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Republic of Iraq

The Ministry of Higher Education

Stage: 3rd
Class: 2nd /Date TikritII
College: : 30/11/2021
Engineering - Shirqat
Subject: Electromagnetic Fields II
Time :Electrical
Department: 1.5 Hrs Engineering
Final ExaminationTime: 3 Hours
Subject: Electronic
2021-2022 Date: 16/06/2022
Attempt: 1
Form: 1
Note: Answer FIVE questions only

Q1/ (20p) Choose the correct answer:

1. Laplacian is a composite operator that includes ______:
I. gradient operation.
II. divergence operation.
III. curl operation.
IV. none of above.
2. The equation is said to be Laplace equation if the Laplacian of a scalar filed results into ______:
I. Zero.
II. positive value.
III. negative value.
IV. Infinity.
3. The Stoke’s theorem uses ______ operation.
I. Divergence.
II. Gradient.
III. Laplacian.
IV. Curl.
4. Which of the following is related with Stoke’s theorem?
I. A surface integral and a line integral.
II. A line integral and a volume integral.
III. A volume integral and a surface integral.
IV. A line integral, a surface integral, and a volume integral.

.Q2/ (20p) Determine if the following potential field satisfy Laplace's equation
2 2 2
V =x + y −2 z + 10

Q3/ (20p) Find the current density J at point A(1, 2, 3) for:

2 A
H=2 xy a x −3 y a y

Q4/ (20p) Let V =(cos 2 ∅ )/ ρ in free space, use Poisson’s equation to find the volume charge density ρ v at
point A(0.5, 60◦, 1).

Q5/ (20p) Evaluate both sides of Stokes’theorem for the field G=10 sinθ a∅ and the surface r =3 ,
0 ≤ θ ≤90 ° ,0 ≤ ∅ ≤90 °. Let the surface have the a r direction.

Q6/ (20p) If A=ρcos ∅ a ρ + sin ∅ a ∅ , evaluate the line integral around the path shown in Figure below.
Confirm this using Stokes's theorem.

Good Luck

Examiner Head of Department

Mahmood Najeeb Abed Asst Prof. Dr. Ayad A. ABDULKAFI

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