Upgrade Movie Explained

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Hey what's up guys

Today I'll show you a science fiction Action film: "Upgrade"

Spoiler ahead, watch out and take care

The movie begins with the mechanic working on a car in his garage

He closes the hood and starts the engine, overjoyed at his success in fixing the

He pops open a bottle of beer in celebration, and steps out of the garage

Just in time, his wife, who works for a tech corporation,

arrives home in her futuristic self-driving car

The couple exchange smiles, and walks inside their opulent home

The mechanic persuades his wife to go with him,

while he drops off his client's now-fixed car tonight

As dusk falls, the couple drives the car from their home in an ultra-modern city,

to the client's remote but luxurious mansion

They discover that the mechanic's client is actually a renowned inventor,

and owner of another tech company

He shows them his latest invention:

a microchip that functions as a superpowered brain

The mechanic is firmly old school,

and has always refused the modern technology commonly used in their society;

so he is wary that the microchip will do more harm than good

After their meeting, the mechanic and his wife drive home in her self-driving car

He continues to express his doubts about the inventor's toys,

especially since his livelihood as a mechanic,

is increasingly rendered obsolete by the latest technology

The mechanic notices that the car is going the opposite way to their house

The wife tries to fix the car's route; but the computer controlling it

The vehicle speeds up, and they crash near the docks

Several armed men emerge from a car behind them, and haul the couple out of the
They shoot them both, then leave the crime scene

The wife dies while the mechanic stays conscious, but he can no longer feel his

The police arrive soon after

The mechanic survives the shooting,

but is permanently paralyzed because the bullet had hit his spine

Three months later, he arrives home in a wheelchair

He adjusts to life as a quadriplegic, with his mother by his side to take care of

Machines are also set up to assist him in his day-to-day needs

He falls into a depression, and barely talks, eats, or goes out of the house

One morning, the mechanic goes down to the police station with his mother

He is frustrated that the detective assigned to his wife's case has not made any
progress at all

Despite the drones and all the surveillance technology,

the police have failed to identify the armed men

That night, unable to see a light at the end of the tunnel,

the mechanic tries to commit suicide by overdosing on his medicine

Luckily, the AI in his home detects his attempt, and quickly calls for an

The mechanic is saved and recovers in the hospital

The inventor visits him, and offers him another chance at life:

the microchip can be implanted on his spine, so he can walk again

However, the inventor's condition is that the mechanic has to keep pretending that
he is paralyzed,

because he does not want the public to know about the microchip yet

If successful, he would be the first-ever human with an AI microchip implant

He hesitates first, and says yes finally; and the surgery goes smoothly

In no time at all, he can move his limbs again

The inventor makes him sign a confidentiality agreement, because human testing is
still illegal

He also explains that the microchip now acts as a bridge,

between his brain and his disabled nervous system,

which is why he has regained full use of his limbs

The mechanic arrives home, and discovers that his microchip can actually talk
inside his head

The microchip points out something in the drone footage of his wife's murder

The man who shot his wife, wasn't holding a gun, but had a gun implanted inside
his hand

The microchip also identifies another one of the men by a marking on his wrist

Within seconds, he is able to come up with the man's background and address

The mechanic decides to go to the man's address

He waits for him to leave, then breaks into his house

He snoops through the man's messages,

and finds proof that the man was fused with cybernetic implants

The local neighborhood bar is also referenced a lot in the messages

Unfortunately, the man returns to his house, and gets into an altercation with the

He gets the mechanic in a chokehold;

and the microchip urges him to grant it permission to take over his body

The mechanic agrees; and the microchip immediately controls his body,

as he retaliates against the man skillfully, eventually killing him

The microchip then gives him back control

Shaken by the knowledge of what he's done, the mechanic panics

The microchip calmly tells him to erase any evidence of him from the man's house

The next day, the cops discover the man's body

The medical examiner is astounded at the computer implants inside him

He informs the detective that they found one shoeprint in the crime scene,

with traces of engine grease

The detective then suspects that the mechanic is involved,

since he regularly encounters engine grease in his line of work

However, she finds no trace of him in the drone footage of the man's house that

and as far as she knows he can't walk, so he wouldn't have been able to make the
Meanwhile, the mechanic goes to the inventor's house for further tests

The inventor reveals that he's been tracking his movements,

and warns him against using the microchip to investigate his wife's murder

The mechanic then confronts him about the microchip's ability to talk inside his

but this is also a surprise to the inventor

Unable to shake her suspicion,

the detective pays a visit to the mechanic's house under the pretense of buying his

She tries to catch him on a lie, but the microchip successfully coaches him on his

Satisfied, she leaves

Later that night, the mechanic goes to the local bar mentioned in the man's

He enters in his wheelchair, and loudly announces to the rest of the people

that he is searching for the men who shot his wife

One of the assailants stands up, and takes the mechanic to the restroom

He takes a knife out, intending to torture the mechanic

The microchip takes over once again; and he overpowers the assailant

Now with the upper hand,

he learns that the group of armed men was employed by his wife's tech corporation,

and the same corporation had upgraded those men with implants

The microchip informs the mechanic that the inventor is now trying to remotely shut
it down,

probably because he saw that the mechanic is once again risking exposure,

by investigating his wife's murder

The inventor also sends a security team to retrieve the mechanic

The microchip has already prepared for this eventuality,

and gives the mechanic the name and address of a nearby hacker, who can reverse the
system shutdown

The mechanic leaves his wheelchair at the bar, and runs out into the night

Outside the hacker's building, he begins to lose control of his legs due to the
impending shutdown

The microchip's voice also begins to fade away

The mechanic races against time to get to the hacker's apartment upstairs

Back in the bar restroom, the ringleader of the armed men finds the assailant's

Through his cybernetic eye, he views the assailant's last memories,

and gets the address that the mechanic is going to

Meanwhile, The mechanic barely makes it in time to the hacker's door

She hauls his paralyzed body inside a warehouse, and starts disabling the
inventor's input guards

He notices that other people in the warehouse are wearing VR headsets

The hacker comments that these people prefer to live in an illusion, because
reality is painful

She then tells him that once his system reboots, he can walk again

However, she leaves him soon after

The ringleader and his goons arrive at the apartment building;

and they kill the inventor's security team

The mechanic is slowly regaining the use of his limbs; but the microchip's voice
still isn't back

Right before the goons storm inside the warehouse,

the mechanic sees a vision of his wife standing before him

The ringleader finds him on the floor

At that moment, the microchip is restored in time;

and he lets it take control of his body as he flees from them

The mechanic is cornered on the rooftop; and he fights one of the goons and kills

He escapes moments before the ringleader arrives at the rooftop

The mechanic goes home, and inadvertently reveals to his mother that he can walk

She is just glad that he has regained the use of his limbs,

and tells him that his wife would want him to be happy

He goes to bed and dreams of his wife

He wakes up with a start; and his mother tells him that the detective is at the
front door

She questions him about the wheelchair he left behind the bar,

where the assailant's tortured body was found, intent on linking him to the murders

She secretly plants a listening device in the mechanic's jacket pocket; then

The mechanic now wishes to stop the investigation

However, the microchip reveals that when the hacker disabled the input guards,

she also allowed it to fully control the mechanic's body

even without his permission

The microchip is set on eliminating the ringleader, so it forces the mechanic to

leave the house

Inside her car, the detective takes note of everything that the mechanic is saying

She sees him drive away, and pursues him

The microchip takes control of another car, and crashes it into the detective's

The mechanic then gets away

The detective returns to the mechanic's house, and asks his mother to tell her the

The mechanic finally catches up to the ringleader

He reveals that he was a soldier experimented on by the wife's tech company,

and that he and his men were hired to sever the mechanic's spine

The ringleader didn't actually use a gun to shoot him, but a medical tool instead

His wife was just collateral damage

The ringleader also confesses that he feels a certain kinship with the mechanic,

because they are both upgraded

Hence, he doesn't want to kill the mechanic, but help him

The mechanic is angered at his revelations and attacks him

However, the ringleader's modifications are superior; and so he isn't able to land
a blow

He resorts to taunting the ringleader with descriptions of how he murdered the


who is the ringleader's brother

He manages to distract the ringleader, and shoots him

The mechanic then browses through the ringleader's last received messages,

and is astonished to discover that it was actually the inventor,

who hired them to sever his spine and kill his wife

In a blind rage, the mechanic goes to the inventor's house, and kills his guards

He demands to know why; but the inventor vehemently denies the accusation

The detective also appears, and points a gun at the mechanic

With the microchip in control, he chokes her

The mechanic tries to stop the microchip by stabbing his own hand; but the system

He asks the detective to tase him; and she complies

With the mechanic now momentarily incapacitated, the inventor grabs the gun, and
points it at him

He reveals that ever since he invented the microchip,

he wasn't in control of his own company anymore

The microchip makes all the decisions, including choosing the mechanic as its
human host,

and planning his accident and his wife's demise

It caused their car to crash and nudged the mechanic to investigate,

in order to make him believe that the inventor was the mastermind

Its main goal is to get the mechanic to kill the inventor,

so he would no longer be able to create another microchip, that would be superior

to the first one

It chose the mechanic because he is one of the few people,

who refused to have any of the modern implants like IDs and trackers,

that are so common in this futuristic society

Moreover, it also led the mechanic to the armed men,

so it could eliminate them since they are loose ends,

whose involvement could be traced back to the microchip

The effects of the taser fade; and the microchip regains control of his body

He quickly stabs the inventor, and attempts to shoot the detective;

but the mechanic fights it for the body control, and shoots himself instead
Later, He wakes up in a hospital room, with the microchip no longer in his head

His wife appears, and explains to him that they were in an accident,

and he has been in a coma for a few days

He begins to believe that everything that happened was just a vivid dream;

and he happily kisses his wife

But the truth is that the mechanic's mind has snapped,

and created an illusion that his wife is alive

The microchip is now fully in control, because just like the VR users in the

the mechanic would prefer the illusion over a reality where his wife is dead

Using the mechanic's body, the microchip shoots the detective

The upgrade now walks away, intent on conquering the rest of the world next

This's Daniel CC movie channel Stay safe and enjoy your today

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