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June 7, 2020 - HCMC UT

Middle Exam
Operating System - Exercise

Assume that you have following processes, with all information as needed for CPU
Scheduler. For every scheduling algorithms, determine the waiting times for each process and the
average waiting times.
Job Arrival Time CPU Burst Priority

J1 0 5 2
J2 3 6 2
J3 4 8 1
J4 10 7 3
J5 12 3 1
J6 15 4 3

Please solve one (1) and only one of these following questions:
1. FCFS and Round Robin with q = 3.
2. SJF and Roung Robin with q = 4.
3. Priority (Non-preemptive) and Round Robin with q = 5.

Here is how you choose the question: Using last 2 digits of your Student ID
modular (mod - chia lấy phần dư) 3, and then + 1. The result is the question the
you have to solve.
Example: your last 2 digits is 23
—> 23 mod 3 = 2, then 2 + 1 = 3 —> hence, you HAVE TO choose question 3.


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