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DIVISION 4 • FO UNDATION WORK Particul ar Spec ifications


4.1.1 Description
。 Delete "bored to the pile or" after "casing " in the first line of 2,d paragraph

4.1.2 Materials Steel Casing

:> Delete 3,d paragraph totally and replace as shown below:

The minimum Thickness 01 the permanent steel casing shall be 30mm or as directed by the
Engineer. Permanent Steel casing shall be used lor the locations specifies by the Engi neer. 1I
the permanent steel casing is used in the boring operation or if the handling and transport
require greater thickness to avoid deformation or buckling , the increase in thickness shall be
provided by the contractor at his own expense Concrete
:> Replace "these" by "GeneraIIParticular" in the 1st sentence of 1st paragraph
:> Delete "Concrete class 20..... ....shall be used." in first paragraph and insert
"Concrete class shall be C-30 with cement type as specilied in Sub.Clause 01 Parlicular specilication. "

:> Delete 2nd paragraph totally and replace as shown below:

Concrete placed under water or drilling mud by termite shall have water to cement ratio not
exceeding 0.4 2 by weight and a cement content 01 not less than 400 kg/m 3 Reinforcement
。 Delete the paragraph totally and replace as shown below:
The reinforcement shall be high yield deformed bar con forming to Section 5.2 of
General/Particular spe口 lication and positioned as shown on the Drawings

4.1.3 Construction Method

4.1 .3.2 Setting out Piles
:> Delete the paragraph fully and insert as shown below:
Marker pins lor the pile positions shall be set out and installed by the Contracto r. Immediately
prior to installation of the piles , the pile positions shall be checked by the Engineer. The
posit 旧 n and verticality/alignment 01 any auger , tool , casing and/or liner shall be checked by the
Contractor immediately prior to installation. For piles with casings and/or line 阻 , the Contractor
sha ll check the position 01 the casing or liner during and immediately after placing
Any checks by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor 01 his responsibility

:> Insert

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Construction 01 Kewatkhali Bridge at Mymensingh 飞、 \ 3

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