Lamar produce and sell in order to break-even?

A. 8,333 units.

B. 12,500 units.

C. 15,000 units.

D. 22,500 units.

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46. Lamar has the following data:

Selling Price $40

Variable manufacturing cost $22

Fixed manufacturing cost $150,000

Variable selling & administrative


Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

How many units must Lamar produce and sell in order to achieve a profit of $30,000 per

A. 10,000 units.

B. 8,824 units.

C. 25,000 units.

D. 15,000 units.

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47. Lamar has the following data:

Selling Price $40

Variable manufacturing cost $22

Fixed manufacturing cost $150,000

Variable selling & administrative


Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

If Lamar produces and sells 30,000 units, what is the margin of safety in units?

A. 5,000 units.

B. 7,500 units.

C. 22,500 units.

D. 30,000 units.

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48. Gardner Corporation manufactures skateboards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $1,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $250,000

Direct labor 150,000

Variable Overhead 75,000

Fixed Overhead 100,000 575,000

Gross Profit $925,000

Selling and G&A

Variable 200,000

Fixed 250,000 450,000

Operating Income $475,000

The break-even point (rounded to the nearest dollar) for Gardner Corporation for the current year


A. $146,341.

B. $636,364.

C. $729,730.

D. $181,818.

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49. Gardner Corporation manufactures skateboards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $1,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $250,000

Direct labor 150,000

Variable Overhead 75,000

Fixed Overhead 100,000 575,000

Gross Profit $925,000

Selling and General & Admin.


Variable 200,000

Fixed 250,000 450,000

Operating Income $475,000

For the coming year, the management of Gardner Corporation anticipates a 10 percent increase

in sales, a 12 percent increase in variable costs, and a $45,000 increase in fixed costs.

The break-even point for next year would be:

A. $729,027.

B. $862,103.

C. $214,018.

D. $474,000.

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50. You have been provided with the following information:

Per Unit Total

Sales $15 $45,000

Less variable expenses 9 27,000

Contribution margin 6 18,000

Less fixed expenses 12,000

Operating profit $6,000

If sales decrease by 500 units, how much will fixed costs have to be reduced by to maintain the
current operating profit of $6,000?

A. $9,000.

B. $7,500.

C. $6,000.

D. $3,000.

51. Raines Company's sales are $750,000 with operating profits of $130,000. If the contribution

margin ratio is 40%, what did the fixed costs amount to?

A. $370,000.

B. $300,000.

C. $270,000.

D. $170,000.

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52. The following costs have been estimated based on sales of 30,000 units:

Total Annual Percent That Is

Costs Variable

Direct materials $300,000 100%

Direct labor 250,000 100

250,000 50

Selling and
150,000 25

What selling price will yield a contribution margin of 40%?

A. $59.38

B. $43.75

C. $39.58

D. $33.25

53. Gena Manufacturing Company has a fixed cost of $225,000 for the production of tubes.

Estimated sales are 150,000 units. A before tax profit of $125,000 is desired by the controller. If
the tubes sell for $5 each, what unit contribution margin is required to attain the profit target?

A. $3.00.

B. $2.33.

C. $1.47.

D. $.90.

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54. At the break-even point, the total contribution margin equals total: (CPA adapted)

A. Variable costs.

B. Sales.

C. Selling and administrative costs.

D. Fixed costs.

55. On January 1, 2016, Randolph Co. increased its direct labor wage rates. All other budgeted costs

and revenues were unchanged. How did this increase affect Randolph's budgeted break-even
point and budgeted margin of safety? (CPA adapted)

Budgeted Break-even Budgeted Margin of

Point Safety

A. Increase Increase

B. Increase Decrease

C. Decrease Decrease

D. Decrease Increase

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

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56. A company's break-even point will not be changed by:

A. a change in total fixed costs.

B. a change in the number of units produced and sold.

C. a change in the variable cost ratio.

D. a change in the contribution margin ratio.

57. If both the variable cost per unit and the selling price per unit increase, the new contribution

margin ratio in relation to the old contribution margin ratio will be:

A. Lower.

B. Higher.

C. Unchanged.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

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58. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General & Admin.


Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

The contribution margin ratio for the current year is:

A. 53.6%.

B. 49.3%.

C. 46.4%.

D. 25%.

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59. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General & Admin.


Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

The break-even point (rounded to the nearest dollar) for Evergreen Corporation for the current

year is:

A. $2,625,000.

B. $1,865,672.

C. $1,724,138.

D. $2,155,172.

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60. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General & Admin.


Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

For the coming year, the management of Evergreen Corporation anticipates a 5 percent

decrease in sales, a 10 percent increase in all variable costs, and a $45,000 increase in fixed

The operating profit for next year would be:

A. $477,500.

B. $492,500.

C. $552,500.

D. $831,250.

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61. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General & Admin.


Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

For the coming year, the management of Evergreen Corporation anticipates a 5 percent

decrease in sales, a 10 percent increase in variable costs, and a $45,000 increase in fixed costs.

The break-even point for next year would be:

A. $3,022,500.

B. $2,947,500.

C. $2,668,750.

D. $2,168,225.

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62. You have been provided with the following information:

Per Unit Total

Sales $15 $45,000

Less variable expenses 9 27,000

Contribution margin 6 18,000

Less fixed expenses 12,000

Operating profit $6,000

If unit sales decrease by 10%, how much will fixed costs have to be reduced by to maintain the
current operating profit?

A. $12,000.

B. $4,500.

C. $6,000.

D. $1,800.

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63. You have been provided with the following information:


Sales $90,000

Less Variable expenses 54,000

Contribution margin 36,000

Less fixed expenses 24,000

Operating profit $12,000

If sales decrease by 10%, what level of fixed costs will maintain the current operating profit?

A. $12,000.

B. $20,400.

C. $21,600.

D. $24,000.

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64. You have been provided with the following information:


Sales $90,000

Less Variable expenses 54,000

Contribution margin 36,000

Less fixed expenses 24,000

Operating profit $12,000

If sales increase by 10%, what level of fixed costs will yield a 20% increase in profits?

A. $14,400.

B. $19,200.

C. $25,200.

D. $26,400.

65. With regard to the CVP graph, which of the following statements is not correct?

A. The CVP graph assumes that volume is the only factor affecting total cost.

B. The CVP graph assumes that selling prices do not change.

C. The CVP graph assumes that variable costs go down as volume goes up.

D. The CVP graph assumes that fixed costs are constant in total within the relevant range.

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66. Tower Company manufactures and sells a single product with a positive contribution margin. If
the selling price and the variable cost per unit both increase 5% and fixed costs do not change,
what is the effect on the contribution margin per unit and the contribution margin ratio?

Contribution margin per Contribution margin

unit ratio

A. No change No change

B. Increase Increase

C. Increase No change

D. Increase Decrease

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

67. Which of the following formulas is used to calculate the contribution margin ratio?

A. (Sales - Fixed costs) ÷ Sales.

B. (Sales - Cost of goods sold) ÷ Sales.

C. (Sales - Variable costs) ÷ Sales.

D. (Sales - Total costs) ÷ Sales.

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68. Flower Company manufactures and sells a single product that has a positive contribution margin.
If the selling price and variable costs both decrease by 5% and fixed costs do not change, then
what would be the effect on the contribution margin per unit and the contribution margin ratio?

Contribution margin per Contribution margin

unit ratio

A. Decrease Decrease

B. Decrease No change

C. No change Decrease

D. No change No change

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

69. If Q equals the level of output, P is the selling price per unit, V is the variable cost per unit, and F
is the fixed cost, then the break-even point in units is:

A. Q ÷ (P - V).

B. F ÷ (P - V).

C. V ÷ (P - V).

D. F ÷ [Q(P - V)].

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70. Which of the following would not cause the break-even point to change?

A. Sales price increases.

B. Sales volume increases.

C. Fixed cost increases.

D. Variable costs per unit decreases.

71. Which of the following would not cause the break-even point to change?

A. Variable costs per unit increases.

B. Fixed costs increases.

C. Product mix shifts towards the more expensive products.

D. Sales volume decreases.

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72. If the fixed costs for a product increase and the variable costs (as a percentage of sales dollars)
increase, what will be the effect on the contribution margin ratio and the break-even point,

Contribution Margin Ratio Break-even Point

A. Decrease Increase

B. Increase Decrease

C. Decrease Decrease

D. Increase Increase

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

73. A company's break-even point will not be increased by:

A. an increase in the number of units produced and sold.

B. a decrease in the selling price per unit.

C. an increase in the variable cost per unit.

D. an increase in the variable cost ratio.

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74. Obtuse Company's fixed costs total $150,000, its variable cost ratio is 60% and its variable costs
are $4.50 per unit. Based on this information, the break-even point in units is:

A. 50,000.

B. 37,500.

C. 33,333.

D. 100,000.

75. Bargain Company's contribution margin ratio is 15%. If the degree of operating leverage is 12 at
the $150,000 sales level, operating profit at the $150,000 sales level must equal:

A. $1,500.

B. $2,700.

C. $2,160.

D. $1,875.

76. Operating leverage refers to the extent to which an organization's cost structure is made up of:

A. differential costs.

B. opportunity costs.

C. fixed costs.

D. relevant costs.

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77. A decrease in the margin of safety would be caused by a(n):

A. increase in the total fixed costs.

B. increase in total revenue (sales).

C. decrease in the break-even point.

D. decrease in the variable cost per unit.

78. Given the following data:

Per Unit Total

Sales $15 $45,000

Less variable expenses 9 27,000

Contribution margin 6 18,000

Less fixed expenses 12,000

Net income $6,000

If sales decrease by 500 units, by what percent would fixed costs have to be reduced by to

maintain current net income?

A. 50.0%.

B. 33.3%.

C. 25.0%.

D. 16.7%.

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79. The following pertains to Upton Co. for the year ending December 31, 2016:

Budgeted Sales $1,000,000

Break-even Sales 700,000

Budgeted Contribution Margin 600,000

Cashflow Break-even 200,000

Upton's margin of safety is: (CPA adapted)

A. $300,000.

B. $400,000.

C. $500,000.

D. $800,000.

80. The margin of safety percentage is computed as:

A. Break-even sales ÷ Total sales.

B. Total sales - Break-even sales.

C. (Total sales - Break-even sales) ÷ Break-even sales.

D. (Total sales - Break-even sales) ÷ Total sales.

81. The amount by which a company's sales can decline before losses are incurred is called the:

A. contribution margin ratio.

B. degree of operating leverage.

C. margin of safety.

D. profit loss.

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82. The degree of operating leverage can be calculated as:

A. contribution margin divided by sales.

B. gross margin divided by operating profit.

C. operating profit divided by sales.

D. contribution margin divided by operating profit.

83. All other things the same, which of the following would be true of the contribution margin and

variable costs of a company with high fixed costs and low variable costs as compared to a
company with low fixed costs and high variable costs?

Contribution Margin Variable Costs

A. Higher Higher

B. Lower Higher

C. Higher Lower

D. Lower Lower

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

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84. Corey Company has a margin of safety percentage of 20%. The break-even point is $200,000
and the variable costs are 45% of sales. Given this information, the operating profit is:

A. $27,500

B. $18,000

C. $22,500

D. $22,000

85. Luxus, Inc. employs 45 sales personnel to market its line of luxury automobiles. The average car
sells for $23,000, and a 6 percent commission is paid to the salesperson. Luxus Motors is
considering a change to the commission arrangement where the company would pay each

salesperson a salary of $2,000 per month plus a commission of 2 percent of the sales made by

that salesperson. The amount of total monthly car sales at which Luxus Motors would be

indifferent as to which plan to select is:

A. $2,250,000.

B. $3,000,000.

C. $1,500,000.

D. $1,250,000.

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86. Given the following information:

Sales $5,000

Fixed Expenses 2,000

Variable Expenses 1,750

What would expected net income be if the company experienced a 10 percent increase in fixed
costs and a 10 percent increase in sales volume?

A. $1,750.

B. $1,550.

C. $1,250.

D. $1,375.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
87. The Terrence Co. manufactures two products, Baubles and Trinkets. The following are
projections for the coming year:

Baubles Trinkets

10,000 units 5,000 units

Sales 10,000 10,000


Fixed $2,000 $4,600

Variable 6,000 8,000 4,000 8,600


before $2,000 $1,400


How many Baubles will be sold at the break-even point, assuming that the facilities are jointly
used with the sales mix remaining constant?

A. 9,900

B. 8,800

C. 6,600

D. 5,000

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88. During 2016, Seth Britain Lab supplied hospitals with a comprehensive diagnostic kit for $120. At
a volume of 80,000 kits, Seth had fixed costs of $1,000,000 and a profit before income taxes of
$200,000. Due to an adverse legal decision, Seth's 2017 liability insurance increased by

$1,200,000 over 2016. Assuming the volume and other costs are unchanged, what should the

2017 price be if Seth is to make the same $200,000 profit before income taxes? (CPA adapted)

A. $122.50.

B. $135.00.

C. $152.50.

D. $240.00.

89. Honeysuckle Manufacturing has the following data:

Selling Price $60

Variable manufacturing cost $33

Fixed manufacturing cost $250,000

Variable selling & administrative


Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

What dollar sales volume does Honeysuckle need to break even?

A. $822,222.

B. $833,333.

C. $900,000.

D. $1,233,333.

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90. Honeysuckle Manufacturing has the following data:

Selling Price $60

Variable manufacturing cost $33

Fixed manufacturing cost $250,000

Variable selling & administrative


Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

What dollar sales volume does Honeysuckle need to achieve a $50,000 operating profit per

A. $1,400,000.

B. $7,560,000.

C. $933,333.

D. $1,233,333.

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91. Honeysuckle Manufacturing has the following data:

Selling Price $60

Variable manufacturing cost $33

Fixed manufacturing cost $250,000

Variable selling & administrative


Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

If Honeysuckle has actual monthly sales of $1,500,000 and desires an operating profit of
$50,000 per month, what is the margin of safety in sales dollars?

A. $100,000.

B. $266,667.

C. $50,000.

D. $1,130,000.

92. Market Sales had $1,200,000 in sales last month. The variable cost ratio was 60% and operating
profits were $80,000. What is Market's break-even sales volume?

A. $800,000.

B. $1,000,000.

C. $1,200,000.

D. $2,000,000.

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93. Market Sales had $1,200,000 in sales last month. The variable cost ratio was 60% and operating
profits were $80,000. What sales volume does Market's need to yield a $200,000 operating

A. $1,000,000.

B. $1,200,000.

C. $1,500,000.

D. $2,000,000.

94. Market Sales had $1,200,000 in sales last month. The variable cost ratio was 60% and operating
profits were $80,000. What is Market's margin of safety in sales dollars?

A. $200,000.

B. $300,000.

C. $500,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

95. Artis Sales has two store locations. Store A has fixed costs of $125,000 per month and a variable
cost ratio of 60%. Store B has fixed costs of $200,000 per month and a variable cost ratio of 30%.

At what sales volume would the two stores have equal profits or losses?

A. $250,000.

B. $325,000.

C. $361,111.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

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96. Artis Sales has two store locations. Store A has fixed costs of $125,000 per month and a variable
cost ratio of 60%. Store B has fixed costs of $200,000 per month and a variable cost ratio of 30%.
What is the break-even sales volume for Store B?

A. $666,667.

B. $325,000.

C. $285,714.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

97. Artis Sales has two store locations. Store A has fixed costs of $125,000 per month and a variable
cost ratio of 60%. Store B has fixed costs of $200,000 per month and a variable cost ratio of 30%.

What is the break-even sales volume for Store A?

A. $208,333.

B. $312,500.

C. $325,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

98. Liu Sales has two store locations. Sanford has fixed costs of $250,000 per month and a

contribution margin ratio of 35%. Orlando has fixed costs of $400,000 per month and a

contribution margin ratio of 65%. At what sales volume would the two stores have equal profits or

A. $500,000.

B. $650,000.

C. $1,300,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

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99. A company's break-even point will not be changed by:

A. a change in total fixed costs.

B. a change in the selling price per unit.

C. a change in the variable cost per unit.

D. a change in the income tax rate.

100.Lake Sales had $2,200,000 in sales last month. The contribution margin ratio was 30% and

operating profits were $180,000. What is Lake's break-even sales volume?

A. $660,000.

B. $1,540,000.

C. $1,600,000.

D. $2,020,000.

101.Lake Sales had $2,200,000 in sales last month. The contribution margin ratio was 30% and
operating profits were $180,000. What sales volume does Lake's need to yield a $240,000

operating profit?

A. $600,000.

B. $2,020,000.

C. $2,400,000.

D. $2,440,000.

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102.Lake Sales had $2,200,000 in sales last month. The contribution margin ratio was 30% and
operating profits were $180,000. What is Lake's margin of safety in sales dollars?

A. $480,000.

B. $600,000.

C. $2,020,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

103.Eastwick produces and sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $100,000 $200,000 $200,000

Variable costs 40,000 140,000 80,000

Fixed costs total $200,000. What is Eastwick's break-even sales volume? (Assume the current
product mix.)

A. $500,000.

B. $416,667.

C. $384,615.

D. $460,000.

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104.Eastwick produces and sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $100,000 $200,000 $200,000

Variable costs 40,000 140,000 80,000

Fixed costs total $200,000. What is Eastwick's margin of safety? (Assume the current product

A. $83,333.

B. $40,000.

C. $460,000.

D. $115,385.

105.Eastwick produces and sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $100,000 $200,000 $200,000

Variable costs 40,000 140,000 80,000

Fixed costs total $200,000. What sales volume would generate an operating profit of $150,000?
(Assume the current product mix.)

A. $650,000.

B. $610,000.

C. $729,167.

D. $850,000.

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106.A company has provided the following data:

Sales 3,000 Units

Sales price $70 per unit

Variable cost $50 per unit

Fixed cost $25,000

If the sales volume decreases by 25%, the variable cost per unit increases by 15%, and all other
factors remain the same, operating profit will:

A. decrease by $31,875.

B. decrease by $15,000.

C. increase by $20,625.

D. decrease by $3,125.

107.Winters Company sells three products. Sales and contribution margin ratios for the three

products follow:

Product Product Product


Sales in dollars $20,000 $40,000 $100,000

Contribution margin
45% 40% 15%

Given these data, the contribution margin ratio for the company as a whole would be:

A. 25%.

B. 75%.

C. 33.3%.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

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108.Break-even analysis assumes that:

A. total costs are constant.

B. the average fixed cost per unit is constant.

C. the average variable cost per unit is constant.

D. variable costs are nonlinear.

109.Break-even analysis assumes that over the relevant range: (CPA adapted)

A. Total Fixed Costs are nonlinear.

B. Total Costs are unchanged.

C. Unit Variable Costs are unchanged.

D. Unit Revenues are nonlinear.

Essay Questions

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110.You have been provided with the following information regarding the Omaha Manufacturing

Sales price $50

Variable manufacturing
cost per unit

Variable marketing cost

per unit

Fixed manufacturing

Fixed administrative costs 80,000

This information is based on forecasted sales of 30,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?

(b) What is the break-even point in units?

(c) If $180,000 of operating profit is desired, how many units must be sold?

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McGraw-Hill Education.
111.Lincoln, Inc. is considering the introduction of a new music player with the following price and
cost characteristics:

Sales price $125 each

Variable costs 75 each

Fixed costs 180,000 per year

Projected sales are 7,500 units per year.


(consider each question independent of each other):

(a) What will the operating profit be?

(b) What is the impact on operating profit if the selling price per unit decreases by 15%?
(c) What is the net income if variable costs per unit increase by 15% and Lincoln has a 38% tax


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112.You have been provided with the following information regarding the Closure Manufacturing

Sales Price $50

Variable manufacturing cost per unit 24

Fixed manufacturing costs per unit 12

Variable marketing cost per unit 6

Fixed administrative costs per unit 3

This information is based on forecasted sales of 33,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?
(b) What is the break-even point in dollars?
(c) How much in sales dollars is required to generate an operating profit of $275,000?

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McGraw-Hill Education.
113.You have been provided with the following information regarding the Pharma Manufacturing

Sales Price $25

Variable manufacturing cost per unit 12

Variable marketing cost per unit 3

Fixed manufacturing costs 180,000

Fixed administrative costs 40,000

This information is based on forecasted sales of 25,000 units.


(a) What are the expected operating profits for the upcoming year?
(b) What is the break-even point in units?
(c) What is the break-even point in dollars?

(d) If $80,000 of operating profits is desired, how many units must be sold?

(e) How much in sales dollars is required to generate operating profits of $75,000?

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McGraw-Hill Education.
114.Chita Corporation produces and sells a single product. The company's contribution format
income statement for January appears below:

Sales (5,500 units) $297,000

Variable costs 165,000

Contribution margin 132,000

Fixed costs 105,300

Operating profit $26,700


Redo the company's contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells

5,700 units.

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115.Folsom Inc., which produces and sells a single product, has provided the following contribution
format income statement for August:

Sales (4,600 units) $105,800

Variable costs 41,400

Contribution margin 64,400

Fixed costs 46,000

Operating profit $18,400


Redo the company’s contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells

4,500 units.

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116.Champion Corporation produces and sells a single product. In April, the company sold 1,700
units. Its total sales were $153,000, its total variable costs were $79,900, and its total fixed costs
were $56,800.


a. Construct the company's contribution format income statement for April in good form.

b. Redo the company's contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells
1,600 units.

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117.In November, Townhouse Corporation sold 2,100 units of its only product. Its total sales were
$195,300, its total variable costs were $84,000, and its total fixed costs were $98,700.


a. Construct the company's contribution format income statement for November in good form.

b. Redo the company's contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells

2,300 units.

118.Blizzard Corporation's contribution margin ratio is 74% and its fixed monthly costs are $43,000.
Assume that the company's sales for October are expected to be $102,000.


Estimate the company's operating profit for October, assuming that the fixed monthly costs do

not change.

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119.The management of Toro Corporation expects sales in August to be $130,000. The company's
contribution margin ratio is 65% and its fixed monthly costs are $54,000.


Estimate the company's operating profit for August, assuming that the fixed monthly costs do not

120.Boxer Inc. expects its sales in June to be $111,000. The company's contribution margin ratio is
65% and its fixed monthly costs are $64,000.


Estimate the company's operating profit for June, assuming that the fixed monthly costs do not

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121.Rudy Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $150 100%

Variable costs 60 40%

Contribution margin $90 60%

Fixed costs are $355,000 per month. The company is currently selling 5,000 units per month.


The marketing manager believes that a $12,000 increase in the monthly advertising budget
would result in a 160 unit increase in monthly sales. What should be the overall effect on the
company's monthly operating profit of this change?

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122.Alden Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $190 100%

Variable costs 38 20%

Contribution margin $152 80%

Fixed costs are $110,000 per month. The company is currently selling 1,000 units per month.


Management is considering using a new component that would increase the variable cost per
unit by $56. Since the new component would improve the company's product, the marketing
manager predicts that monthly sales would increase by 500 units. What should be the overall

effect on the company's monthly operating profit of this change if fixed costs are unaffected?

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123.The Cornish Corporation has budgeted fixed costs of $125,000 and an estimated selling price of
$16.50 per unit. The contribution margin ratio is 40% and the company plans to sell 25,000 units
in 2017.


(a) Compute the break-even point in dollars.

(b) Compute the margin of safety for 2017.
(c) Compute the expected operating profit for 2017.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
124.Renee Tyne, now retired, owns the Downtown Beauty Shop. She employs five (5) stylists and
pays each a base rate of $500 per month. One of the stylists serves as the manager and
receives an extra $300 per month. In addition to the base rate, each stylist also receives a

commission of $3 per haircut. A stylist can do as many as 20 haircuts a day, but the average is

14 haircuts per day. The Downtown Beauty Shop is open 24 days a month. You can safely
ignore income taxes.
Other costs are incurred as follows:

Advertising $200 per month

Rent $400 per month

Beauty Supplies $0.90 per haircut

$175 per month plus $0.35 per


Magazines $25 per month

$0.15 per haircut

Renee currently charges $8 per haircut.


(a) Compute the break-even point in (1) number of haircuts, (2) total sales dollars, and (3) as a
percentage of capacity.

(b) In July, 1,400 haircuts were given. Compute the operating profits for the month.
(c) Renee wants a $2,160 operating profits in August. Compute the number of haircuts that must
be given in order to achieve this goal.

(d) If 1,500 haircuts are given in August, compute the selling price that would have to be charged
in order to have $2,160 in operating profits.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
125.You have been provided with the following information regarding the Fremont Manufacturing


Sales price $50

Variable manufacturing
cost per unit

Variable marketing cost

per unit

Fixed manufacturing

Fixed administrative costs 80,000

This information is based on forecasted sales of 33,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?

(b) What is the break-even point in dollars?

(c) How much in sales dollars is required to generate an operating profit of $275,000?

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McGraw-Hill Education.
126.Xi-Tech, Inc. is considering the introduction of a new music player with the following price and
cost characteristics:

Sales price $125 each

Variable costs 75 each

Fixed costs 180,000 per year


(a) How many units must Xi-Techsell to break even?

(b) How many units must Xi-Techsell to make an operating profit of $120,000 for the year?

(c) If projected sales are 7,500 units, what is the margin of safety in units?

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McGraw-Hill Education.
127.John Martin, now retired, owns the Corner Barber Shop. He employs five (5) barbers and pays
each a base rate of $500 per month. One of the barbers serves as the manager and receives an
extra $300 per month. In addition to the base rate, each barber also receives a commission of $3

per haircut. A barber can do as many as 20 haircuts a day, but the average is 14 haircuts per

day. The Corner Barber Shop is a corporation with a 30% tax rate and is open 24 days a month.
Other costs are incurred as follows:

Advertising $200 per month

Rent $400 per month

Barber Supplies $.90 per haircut

$175 per month plus $.35 per


Magazines $25 per month

$.15 per haircut

John currently charges $8 per haircut.


(a) John wants to earn $2,160 in after-tax operating profits. Compute the number of haircuts that
must be given to reach this goal in June.
(b) In June, only 1,500 haircuts were given. Compute the price per haircut that John should have

charged in June to earn $2,160 in after-tax operating profits.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
128.The president of Equipment Enterprises is considering expanding sales by producing three
different versions of its product. Each will be targeted by the marketing department to different
income levels and, hence, will be produced from three different qualities of materials. After

reviewing the sales forecasts, the sales department feels that for every item of Large sold, 4 of

Medium can be sold, and 8 of Small can be sold.

The following information has been assembled by the sales department and the production

Large Medium Small

Sales price (per unit) $15.00 $10.00 $5.00

Material cost 5.00 4.00 2.00

Direct labor 2.00 1.50 1.25

Variable Overhead 2.00 1.50 1.25

The fixed costs associated with the manufacture of these three products are $75,000 per year.


Determine the number of units of each product that would be sold at the break-even point.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
129.Galena Company manufactures and sells adjustable canopies that attach to motor homes and
trailers. The market covers both new unit purchases as well as replacement canopies. Galena
developed its 2017 business plan based on the assumption that canopies would sell at a price of

$400 each. The variable costs for each canopy were projected to be $200, and the annual fixed

costs were budgeted at $100,000. The goal for Galena 's after-tax operating profits was
$240,000; the company's effective tax rate is 40%.
While Galena 's sales usually rise during the second quarter, the May financial statements
reported that sales were not meeting expectations. For the first five months of 2017, only 350

units had been sold at the established price, with variable costs as planned. It was clear that the
2017 after-tax operating profit goal would not be reached unless some corrective actions were

taken. Galena 's president assigned a management committee to analyze the situation and
develop several alternative courses of action.

The following mutually exclusive alternatives were presented to the president:

(1) Reduce the sales price by $40. The sales department predicts that with the significantly

reduced price, 2,700 units can be sold during the remainder of 2017. Total fixed and variable unit

costs will stay as budgeted.

(2) Lower variable costs per unit by $25 through the use of less expensive materials and lightly

modified manufacturing techniques. The sales price will also be reduced by $30. These changes
will yield sales of 2,200 for the remainder of 2017.

(3) Cut fixed costs by $10,000 and lower the sales price by 5%. Variable costs per unit will be
unchanged. Sales of 2,000 units can be expected for the remainder of 2017.


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(a) If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, determine the number of units
that Galena must sell in order to break even.

(b) If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, determine the number of units

that Galena must sell in order to achieve its after-tax operating profit objective.

(c) Determine which one of the alternatives Galena should select to achieve its after-tax
operating profit objective. Be sure to support your selection with appropriate computations.

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130.You have been provided with the following information regarding the Ralston Manufacturing

Sales price $50

Variable manufacturing
cost per unit

Fixed manufacturing
costs per unit

Variable marketing cost

per unit

Fixed administrative costs

per unit

This information is based on forecasted sales of 30,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?

(b) What is the break-even point in units?

(c) If $160,000 of operating profit is desired, how many units must be sold?

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131.Nation Inc. sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $200,000 $300,000 $300,000

Variable costs 80,000 280,000 160,000

Total fixed costs are $100,000 marketing and $125,000 administrative.


(a) What was the operating profit last month?

(b) What is Nation's break-even sales volume (at the given mix)?

(c) What is Nation's margin of safety?

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132.Carrie sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $150,000 $225,000 $225,000

Variable costs 60,000 210,000 120,000

Total fixed costs are $100,000 marketing and $125,000 administrative.


(a) What was the contribution margin ratio?

(b) What sales volume does Carrie need to achieve a $100,000 monthly profit?

(c) What will profit be if Carrie increases sales by 20%?

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133.The Windsome Corporation has budgeted fixed costs of $225,000 and an estimated selling price
of $24 per unit. The variable cost ratio is 40% and the company plans to sell 48,000 units in


(a) Compute the break-even point in units.

(b) Compute the margin of safety in units for 2017.
(c) Compute the expected operating profit for 2017.

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134.Bokay Creations has budgeted annual fixed costs of $240,000 and an estimated variable cost
ratio of 60%.


(a) Compute Bokay's break-even point in sales dollars.

(b) Compute Bokay's margin of safety if the company expects to earn revenues of $800,000.
(c) Compute Bokay's expected operating profit at the $800,000 revenue.

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135.The sales manager of Springdale Enterprises is considering expanding sales by producing three
different versions of its product. Each will be targeted by the marketing department to different
income levels and will be produced from three different qualities of materials. After reviewing the

sales forecasts, the sales department feels that 40% of units sold will be the original product,

35% will be new model #1 and the remainder will be new model #2.
The following information has been assembled by the sales department and the production

Original Model #1 Model #2

Sales price (per unit) $100.00 $70.00 $50.00

Material cost 45.00 30.00 20.00

Direct labor 20.00 15.00 10.00

Variable overhead 15.00 11.25 7.50

The fixed costs associated with the manufacture of these three products are $175,000 per year.


Determine the number of units of each product that would be sold at the break-even point.

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136.The sales manager of Thompson Sales is considering expanding sales by producing three
different versions of its product. Each will be targeted by the marketing department to different
income levels and will be produced from three different qualities of materials. After reviewing the

sales forecasts, the sales department feels that 70% of units sold will be the original product,

20% will be new model #1 and the remainder will be new model #2.
The following information has been assembled by the sales department and the production

Original Model #1 Model #2

Sales price (per unit) $50.00 $35.00 $25.00

Material cost 22.50 15.00 10.00

Direct labor 10.00 7.50 5.00

Variable overhead 7.00 5.25 3.50

The fixed costs associated with the manufacture of these three products are $250,000 per year.


(a) Determine the number of units of each product that would be sold at the break-even point.
(b) Determine the break-even point if the sales estimates are instead 50% original product, 30%

model #1 and the remainder model #2.

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137.The Teri Aki Diner is a new buffet-style restaurant offering stir-fry and Thai dishes. The buffet has
a fixed price of $8.50 per person. The estimated food costs are $2.00 per person, regardless of
volume. Fixed costs are related to the number of buffet lines that are maintained, with the

estimated costs as follows:

Monthly volume Fixed Costs

1 line 0 - 4,000 $30,000

2 lines 4,001 - 6,000 $37,000

3 lines 6,001 - 7,500 $40,000


Determine the break-even point(s).

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138.The Beach Party packages horseradish and mustards in a factory that can operate one, two, or
three shifts. The product sells for $10 a case and has variable costs of $4 per case. Fixed costs
are related to the number of shifts that are operated, with the estimated costs as follows:

Daily volume Fixed Costs

1 shift 0 - 2,000 $3,000

2 shifts 2,001 - 4,000 $5,700

3 shifts 4,001 - 6,000 $8,200


(a) Determine the break-even point(s).

(b) If Beach Party can sell all it can produce, how many shifts should be operated?

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139.Pines Inc. produces and sells two products. During the most recent month, Product DQ393's
sales were $25,000 and its variable costs were $5,750. Product BA999's sales were $40,000 and
its variable costs were $9,850. The company's fixed costs were $48,310.


a. Determine the overall break-even point for the company.

b. If the sales mix shifts toward Product DQ393, with no change in total sales, what will happen to
the break-even point for the company? Explain.

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140.Fortune Tools produces and sells two products. Data concerning these products for the most
recent month appear below:

Product XYZ Product VAR

Sales $14,000 $27,000

Variable costs $6,720 $12,550

Fixed costs for the entire company were $17,570.


a. Determine the overall break-even point for the company.

b. If the sales mix shifts toward Product XYZ, with no change in total sales, what will happen to

the break-even point for the company? Explain.

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141.In the most recent month, Faulkner Corporation's total contribution margin was $208,000 and its
operating profit $39,400.


a. Compute the degree of operating leverage to two decimal places.

b. Using the degree of operating leverage, estimate the percentage change in operating profit

that should result from a 1% increase in sales.

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142.Drum Co. has provided the following data concerning its only product:

Selling price $200 per unit

Current sales 18,800 units

Break-even sales 14,288 units


Compute the margin of safety in both dollars and as a percentage of sales.

143.Garrison Inc. produces and sells a single product whose contribution margin ratio is 66%. The

company's monthly fixed cost is $667,920 and the company's monthly target profit is $72,600.


Determine the dollar sales to attain the company's target profit.

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144.Blues Corporation produces and sells a single product whose selling price is $240.00 per unit
and whose variable cost is $86.40 per unit. The company's fixed cost is $720,384 per month.


Determine the monthly break-even point in both units and dollar sales.

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145.Grayson Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Selling price per unit $230.00

Variable cost per unit $92.00

Fixed cost per month $621,000


a. Assume the company's monthly target profit is $69,000. Determine the unit sales to attain that
target profit.

b. Assume the company's monthly target profit is $41,400. Determine the dollar sales to attain
that target profit.

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146.Morrel Co. produces and sells a single product. The company's income statement for the most
recent month is given below:

Sales (6,000 units at $40 per


Less manufacturing costs:

Direct materials $48,000

Direct labor (variable) 60,000

Variable factory overhead 12,000

Fixed factory overhead 30,000 150,000

Gross margin 90,000

Less selling and other costs:

Variable selling and other costs 24,000

Fixed selling and other costs 42,000 66,000

Operating profit $24,000

There are no beginning or ending inventories.


a. Compute the company's monthly break-even point in units of product.

b. What would the company's monthly operating profit be if sales increased by 25% and there is
no change in total fixed costs?

c. What dollar sales must the company achieve in order to earn an operating profit of $50,000
per month?

d. The company has decided to automate a portion of its operations. The change will reduce
direct labor costs per unit by 40 percent, but it will double the costs for fixed factory overhead.
Compute the new break-even point in units.

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147.Broken Arrow Inc. produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $190 100%

Variable costs 57 30%

Contribution margin $133 70%

Fixed costs are $226,000 per month. The company is currently selling 2,000 units per month.


The marketing manager would like to cut the selling price by $12 and increase the advertising

budget by $13,000 per month. The marketing manager predicts that these two changes would
increase monthly sales by 200 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly

operating profit of these changes?

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148.Fairmount Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $120 100%

Variable costs 36 30%

Contribution margin $84 70%

Fixed costs are $516,000 per month. The company is currently selling 7,000 units per month.


The marketing manager would like to introduce sales commissions as an incentive for the sales
staff. The marketing manager has proposed a commission of $9 per unit. In exchange, the sales
staff would accept an overall decrease in their salaries of $55,000 per month. The marketing

manager predicts that introducing this sales incentive would increase monthly sales by 200 units.

What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly operating profit of these changes?

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149.Clifford Co. manufactures and sells adjustable windows for remodeling homes and new housing.
Clifford developed its budget for the current year assuming that the windows would sell at a price
of $400 each. The variable costs for each window were forecasted to be $200 and the annual

fixed costs were forecasted to be $100,000. Clifford had targeted a profit of $400,000.

While Clifford 's sales usually rise during the second quarter, the May financial statements
reported that sales were not meeting expectations. For the first five months of the year, only 350
units had been sold at the established price, with variable cost as planned, and it was clear that
the target profit for the year would not be reached unless some actions were taken. Clifford 's

president assigned a management committee to analyze the situation and develop several
alternative courses of action. The following three alternatives were presented to the president,

only one of which can be selected.

1. Reduce the selling price by $40. The marketing department forecasts that with the lower price,
2,700 units could be sold during the remainder of the year.
2. Lower variable costs per unit by $25 through the use of less expensive materials. Because of

the difference in materials, the selling price would have to be lowered by $30 and sales of 2,200

units for the remainder of the year are forecast.

3. Cut fixed costs by $10,000 and lower the selling price by 5 percent. Sales of 2,000 units would

be expected for the remainder of the year.


a. If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, estimate the number of units that

must be sold during the year to break-even.

b. If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, estimate the number of units that
must be sold during the year to attain the target profit of $400,000.

c. Determine which of the alternatives Clifford's president should select to maximize profit.

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150.Volare, Inc. has decided to introduce a new product. The product can be manufactured using
either a capital-intensive or labor-intensive method. The manufacturing method will not affect the
quality or sales of the product. The estimated manufacturing costs of the two methods are as


Capital- Labor-

Intensive Intensive

Variable manufacturing
$14.00 $17.60
cost per unit

Fixed manufacturing
$2,440,000 $1,320,000
cost per year

The company's market research department has recommended an introductory selling price of

$30 per unit for the new product. The annual fixed selling and administrative costs of the new
product are $500,000. The variable selling and administrative costs are $2 per unit regardless of
how the new product is manufactured.


a. Calculate the break-even point in units if Volare, Inc. uses the:

1. capital-intensive manufacturing method.

2. labor-intensive manufacturing method.

b. Determine the unit sales volume at which the operating profit is the same for the two
manufacturing methods.

c. Assuming sales of 250,000 units, what is the degree of operating leverage if the company
uses the:

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1. capital-intensive manufacturing method.

2. labor-intensive manufacturing method.

d. What is your recommendation to management concerning which manufacturing method to


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151.The following monthly data in contribution format are available for the Feta Company and its only
product, Product Gamma:

Total Per Unit

Sales $83,700 $279

Variable costs 32,700 109

Contribution margin 51,000 $170

Fixed costs 40,000

Operating profit $11,000

The company produced and sold 300 units during the month and had no beginning or ending



a. Without resorting to calculations, what is the total contribution margin at the break-even point?

b. Management is contemplating the use of plastic gearing rather than metal gearing in Product

Gamma. This change would reduce variable costs by $18 per unit. The company's sales

manager predicts that this would reduce the overall quality of the product and, thus, would result
in a decline in sales to a level of 250 units per month. Should this change be made?

c. Assume that Feta Company is currently selling 300 units of Product Gamma per month.
Management wants to increase sales and feels this can be done by cutting the selling price by
$22 per unit and increasing the advertising budget by $20,000 per month. Management believes

that these actions will increase unit sales by 50 percent. Should these changes be made?

d. Assume that Feta Company is currently selling 300 units of Product Gamma. Management

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wants to automate a portion of the production process for Product Gamma. The new equipment
would reduce direct labor costs by $20 per unit but would result in a monthly rental cost for the
new robotic equipment of $10,000. Management believes that the new equipment will increase

the reliability of Product Gamma thus resulting in an increase in monthly sales of 12%. Should

these changes be made?

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152.Morgan Designs manufactures decorative iron railings. In preparing for next year's operations,
management has developed the following estimates:

Total Per Unit

Sales (20,000 units) $1,000,000 $50.00

Direct materials $200,000 $10.00

Direct labor (variable) $50,000 $2.50

Manufacturing overhead:

Variable $70,000 $3.50

Fixed $80,000 $4.00

Selling & administrative:

Variable $100,000 $5.00

Fixed $30,000 $1.50


Compute the following items:

a. Unit contribution margin.

b. Contribution margin ratio.

c. Break-even in dollar sales.

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d. Margin of safety percentage.

e. If the sales volume increases by 20%, with no change in total fixed costs, what will be the

change in operating profit?

f. If the per unit variable production costs increase by 15%, and fixed selling and administrative
costs increase by 12%, what will be the new break-even point in dollar sales?

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153.Maryland Company offers two products. At present, the following represents the usual results of
a month's operations:

Product XX Product ZZ

Per Per
Unit Unit

Sales $120,000 $1.20 $80,000 $0.80 $200,000

60,000 0.60 60,000 0.60 120,000

$60,000 $0.60 $20,000 $0.20 80,000

Fixed costs 50,000



a. Find the break-even point in dollars.

b. Find the margin of safety in dollars.

c. The company is considering decreasing product XX's unit sales to 80,000 and increasing

product ZZ's unit sales to 180,000, leaving unchanged the selling price per unit, variable cost per

unit, and total fixed costs. Would you advise adopting this plan?
d. Refer to (c) above. Under the new plan, find the break-even point in dollars.
e. Under the new plan in (c) above, find the margin of safety in dollars.

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154.Data concerning Fowler Corporation's single product appear below:

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $210 100%

Variable costs 126 60%

Contribution margin $84 40%

Fixed costs are $444,000 per month. The company is currently selling 7,000 units per month.


Management is considering using a new component that would increase the unit variable cost by

$2. Since the new component would improve the company's product, the marketing manager
predicts that monthly sales would increase by 200 units. What should be the overall effect on the
company's monthly operating profit of this change if fixed costs are unaffected?

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155.Explain the difference between the break-even point, the margin of safety, and operating

156.Explain the difference between total contribution margin and gross margin.

157.Why is it important for the profit equation to make a distinction between fixed and variable costs?

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158.Why is the time period so important for the definition of fixed costs?

159.Present the profit equation and define all of the terms.

160.Why and how do managers simplify analyses for achieving a given level of profit with two
products or services?

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161.Discuss the role of assumptions that decision makers must consider when relying on CVP

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Chapter 03 Fundamentals of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. Both total revenues (TR) and total costs (TC) are likely to be affected by changes in the


Fixed costs are not affected by changes in output, up to the point where capacity must be
changed, thereby changing fixed costs as well.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

2. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis assumes that the production volume equals sales volume
so that any changes in unit prices can be ignored.


A basic assumption of cost-volume-profit analysis is that changes in inventory are ignored, or

put another way, inventory is held constant.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

3. The total contribution margin is the unit contribution margin multiplied by the number of units
minus the fixed component of the total costs (TC).


The total contribution margin is the unit contribution margin multiplied by the number of units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

4. Profit is the unit contribution margin multiplied by the number of units minus the fixed
component of the total costs (TC).


It is true that profit is the unit contribution margin multiplied by the number of units minus the
fixed component of the total costs (TC).

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

5. If the average selling price is $.60 per unit, the average variable cost is $.36 per unit, and the
total fixed costs are $1,500, then sales of 15,000 units will result in operating profits of $3,600.


($.60 - .36) × 15,000 - 1,500 = $2,100.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

6. The average selling price is $.60 per unit, the average variable cost is $.36 per unit, and the
total fixed costs are $1,500. If operating profits of $900 are desired, a sales volume of 2,500
units is necessary.


($1,500 + 900)/($0.60 - .36) = 10,000 units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

7. The contribution margin ratio is the contribution margin per unit divided by the selling price per


The statement made in the question is a definition of the contribution margin ratio.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

8. If the fixed costs are $2,400, targeted operating profits is $1,200, selling price per unit is $2,

and the contribution margin ratio is 40%, then the required sales volume is 9,000 units.


($2,400 + 1,200)/40% = $9,000; this is dollars, not units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
9. The break-even point in sales dollars is fixed costs divided by the contribution margin ratio.


The statement made in the question is a definition of the break-even.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

10. An organization's operating leverage is high when it has a low proportion of variable costs in
its total costs.


Low variable costs and higher fixed cost cause an organization's operating leverage to be


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
11. An increase in the selling price per unit will decrease an organization's operating leverage,
assuming sales unit volume doesn't change and there are no other changes in its cost


The operating leverage will decrease, even though the total cost structure does not change,
because the fixed cost decline relative to selling price.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

12. The break-even point for an organization with a low operating leverage will be relatively higher

than the break-even point for an organization with a high operating leverage.


A low operating leverage has lower fixed costs and higher variable costs; therefore, the break-
even point will be lower.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
13. An increase in an organization's fixed costs will result in a lower margin of safety, assuming all
other costs and sales remain unchanged.


This is due to an upward shift in the fixed and total cost curves relative to the revenue curve,
driving the break-even point out; thereby, reducing the difference (margin of safety) between
break-even and the point of actual performance.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

14. Microsoft Excel® is ideally suited for analyzing alternative CVP scenarios using its "What-If

Analysis" function.


Microsoft Excel® is ideally suited for performing CVP analyses routinely and alternative
scenarios using its "What-If" funtionality.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-03 Use Microsoft Excel to perform CVP analysis.
Topic: CVP Analysis with Spreadsheets

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McGraw-Hill Education.
15. Microsoft Excel® cannot be used to find break-even points.


Microsoft Excel® can be used to perform break-even analyses, as well as more complicated

CVP relationships.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-03 Use Microsoft Excel to perform CVP analysis.
Topic: CVP Analysis with Spreadsheets

16. An increase in an organization's tax rate will cause an increase in its break-even point.


Taxes have no impact on the break-even point because breakeven is calculated on before-tax


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
17. Before-tax operating profits are equal to the after-tax operating profits divided by (1 - tax rate).


After-tax profit = before-tax profit - before-tax profit × tax rate.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

18. If an organization's fixed costs are $2,400, tax rate is 40%, and contribution margin is $5,200,
then its after-tax operating profits are $1,680.


$5,200 - 2,400 = 2,800 - (2,800 × 40%) = $1,680.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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19. If the fixed costs are $2,400, targeted before-tax operating profit is $1,200, tax rate is 25%,
selling price per unit is $2, and contribution margin ratio is 40%, then the sales volume is
9,000 units.


(2,400 + 1,200)/(2 × 40%) = 4,500 units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

20. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is more complicated for organizations with multiple products

because typically each product has a different contribution margin ratio.


Multiple products makes it necessary to develop a weighted-average contribution margin in

order to calculate break even.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
21. The Frances Manufacturing Company sells two products, FRN and CES. FRN has a higher
contribution margin ratio than CES. If the product mix shifts towards CES, the company's
break-even point in total units (i.e., FRN plus CES) will increase.


The weighted-average contribution margin will be less when the sales mix shifts to the lower
profit product.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

22. In multi-product cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, the fixed product mix method and the

weighted-average contribution margin method yield different break-even points.


Both methods yield the same result.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
23. The more important the decision, the more the manager will want to ensure that the
assumptions made for CVP analysis are applicable.


The results of the CVP analysis are only as good as the assumptions the cost analyst makes.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-05 Understand the assumptions and limitations of CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

24. The best course of action in sensitive decisions is that the manager should depend upon the
cost analyst's CVP analysis without considering alternative assumptions.


In CVP analysis, if the decisions are sensitive to the assumptions made (for example, that
prices do not depend on volume), the manager should be cautious about depending on CVP

analysis without considering alternative assumptions.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-05 Understand the assumptions and limitations of CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Multiple Choice Questions

25. The difference between total sales in dollars and total variable costs is called:

A. operating profit.

B. net profit.

C. the gross margin.

D. the contribution margin.

Contribution margin = Total sales - Total variable costs.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
26. The following information pertains to Tiller Co.:

Sales $800,000

Variable Costs 160,000

Fixed Costs 40,000

What is Tiller's break-even point in sales dollars? (CPA adapted)

A. $200,000.

B. $160,000.

C. $50,000.

D. $40,000.

($800,000 - 160,000)/$800,000 = 80%; $40,000/.80 = $50,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
27. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is a simple but powerful tool to assist management in
making operating decisions. Which of the following does not represent a potential use of CVP

A. Ability to compute the break-even point.

B. Ability to determine optimal sales volumes.

C. Aids in evaluating tax planning alternatives.

D. Aids in determining optimal pricing policies.

CVP analysis addresses pricing and volume, but it does not address tax planning.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

28. Which of the following would not cause the break-even point to change?

A. Sales price increases.

B. Fixed cost decreases.

C. Sales volume decreases.

D. Variable costs per unit increases.

Sales volume is not a component of the break-even point, rather it is the solution - what we
are attempting to find.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

29. If the fixed costs for a product decrease and the variable costs (as a percentage of sales
dollars) decrease, what will be the effect on the contribution margin ratio and the break-even

point, respectively?

Contribution Margin Ratio Break-even Point

A. Decreased Increased

B. Increased Decreased

C. Decreased Decreased

D. Increased Increased

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

If VC decreases, CM% increases, if FC decreases, the break-even will also decrease.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

30. The Skyways Company is currently selling its single product for $15. Variable costs are
estimated to remain at 70% of the current selling price and fixed costs are estimated to be

$4,800 per month. If Skyways increases its selling price by 10%, its variable cost ratio will:

A. not change

B. decrease

C. increase

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

$15(.70) = $10.50 is variable cost; $15(1.10) = $16.50 is the increased selling price;
$10.50/$16.50 = 63.6% (vs. 70%) is the new variable cost ratio (vs. the current variable cost


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
31. Cost A is a fixed cost, while B is a variable cost. During the current year, the volume of output
has decreased. In terms of cost per unit of output, we would expect that:

A. cost A has remained unchanged.

B. cost B has decreased.

C. cost A has decreased.

D. cost B has remained unchanged.

Variable cost per unit has remained constant, while fixed cost in total remains unchanged but
has increased on a per unit basis.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

32. If both the variable cost per unit and the selling price per unit decrease, the new contribution

margin ratio in relation to the old contribution margin ratio will be:

A. Lower.

B. Higher.

C. Unchanged.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

In order to make a decision, we need to know the amount or percentage of change.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

33. A company's break-even point will not be increased by:

A. an increase in total fixed costs.

B. a decrease in the selling price per unit.

C. an increase in the variable cost per unit.

D. an increase in the number of units produced and sold.

Units sold do not affect the break-even point; instead, they indicate where we are on the
revenue curve and the margin of safety.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
34. Which of the following changes to a company's contribution income statement will always
lower the break-even point (either in units or in dollars)?

A. Sales price increases by 10%.

B. Sales price decreases by 5%.

C. Variable costs increase by 10% and fixed costs decrease by 5%.

D. Variable costs decrease by 5% and fixed costs increase by 10%.

A sales price increase or a variable cost decrease will always lower the break-even point.
Variable costs decrease by 5% and fixed costs increase by 10% will depend upon the relative

size of the fixed costs.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
35. At a break-even point of 400 units, variable costs were $400 and fixed costs were $200. What
will the 401st unit sold contribute to operating profits before income taxes?

A. $0.50

B. $1.00

C. $1.50

D. $2.00

$400 variable costs + $200 fixed costs at break-even makes sales $600/400 units = $1.50 a
unit - $1.00 variable costs per unit = $0.50 profit per unit.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
36. Dartmount Corporation has provided its contribution format income statement for June. The
company produces and sells a single product.

Sales (2,900 units) $269,700

Variable costs 107,300

Contribution margin 162,400

Fixed costs 137,100

Operating profit $25,300

If the company sells 3,100 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to:

A. $27,045.

B. $181,000.

C. $162,400.

D. $173,600.

See calculation below.

Sales (3,100 units)* $288,300

Variable costs 114,700

Contribution margin 173,600

Fixed costs 137,100

Operating profit $36,500

*Sales $269,700 ÷ 2,900 = $93.00 per unit

Variable costs $107,300 ÷ 2,900 = $37.00 per unit

Sales 3,100 units × $93 per unit = $288,300

Variable costs (Manufacturing) 3,100 units × $37 per unit = $114,700

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
37. Goodson Inc. produces and sells a single product. The company has provided its contribution
format income statement for March.

Sales (4,500 units) $427,500

Variable costs 265,500

Contribution margin 162,000

Fixed costs 135,300

Operating profit $26,700

If the company sells 4,300 units, its operating profit should be closest to:

A. $7,700.

B. $25,513.

C. $26,700.

D. $19,500.

See calculation below.

Sales (4,300 units)* $408,500

Variable costs 253,700

Contribution margin 154,800

Fixed costs 135,300

Operating profit $19,500

*Sales $427,500 ÷ 4,500 = $95.00 per unit

Variable costs (Manufacturing) $265,500 ÷ 4,500 = $59.00 per unit
Sales 4,300 units × $95.00 per unit = $408,500
Variable costs (Manufacturing) 4,300 units × $59.00 per unit = $253,700

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

38. The contribution margin ratio is 25% for Crowne Company and the break-even point in sales is
$200,000. If Crowne Company's target operating profit is $60,000, sales would have to be:

A. $260,000.

B. $440,000.

C. $280,000.

D. $240,000.

See calculation below.

Revised sales = (Target operating profit ÷ Contribution margin ratio) + Break-even sales

= $60,000 ÷ 25%
= $240,000 + $200,000 = $440,000 total sales

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
39. Opal Company manufactures a single product that it sells for $90 per unit and has a
contribution margin ratio of 35%. The company's fixed costs are $46,800. If Opal desires a
monthly target operating profit equal to 15% of sales, sales will have to be (rounded):

A. 1,486 units.

B. 3,467 units.

C. 1,040 units.

D. 2,600 units.

See calculation below.

Sales = Variable cost + Fixed cost + Target profit

X = .65X + $46,800 + .15X = $46,800

.2X = $46,800

X = $234,000

$234,000 ÷ $90 per unit = 2,600 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
40. Razor Inc. manufactures industrial components. One of its products used as a subcomponent
in auto manufacturing is Fluoro2211. The selling price and cost per unit data for 9,000 units of
Fluoro2211 are as follows.

Per Unit Data

Selling Price $150

Direct Materials 20

Direct Labor 15

Variable Manufacturing Overhead 12

Fixed Manufacturing Overhead 30

Variable Selling 3

Fixed Selling and Administrative 10

Total Costs 90

Operating Margin $60

During the next year, sales of Fluoro2211 are expected to be 10,000 units. All costs will

remain the same except for fixed manufacturing overhead, which will increase by 20%, and

material, which will increase by 10%. The selling price per unit for next year will be $160.

Based on these data, Razor Inc.'s total contribution margin for next year will be: (CMA


A. $882,000.

B. $980,000.

C. $972,000.

D. $1,080,000.

[($160 - 22 - 15 - 12 - 3)10,000 units] = $1,080,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

41. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and
slogans. Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them
was $2.25 per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net

income last year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the
following: (CMA adapted)

• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third

• Fixed costs will increase by 10%

• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

The selling price that would maintain the same contribution margin ratio as last year is:

A. $9.00.

B. $8.25.

C. $10.00.

D. $9.50.

If variable cost increases by 1/3, then the selling price must also increase by 1/3 to maintain
the same contribution margin ratio. $7.50 = 1.333 × $7.50 = $10.00.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

42. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and
slogans. Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them

was $2.25 per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net
income last year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the

following: (CMA adapted)

• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third
• Fixed costs will increase by 10%
• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

Based on a $10 selling price per unit, the number of T-shirts Dorcan Corporation must sell to
break-even in the coming year is:

A. 17,000 units.

B. 16,500 units.

C. 20,000 units.

D. 22,000 units.

FC (last year) = ($7.50 - 2.25) × 20,000 units = $105,000; FC (this year) = $105,000 × 1.10 =
$115,500/(10 - 3) = 16,500 units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
43. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and
slogans. Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them

was $2.25 per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net
income last year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the
following: (CMA adapted)

• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third

• Fixed costs will increase by 10%

• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

Sales for the coming year are expected to exceed last year's by 1,000 units. If this occurs,

Dorcan's sales volume in the coming year will be:

A. 22,600 units.

B. 21,960 units.

C. 23,400 units.

D. 21,000 units.

$5,040/(1 - .40) = $8,400; ($105,000 + $8,400)/($7.50 - 2.25) = 21,600 units sold last year
21,600 + 1,000 = 22,600 units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
44. Dorcan Corporation manufactures and sells T-shirts imprinted with college names and
slogans. Last year, the shirts sold for $7.50 each, and the variable cost to manufacture them
was $2.25 per unit. The company needed to sell 20,000 shirts to break-even. The after tax net

income last year was $5,040. Donnelly's expectations for the coming year include the
following: (CMA adapted)

• The sales price of the T-shirts will be $9

• Variable cost to manufacture will increase by one-third

• Fixed costs will increase by 10%

• The income tax rate of 40% will be unchanged.

Based on a $10 selling price per unit and if Dorcan Corporation wishes to earn $37,800 in
after tax net income for the coming year, the company's sales volume in dollars must be:

A. $213,750.

B. $257,625.

C. $207,000.

D. $255,000.

$37,800/(1 - .40) = $63,000; ($115,500 + $63,000)/($10 - 3) = 25,500 units; 25,500 × $10 =


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
45. Lamar has the following data:

Selling Price $40

Variable manufacturing cost $22

Fixed manufacturing cost $150,000

Variable selling &

administrative costs

Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

How many units must Lamar produce and sell in order to break-even?

A. 8,333 units.

B. 12,500 units.

C. 15,000 units.

D. 22,500 units.

($150,000 + 120,000)/($40 - 22 - 6) = 22,500 units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
46. Lamar has the following data:

Selling Price $40

Variable manufacturing cost $22

Fixed manufacturing cost $150,000

Variable selling &

administrative costs

Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

How many units must Lamar produce and sell in order to achieve a profit of $30,000 per


A. 10,000 units.

B. 8,824 units.

C. 25,000 units.

D. 15,000 units.

($150,000 + 120,000 + 30,000)/($40 - 22 - 6) = 25,000 units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
47. Lamar has the following data:

Selling Price $40

Variable manufacturing cost $22

Fixed manufacturing cost $150,000

Variable selling &

administrative costs

Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

If Lamar produces and sells 30,000 units, what is the margin of safety in units?

A. 5,000 units.

B. 7,500 units.

C. 22,500 units.

D. 30,000 units.

30,000 - 22,500 = 7,500 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
48. Gardner Corporation manufactures skateboards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $1,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $250,000

Direct labor 150,000

Variable Overhead 75,000

Fixed Overhead 100,000 575,000

Gross Profit $925,000

Selling and G&A

Variable 200,000

Fixed 250,000 450,000

Operating Income $475,000

The break-even point (rounded to the nearest dollar) for Gardner Corporation for the current

year is:

A. $146,341.

B. $636,364.

C. $729,730.

D. $181,818.

$250,000 + 150,000 + 75,000 + 200,000 = $675,000 variable costs; ($1,500,000 -

675,000)/1,500,000 = 55% contribution margin; ($100,000 + 250,000)/.55 = $636,364 break-


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
49. Gardner Corporation manufactures skateboards and is in the process of preparing next year's
budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $1,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $250,000

Direct labor 150,000

Variable Overhead 75,000

Fixed Overhead 100,000 575,000

Gross Profit $925,000

Selling and General &

Admin. Exp.

Variable 200,000

Fixed 250,000 450,000

Operating Income $475,000

For the coming year, the management of Gardner Corporation anticipates a 10 percent

increase in sales, a 12 percent increase in variable costs, and a $45,000 increase in fixed

The break-even point for next year would be:

A. $729,027.

B. $862,103.

C. $214,018.

D. $474,000.

($1,500,000 × 1.10) - ($675,000 × 1.12)/$1,650,000 = .541818 contribution margin

($350,000 + 45,000)/.541818 = $729,027 break-even.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

50. You have been provided with the following information:

Per Unit Total

Sales $15 $45,000

Less variable expenses 9 27,000

Contribution margin 6 18,000

Less fixed expenses 12,000

Operating profit $6,000

If sales decrease by 500 units, how much will fixed costs have to be reduced by to maintain

the current operating profit of $6,000?

A. $9,000.

B. $7,500.

C. $6,000.

D. $3,000.

$45,000/$15 = 3,000 units - 500 units = 2,500 units × ($15 - $9) = $15,000 - $12,000 = $3,000
new profit. To maintain current profit level of $6,000 fixed costs will have to be reduced by


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze

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Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

51. Raines Company's sales are $750,000 with operating profits of $130,000. If the contribution

margin ratio is 40%, what did the fixed costs amount to?

A. $370,000.

B. $300,000.

C. $270,000.

D. $170,000.

($750,000 × .40) - FC = $130,000, FC = $170,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
52. The following costs have been estimated based on sales of 30,000 units:

Total Annual Percent That Is

Costs Variable

Direct materials $300,000 100%

Direct labor 250,000 100

250,000 50

Selling and
150,000 25

What selling price will yield a contribution margin of 40%?

A. $59.38

B. $43.75

C. $39.58

D. $33.25

$23.75 variable cost per unit/0.6 = $39.58

$39.58 (100%)
selling price;

23.75 (60%)
Less: VC

CM $15.84 (40%)

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AICPA: FN Decision Making

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

53. Gena Manufacturing Company has a fixed cost of $225,000 for the production of tubes.
Estimated sales are 150,000 units. A before tax profit of $125,000 is desired by the controller.

If the tubes sell for $5 each, what unit contribution margin is required to attain the profit

A. $3.00.

B. $2.33.

C. $1.47.

D. $.90.

($225,000 + $125,000)/150,000 = $2.33.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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54. At the break-even point, the total contribution margin equals total: (CPA adapted)

A. Variable costs.

B. Sales.

C. Selling and administrative costs.

D. Fixed costs.

This statement defines break-even (e.g., contribution margin - fixed costs = zero).

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
55. On January 1, 2016, Randolph Co. increased its direct labor wage rates. All other budgeted
costs and revenues were unchanged. How did this increase affect Randolph's budgeted
break-even point and budgeted margin of safety? (CPA adapted)

Budgeted Break-even Budgeted Margin of

Point Safety

A. Increase Increase

B. Increase Decrease

C. Decrease Decrease

D. Decrease Increase

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

Direct labor is a variable cost, so the unit contribution margin will decrease, increasing the
break-even point. Since break-even increases and sales are unchanged, the margin of safety


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
56. A company's break-even point will not be changed by:

A. a change in total fixed costs.

B. a change in the number of units produced and sold.

C. a change in the variable cost ratio.

D. a change in the contribution margin ratio.

Volume changes do not affect the break-even point.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

57. If both the variable cost per unit and the selling price per unit increase, the new contribution
margin ratio in relation to the old contribution margin ratio will be:

A. Lower.

B. Higher.

C. Unchanged.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

Need to know size of increase of each.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply

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Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
58. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next
year's budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General &

Admin. Exp.

Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

The contribution margin ratio for the current year is:

A. 53.6%.

B. 49.3%.

C. 46.4%.

D. 25%.

$500,000 + 250,000 + 275,000 + 750,000 = $1,775,000; ($3,500,000 - 1,775,000)/3,500,000 =


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
59. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next
year's budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General &

Admin. Exp.

Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

The break-even point (rounded to the nearest dollar) for Evergreen Corporation for the current

year is:

A. $2,625,000.

B. $1,865,672.

C. $1,724,138.

D. $2,155,172.

$500,000 + 250,000 + 275,000 + 750,000 = $1,775,000; ($3,500,000 - 1775,000)/3,500,000 =

($600,000 + 250,000)/.493 = $1,724,138.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
60. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next
year's budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General &

Admin. Exp.

Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

For the coming year, the management of Evergreen Corporation anticipates a 5 percent

decrease in sales, a 10 percent increase in all variable costs, and a $45,000 increase in fixed

The operating profit for next year would be:

A. $477,500.

B. $492,500.

C. $552,500.

D. $831,250.

($3,500,000 × .95) - ($1,775,000 × 1.10) - ($850,000 + 45,000) = $477,500.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
61. Evergreen Corporation manufactures circuit boards and is in the process of preparing next
year's budget. The pro forma income statement for the current year is presented below.

Sales $3,500,000

Cost of sales:

Direct Material $500,000

Direct labor 250,000

Variable Overhead 275,000

Fixed Overhead 600,000 1,625,000

Gross Profit $1,875,000

Selling and General &

Admin. Exp.

Variable 750,000

Fixed 250,000 1,000,000

Operating Income $875,000

For the coming year, the management of Evergreen Corporation anticipates a 5 percent

decrease in sales, a 10 percent increase in variable costs, and a $45,000 increase in fixed

The break-even point for next year would be:

A. $3,022,500.

B. $2,947,500.

C. $2,668,750.

D. $2,168,225.

($3,500,000 × .95) - ($1,775,000 × 1.10)/($3,500,000 × .95) = .41278;

($850,000 + 45,000)/.41278 = $2,168,225.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

62. You have been provided with the following information:

Per Unit Total

Sales $15 $45,000

Less variable expenses 9 27,000

Contribution margin 6 18,000

Less fixed expenses 12,000

Operating profit $6,000

If unit sales decrease by 10%, how much will fixed costs have to be reduced by to maintain

the current operating profit?

A. $12,000.

B. $4,500.

C. $6,000.

D. $1,800.

$45,000/15 = 3,000 units; [($15 - 9)(3,000 × .9)] - FC = $6,000; FC = $10,200; thus FC will
have to decrease by $1,800.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

63. You have been provided with the following information:


Sales $90,000

Less Variable expenses 54,000

Contribution margin 36,000

Less fixed expenses 24,000

Operating profit $12,000

If sales decrease by 10%, what level of fixed costs will maintain the current operating profit?

A. $12,000.

B. $20,400.

C. $21,600.

D. $24,000.

$36,000 × .9 - 12,000 = $20,400.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
64. You have been provided with the following information:


Sales $90,000

Less Variable expenses 54,000

Contribution margin 36,000

Less fixed expenses 24,000

Operating profit $12,000

If sales increase by 10%, what level of fixed costs will yield a 20% increase in profits?

A. $14,400.

B. $19,200.

C. $25,200.

D. $26,400.

($36,000 × 1.1) - (12,000 × 1.2) = $25,200.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
65. With regard to the CVP graph, which of the following statements is not correct?

A. The CVP graph assumes that volume is the only factor affecting total cost.

B. The CVP graph assumes that selling prices do not change.

C. The CVP graph assumes that variable costs go down as volume goes up.

D. The CVP graph assumes that fixed costs are constant in total within the relevant range.

Total variable costs go up as volume goes up.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
66. Tower Company manufactures and sells a single product with a positive contribution margin. If
the selling price and the variable cost per unit both increase 5% and fixed costs do not
change, what is the effect on the contribution margin per unit and the contribution margin


Contribution margin per Contribution margin

unit ratio

A. No change No change

B. Increase Increase

C. Increase No change

D. Increase Decrease

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

The contribution margin per unit increases and there is no change in the contribution margin


For example: Static 5% Change

Selling price $100 $105

Variable cost 60 63

Contribution margin $40 $42

Contribution margin per unit Increase

Contribution margin ratio 40% 40%

Contribution margin per unit No change

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AACSB: Reflective Thinking
AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

67. Which of the following formulas is used to calculate the contribution margin ratio?

A. (Sales - Fixed costs) ÷ Sales.

B. (Sales - Cost of goods sold) ÷ Sales.

C. (Sales - Variable costs) ÷ Sales.

D. (Sales - Total costs) ÷ Sales.

(Sales - Variable costs) ÷ Sales.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
68. Flower Company manufactures and sells a single product that has a positive contribution
margin. If the selling price and variable costs both decrease by 5% and fixed costs do not
change, then what would be the effect on the contribution margin per unit and the contribution

margin ratio?

Contribution margin per Contribution margin

unit ratio

A. Decrease Decrease

B. Decrease No change

C. No change Decrease

D. No change No change

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

The contribution margin per unit decreases and there is no change in the contribution margin


For example: Static 5% Change

Selling price $100 $95

Variable cost 60 57

Contribution margin $40 $38

Contribution margin per unit Decrease

Contribution margin ratio 40% 40%

Contribution margin per unit No change

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

69. If Q equals the level of output, P is the selling price per unit, V is the variable cost per unit, and
F is the fixed cost, then the break-even point in units is:

A. Q ÷ (P - V).

B. F ÷ (P - V).

C. V ÷ (P - V).

D. F ÷ [Q(P - V)].

Unit sales to break-even = Fixed costs ÷ Unit CM or F ÷ (P - V).

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
70. Which of the following would not cause the break-even point to change?

A. Sales price increases.

B. Sales volume increases.

C. Fixed cost increases.

D. Variable costs per unit decreases.

Volume changes do not affect the break-even point.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

71. Which of the following would not cause the break-even point to change?

A. Variable costs per unit increases.

B. Fixed costs increases.

C. Product mix shifts towards the more expensive products.

D. Sales volume decreases.

Volume changes do not affect the break-even point.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

72. If the fixed costs for a product increase and the variable costs (as a percentage of sales
dollars) increase, what will be the effect on the contribution margin ratio and the break-even
point, respectively?

Contribution Margin Ratio Break-even Point

A. Decrease Increase

B. Increase Decrease

C. Decrease Decrease

D. Increase Increase

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

A variable cost increase will decrease CM%; a fixed cost increase will increase the break-even

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
73. A company's break-even point will not be increased by:

A. an increase in the number of units produced and sold.

B. a decrease in the selling price per unit.

C. an increase in the variable cost per unit.

D. an increase in the variable cost ratio.

Volume changes do not affect the break-even point.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
74. Obtuse Company's fixed costs total $150,000, its variable cost ratio is 60% and its variable
costs are $4.50 per unit. Based on this information, the break-even point in units is:

A. 50,000.

B. 37,500.

C. 33,333.

D. 100,000.

See calculation below.

Contribution margin = Sales - Variable cost ratio

= 100% - 60%

= 40% contribution margin

Dollar sales to break even = Fixed costs ÷ CM ratio

= $150,000 ÷ 40% = $375,000 sales

Sales price per unit = Variable cost per unit ÷ Variable cost ratio

= $4.50 ÷ 60%

= $7.50 sales price per unit

$375,000 ÷ $7.50 = 50,000 unit break-even point

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
75. Bargain Company's contribution margin ratio is 15%. If the degree of operating leverage is 12
at the $150,000 sales level, operating profit at the $150,000 sales level must equal:

A. $1,500.

B. $2,700.

C. $2,160.

D. $1,875.

See calculation below.

Operating profit percentage = Contribution margin ratio ÷ Operating leverage

= 15% ÷ 12

= 1.25%
= 1.25% × $150,000

= $1,875 operating profit

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
76. Operating leverage refers to the extent to which an organization's cost structure is made up

A. differential costs.

B. opportunity costs.

C. fixed costs.

D. relevant costs.

Operating leverage is determined by the cost structure of the organization, the amount of the
fixed versus variable costs.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

77. A decrease in the margin of safety would be caused by a(n):

A. increase in the total fixed costs.

B. increase in total revenue (sales).

C. decrease in the break-even point.

D. decrease in the variable cost per unit.

An increase in fixed costs will increase the break-even point which lowers the margin of safety,
all the other choices decrease the break-even point.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

78. Given the following data:

Per Unit Total

Sales $15 $45,000

Less variable expenses 9 27,000

Contribution margin 6 18,000

Less fixed expenses 12,000

Net income $6,000

If sales decrease by 500 units, by what percent would fixed costs have to be reduced by to

maintain current net income?

A. 50.0%.

B. 33.3%.

C. 25.0%.

D. 16.7%.

$45,000/15 = 3,000 units; [($15 - 9) × (3,000 - 500)] - FC = $6,000; FC = $9,000; thus FC will
have to decrease by $3,000; $3,000/12,000 = 25%.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

79. The following pertains to Upton Co. for the year ending December 31, 2016:

Budgeted Sales $1,000,000

Break-even Sales 700,000

Budgeted Contribution Margin 600,000

Cashflow Break-even 200,000

Upton's margin of safety is: (CPA adapted)

A. $300,000.

B. $400,000.

C. $500,000.

D. $800,000.

$1,000,000 - $700,000 = $300,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
80. The margin of safety percentage is computed as:

A. Break-even sales ÷ Total sales.

B. Total sales - Break-even sales.

C. (Total sales - Break-even sales) ÷ Break-even sales.

D. (Total sales - Break-even sales) ÷ Total sales.

Margin of safety percentage = Margin of safety in dollars ÷ Total budgeted (or actual) sales

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

81. The amount by which a company's sales can decline before losses are incurred is called the:

A. contribution margin ratio.

B. degree of operating leverage.

C. margin of safety.

D. profit loss.

This is a basic description for margin of safety.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

82. The degree of operating leverage can be calculated as:

A. contribution margin divided by sales.

B. gross margin divided by operating profit.

C. operating profit divided by sales.

D. contribution margin divided by operating profit.

Degree of operating leverage = Contribution margin ÷ Operating profit.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
83. All other things the same, which of the following would be true of the contribution margin and
variable costs of a company with high fixed costs and low variable costs as compared to a
company with low fixed costs and high variable costs?

Contribution Margin Variable Costs

A. Higher Higher

B. Lower Higher

C. Higher Lower

D. Lower Lower

A. Option A

B. Option B

C. Option C

D. Option D

The contribution margin would be higher and the variable costs would be lower.

For example: Alt. 1 Alt. 2

Selling price $500 $500

Variable cost 100 300

Contribution margin $400 $200

Fixed Costs 300 100

Contribution Margin Higher

Variable Costs Lower

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

84. Corey Company has a margin of safety percentage of 20%. The break-even point is $200,000

and the variable costs are 45% of sales. Given this information, the operating profit is:

A. $27,500

B. $18,000

C. $22,500

D. $22,000

$200,000 ÷ (1 - .20) = $250,000; ($250,000 - 200,000) × (1 - .45) = $27,500.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
85. Luxus, Inc. employs 45 sales personnel to market its line of luxury automobiles. The average
car sells for $23,000, and a 6 percent commission is paid to the salesperson. Luxus Motors is
considering a change to the commission arrangement where the company would pay each

salesperson a salary of $2,000 per month plus a commission of 2 percent of the sales made
by that salesperson. The amount of total monthly car sales at which Luxus Motors would be

indifferent as to which plan to select is:

A. $2,250,000.

B. $3,000,000.

C. $1,500,000.

D. $1,250,000.

($2,000 × 45) + (.02)(total revenue) = (.06)(total revenue); $90,000 + .02TR = .06TR; $90,000

= .04TR; TR = $90,000/.04 = $2,250,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
86. Given the following information:

Sales $5,000

Fixed Expenses 2,000

Variable Expenses 1,750

What would expected net income be if the company experienced a 10 percent increase in

fixed costs and a 10 percent increase in sales volume?

A. $1,750.

B. $1,550.

C. $1,250.

D. $1,375.

[($5,000 - $1,750)(1.10)] - [($2,000)(1.10)] = $1,375.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
87. The Terrence Co. manufactures two products, Baubles and Trinkets. The following are
projections for the coming year:

Baubles Trinkets

10,000 units 5,000 units

Sales 10,000 10,000


Fixed $2,000 $4,600

Variable 6,000 8,000 4,000 8,600


before $2,000 $1,400


How many Baubles will be sold at the break-even point, assuming that the facilities are jointly

used with the sales mix remaining constant?

A. 9,900

B. 8,800

C. 6,600

D. 5,000

Baubles CM: ($10,000 - 6,000)/10,000 units = $0.40/unit; Trinkets: ($10,000 - 4,000)/5,000

units = $1.20/unit;
Sales mix 2 Bauble: 1 Trinket; CM per bundle = 2 × $0.40 + 1 × $1.20 = $2.00/bundle; Fixed
cost = $2,000 + 4,600 = $6,600; Break-even: $6,600/$2 = 3,300 bundles; Baubles: 2 × 3,300

bundles = 6,600 units.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

88. During 2016, Seth Britain Lab supplied hospitals with a comprehensive diagnostic kit for $120.

At a volume of 80,000 kits, Seth had fixed costs of $1,000,000 and a profit before income
taxes of $200,000. Due to an adverse legal decision, Seth's 2017 liability insurance increased

by $1,200,000 over 2016. Assuming the volume and other costs are unchanged, what should
the 2017 price be if Seth is to make the same $200,000 profit before income taxes? (CPA

A. $122.50.

B. $135.00.

C. $152.50.

D. $240.00.

2016 CM% is 12.5% ($15/$120). 2017 CM = $2,400,000 ($1,000,000 + $200,000; 2017 CM

per unit = $2,400,000/80,000 units = $30 CM per unit; 2017 selling price per unit = $30/.125 =


Sales = $19,200,000 ($240 × 80,000)

Less VC = $16,800,000 ($210 × 80,000)
CM = $2,400,000 ($30 × 80,000)

Less FC = $2,200,000 ($1,000,000 + $1,200,000)

IBT = $200,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

89. Honeysuckle Manufacturing has the following data:

Selling Price $60

Variable manufacturing cost $33

Fixed manufacturing cost $250,000

Variable selling &

administrative costs

Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

What dollar sales volume does Honeysuckle need to break even?

A. $822,222.

B. $833,333.

C. $900,000.

D. $1,233,333.

($60 - 33 - 9)/$60 = 30%; ($250,000 + 120,000)/30% = $1,233,333.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
90. Honeysuckle Manufacturing has the following data:

Selling Price $60

Variable manufacturing cost $33

Fixed manufacturing cost $250,000

Variable selling &

administrative costs

Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

What dollar sales volume does Honeysuckle need to achieve a $50,000 operating profit per


A. $1,400,000.

B. $7,560,000.

C. $933,333.

D. $1,233,333.

($60 - 33 - 9)/$60 = 30%; ($250,000 + 120,000 + 50,000)/30% = $1,400,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
91. Honeysuckle Manufacturing has the following data:

Selling Price $60

Variable manufacturing cost $33

Fixed manufacturing cost $250,000

Variable selling &

administrative costs

Fixed selling & administrative per

costs month

If Honeysuckle has actual monthly sales of $1,500,000 and desires an operating profit of

$50,000 per month, what is the margin of safety in sales dollars?

A. $100,000.

B. $266,667.

C. $50,000.

D. $1,130,000.

($60 - 33 - 9)/$60 = 30%; BE = ($250,000 + 120,000)/30% = $1,233,333; $1,500,000 -

1,233,333 = $266,667.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
92. Market Sales had $1,200,000 in sales last month. The variable cost ratio was 60% and
operating profits were $80,000. What is Market's break-even sales volume?

A. $800,000.

B. $1,000,000.

C. $1,200,000.

D. $2,000,000.

Fixed costs = $1,200,000 × (1 - .6) - 80,000 = $400,000; $400,000/(1 - .6) = $1,000,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
93. Market Sales had $1,200,000 in sales last month. The variable cost ratio was 60% and
operating profits were $80,000. What sales volume does Market's need to yield a $200,000
operating profit?

A. $1,000,000.

B. $1,200,000.

C. $1,500,000.

D. $2,000,000.

Fixed costs = $1,200,000 × (1 - .6) - 80,000 = $400,000; ($400,000 + 200,000)/(1 - .6) =


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
94. Market Sales had $1,200,000 in sales last month. The variable cost ratio was 60% and
operating profits were $80,000. What is Market's margin of safety in sales dollars?

A. $200,000.

B. $300,000.

C. $500,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

Fixed costs = $1,200,000 × (1 - .6) - 80,000 = $400,000; $400,000/(1 - .6) = $1,000,000;

$1,200,000 - 1,000,000 = $200,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
95. Artis Sales has two store locations. Store A has fixed costs of $125,000 per month and a
variable cost ratio of 60%. Store B has fixed costs of $200,000 per month and a variable cost
ratio of 30%. At what sales volume would the two stores have equal profits or losses?

A. $250,000.

B. $325,000.

C. $361,111.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

(1 - .6)TR - $125,000 = (1 - .3)TR - $200,000; $75,000 = .3TR; TR = $250,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
96. Artis Sales has two store locations. Store A has fixed costs of $125,000 per month and a
variable cost ratio of 60%. Store B has fixed costs of $200,000 per month and a variable cost
ratio of 30%. What is the break-even sales volume for Store B?

A. $666,667.

B. $325,000.

C. $285,714.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

$200,000/(1 - .3) = $285,714.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
97. Artis Sales has two store locations. Store A has fixed costs of $125,000 per month and a
variable cost ratio of 60%. Store B has fixed costs of $200,000 per month and a variable cost
ratio of 30%. What is the break-even sales volume for Store A?

A. $208,333.

B. $312,500.

C. $325,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

$125,000/(1 - .6) = $312,500.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
98. Liu Sales has two store locations. Sanford has fixed costs of $250,000 per month and a
contribution margin ratio of 35%. Orlando has fixed costs of $400,000 per month and a
contribution margin ratio of 65%. At what sales volume would the two stores have equal profits

or losses?

A. $500,000.

B. $650,000.

C. $1,300,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

.35TR - $250,000 = .65TR - $400,000; $150,000 = .3TR; TR = $500,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

99. A company's break-even point will not be changed by:

A. a change in total fixed costs.

B. a change in the selling price per unit.

C. a change in the variable cost per unit.

D. a change in the income tax rate.

Income taxes do not affect the break-even point; taxes are based on before tax profit.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

100. Lake Sales had $2,200,000 in sales last month. The contribution margin ratio was 30% and
operating profits were $180,000. What is Lake's break-even sales volume?

A. $660,000.

B. $1,540,000.

C. $1,600,000.

D. $2,020,000.

Fixed costs = $2,200,000 × .3 - 180,000 = $480,000; $480,000/.3 = $1,600,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
101. Lake Sales had $2,200,000 in sales last month. The contribution margin ratio was 30% and
operating profits were $180,000. What sales volume does Lake's need to yield a $240,000
operating profit?

A. $600,000.

B. $2,020,000.

C. $2,400,000.

D. $2,440,000.

Fixed costs = $2,200,000 × .3 - 180,000 = $480,000; ($480,000 + 240,000)/.3 = $2,400,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
102. Lake Sales had $2,200,000 in sales last month. The contribution margin ratio was 30% and
operating profits were $180,000. What is Lake's margin of safety in sales dollars?

A. $480,000.

B. $600,000.

C. $2,020,000.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

Fixed costs = $2,200,000 × .3 - 180,000 = $480,000; $480,000/.3 = $1,600,000; $2,200,000 -

1,600,000 = $600,000.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
103. Eastwick produces and sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $100,000 $200,000 $200,000

Variable costs 40,000 140,000 80,000

Fixed costs total $200,000. What is Eastwick's break-even sales volume? (Assume the

current product mix.)

A. $500,000.

B. $416,667.

C. $384,615.

D. $460,000.

CM = (100,000 - 40,000) + (200,000 - 140,000) + (200,000 - 80,000) = $240,000; CM% =

240,000/500,000 = 48%;
BE = $200,000/.48 = $416,667.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
104. Eastwick produces and sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $100,000 $200,000 $200,000

Variable costs 40,000 140,000 80,000

Fixed costs total $200,000. What is Eastwick's margin of safety? (Assume the current product


A. $83,333.

B. $40,000.

C. $460,000.

D. $115,385.

CM = (100,000 - 40,000) + (200,000 - 140,000) + (200,000 - 80,000) = $240,000; CM% =

240,000/500,000 = 48%;
BE = $200,000/.48 = $416,667; $500,000 - 416,667 = $83,333.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
105. Eastwick produces and sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $100,000 $200,000 $200,000

Variable costs 40,000 140,000 80,000

Fixed costs total $200,000. What sales volume would generate an operating profit of

$150,000? (Assume the current product mix.)

A. $650,000.

B. $610,000.

C. $729,167.

D. $850,000.

CM = (100,000 - 40,000) + (200,000 - 140,000) + (200,000 - 80,000) = $240,000; CM% =

240,000/500,000 = 48%;
($200,000 + 150,000)/.48 = $729,167.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
106. A company has provided the following data:

Sales 3,000 Units

Sales price $70 per unit

Variable cost $50 per unit

Fixed cost $25,000

If the sales volume decreases by 25%, the variable cost per unit increases by 15%, and all
other factors remain the same, operating profit will:

A. decrease by $31,875.

B. decrease by $15,000.

C. increase by $20,625.

D. decrease by $3,125.

See calculation below.

Contribution Income Statement

Current v. Changes

Volume1 3,000 2,250

Sales $210,000 $157,500

Variable costs2 150,000 129,375

Contribution margin 60,000 28,125

Fixed costs 25,000 25,000

Operating profit3 $35,000 $3,125

1Decrease in sales volume 3,000 units × 75% = 2,250

2Increase in variable costs $50 × 115% = $57.50
3Decrease in operating profit $35,000 - $3,125 = $31,875

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
107. Winters Company sells three products. Sales and contribution margin ratios for the three
products follow:

Product Product Product


Sales in dollars $20,000 $40,000 $100,000

Contribution margin
45% 40% 15%

Given these data, the contribution margin ratio for the company as a whole would be:

A. 25%.

B. 75%.

C. 33.3%.

D. Cannot determine with the information given.

See calculation below.

Product Product Product


Sales in
$20,000 $40,000 $100,000 $160,000
dollars (a)


margin ratio 45% 40% 15% 25%



margin (a) × $9,000 $16,000 $15,000 $40,000


AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

108. Break-even analysis assumes that:

A. total costs are constant.

B. the average fixed cost per unit is constant.

C. the average variable cost per unit is constant.

D. variable costs are nonlinear.

The average variable cost per unit is constant.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-05 Understand the assumptions and limitations of CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
109. Break-even analysis assumes that over the relevant range: (CPA adapted)

A. Total Fixed Costs are nonlinear.

B. Total Costs are unchanged.

C. Unit Variable Costs are unchanged.

D. Unit Revenues are nonlinear.

The assumption is that over the relevant range unit variable costs remain unchanged or linear.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: automatic
Learning Objective: 03-05 Understand the assumptions and limitations of CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Essay Questions

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
110. You have been provided with the following information regarding the Omaha Manufacturing

Sales price $50

Variable manufacturing
cost per unit

Variable marketing cost

per unit

Fixed manufacturing

Fixed administrative

This information is based on forecasted sales of 30,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?

(b) What is the break-even point in units?

(c) If $180,000 of operating profit is desired, how many units must be sold?

(a) [($50 - 24 - 6) × 30,000] - ($360,000 + 80,000) = $160,000

(b) $440,000/$20 = 22,000 units

(c) ($440,000 + 180,000)/$20 = 31,000 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
111. Lincoln, Inc. is considering the introduction of a new music player with the following price and
cost characteristics:

Sales price $125 each

Variable costs 75 each

Fixed costs 180,000 per year

Projected sales are 7,500 units per year.


(consider each question independent of each other):

(a) What will the operating profit be?

(b) What is the impact on operating profit if the selling price per unit decreases by 15%?

(c) What is the net income if variable costs per unit increase by 15% and Lincoln has a 38%

tax rate?

(a) [($125 - 75)7,500] - 180,000 = $195,000

(b) [($106.25 - 75)7,500] - 180,000 = $54,375, a decrease of 72%

(c) {[($125 - 86.25)7,500] - 180,000]}(1 - .38) = $68,587.50

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
112. You have been provided with the following information regarding the Closure Manufacturing

Sales Price $50

Variable manufacturing cost per unit 24

Fixed manufacturing costs per unit 12

Variable marketing cost per unit 6

Fixed administrative costs per unit 3

This information is based on forecasted sales of 33,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?
(b) What is the break-even point in dollars?
(c) How much in sales dollars is required to generate an operating profit of $275,000?

(a) [($50 - 24 - 6) × 33,000] - ((12 + 3) × 33,000) = $165,000

(b) $495,000/(($50 - $30)/$50) = $1,237,500
(c) ($495,000 + 275,000)/.4 = $1,925,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
113. You have been provided with the following information regarding the Pharma Manufacturing

Sales Price $25

Variable manufacturing cost per unit 12

Variable marketing cost per unit 3

Fixed manufacturing costs 180,000

Fixed administrative costs 40,000

This information is based on forecasted sales of 25,000 units.


(a) What are the expected operating profits for the upcoming year?
(b) What is the break-even point in units?
(c) What is the break-even point in dollars?

(d) If $80,000 of operating profits is desired, how many units must be sold?
(e) How much in sales dollars is required to generate operating profits of $75,000?

(a) [($25 - 12 - 3) × 25,000] - (180,000 + 40,000) = $30,000

(b) $220,000/$10 = 22,000 units

(c) 22,000 × $25 = $550,000
(d) ($220,000 + 80,000)/10 = 30,000 units

(e) ($220,000 + 75,000)/10 = 29,500 units × $25 = $737,500

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
114. Chita Corporation produces and sells a single product. The company's contribution format
income statement for January appears below:

Sales (5,500 units) $297,000

Variable costs 165,000

Contribution margin 132,000

Fixed costs 105,300

Operating profit $26,700


Redo the company's contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells

5,700 units.

Sales (5,700 units) $307,800

Variable costs 171,000

Contribution margin 136,800

Fixed costs 105,300

Operating profit $31,500

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
115. Folsom Inc., which produces and sells a single product, has provided the following contribution
format income statement for August:

Sales (4,600 units) $105,800

Variable costs 41,400

Contribution margin 64,400

Fixed costs 46,000

Operating profit $18,400


Redo the company’s contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells
4,500 units.

Sales (4,500 units) $103,500

Variable costs 40,500

Contribution margin 63,000

Fixed costs 46,000

Operating profit $17,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
116. Champion Corporation produces and sells a single product. In April, the company sold 1,700
units. Its total sales were $153,000, its total variable costs were $79,900, and its total fixed
costs were $56,800.


a. Construct the company's contribution format income statement for April in good form.

b. Redo the company's contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells

1,600 units.

a. Sales (1,700 units) $153,000

Variable costs 79,900

Contribution margin 73,100

Fixed costs 56,800

Operating profit $16,300

b. Sales (1,600 units) $144,000

Variable costs 75,200

Contribution margin 68,800

Fixed costs 56,800

Operating profit $12,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
117. In November, Townhouse Corporation sold 2,100 units of its only product. Its total sales were
$195,300, its total variable costs were $84,000, and its total fixed costs were $98,700.


a. Construct the company's contribution format income statement for November in good form.

b. Redo the company's contribution format income statement assuming that the company
sells 2,300 units.

a. Sales (2,100 units) $195,300

Variable costs 84,000

Contribution margin 111,300

Fixed costs 98,700

Operating profit $12,600

b. Sales (2,300 units) $213,900

Variable costs 92,000

Contribution margin 121,900

Fixed costs 98,700

Operating profit $23,200

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
118. Blizzard Corporation's contribution margin ratio is 74% and its fixed monthly costs are
$43,000. Assume that the company's sales for October are expected to be $102,000.


Estimate the company's operating profit for October, assuming that the fixed monthly costs do
not change.

Sales $102,000

CM ratio 74%

Contribution margin (sales × contribution

margin ratio)

Fixed costs 43,000

Operating profit $32,480

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
119. The management of Toro Corporation expects sales in August to be $130,000. The company's
contribution margin ratio is 65% and its fixed monthly costs are $54,000.


Estimate the company's operating profit for August, assuming that the fixed monthly costs do
not change.

Sales $130,000

CM ratio 65%

Contribution margin (sales × contribution

margin ratio)

Fixed costs 54,000

Operating profit $30,500

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
120. Boxer Inc. expects its sales in June to be $111,000. The company's contribution margin ratio
is 65% and its fixed monthly costs are $64,000.


Estimate the company's operating profit for June, assuming that the fixed monthly costs do not

Sales $111,000

CM ratio 65%

Contribution margin (sales × contribution

margin ratio)

Fixed costs 64,000

Operating profit $8,150

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
121. Rudy Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $150 100%

Variable costs 60 40%

Contribution margin $90 60%

Fixed costs are $355,000 per month. The company is currently selling 5,000 units per month.


The marketing manager believes that a $12,000 increase in the monthly advertising budget
would result in a 160 unit increase in monthly sales. What should be the overall effect on the

company's monthly operating profit of this change?

Increase in total contribution margin ($90

per unit × 160 units)

Less incremental fixed costs 12,000

Change in operating profit $2,400

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
122. Alden Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $190 100%

Variable costs 38 20%

Contribution margin $152 80%

Fixed costs are $110,000 per month. The company is currently selling 1,000 units per month.


Management is considering using a new component that would increase the variable cost per
unit by $56. Since the new component would improve the company's product, the marketing

manager predicts that monthly sales would increase by 500 units. What should be the overall

effect on the company's monthly operating profit of this change if fixed costs are unaffected?

New variable cost per unit ($38 per unit +

$56 per unit)

New contribution margin per unit ($190

per unit – $94 per unit)

New unit monthly sales (1,000 units +

500 units)

New total contribution margin:

1,500 units × $96 per unit $144,000

Current total contribution margin:

1,000 units × $152 per unit 152,000

Change in total contribution margin and

in operating profit

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Since fixed costs are not affected by this change, the change in operating profit will be equal
to the change in total contribution margin.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

123. The Cornish Corporation has budgeted fixed costs of $125,000 and an estimated selling price

of $16.50 per unit. The contribution margin ratio is 40% and the company plans to sell 25,000

units in 2017.


(a) Compute the break-even point in dollars.

(b) Compute the margin of safety for 2017.

(c) Compute the expected operating profit for 2017.

(a) BE = $125,000/.40 = $312,500

(b) Estimated sales = 25,000 units × $16.50 = $412,500

Margin of safety = $412,500 - 312,500 = $100,000

(c) $412,500 × 40% - $125,000 = $40,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
124. Renee Tyne, now retired, owns the Downtown Beauty Shop. She employs five (5) stylists and
pays each a base rate of $500 per month. One of the stylists serves as the manager and
receives an extra $300 per month. In addition to the base rate, each stylist also receives a

commission of $3 per haircut. A stylist can do as many as 20 haircuts a day, but the average
is 14 haircuts per day. The Downtown Beauty Shop is open 24 days a month. You can safely

ignore income taxes.

Other costs are incurred as follows:

Advertising $200 per month

Rent $400 per month

Beauty Supplies $0.90 per haircut

$175 per month plus $0.35 per


Magazines $25 per month

$0.15 per haircut

Renee currently charges $8 per haircut.


(a) Compute the break-even point in (1) number of haircuts, (2) total sales dollars, and (3) as

a percentage of capacity.
(b) In July, 1,400 haircuts were given. Compute the operating profits for the month.
(c) Renee wants a $2,160 operating profits in August. Compute the number of haircuts that

must be given in order to achieve this goal.

(d) If 1,500 haircuts are given in August, compute the selling price that would have to be
charged in order to have $2,160 in operating profits.

Fixed costs = 5($500) + $300 + $200 + $400 + $175 + $25 = $3,600

Variable costs = $3.00 + $0.90 + $0.35 + $0.15 = $4.40 per haircut

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McGraw-Hill Education.
(a) (1) $3,600/($8 - 4.40) = 1,000 haircuts
(2) 1,000 × $8.00 = $8,000
(3) 1,000/(5 × 14 × 24) = 59.5%

(b) [($8.00 - 4.40) × 1,400] - $3,600 = $1,440

(c) ($3,600 + $2,160)/($8.00 - 4.40) = 1,600 haircuts

(d) [($SP - 4.40) × 1,500] - 3,600 = 2,160; SP = $8.24 per haircut.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
125. You have been provided with the following information regarding the Fremont Manufacturing

Sales price $50

Variable manufacturing
cost per unit

Variable marketing cost

per unit

Fixed manufacturing

Fixed administrative

This information is based on forecasted sales of 33,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?

(b) What is the break-even point in dollars?

(c) How much in sales dollars is required to generate an operating profit of $275,000?

(a) [($50 - 24 - 6) × 33,000] - ($360,000 + 80,000) = $220,000

(b) $440,000/(($50 - $30)/$50) = $1,100,000
(c) ($440,000 + 275,000)/.4 = $1,787,500

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
126. Xi-Tech, Inc. is considering the introduction of a new music player with the following price and
cost characteristics:

Sales price $125 each

Variable costs 75 each

Fixed costs 180,000 per year


(a) How many units must Xi-Techsell to break even?

(b) How many units must Xi-Techsell to make an operating profit of $120,000 for the year?

(c) If projected sales are 7,500 units, what is the margin of safety in units?

(a) $180,000/(125 - 75) = 3,600 units

(b) ($180,000 + 120,000)/(125 - 75) = 6,000 units

(c) 7,500 - 3,600 = 3,900 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
127. John Martin, now retired, owns the Corner Barber Shop. He employs five (5) barbers and pays
each a base rate of $500 per month. One of the barbers serves as the manager and receives
an extra $300 per month. In addition to the base rate, each barber also receives a commission

of $3 per haircut. A barber can do as many as 20 haircuts a day, but the average is 14
haircuts per day. The Corner Barber Shop is a corporation with a 30% tax rate and is open 24

days a month.
Other costs are incurred as follows:

Advertising $200 per month

Rent $400 per month

Barber Supplies $.90 per haircut

$175 per month plus $.35 per


Magazines $25 per month

$.15 per haircut

John currently charges $8 per haircut.


(a) John wants to earn $2,160 in after-tax operating profits. Compute the number of haircuts

that must be given to reach this goal in June.

(b) In June, only 1,500 haircuts were given. Compute the price per haircut that John should
have charged in June to earn $2,160 in after-tax operating profits.

Fixed costs = 5($500) + $300 + $200 + $400 + $175 + $25 = $3,600

Variable costs = $3.00 + $0.90 + $0.35 + $0.15 = $4.40 per haircut

(a) [($8.00 - 4.40) × number of haircuts] - $3,600 = $2,160/(1 - .3); number of haircuts = 1,858

(b) [($SP - 4.40) × 1,500] - $3,600 = $2,160/(1 - .30); SP = $8.86 per haircut

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AACSB: Analytical Thinking
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
128. The president of Equipment Enterprises is considering expanding sales by producing three
different versions of its product. Each will be targeted by the marketing department to different
income levels and, hence, will be produced from three different qualities of materials. After

reviewing the sales forecasts, the sales department feels that for every item of Large sold, 4 of
Medium can be sold, and 8 of Small can be sold.

The following information has been assembled by the sales department and the production

Large Medium Small

Sales price (per unit) $15.00 $10.00 $5.00

Material cost 5.00 4.00 2.00

Direct labor 2.00 1.50 1.25

Variable Overhead 2.00 1.50 1.25

The fixed costs associated with the manufacture of these three products are $75,000 per



Determine the number of units of each product that would be sold at the break-even point.

Weighted average CM = [(15 - 9)(1) + (10 - 7)(4) + (5 - 4.50)(8)]/(1 + 4 + 8) = $1.69231

BE = $75,000/$1.69231 = 44,319 total units
Large = 44,319 × (1/13) = 3,409

Medium = 44,319 × (4/13) = 13,637

Small = 44,319 × (8/13) = 27,273

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
129. Galena Company manufactures and sells adjustable canopies that attach to motor homes and
trailers. The market covers both new unit purchases as well as replacement canopies. Galena
developed its 2017 business plan based on the assumption that canopies would sell at a price

of $400 each. The variable costs for each canopy were projected to be $200, and the annual
fixed costs were budgeted at $100,000. The goal for Galena 's after-tax operating profits was

$240,000; the company's effective tax rate is 40%.

While Galena 's sales usually rise during the second quarter, the May financial statements

reported that sales were not meeting expectations. For the first five months of 2017, only 350
units had been sold at the established price, with variable costs as planned. It was clear that
the 2017 after-tax operating profit goal would not be reached unless some corrective actions

were taken. Galena 's president assigned a management committee to analyze the situation

and develop several alternative courses of action.

The following mutually exclusive alternatives were presented to the president:

(1) Reduce the sales price by $40. The sales department predicts that with the significantly
reduced price, 2,700 units can be sold during the remainder of 2017. Total fixed and variable
unit costs will stay as budgeted.

(2) Lower variable costs per unit by $25 through the use of less expensive materials and
lightly modified manufacturing techniques. The sales price will also be reduced by $30. These

changes will yield sales of 2,200 for the remainder of 2017.

(3) Cut fixed costs by $10,000 and lower the sales price by 5%. Variable costs per unit will be

unchanged. Sales of 2,000 units can be expected for the remainder of 2017.


(a) If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, determine the number of

units that Galena must sell in order to break even.

(b) If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, determine the number of
units that Galena must sell in order to achieve its after-tax operating profit objective.
(c) Determine which one of the alternatives Galena should select to achieve its after-tax

operating profit objective. Be sure to support your selection with appropriate computations.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
(a) (1) $100,000/($400 - 200) = 500 units
(b) [$100,000 + 240,000/(1 - .40)]/(400 - 200) = 2,500 units

(c) Only alternative 1 achieves the targeted operating profit objective of $240,000, although
alternative 2 is close.

(1) {[(400 - 200)350] + [(360 - 200)2,700] - 100,000}(1 - .40) = $241,200

(2) {[(400 - 200)350] + [(370 - 175)2,200] - 100,000}(1 - .40) = $239,400

(3) {[(400 - 200)350] + [(380 - 200)2,000] - 90,000}(1 - .40) = $204,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Create
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
130. You have been provided with the following information regarding the Ralston Manufacturing

Sales price $50

Variable manufacturing
cost per unit

Fixed manufacturing
costs per unit

Variable marketing cost

per unit

Fixed administrative
costs per unit

This information is based on forecasted sales of 30,000 units.


(a) What is the expected operating profit for the upcoming year?

(b) What is the break-even point in units?

(c) If $160,000 of operating profit is desired, how many units must be sold?

(a) [($50 - 24 - 6) × 30,000] - ((12 + 3) × 30,000) = $150,000

(b) $450,000/$20 = 22,500 units
(c) ($450,000 + 160,000)/20 = 30,500 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
131. Nation Inc. sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $200,000 $300,000 $300,000

Variable costs 80,000 280,000 160,000

Total fixed costs are $100,000 marketing and $125,000 administrative.


(a) What was the operating profit last month?

(b) What is Nation's break-even sales volume (at the given mix)?

(c) What is Nation's margin of safety?

(a) $800,000 - 520,000 - 225,000 = $55,000

(b) $225,000/(280,000/800,000) = $642,857

(c) $800,000 - $642,857 = $157,143

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
132. Carrie sells three products. Last month's results are as follows:

P1 P2 P3

Revenues $150,000 $225,000 $225,000

Variable costs 60,000 210,000 120,000

Total fixed costs are $100,000 marketing and $125,000 administrative.


(a) What was the contribution margin ratio?

(b) What sales volume does Carrie need to achieve a $100,000 monthly profit?
(c) What will profit be if Carrie increases sales by 20%?

(a) ($600,000 - 390,000)/600,000 = 35%

(b) ($225,000 + 100,000)/35% = $928,571

(c) ($600,000 - 390,000) × 1.2 = $252,000 - 225,000 = $27,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
133. The Windsome Corporation has budgeted fixed costs of $225,000 and an estimated selling
price of $24 per unit. The variable cost ratio is 40% and the company plans to sell 48,000 units
in 2017.


(a) Compute the break-even point in units.

(b) Compute the margin of safety in units for 2017.

(c) Compute the expected operating profit for 2017.

(a) BE = $225,000/($24 - .40 × $24) = 15,625 units

(b) Margin of safety = 48,000 - 15,625 = 32,375 units

(c) 48,000 × ($24 × .6) - $225,000 = $466,200

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
134. Bokay Creations has budgeted annual fixed costs of $240,000 and an estimated variable cost
ratio of 60%.


(a) Compute Bokay's break-even point in sales dollars.

(b) Compute Bokay's margin of safety if the company expects to earn revenues of $800,000.
(c) Compute Bokay's expected operating profit at the $800,000 revenue.

(a) BE = $240,000/(1 - .60) = $600,000

(b) Margin of safety = $800,000 - $600,000 = $200,000

(c) $800,000 × .4 - $240,000 = $80,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
135. The sales manager of Springdale Enterprises is considering expanding sales by producing
three different versions of its product. Each will be targeted by the marketing department to
different income levels and will be produced from three different qualities of materials. After

reviewing the sales forecasts, the sales department feels that 40% of units sold will be the
original product, 35% will be new model #1 and the remainder will be new model #2.

The following information has been assembled by the sales department and the production

Original Model #1 Model #2

Sales price (per unit) $100.00 $70.00 $50.00

Material cost 45.00 30.00 20.00

Direct labor 20.00 15.00 10.00

Variable overhead 15.00 11.25 7.50

The fixed costs associated with the manufacture of these three products are $175,000 per


Determine the number of units of each product that would be sold at the break-even point.

Weighted-average CM = ($100 - 80)(.4) + ($70 - 56.25)(.35) + ($50 - 37.50)(.25) = $15.9375

BE = $175,000/$15.9375 = 10,980 total units

Original = 10,980 × 40% = 4,392 units

Model #1 = 10,980 × 35% = 3,843 units

Model #2 = 10,980 × 25% = 2,745 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
136. The sales manager of Thompson Sales is considering expanding sales by producing three
different versions of its product. Each will be targeted by the marketing department to different
income levels and will be produced from three different qualities of materials. After reviewing

the sales forecasts, the sales department feels that 70% of units sold will be the original
product, 20% will be new model #1 and the remainder will be new model #2.

The following information has been assembled by the sales department and the production

Original Model #1 Model #2

Sales price (per unit) $50.00 $35.00 $25.00

Material cost 22.50 15.00 10.00

Direct labor 10.00 7.50 5.00

Variable overhead 7.00 5.25 3.50

The fixed costs associated with the manufacture of these three products are $250,000 per


(a) Determine the number of units of each product that would be sold at the break-even point.
(b) Determine the break-even point if the sales estimates are instead 50% original product,

30% model #1 and the remainder model #2.

(a) Weighted-average CM = ($50 - 39.50)(.7) + ($35 - 27.75)(.2) + ($25 - 18.50)(.1) = $9.45

BE = $250,000/$9.45 = 26,455 total units

Original = 26,455 × 70% = 18,519 units

Model #1 = 26,455 × 20% = 5,291 units
Model #2 = 26,455 × 10% = 2,645 units

(b) Weighted-average CM = ($50 - 39.50)(.5) + ($35 - 27.75)(.3) + ($25 - 18.50)(.2) = $8.725

BE = $250,000/$8.725 = 28,653 total units

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Original = 28,653 × 50% = 14,327 units
Model #1 = 28,653 × 30% = 8,596 units
Model #2 = 28,653 × 20% = 5,730 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
137. The Teri Aki Diner is a new buffet-style restaurant offering stir-fry and Thai dishes. The buffet
has a fixed price of $8.50 per person. The estimated food costs are $2.00 per person,
regardless of volume. Fixed costs are related to the number of buffet lines that are maintained,

with the estimated costs as follows:

Monthly volume Fixed Costs

1 line 0 - 4,000 $30,000

2 lines 4,001 - 6,000 $37,000

3 lines 6,001 - 7,500 $40,000


Determine the break-even point(s).

1 line = $30,000/($8.50 - 2) = 4,615 customers: not a feasible break-even scenario because it

exceeds volume capability for 1 line

2 line = $37,000/$6.50 = 5,692 customers: break-even

3 line = $40,000/$6.50 = 6,154 customers: break-even

Teri Aki will break-even with 2 or 3 lines. Teri Aki will not break-even operating just one line.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Create
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
138. The Beach Party packages horseradish and mustards in a factory that can operate one, two,
or three shifts. The product sells for $10 a case and has variable costs of $4 per case. Fixed
costs are related to the number of shifts that are operated, with the estimated costs as follows:

Daily volume Fixed Costs

1 shift 0 - 2,000 $3,000

2 shifts 2,001 - 4,000 $5,700

3 shifts 4,001 - 6,000 $8,200


(a) Determine the break-even point(s).

(b) If Beach Party can sell all it can produce, how many shifts should be operated?

(a) 1 shift = $3,000/($10 - 4) = 500 cases: break-even point

2 shifts = $5,700/$6 = 950 cases: break-even point

3 shifts = $8,200/$6 = 1,367 cases: break-even point

Beach Party will break even at any shift level

(b) 1 shift: 2,000 × $6 - $3,000 = $9,000

2 shift: 4,000 × $6 - $5,700 = $18,300

3 shift: 6,000 × $6 - $8,200 = $27,800

Beach Party will maximize profits by operating 3 shifts

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

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McGraw-Hill Education.
AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Create
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
139. Pines Inc. produces and sells two products. During the most recent month, Product DQ393's
sales were $25,000 and its variable costs were $5,750. Product BA999's sales were $40,000
and its variable costs were $9,850. The company's fixed costs were $48,310.


a. Determine the overall break-even point for the company.

b. If the sales mix shifts toward Product DQ393, with no change in total sales, what will

happen to the break-even point for the company? Explain.

Product Product
a. Total
DQ393 BA999

Sales $25,000 $40,000 $65,000

Variable costs 5,750 9,850 15,600

$19,250 $30,150 49,400

Fixed costs 48,310


Overall CM ratio = Total contribution margin ÷ Total sales = $49,400 ÷ $65,000 = 0.76
Break-even point in total sales dollars = Fixed costs ÷ Overall CM ratio
= $48,310 ÷ 0.76 = $63,566

Product Product
DQ393 BA999

Sales (a) $25,000 $40,000

Contribution margin
$19,250 $30,150

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CM ratio (b) ÷ (a) 0.770 0.754

Since Product DQ393's CM ratio is greater than Product BA999's, a shift in the sales mix

toward Product DQ393 will result in a decrease in the company's overall break-even point.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
140. Fortune Tools produces and sells two products. Data concerning these products for the most
recent month appear below:

Product XYZ Product VAR

Sales $14,000 $27,000

Variable costs $6,720 $12,550

Fixed costs for the entire company were $17,570.


a. Determine the overall break-even point for the company.

b. If the sales mix shifts toward Product XYZ, with no change in total sales, what will happen
to the break-even point for the company? Explain.

Product Product
a. Total

Sales $14,000 $27,000 $41,000

Variable costs 6,720 12,550 19,270

$7,280 $14,450 21,730

Fixed costs 17,570

Operating profit $4,160

Overall CM ratio = Total contribution margin ÷ Total sales = $21,730 ÷ $41,000 = 0.53
Break-even point in total sales dollars = Fixed costs ÷ Overall CM ratio
= $17,570 ÷ 0.53 = $33,151

b. Product Product

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Sales (a) $14,000 $27,000

Contribution margin
$7,280 $14,450

CM ratio (b) ÷ (a) 0.520 0.535

Since Product XYZ's CM ratio is less than Product VAR's, a shift in the sales mix toward

Product XYZ will result in an increase in the company's overall break-even point.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.
141. In the most recent month, Faulkner Corporation's total contribution margin was $208,000 and
its operating profit $39,400.


a. Compute the degree of operating leverage to two decimal places.

b. Using the degree of operating leverage, estimate the percentage change in operating profit
that should result from a 1% increase in sales.

a. Degree of operating leverage = Contribution margin ÷ Operating profit

= $208,000 ÷ $39,400 = 5.28

b. Percent increase in operating profit = Percent increase in sales × Degree of operating

= 1% × 5.28 = 5.28%

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
142. Drum Co. has provided the following data concerning its only product:

Selling price $200 per unit

Current sales 18,800 units

Break-even sales 14,288 units


Compute the margin of safety in both dollars and as a percentage of sales.

Sales (at the current volume of 18,800

units) (a)

Break-even sales (at 14,288 units) 2,857,600

Margin of safety (in dollars) (b) $902,400

Margin of safety percentage, (b) ÷ (a) 24%

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
143. Garrison Inc. produces and sells a single product whose contribution margin ratio is 66%. The
company's monthly fixed cost is $667,920 and the company's monthly target profit is $72,600.


Determine the dollar sales to attain the company's target profit.

Dollar sales to attain target profit = (Target profit + Fixed costs) ÷ CM ratio
= ($667,920 + $72,600) ÷ 0.66 = $1,122,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
144. Blues Corporation produces and sells a single product whose selling price is $240.00 per unit
and whose variable cost is $86.40 per unit. The company's fixed cost is $720,384 per month.


Determine the monthly break-even point in both units and dollar sales.

Percent of
Per Unit

Selling price per unit $240.00 100%

Variable cost per unit 86.40 36%

Contribution margin per unit

$153.60 64%
and contribution margin ratio

Unit sales to break even = Fixed costs ÷ Unit CM = $720,384 ÷ $153.60 per unit = 4,690 units

Dollar sales to break even = Fixed costs ÷ CM ratio = $720,384 ÷ 0.64 = $1,125,600

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
145. Grayson Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product
appear below:

Selling price per unit $230.00

Variable cost per unit $92.00

Fixed cost per month $621,000


a. Assume the company's monthly target profit is $69,000. Determine the unit sales to attain
that target profit.

b. Assume the company's monthly target profit is $41,400. Determine the dollar sales to attain

that target profit.

Percent of
Per Unit

Selling price per unit $230.00 100%

Variable cost per unit 92.00 40%

Contribution margin per unit

$138.00 60%
and CM ratio

a. Unit sales to attain target profit = (Target profit + Fixed costs) ÷ Unit CM

= ($621,000 + $69,000) ÷ $138.00 per unit = 5,000 units

b. Dollar sales to attain target profit = (Target profit + Fixed costs) ÷ CM ratio
= ($621,000 + $41,400) ÷ 0.60 = $1,104,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
146. Morrel Co. produces and sells a single product. The company's income statement for the most
recent month is given below:

Sales (6,000 units at $40 per


Less manufacturing costs:

Direct materials $48,000

Direct labor (variable) 60,000

Variable factory overhead 12,000

Fixed factory overhead 30,000 150,000

Gross margin 90,000

Less selling and other costs:

Variable selling and other


Fixed selling and other costs 42,000 66,000

Operating profit $24,000

There are no beginning or ending inventories.


a. Compute the company's monthly break-even point in units of product.

b. What would the company's monthly operating profit be if sales increased by 25% and there
is no change in total fixed costs?

c. What dollar sales must the company achieve in order to earn an operating profit of $50,000
per month?

d. The company has decided to automate a portion of its operations. The change will reduce
direct labor costs per unit by 40 percent, but it will double the costs for fixed factory overhead.
Compute the new break-even point in units.

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a. The company's income statement in contribution format would be:

Sales $240,000

Variable costs:

Direct materials $48,000

Direct labor 60,000

Variable factory overhead 12,000

Variable selling and other

24,000 144,000

Contribution margin 96,000

Fixed costs:

Fixed factory overhead 30,000

Fixed selling and other costs 42,000 72,000

Operating profit $24,000

The break-even point in units would be: $72,000 ÷ $16 per unit = 4,500 units

b. 6,000 units × 125% = 7,500 units

Sales (7,500 units × $40 per unit) $300,000

Variable costs (7,500 units × $24 per


Contribution margin 120,000

Fixed costs 72,000

Operating profit $48,000

c. ($72,000 + $50,000) ÷ 0.40 = $305,000

d. Direct labor costs are presently $10 per unit ($60,000 ÷ 6,000 units) and will decrease by

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$4 per unit ($10 × 40%). Therefore, the company's new cost structure will be:

Selling price $40 100%

Variable costs ($24 – $4) 20 50%

Contribution margin $20 50%

((2 × $30,000) + $42,000) ÷ $20 per unit = 5,100 units

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
147. Broken Arrow Inc. produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $190 100%

Variable costs 57 30%

Contribution margin $133 70%

Fixed costs are $226,000 per month. The company is currently selling 2,000 units per month.


The marketing manager would like to cut the selling price by $12 and increase the advertising
budget by $13,000 per month. The marketing manager predicts that these two changes would

increase monthly sales by 200 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's

monthly operating profit of these changes?

New selling price ($190 per unit – $12

per unit)

New contribution margin ($178 per unit

– $57 per unit)

New unit monthly sales (2,000 units +

200 units)

New total contribution margin:

2,200 units × $121 per unit $266,200

Present total contribution margin:

2,000 units × $133 per unit 266,000

Change in total contribution margin 200

Less increase in advertising budget 13,000

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Change in operating profit ($12,800)

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
148. Fairmount Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product
appear below:

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $120 100%

Variable costs 36 30%

Contribution margin $84 70%

Fixed costs are $516,000 per month. The company is currently selling 7,000 units per month.


The marketing manager would like to introduce sales commissions as an incentive for the
sales staff. The marketing manager has proposed a commission of $9 per unit. In exchange,

the sales staff would accept an overall decrease in their salaries of $55,000 per month. The

marketing manager predicts that introducing this sales incentive would increase monthly sales

by 200 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly operating profit of

these changes?

New contribution margin ($84 per unit –

$9 per unit)

New unit monthly sales (7,000 units +

200 units)

New total contribution margin:

7,200 units × $75 per unit $540,000

Present total contribution margin:

7,000 units × $84 per unit 588,000

Change in total contribution margin (48,000)

Plus savings in salespersons’ salaries 55,000

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Change in operating profit $7,000

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
149. Clifford Co. manufactures and sells adjustable windows for remodeling homes and new
housing. Clifford developed its budget for the current year assuming that the windows would
sell at a price of $400 each. The variable costs for each window were forecasted to be $200

and the annual fixed costs were forecasted to be $100,000. Clifford had targeted a profit of

While Clifford 's sales usually rise during the second quarter, the May financial statements
reported that sales were not meeting expectations. For the first five months of the year, only

350 units had been sold at the established price, with variable cost as planned, and it was
clear that the target profit for the year would not be reached unless some actions were taken.
Clifford 's president assigned a management committee to analyze the situation and develop

several alternative courses of action. The following three alternatives were presented to the

president, only one of which can be selected.

1. Reduce the selling price by $40. The marketing department forecasts that with the lower

price, 2,700 units could be sold during the remainder of the year.
2. Lower variable costs per unit by $25 through the use of less expensive materials. Because
of the difference in materials, the selling price would have to be lowered by $30 and sales of

2,200 units for the remainder of the year are forecast.

3. Cut fixed costs by $10,000 and lower the selling price by 5 percent. Sales of 2,000 units

would be expected for the remainder of the year.


a. If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, estimate the number of units
that must be sold during the year to break-even.

b. If no changes are made to the selling price or cost structure, estimate the number of units
that must be sold during the year to attain the target profit of $400,000.

c. Determine which of the alternatives Clifford's president should select to maximize profit.

a. Unit sales to break even = Fixed costs ÷ Unit CM

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= $100,000 ÷ ($400 per unit - $200 per unit) = $100,000 ÷ $200 per unit = 500 units

b. Unit sales to attain target profit = (Target profit + Fixed costs) ÷ Unit CM

= ($400,000 + $100,000) ÷ $200 per unit = 2,500 units

c. Which alternative should be selected?

Profit = Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs

Alternative 1:
Sales = ($400 per unit × 350 units) + ($360 per unit × 2,700 units) = $1,112,000
Variable costs = ($200 per unit × 350 units) + ($200 per unit × 2,700 units) = $610,000
Fixed costs = $100,000
Profit = Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs = $1,112,000 - $610,000 - $100,000

= $402,000

Alternative 2:

Sales = ($400 per unit × 350 units) + ($370 per unit × 2,200 units) = $954,000
Variable costs = ($200 per unit × 350 units) + ($175 per unit × 2,200 units) = $455,000
Fixed costs = $100,000

Profit = Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs = $954,000 - $455,000 - $100,000

= $399,000

Alternative 3:

Sales = ($400 per unit × 350 units) + ($380 per unit × 2,000 units) = $900,000
Variable costs = ($200 per unit × 350 units) + ($200 per unit × 2,200 units) = $510,000
Fixed costs = $90,000
Profit = Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs = $900,000 - $510,000 - $90,000
= $300,000

Alternative 1 would yield the highest profit.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
150. Volare, Inc. has decided to introduce a new product. The product can be manufactured using
either a capital-intensive or labor-intensive method. The manufacturing method will not affect
the quality or sales of the product. The estimated manufacturing costs of the two methods are

as follows:

Capital- Labor-

Intensive Intensive


manufacturing cost per $14.00 $17.60


Fixed manufacturing
$2,440,000 $1,320,000
cost per year

The company's market research department has recommended an introductory selling price
of $30 per unit for the new product. The annual fixed selling and administrative costs of the
new product are $500,000. The variable selling and administrative costs are $2 per unit

regardless of how the new product is manufactured.


a. Calculate the break-even point in units if Volare, Inc. uses the:

1. capital-intensive manufacturing method.

2. labor-intensive manufacturing method.

b. Determine the unit sales volume at which the operating profit is the same for the two
manufacturing methods.

c. Assuming sales of 250,000 units, what is the degree of operating leverage if the company

uses the:

1. capital-intensive manufacturing method.

2. labor-intensive manufacturing method.

d. What is your recommendation to management concerning which manufacturing method to

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a. 1. Capital-intensive:

Unit sales to break even = Fixed costs ÷ Unit CM

= ($2,440,000 + $500,000) ÷ ($30 per unit - $14 per unit - $2 per unit)
= $2,940,000 ÷ $14 per unit

= 210,000 units

2. Labor-intensive:

Unit sales to break even = Fixed costs ÷ Unit CM

= ($1,320,000 + $500,000) ÷ ($30 per unit - $17.60 per unit - $2 per unit)

= $1,820,000 ÷ $10.40 per unit

= 175,000 units

b. Profit = Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs


Profit = $30Q - $16Q - $2,940,000 = $14Q - $2,940,000


Profit = $30Q - $19.60Q - $1,820,000 = $10.40Q - $1,820,000

The profits are equal when:

$14Q - $2,940,000 = $10.40Q - $1,820,000

$3.60Q = $1,120,000
Q = $1,120,000 ÷ $3.60

Q = 311,111 units

c. 1. Capital-intensive:

Sales (250,000 units ×

$30 per unit)

Variable costs (250,000 4,000,000

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units × $16 per unit)

Contribution margin 3,500,000

Fixed costs 2,940,000

Operating profit $560,000

Degree of operating leverage = Contribution margin ÷ Operating profit

= $3,500,000 ÷ $560,000 = 6.25

2. Labor-intensive:

Sales (250,000 units × $30 per unit) $7,500,000

Variable costs (250,000 units × $19.60

per unit)

Contribution margin 2,600,000

Fixed costs 1,820,000

Operating profit $780,000

Degree of operating leverage = Contribution margin ÷ Operating profit

= $2,600,000 ÷ $780,000 = 3.33

d. The decision hinges upon the expected sales of the new product. If management is

confident that sales will be in excess of 311,111 units, then the capital-intensive method
should be used. If sales are likely to fall below this number, then the labor-intensive method

should be used. Management should also be aware that operating profit will be more volatile
with the capital-intensive method since it has higher operating leverage.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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151. The following monthly data in contribution format are available for the Feta Company and its
only product, Product Gamma:

Total Per Unit

Sales $83,700 $279

Variable costs 32,700 109

Contribution margin 51,000 $170

Fixed costs 40,000

Operating profit $11,000

The company produced and sold 300 units during the month and had no beginning or ending



a. Without resorting to calculations, what is the total contribution margin at the break-even


b. Management is contemplating the use of plastic gearing rather than metal gearing in

Product Gamma. This change would reduce variable costs by $18 per unit. The company's

sales manager predicts that this would reduce the overall quality of the product and, thus,
would result in a decline in sales to a level of 250 units per month. Should this change be

c. Assume that Feta Company is currently selling 300 units of Product Gamma per month.

Management wants to increase sales and feels this can be done by cutting the selling price by
$22 per unit and increasing the advertising budget by $20,000 per month. Management
believes that these actions will increase unit sales by 50 percent. Should these changes be

d. Assume that Feta Company is currently selling 300 units of Product Gamma. Management

wants to automate a portion of the production process for Product Gamma. The new
equipment would reduce direct labor costs by $20 per unit but would result in a monthly rental

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cost for the new robotic equipment of $10,000. Management believes that the new equipment
will increase the reliability of Product Gamma thus resulting in an increase in monthly sales of
12%. Should these changes be made?

a. The total contribution margin would be $40,000 since it is equal to the fixed costs at the
break-even point.

b. The $18 decrease in variable costs will cause the contribution margin per unit to increase
from $170 to $188.

Expected total contribution margin:

250 units × $188 per unit $47,000

Present total contribution margin:

300 units × $170 per unit 51,000

Decrease in total contribution margin ($4,000)

The less costly components should not be used in the manufacture of Product Gamma.
Operating profit will decrease by $4,000.

c. The decrease in selling price per unit will cause the unit contribution margin to decrease

from $170 to $148.

Expected total contribution margin:

300 units × 150% × $148 per unit $66,600

Present total contribution margin:

300 units × $170 per unit 51,000

Incremental contribution margin 15,600

Change in fixed costs:

Less incremental advertising cost 20,000

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Reduction in operating profit ($4,400)

The changes should not be made.

d. The use of the automated process would affect both fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs

will increase by $10,000 from $40,000 to $50,000. Variable costs will decrease by $20 from
$109 to $89, and the unit contribution margin will increase from $170 to $190.

Expected total contribution margin:

300 units × 112% × $190 per unit $63,840

Present total contribution margin:

300 units × $170 per unit 51,000

Increase in total contribution margin 12,840

Change in fixed costs:

Less monthly equipment rental 10,000

Increase in operating profit $2,840

The changes should be made.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
152. Morgan Designs manufactures decorative iron railings. In preparing for next year's operations,
management has developed the following estimates:

Total Per Unit

Sales (20,000 units) $1,000,000 $50.00

Direct materials $200,000 $10.00

Direct labor (variable) $50,000 $2.50

Manufacturing overhead:

Variable $70,000 $3.50

Fixed $80,000 $4.00

Selling & administrative:

Variable $100,000 $5.00

Fixed $30,000 $1.50


Compute the following items:

a. Unit contribution margin.

b. Contribution margin ratio.

c. Break-even in dollar sales.

d. Margin of safety percentage.

e. If the sales volume increases by 20%, with no change in total fixed costs, what will be the
change in operating profit?

f. If the per unit variable production costs increase by 15%, and fixed selling and
administrative costs increase by 12%, what will be the new break-even point in dollar sales?

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a. Variable cost per unit:

Direct materials $10.00

Direct labor 2.50

Variable factory overhead 3.50

Variable selling & administrative 5.00

Total variable cost per unit $21.00

Selling price per unit $50.00

Less: Variable cost per unit 21.00

Unit CM $29.00

b. CM ratio = Unit CM ÷ Selling price = $29.00 per unit ÷ $50.00 per unit = 58%

c. Fixed factory overhead $80,000

Fixed selling & administrative 30,000

Total fixed costs $110,000

Dollar sales to break-even = Fixed costs ÷ CM ratio = $110,000 ÷ 0.58 = $189,655 (rounded)

d. Current sales $1,000,000

Less break-even sales 189,655

Margin of safety in dollars $810,345

Margin of safety percentage = Margin of safety in dollars ÷ Current sales

= $810,345 ÷ $1,000,000 = 81.03%

e. Current operating profit:

Units sold 20,000

× Contribution margin per unit $29

Total contribution margin $580,000

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Less: Fixed costs 110,000

Current operating profit $470,000

Operating profit with a 20% sales


Units sold 24,000

× Contribution margin per unit $29

Total contribution margin $696,000

Less: Fixed costs 110,000

Operating profit 586,000

Less: Current operating profit 470,000

Increase in operating profit $116,000

Alternate solution:

Increase in units sold 4,000

× Contribution margin per unit $29

Increase in operating profit $116,000

Current variable products costs

per unit:

Direct materials $10.00

Direct labor 2.50

Variable factory overhead 3.50

Variable production costs $16.00

15% increase 2.40

Total new variable production


Current fixed selling & admin. $30,000

12% increase 3,600

Total new fixed selling & admin. $33,600

New contribution margin per

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Selling price $50.00

Less variable cost

Production $18.40

Selling & administrative 5.00 23.40

Contribution margin $26.60

CM ratio = $26.60 ÷ $50.00 = 53.2%

Fixed factory overhead $80,000

Fixed selling & administrative 33,600

Total fixed costs $113,600

New break-even in sales dollars = $113,600 ÷ 0.532 = $213,534 (rounded)

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
153. Maryland Company offers two products. At present, the following represents the usual results
of a month's operations:

Product XX Product ZZ

Per Per
Unit Unit

Sales $120,000 $1.20 $80,000 $0.80 $200,000

60,000 0.60 60,000 0.60 120,000

$60,000 $0.60 $20,000 $0.20 80,000

Fixed costs 50,000



a. Find the break-even point in dollars.

b. Find the margin of safety in dollars.

c. The company is considering decreasing product XX's unit sales to 80,000 and increasing

product ZZ's unit sales to 180,000, leaving unchanged the selling price per unit, variable cost
per unit, and total fixed costs. Would you advise adopting this plan?

d. Refer to (c) above. Under the new plan, find the break-even point in dollars.

e. Under the new plan in (c) above, find the margin of safety in dollars.

a. CM ratio = Contribution margin ÷ Sales = $80,000 ÷ $200,000 = 40%

Dollar sales to break-even = Fixed costs ÷ CM ratio = $50,000 ÷ 0.40 = $125,000

b. Margin of safety = Sales - Sales at break-even = $200,000 - $125,000 = $75,000

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Product Product
c. Total

Units 80,000 180,000

Sales $96,000 $144,000 $240,000

Variable costs 48,000 108,000 156,000

$48,000 $36,000 84,000

Fixed costs 50,000

Operating profit $34,000

Yes, the new arrangement is more profitable.

d. CM ratio = Contribution margin ÷ Sales = $84,000 ÷ $240,000 = 35%

Dollar sales to break-even = Fixed cost ÷ CM ratio = $50,000 ÷ 0.35 = $142,857

e. Margin of safety = Sales - Sales at break-even = $240,000 - $142,857 = $97,143

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-02 Understand the effect of cost structure on decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
154. Data concerning Fowler Corporation's single product appear below:

Per Unit Percent of Sales

Selling price $210 100%

Variable costs 126 60%

Contribution margin $84 40%

Fixed costs are $444,000 per month. The company is currently selling 7,000 units per month.


Management is considering using a new component that would increase the unit variable cost
by $2. Since the new component would improve the company's product, the marketing
manager predicts that monthly sales would increase by 200 units. What should be the overall

effect on the company's monthly operating profit of this change if fixed costs are unaffected?

New variable cost per unit ($126 per unit

+ $2 per unit)

New contribution margin per unit ($210

per unit – $128 per unit)

New unit monthly sales (7,000 units +

200 units)

New total contribution margin:

7,200 units × $82 per unit $590,400

Current total contribution margin:

7,000 units × $84 per unit 588,000

Change in total contribution margin and

in operating profit

Since fixed costs are not affected by this change, the change in operating profit will be equal

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to the change in total contribution margin.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Measurement
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

155. Explain the difference between the break-even point, the margin of safety, and operating

Break-even is the point where the organization will make zero profit; the margin of safety is the

difference between the actual sales level and the break-even sales level; and operating
leverage describes the extent to which the organization's cost structure is made up of fixed

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
156. Explain the difference between total contribution margin and gross margin.

Total contribution margin recognizes the distinction between fixed and variable costs and is
defined as total revenues minus total variable costs. Contribution margin does not make a

distinction between production costs and selling or administrative costs. Gross margin is total
revenues minus cost of goods sold. Gross margin recognizes the functional breakdown

between production costs and selling/administrative costs, but ignores the fixed/variable cost

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

157. Why is it important for the profit equation to make a distinction between fixed and variable


Total fixed costs will not change as volume changes, while total variable costs will change.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

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McGraw-Hill Education.
158. Why is the time period so important for the definition of fixed costs?

Over a short time period, fixed costs do not change while over a long time period, all costs
become variable. The time period is important to make this distinction.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

159. Present the profit equation and define all of the terms.

Profits = Total revenues - total costs. Total revenues = selling price × units sold. Total costs =
fixed costs + variable cost per unit × units sold

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-01 Use cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis to analyze decisions.
Topic: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
160. Why and how do managers simplify analyses for achieving a given level of profit with two
products or services?

Without some assumptions, there is an infinite number of combinations of the two services
that would achieve a given level of profit. To simplify matters, managers often assume a
particular product mix and compute break-even or target volumes using either of two methods,

a fixed product mix or weighted-average contribution margin, both of which give the same

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-04 Incorporate taxes, multiple products, and alternative cost structures into the CVP analysis.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

161. Discuss the role of assumptions that decision makers must consider when relying on CVP


All analysis methods require assumptions that limit the applicability of the results. The cost
analyst must understand which assumptions are most important for the decision being made
and consider how sensitive the decision is to the assumptions before relying on CVP analysis
alone to make a decision.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

AICPA: FN Decision Making
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Gradable: manual
Learning Objective: 03-05 Understand the assumptions and limitations of CVP analysis.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Topic: Extensions of the CVP Model

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McGraw-Hill Education.

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