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Su’aalaha kadiska ah ee Sanadka 2012 T.


Multiple choice:-
Instruction:- choose the right answer and write the letter of your choice on the space provided.
1:A narrow strip of land that connects two large landmasses is called
A: peninsula B:Isthmus C:continent D: canals
2:The distance between north and south of Africa is ____
A: 4536 km B: 7260km C: 7623km D: 4511km
3:The official language of china is _________ A: English B: French C:chines D: mandarin
4: Distance between meridians is known as _____ A: Latitude B: Longitude C:Paralel D: none
5:During ancient Greek city-states were ruled by ________
A:oligarchy B: polis C: king D: president
6: The Mali Empire was built by the A: Shone people B: shilluk C: Mandingo people D: Ngami
7:The earlier chins used pictorial writings called_____ A:Logographic B: modernized writing C:metal writing D :
8:An African state well known in palm oil production
A: Ethiopia B: Sudan C: Nigeria D: Ghana
9:The first civilization in China got its birth along the ______
A: Nile B: Yellow C: Amazon D: Mountains
10: what is population?
A: a number of people living in an area near a river
B: total number of people working in an area
C: the number people moving into an area
D: Total number of people living in a particular area
11:which one of the following factors does not affect population distribution;
A: Climate B: Relief C: social factors D: longitude
12: The buying and selling of goods and services is called
A: work B: trade C: market D: Industry
13: which one of the following was not an Emergency of new idea
A:Liberalism B: Democracy C: pluralism D: Dictatorship
14: which one the following was not the basic causes of the first world war
A: Militarism B: Nationalism C: Military Alliance D: none
15:The Islam calendar starts from the date of _________ which took place in 622 A.D
A:12 B.C B: Hegira C: 3000 B.C D: 200 B.C
16:The second world war was fought between two major military blocs called
A: Allied power and Axis power B: U.S.A and Japan C: Axis and France D: none
17: The revolution of the Earth cause? A: day and night B: months C: four seasons D: none
18: The process of preserving the dead body is called _____
A : Mummification B: Emaciation B: BAR D: mole
Su’aalaha kadiska ah ee Sanadka 2012 T.I

19: The leader of Germany during second world war was called
A: Hitler B: Benito C: David D: James
20: What is the capital city of Ghana ? A: Tripoli B: Accra C: Victoria D: free town

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. A

…………………. End…………………….

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