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OVERVIEW chooses the second patient since she or he can
WILLIAM DAVID ROSS pay. This is incorrect; nurses' care must be
provided equally, justly, and equitably among a
• He is best known for his important contributions to moral
group of patients.
philosophy and the study of classical literature. In the
field of classical studies, in addition to shorter works on BENEFICENCE
Plato and Aristotle, his major triumph was his editorship
• Beneficence is defined as kindness and charity, which
of the Oxford English translations of Aristotle’s complete
requires action on the part of the nurse to benefit others.
works, a production of historic magnitude and impact.
• When we say beneficence doing good and the right thing
ROSS’S THEORY for the patient
ACTUAL/PRIMA FACIE DUTY • Principles of beneficence is the obligation of physicians
to act for the benefit of the patient and support the
• Prima facie is a Latin term that is commonly understood
number of moral rules to protect and defend the right of
to mean “on the first appearance” or “based on the first
impression.” According to Ross, a prima facie duty is a
o For example, holding a dying patient hand.
duty that is binding or obligatory, other things being
Which symbolizes that even in his/her last
breath you are there, not because she/he is
• Common examples include the duty to tell the truth, obey
your patient but because you are already attach
the law, protect people from harm, and keep one’s
with each other.
• By contrast with prima facie duties, our actual or concrete IMPROVEMENT
duty is the duty we should perform in the particular • The duties of self-improvement posit self-care as
situation of choice. Whatever one's actual duty is, one is important ethical behavior. Perform acts that make you a
morally bound to perform it.
better person.
FIDELITY • The duty of self-improvement is to act so as to promote
one's own good, one's own health, security, wisdom,
• Ross describes them as "those resting on a promise or
moral goodness, and happiness.
what may fairly be called an implicit promise, such as the
• For example, as a manager, if you see something wrong,
implicit undertaking not to tell lies which seems to be
you need to outline it and find the root of the problem to
implied in the act of entering into conversation.
solve it. This will help us to improve ourselves by knowing
• We should strive to keep promises and be honest and
how it started, because of that I am able to think on how
can I solve the problem by myself, we can also make new
REPARATION plans and improve that.
• This is a duty to make up for the injuries one has done to NONMALEFICENCE
others. Ross describes this duty as "resting on a previous The principle of nonmaleficence holds that there is an obligation
wrongful act" not to inflict harm on others. It is closely associated with the maxim
• We should make amends when we have wronged primum non nocere (first do no harm).
someone else.
For example, A 52-year-old man passes out in the street
GRATITUDE complaining of terrible, sudden abdominal discomfort.
• We should be grateful to others when they perform Unexpectedly, a surgeon examines the man because he thinks he
actions that benefit us and we should try to return the might be about to rupture his appendix. The surgeon determines
favor. that removing the appendix in its original place using his go-to pen-
• Duties to repay or redo favors or simply thank others for knife is the best course of action.
their kindness towards us.
From a beneficence perspective, successfully removing the
JUSTICE appendix from its original place would certainly improve the
• Justice is fairness, preventing a distribution of pleasure patient’s life.
or happiness that is not in keeping with the ment of the
people involve
• Example: • Beneficence doing the good and right thing for the patient
o Giving proper care to all the patients, according while non-maleficence does not cause harm.
to what she/he deserves. For example, two • For example, according to Mr. Mata says " In the
patients arrive at the same time; the first is Vaccination area, nurses inject the Pfizer to the patient
severe, but she/he seems to be unable to pay, for them to be protected from the covid-19 which is the
but the second is not severe and seems to have beneficence. After that the nurse depose the syringe in
the means to pay. At that point, the nurse the proper disposal to not cause harm to the other people

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