Fame: Half Glass Empty For Some & For Others Half Full: Three Qualities/Skills That Can Turn Someone Into A Celebrity

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ROLL NO. : 20-EC-231
& CODE. GE-6050
DATE OF. : 26th March, 2023, Sunday

Fame: Half Glass Empty For Some & For Others Half Full


Success: Knowing that you achieved your aim is a wonderful feeling. that you prevailed in the competition. got the
promotion on merit. aced the test. The mountain was scaled. All of us have been successful in some way at some point.
And the majority of us want to continue finding success in the future.

Those who consistently succeed seem to have certain traits in common with one another, even though different people
in different professions and at different phases of their lives may evaluate success differently. It's wise to develop those
qualities within yourself if you wish to experience consistent success as well. Among these, these are the most

I. Passion & Optimism:

It is beneficial to care deeply about what you are doing if you want to achieve your goals. You can be energised by
passion, and it can help you get through the more challenging times. However, one cannot feign passion. You must
genuinely believe that what you are doing is important and/or profoundly meaningful.

The greatest accomplishments frequently begin as fantasy objectives. Some of those objectives, like putting a man on
the moon, looked so far-fetched that people deemed them unattainable. Those who have accomplished the most may
not have accomplished anything at all if they didn't have optimism and self-confidence.

II. Persistence & Creativity:

Every successful person has failed—many times and in many different ways. They differ from the others not because
they fail less but because they persevere more. Those that succeed don't allow a setback, no matter how big, to stop
them from moving on.

People with the ability to think creatively are more likely to succeed in all fields, including the arts and sciences. Don't
merely run through a list of solutions when faced with a challenge to achieving your goal. Consider approaching the
issue—and potential solutions—in a manner that few, if any, have ever done before.
III. Self-Discipline:
Everyone delays doing things. And everyone has one or more vices, no matter how small. However, individuals who
consistently succeed never allow distractions to take control of them. Instead, they possess the self-control to force
themselves to persevere despite the impulse to switch to a less important task.

IV. A Desire to Improve & A Commitment to Learning:

People who are successful don't view themselves as being flawless. Even though they are quite confident in their skills,
they constantly strive to get better, recognising their areas of weakness and taking the necessary steps to fortify those
One thing you'll notice if you speak with a highly successful individual is that they frequently have an incredibly in-depth
understanding of their industry. Many also possess extraordinary expertise in a variety of other professions. This is so
because a big part of success is knowing everything there is to know about both the world and what you're trying to do.


Being famous entails having a large following. Both benefits and drawbacks exist with this.

Wherever they go, people pay attention to famous people. Therefore, they might discover that getting good

service in restaurants or other public settings is simpler for them. The average person is frequently enthralled

by renowned people and will usually go out of their way to assist them.

A well-known singer might earn a sizable sum of money from his songs. A well-known athlete makes a modest

fortune through his accomplishments and corporate support. In general, popularity comes with cash benefits in

addition to a huge ego boost.

Celebrities do not, however, always get their way. There is a cost associated with their fame, and it is

frequently an unacceptably high one.

It's not always a good thing when people pay attention to renowned people. Due to their notoriety and

widespread recognition, they are frequently the focus of rumors in the media, gossip columns, and occasionally

even the crazies.

The private life of a renowned person is not very active. Until he can no longer have any tranquility, his private

life is made public by the media. He records everything he does, edits it, and frequently embellishes it to fit the

needs of the media. In order to keep himself safe from others, he frequently has to hide or hire bodyguards.
Famous people can occasionally become the target of guys who have a grudge against them. Assassins killed

John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy. They paid that as a price for their fame. Some people,

like Ronald Reagan, had better luck. They are still alive to recount how they narrowly avoided being killed by

assassins. However, they must accept the chance that some other crazy people may show up one day and

carry out their evil deeds.

A person gains popularity because of an amazing performance that drew the media's attention; but, by doing

so, he is essentially trapping himself in his own success, meaning that if he falls short of his previous

achievements, he is likely to face criticism. He will lose favor with the general population. His ego is not

boosted by this. Muhammad Ali, the boxer who was once so well-known, is now only remembered as a joke

because he is no longer able to fight. Like him, countless others—even the same person—have killed

themselves. Fame comes at a tremendous cost.

It is best to avoid popularity because its negative aspects outweigh its positive ones. Instead of having

bodyguards surround me to protect me from regular people, I would rather be a regular person who can take a

calm stroll down the street.


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