Educ 207 Case Study Norma C. Cornel 1

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Iriga City





Name: Female

School/District: Aniog Elementary School/ Sagñay District

Age/Grade: 12 years old/Grade 6

I. Personal History

Female F is a grade 6 student from Aniog Elementary School. She is the eldest among the
brood of 3. She has two sisters which is a twin. She was born through normal delivery and completed
his immunization vaccines at Rural Health Unit of Sagnay. Physically she has medium body built and
with brown complexion. Nutritionally, Female F is in average status. He is not choosy on the food he
eats and often loves to eat vegetable. However, when he turns 11 years, he has an asthma attack
which affects her studies. When he has an attack, he often got absent because it’s difficult for her to
breath properly. Socially, Female F is a sociable child. She hangs out with her friends and often
shows nice gestures to everyone. He loves chatting and exchanging informal conversation with her
peers. When she is free, she loves to stay outside and play native games like “Patintero, or tumbang
Inside the house, Female F knows how to do manual task like washing the dishes, sweeping
the floor or fetching water. She is trained by her mother to do simple task at home

II. Early Childhood Experience

Female F has good early childhood experience. Her parents are there to witness every miles stone
of her development. At the age of four, Female F was enrolled in a public day care center in the
area and was able to meet different children in the community. She is a typical lively child who
fond of playing while her teacher is discussing. On the other hand, she knows how to listen when
being corrected of her behaviour. She was being accompanied by her mother during the class and
often cries when her mother left her. As the days goes by, she was able to develop self-
independency especially in going to school. In the year 2009, he father decided to look for a
living in Manila leaving the full responsibility to her mother. Despite the distance, the family are
having good harmonious relationship.
III. Family Background
Mang Kikoy and Aling Francisca are both hails from Barangay Aniog, Camarines Sur. They
got married in the year 2010 when Female F was turning 2 years old. They live in a hilly part of the
area wherein it is surrounded with different vegetables that her mother used to plant as part of family
consumption. The house is made of purely light materials like nipa hut for roofing, and bamboo
shingles for walling. It is a one room affair where the family sleeps together. They are accessible to
safe water and sanitation but not in electricity. They used kerosene lamp at night.
Mang Kikoy works as construction worker in Manila. He sends money weekly as part of
family daily expenses. He was able to finish high school but due to economic difficulties of the
family he then decided not to continue his college level. He helps his family in tilling the land. While
Aling Francisca only finish High School. At the age of 16, she decided to works as house helper in
the city to help her parents in their day to day expenses. Year 2006, the couple met together in their
place and Mang Kikoy courted Aling Francisca. Year 2008, they decided to live together and blessed
with a child. Year 2010, they decided to bond their marriage through a church wedding and a simple
The family values education that is why Aling Francisca is doing her best to send her daughter
to school. She often teaches Female F how to read and write during her preschool years but later on
has difficulty teaching her daughter due to her twin sisters which are now turning 6 this year. Aling
Francisca is already preoccupied with her domestic responsibility.

IV. Educational Performance

Female F performs averagely in the class. She regularly accomplishes her school requirement on
her own but when her mother has free time, she was being guided by her mother. Inside the class,
she seems timid and often encourage by her teacher to participate in the class. On the other hand,
Female F makes sure that all her academic requirement are prepared when he attend the class.
Ever yearly recognition day, she was always awarded with conduct and academic citation. She is
diligent and often optimistic in everything she does

V. Test Result

The results of Female F examination in every quarter were all in above level. The scores are
mostly perfect or just having one mistake.

VI. Rating

Female F got an above average rating in almost of her subjects. Her General weighted average is

VII. Hobbies

When she is in the school she loves to hang out with her friends/peers. She loves to play native
games like patintero or sungka. Moreover, he is sociable as manifested of her number of friends
in the class. She loves to draw but often ashamed to show it off to others.

VIII. Interest and Skills

Female F loves to draw sketches. She is ashamed to show it towards her peers because her peers
might say something negatively about her works. However, it does not hinder her to show her
positive side towards her class. She is fond of chatting with her classmates during their break time.

IX. Observation

During class discussion, it was observed that Female F is ashamed of volunteering herself during
class recitation. She cannot maintained eye to eye contact and often low self-confidence. She has
always hesitation that her answer might wrong and might her classmate laugh at her.
Academically, she is good. She prepares her academic requirements on time too.

X. Self Report

Female F has low self-esteem. It was manifested in her action inside the class. She is afraid to
raise her hand when she wants to answer the question because her classmate might say something
when her answer is wrong.

XI. Recommendation

Academically, Female F is performing well. She can read and comprehend what he read. She can
do mathematic operation by her own. But the observation given, the undersigned recommends
that the child needs to boost her self-confidence by always calling her during class discussion.
Encourage her to participate in other extra co-curricular activities to enhance her self-confidence.

XII. Pictorial (Optional)

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