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Basic Word
Synonyms Antonyms
1. Give up, forsake ..ABANDON ... .Pursue, carry on
2. Anomalous, unusual. ..ABNORMAL... Regular, normal.
3. Dwelling, residence. ABODE... Homelessness.
4. Rescind, cancel, annul ... ABOLISH.... Confirm, uphold.
5. Approximately, roughly .. ..ABOUT..... Exactly, precisely.
6. Plentiful. ..ABOUND..... Scarce.
7. Entire, complete ... ABSOLUTE.... Limited, restricted.
8. Assimilate, reserve .. .ABSORB..... Exhaust, waste.
9. Withhold, refrain, desist .. .ABSTAIN.... Adopt, pursue
10. Silly, ridiculous. .ABSURD.... wise, reasonable
11. Profusion, plenitude.... . ABUNDANCE .... . Shortage,
12. Speed-up, hasten..... ACCELERATE.... . Retard, delay.
13. Agree, Admit .....ACCEPT .... Refuse, reject
14. Follow, escort... .ACCOMPANY .....Leave, desert.
15. Hoard, gall.or ......... ACCUMULATE.... Spread, distribute
16. Exact, correct.....ACCURATE.....Erring, incorrect
17. Charge, blame .......ACCUSE.....Defend, guard
18. Accomplish, attain.....ACHIEVE..... Fail, miss
19. Absolve, pardon..... ACQUIT....Charge, involve.
20. Prompt, agile ... ACTIVE.... Lethargic, inert
21. Increase, augmentation ....ADDITION.... Curtailment,
22. Respect, regard.....ADMIRATION.... Condemnation, hate.
23. Misfortune, affliction.... ADVERSITY.... Happiness,
24. Confirm, assert... AFFIRM... Dispute, deny
25. Consent, accede... AGREE... refuse, disagree
26. Similar, resembling.... ALIKE... different,dissimilar
27. Plentiful, abundant....AMPLE .....Meagre, scanty
28. Aged, antique ..... ANCIENT....Recent, modern.
29. Abolish, efface, quash .....ANNUL ... Insert, restore.
30. Perceptible, visible, evident..... APPARENT... Masked,
31. Dctain, apprehend .. ARREST .. Release, discharge
32. Accumulate, store ...... ASSEMBLE... Disperse, scatter.
33. Fraternity, combination....ASSOCIATION.. Separation,
34. " Invade, assail.....ATTACK....Defend, protect
35. Captivate, fascinate .. ATTRACT..... Repulse, repel.
36. Propitious, favourable...AUSPICIOUS..... Inauspicious,
37. Sovereignty, supremacy.....AUTHORITY... Subservience,
38 Insolvent....BANKRUPT.. Credit-worthy
39. Preceding, prior to. BEFORE....subsequently, after
40. Underfoot, below... BENEATH..... Above, overhead
41. Profit gain..... BENEFIT... Loss, disadvantage.
42. Reproach, censure....BLAME....Extol, eulogize.
43. Merge, mix.....BLEND.....Sever, disintegrate
44. Delight, prosperity.... BLISS.... Sorrow, sadness
45. Valiant, fearless... BRAVE.... Diffident, timid.
46. Construct, raise..... BUILD....Raze, demolish.
47. Disaster, catastrophe .. CALAMITY Fortune, prosperity.
48. Arrest, apprehend .. CAPTURE .. Acquit, release.
49. Neglect, unmindful. CARELESS Cautious, vigilant
50. Eminent, renowned .. CELEBRATED Humble, obscure.
51. Bachelorhood, chastity .... CELIBACY. Wedlock,
52. Confusion, disorder. CHAOS Government, order.
53. Inexpensive, mean, inferior .. CHEAP. Expensive, costly,
54. Non-sensical, silly .... CHILDISH Sensible, mature.
55. Uncouth, awkward. CLUMSY Skilful, clever, dexterous
55. Tenderness, kindness. COMPASSION Savagery, cruelty.
57. Skilful, capable ... .COMPETENT. Incompetent, inefficient.
58. Intricate, complicated. COMPLEX Plain, simple.
59. Subjugate, defeat. .CONQUER Surrender, yield.
60. Coherence, harmony ... ..CONSISTENCY. Discord,
61. Dislike, hate .. .CONTEMPT. Regard, respect.
62.comfortable,easy....COSY .. .Uneasy, troubled
63. Pluck, boldness ..COURAGE..... Timidity, cowardice.
64. Raw, rough ...CRUDE.. Finished, fine
65. Hurt, harm ...DAMAGE... Repair, mend
66. Peril, hazard, jeopardy... DANGER.... Safety, protection
67. Perish, wither... DECAY... Thrive, grow
68. Republic, rule of the people. .DEMOCRACY.... Mobocracy,
69. Scoff, taunt, jeer .....DERIDE.... Honour, revere, respect
70. Devastation, havoc .... DESTRUCTION.... Creation,
71. Unveil, divulge ...DISCLOSE... Conceal, suppress
72. Ailment, sickness .. DISEASE.... Soundness, health.
73. Remote.... DISTANT... Proximatic, close
74. Foolish, Stupid, gloomy ... .DULL. Talented, sharp, merry
75.. Soon, quickly.... EARLY... Tardy, slow.
76. Frugal, thrifty... ECONOMICAL... Prodigal, extravagant.
77. Margin, verge ...EDGE.....Middle, inside.
78. Magnify, expand....ENLARGE... Abate, contract, reduce.
79. Adequate, ample. ENOUGH... Scanty, deficient.
80. Provoke, annoy ......ENRAGE...Mollify,calm
81. Zeal, fervour ....ENTHUSIASM...Lethargy, apathy.
82. Obvious, manifest .. EVIDENT.. Obscure, covert.
83. Stimulate, arouse... EXCITE...Quieten, soothe.
84. Reputation, glory. .FAME. .Dishonour, notoriety.
85. Eminent, renowned. FAMOUS. ..Obscure, notorius,
86. Parting, departure .. FAREWELL...Home-coming,
87. Weak, debilitated...FEEBLE...Robust,strong.
88. Wavering...FICKLE....Steadfast, steady.
89. Candid, sincere ... FRANK...Taciturn, secretive.
90. Deception, deceit.... FRAUD...Honesty, integrity.
91. Comic, amusing ...... FUNNY...Serious, sober.
92. Usual, ordinary ..... GENERAL... Local, regional
93. Liberal, bountiful. GENEROUS...Mean, miserly.
94. Administration, management ... GOVERNMENT... Anarchy,
95. Regular, slow ..... GRADUAL .. Rapid, sudden.
96. Accustomed, usual. .HABITUAL... Infrequent, uncommon.
97. Solid, rigid... HARD... .Soft, flexible.
98. Massive, weighty....HEAVY.....Light, slight
99. Sacred, pious ...HOLY..... Blasphemous, sacrilegious
100. Esteem, dignity, respect ..... HONOUR... Shame,
101. Frightful, awful, fearful ...HORRIBLE.. .. Pleasant,
delightful, charming.
102. Colossal, enormous, vast ....HUGE..Tiny, small.
103. Equivalent, same, tantamount...IDENTICAL .. Different,
104. Illiterate, uneducated. ..IGNORANT.... Educated, learned.
105. Illusory, unreal ...IMAGINARY...Factual,actual.
106. Equitable, just, neutral Partial,....IMPARTIAL...biased,
107. Denote, show ....INDICATE... Hide, conceal.
108. Boundless, unlimited, endless. INFINITE.... Finite, limited
109. Break, violate .....INFRINGE... Obey, follow
110. Harmless, guiltless, blameless ... .INNOCENT. Guilty,
111. Tasteless, flavourless .. .INSIPID....Tasty, interesting.
J, K,
112. Jubilant, joyous,cheerful...JOLLY..Gloomy, sad
113. Compassionate, merciful... KIND.. Cruel, harsh.
114. Sorrow, grieve ... ..LAMENT.... Exult, rejoice.
115. Durable, enduring. .LASTING... Temporary, momentary.
116. Lawful, legitimate, licit. LEGAL....illegal, illegitimate, illicit.
117. Abate, reduce, mitigate .... LESSEN...agunent,increase,
118. Permit, allow LET... Stop, prevent.
119. Freedom, independence, emancipation .... ..LIBERTY..
Slavery, subjection
120. Raise, elevate ..... LIFT...Drop, fall.
121. Sustenance, support.. .LIVELIHOOD .. Privation,
122. Active, agile ... ..LIVELY .. Depressed, listless.
123. Fidelity, faithfulness .. .LOYALTY... Disloyalty,
unfaithfulness, treacher
124. Fortunate, auspicious .. LUCKY... Unfortunate, ill-fated.
125. Lunatic, insane, deranged ... .MAD. Sane, normal,
126. Dignified, royal ... .MAJESTIC ... Insignificant,
127. Incomparable, peerless .. MATCHLESS Common,
128. Remembrance .... MEMORY Forgetfulness.
129. New, recent, up-to-date .. MODERN Old, ancient,
130. Ethical, virtuous. MORAL ... Immoral, dishonourable.
131. Robust, sturdy. MUSCULAR Feeble, frail.
132. Legend, fiction. MYTH History, record
133. Unclean, dirty .. NASTY Clean, unsullied.
134. Vicinity, proximity. .NEIGHBOURHOOD ... Distance,
135. Shaky, timid, fearful .. .NERVOUS. Courageous, bold,
136. Dutiful .. OBEDIENT. Disobedient.
137. Notice, perceive, watch. OBSERVE .. Disregard, overlook.
138. Incidental, rare. OCCASIONAL .. Frequent, repeated.
139. Miss, exclude .. OMIT. Comprise, include.
140. Verbal, spoken ... .ORAL. Inscribed, written.
141. External, outward .. OUTER. Inner, internal.
142. Omission, negligence ..... OVERSIGHT. Observation,
143. Destroy, demolish .. .OVERTHROW. Restore, re-establish.
144. Calm, tranquillize .. PACIFY. Irritate, provoke, enrage.
145. Agony ... PAIN. Relief, comfort, case.
146. Distressing, agonizing. PAINFUL Soothing, pleasant
147. Endurance, calmness .. .PATIENCE. Excitement,
148.Cessation, stoppage... PAUSE...Continuation.
149. Scent, aroma, fragrance .. PERFUME..stench, odour.
150. Tangible, material..PHYSICAL...Immaterial
151. Fragment, part...PIECE..Whole,entirely.
152. Polished, courteous ...POLITE.. Rude, rough
153. Procrastinate, adjoum, defer. .Postpone.. Hasten,
154. Costly, dear...PRECIOUS...Cheap, worthless
155. Bountiful, ample, prodigal. .PROFUSE...Scanty,meagre.
156. Prevent, debar...PROHIBIT.. Sanction, permit.
157. Haughty, arrogant...PROUD.. Humble, Modest,
158. Timely, prompt, exact, precise ...PUNCTUAL....late..
159. Accelerate, speed up.. QUICKEN.. Retard, delay.
160. Quickness, speed.. RAPIDITY.. Slowness.
161. Scarce .....RARE..Frequent.
162. Actual, genuine.. REAL.. Imaginary, illusory.
163. Take, accept ...RECEIVE.. Give, supply.
164. Distinguished, extraordinary.. REMARKABLE.. Ordinary,
165. Displace, dislodge.. REMOVE.. Restore, replace.
166. Blame, reprimand..REPROACH.. Praise,exaltation.
167. Withhold, keep ..RETAIN..give up, relinquish, renounce.
168. Vengeance, retaliation...REVENGE...forgiveness, pardon.
169. Villain, rascal. ROUGE.. Gentleman.
170. Crude, coarse, uneven. .ROUGH...Even,smooth.
171. Hearsay, gossip ..... RUMOUR...Truth, fact.
171. Satire, mockery....SARCASM.. Praise, compliment.
172. Reprove, admonish. SCOLD..praise,commend.
173. Ridicule, deride ..... ..SCORN.. Revere, respect.
174. Clandestine, hidden. .SECRECY.. Open, known.
175. Search, solicit. SEEK ...shun,avoid.
176. Rarely, hardly ... SELDOM.. Often, frequently.
177. Lustful, carnal .. SENSUAL.. Sober, ascetic.
178. Various, many .. SEVERAL.. Few, scarce.
179. Superficial. .SHALLOW... Deep
180. Disgusting, offensive, revolting. SHOCKINGLY. pleasant,
charming, delightful.
181. III, diseased, indisposed .. SICK..well,healthy.
182. Celibate, bachelor. SINGLE.. Married, wedded.
183. Bondage, servitude. SLAVERY..Freedom, emancipation
184. Descent, slant, ascent .. SLOPE..flat,level.
185. Neat, well-dressed.. SMART..Shabby, unkempt
186. Wet, drench.. SOAK.. Dry, parch.
Synonyms Basic Antonyms
187. Answer, key SOLUTION Question, puzzle.
188. Exhaust, squander,.. SPEND.. Save, accumulate
189. Rigid, Unbending.. STIFE..Flexible, elastic.
190. Elongate,extend.. STRECH.. Shortenfaith, confidence.
191. Distrust, doubt.. SUSPICION.. Trust
192. Orderly, methodical. SYSTEMATIC. Unmethodical.
193. Loquacious, garrulous TALKATIVE.. Taciturn, reserved.
194. Appetising, delicious .. TASTY. Tasteless, insipid.
195. Doctrine, hypothesis .. THEORY Practice.
196. Aggregate, gross, entire .. TOTAL Part, division.
197. Strong.. TOUGH..firm Soft, tender.
198. Faith, confidence, reliance ...TRUST...Doubt, distrust,
199. Normal, usual .. TYPICAL.. Abnormal, unusual, atypical.
200. Deforned, unsightly. UGLY Beautiful
201. Ungovernable, lawless .. UNRULY Orderly, methodical.
202. Unkempt, disorderly. UNTIDY. Neat, tidy, immaculate.
203. Prompt, impel ... URGE. Deter, discourage, dissuade.
204. Customary, ordinary ... USUAL Exceptional, uncommon.
205. Emply, unoccupied. VACANT. Occupied, inhabited.
206. Precious, expensive .. VALUABLE. Worthless, cheap
207. Several VARIOUS Few.
208. Spoken, oral. VERBAL Written.
209. Upright, erect VERTICAL Horizontal
210. Transgression, infringement .. .VIOLATION.....
Adherence, compliance.
211. Worth, merit ...VIRTUE... Wickedness, vice.
212. Caller, guest. VISITOR Host.
213. Roam, rove.. WANDER. Settle, rest.
214. Debility, feebleness. WEAKNESS. Strength, energy
215. Load. .WEIGHT.. Lightness
216. Greet, salute.. WELCOME.. Insult, offend.
217. Large, broad. WIDE Narrow, limnited
218. Mundane, earthly.. . WORLDLY... Spiritual, divine.
219. Surrender, concede. YEILD. Withhold, defy.
220. Summit, acme, pinnacle...ZENITH..Zero, bottom, ground.

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