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CLAT MOCK – 2 (Unproctored)

(Questions Paper)
S.1–6) Directions for Questions: Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

All of this is little __1__ today. On Twitter, I recently colloquially summarised Sita’s criticism of Rama
during the fire test, as narrated by Valmiki. An explosion of anger—predominantly from men—followed.
Many expressed their rage about a __2__ insult to Lord Ram—articulated __3__ a woman’s voice—by
threatening to rape or kill me. In a sick twist of irony, the grotesque language these men employed

displayed the very misogyny that, in their minds, Lord Ram, the ideal man—maryādā puruṣottam—could
never harbour. When I called attention to these hateful threats, many critics __4__ me of just playing
the victim and refused to themselves describe the attacks as misogynistic. This was again a patriarchal
tactic—the dismissal of gendered threats of violence—designed to intimate and silence women.
Unsurprisingly, most of my critics focused on the perceived insult to Lord Ram, without much
consideration __5__ Sita and her point of view. Such is the logic of modern misogyny that it __6__
female voices in the grand Ramayana tradition remain subordinate to male feelings. In order to
understand Valmiki’s text it is important to recover Sita’s voice, and to resist any soft–pedalling of it
despite our own prejudices.


a) remember
b) remembers

c) remembered
d) remembering


a) perceive
b) perceived
c) perceiving
d) perceives


a) in
b) by
c) to
d) into


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a) accuse
b) accused
c) accuses
d) accusing


a) of

b) for
c) to
d) off


a) demand
b) demanded
c) demanding
d) demands
S.7–11) Directions for Questions: Arrange the following sentences to form a paragraph.


A. Masih moved his dog to make space for three students from the environmental–activist group Team
Awaaz who had just arrived.
B. The walls, painted a warm brown, displayed family portraits and paintings of Jesus.
C. Altaf Masih, a sanitary worker and resident of Joseph Colony, a neighborhood in Lahore, sat on a

mattress in a single room that houses his entire family.

D. It was an afternoon in July.


A. A substantial amount of reporting suggests that many patients – 34 children and 18 adults died
because of a shortage of oxygen.
B. The oxygen provider had cut the supply after the administration repeatedly delayed payments.
C. Instead of questioning officials responsible for procuring the oxygen, the state government has
accused doctors of medical negligence.
D. On 25th April, the Allahabad High Court granted bail to Kafeel Khan a doctor widely believed to have
been framed in the case of the deaths at a Gorakhpur hospital last August.


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A. While the identical statements of several witnesses seem clearly scripted, the evidence furnished to
prove charges mostly comprises things “heard” or “seen” by the witnesses.
B. Even the charge sheet filed by the Uttar Pradesh Police reflects this.
C. The police have gone back on their statements multiple times.

D. This is just one of many discrepancies in the case against the nine accused in the tragedy.



A. Last summer, on a visit to my home city of Bengaluru, I stood waiting for a train at the newly renamed
Dr BR Ambedkar Vidhana Soudha metro station.
B. In the background, I could hear the gentle twangs of a veena in the style of Carnatic classical music.
C. The contrast between the name of the station and the style of music, which has been the reserve of
upper castes for centuries, was quite amusing to me.
D. However, the music is so ubiquitous in the city that I doubt most long–term residents even notice it.



A. Elders join kids in playing gully cricket; celebrations, festivals and processions are held in small open
spaces; freestyle dancers and rappers are shown performing.
B. Kaala does for Mumbai what Madras did for Chennai. Ranjith gives us a quintessential Mumbai film,
except through the eyes of a lower–caste Tamil basti in Dharavi fighting to keep its land, which is under
the threat of seizure from a politician.
C. Ranjith defies the Oscar–winning legacy of depicting the area as unsanitary and unsafe.
D. Much like Madras, Kaala adopts a social–realist approach, taking us into the vibrant living space of a


S.12–16) Directions for Questions: Spot the error in the sentence.

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Q.12) His death sentence have been [a] read to him the morning before, [b] concluding a hasty trial
within the walls of Manila’s Fort Santiago. [c] No error. [d]

Q.13) School children in the Philippines have recited the verses for years, first in Spanish, [a] then in
English and now in Tagalog, [b] the language spoken by most of the country’s 105 million inhabitants. [c]
No error [d]

Q.14) Today, Rizal’s face is minted [a] on the one–peso coin that pass [b] through millions of Filipino

hands every day. [c] No error [d]

Q.15) Escueta had worked at the museum [a] for seven months [b] and was enthusiastically promoting
Suharto’s artifacts. [c] No error [d]

Q.16) She seem [a] driven by the need for proof, [b] for physical evidence. [c] No error [d]

S.17–21) Directions for Questions: Give the meaning of the following idioms.

Q.17) See eye to eye

a) Challenging someone
b) Matching someone
c) Agreeing with someone

d) Getting angry

Q.18) When pigs fly


a) Imagining something
b) Impossible event
c) A haunting dream
d) Investing a huge sum of money

Q.19) To cut corners

a) To construct a thing
b) To damage
c) To do shabbily to save money
d) To cheat

Q.20) Break a leg

a) To fight
b) To injure
c) To protect
d) To wish luck

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Q.21) To hit the nail on the head

a) To damage
b) To act foolishly
c) To act wisely
d) To be correct

S.22–31) Directions for Questions: Read the passage and answer the following questions.

During a late–summer road trip last September, Stanzin Saldon and Murtaza Agha unexpectedly showed
up at their friend’s house, overlooking Manasbal Lake near Srinagar. They could not contact him
beforehand because they had abandoned their phones to conceal their exact whereabouts. While

Saldon and Agha breakfasted with his parents in the morning, the friend bolted out and ran around the
neighbourhood, retrieving the daily paper from the neighbours’ doorsteps. He did not want people to
see the front page, which featured his guests’ faces. That month, Saldon and Agha were breaking news.
He kept the couple’s secret for a week. Only on their way out the door did they finally reveal to his
family that they were not just on a summer holiday. They were on the run from the Ladakh Buddhist
Association, an organisation whose members were trying furiously to separate them. Two weeks later,
they would be married for a second time.

Saldon, who is from a Buddhist family in Leh, and Agha, from a Balti Muslim family in Kargil, were briefly
one of the most recognisable faces of “love jihad,” a rampant and xenophobic conspiracy theory

surrounding the so–called forced conversion of non–Muslim women to Islam. The couple met on a trek
in 2010 and started a nonprofit called rZamba—from the Ladakhi word for “bridge”—that organises
youth leadership programmes. Their eventual marriage inadvertently stirred up communal anxieties in
Ladakh, which is mainly split between Muslims, who comprise around 46 percent of the population, and

Buddhists, who make up around 40 percent. But unlike several other interfaith romances that have
made the news, their story has a happy ending.

After their week in Manasbal, Saldon and Agha took off, on no specific route, surprising more friends at
their houses and even spending a sleepless night rowing across Dal Lake. They stopped travelling on 21
September, when they showed up as special guests at their own, second wedding at a hotel in Kargil,
which friends had organised in their absence. Saldon wore a red goncha, a traditional Ladakhi dress for
both Muslims and Buddhists, which she had bought preemptively in Kargil two years prior, and a silvery
veil. The couple was garlanded with necklaces of rupee notes. There were officially around 40 guests,
but over a hundred friends and well–wishers crashed the reception, held later at Agha’s family home in
Dras, a town in the Himalayan foothills. They had a Kashmiri feast of big round flatbreads and goat curry.

“It was like our honeymoon,” Saldon said, recounting the road trip over lime sodas this March in Jammu.
The couple has been living there since 2011, separately and then together. “Except it all happened
before the wedding!” Then again, Saldon and Agha are not exactly of the kind to do things the usual

“You know, I proposed to him,”Saldon said. “We were on holiday in Himachal and there she got this
realisation…” Agha began. “No, not there!”Saldon interrupted. Even when they talk to others, they seem

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to primarily address each other. “I was pinned down in a car crash in Delhi in 2015 and the only person I
wanted to see was Murtaza,” she said. She had just received a marriage proposal from an eligible
Buddhist man in Leh and was considering it, knowing there would be “huge drama” if she actually tried
to marry Agha, who was her boyfriend at the time. She decided to fly back to Jammu from the hospital
to propose to him. “I was shocked,” he told me.

The couple married secretly in July 2016, in Kargil. Agha’s family grudgingly came to terms with the
marriage after he brought Saldon to his house in Jammu, but her family was furious. They forced her to

return to her home in Leh that winter, where she stayed until she got a restraining order against her
family before fleeing back to Jammu. Members of the Ladakh Buddhist Association stormed the Leh
bazaar last fall over Saldon and Agha’s marriage and Muslim and Buddhist men reportedly fought in the
streets. In September 2017, the LBA sent a petition to Mehbooba Mufti, Jammu and Kashmir’s chief

minister, demanding that she dissolve the couple’s marriage. They claimed that Agha had “lured” Saldon
into a trap.

The notion of love jihad was aggressively promoted by Hindu nationalists. “Now the love jihad concept is
all over India, and even in Ladakh we have a BJP government,” Agha said, referring to the ruling
Bharatiya Janata Party. “We were the right people to blame for this issue in our region at the right
time.” Not willing to risk another separation, the couple went on the run. “We just drove,”Saldon told
me. During the trip, Saldon alternated between ignoring the situation and feeling furious that so many
people were speaking on her behalf. A week into their road trip, she wrote a fierce opinion piece in a
Srinagar hotel room, which they sent it to a friend at the Indian Express.

Q.22) What is the tone of the passage?

a) Narrative

b) Descriptive
c) Critical
d) Esoteric

Q.23) What is the source of the passage?

a) A magazine article
b) An interview
c) A documentary
d) A blog

Q.24) What is the central idea of the passage?

a) The tension between Muslims and Buddhists in Jammu

b) The story of a couple undergoing inter–religious marriage
c) The notion of love jihad in Jammu as well as India
d) The political situation in Jammu under BJP rule

Q.25) What is the hometown of Agha?

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a) Leh
b) Kargil
c) Ladakh
d) None of the above

Q.26) What is the population of Muslims and Buddhists in Ladakh?

a) 40%
b) 46%
c) 86%
d) None of the above

Q.27) Whose family came to terms with the marriage later?

a) Agha
b) Saldon
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

Q.28) Who promote the notion of love jihad according to the passage?

a) Hindu nationalists
b) Islamic nationalists
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

Q.29) What is the meaning of the word rZamba?

a) Boat
b) Mountain
c) Sea
d) Bridge

Q.30) What can be inferred according to the passage?

a) Because of this secular nature the couple could face all adversity and the burden of marriage.
b) The couple had a grand reception celebrating them.
c) Saldon’s family did not accept their wedding because they believe in love Jihad.
d) None of these.

Q.31) On which of the following the couple seem to have a difference of opinion?

a) The route that should be taken

b) The place of marriage

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c) The mode of tackling media

d) The story of their proposal

S.32–36) Directions for Questions: Give the meaning of the following words.

Q.32) Abominate

a) Abhor

b) Indifferent
c) Praise
d) Hurt

Q.33) Obstinate

a) Obstacle
b) Outrun
c) Adamant
d) Detest
Q.34) Lapidate

a) Throw

b) Catch
c) Dig
d) Fly

Q.35) Demure

a) Brave
b) Timid
c) Shy
d) Dumb

Q.36) Sanguine

a) Doubtful
b) Petty
c) Confident
d) Important

S.37–40) Directions for Questions: Choose the correct spelling.


a) expertize

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b) expertise
c) expartise
d) exppertise


a) secreteries
b) secretaries

c) secrataries
d) sicretaries


a) hiererchically
b) hierarchicelly
c) hierarchicaly
d) hierarchically

a) buraeucrat
b) bureuacrat

c) bureaucrat
d) bureeucrat



Q.41) Central government has set the target to achieve 100% coverage of piped water to households for
all by which of the following year?

a) 2021
b) 2023
c) 2024
d) 2022

Q.42) Which line divides India and Pakistan –

a) 17th Parallel
b) 49th parallel
c) Radcliffe line
d) Durand line

Q.43) Which of the following country is not a member of SCO?

a) Uzbekisthan

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b) Tajikisthan
c) Afghanisthan
d) Kazakisthan

Q.44) The headquarters of National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) is located at:

a) China
b) North Korea

c) Seattle
d) Washington D.C.

Q.45) Indian government is setting up an International Arbitration Centre in which of the following city?

a) New Delhi
b) Ahmedabad
c) Bangalore
d) Kolkatta
Q.46) The fundamental duties are mentioned under which Part of the constitution?

a) Part lll
b) part lV

c) part lVA
d) part V

Q.47) Scientists from National Geographic Society and Tribhuvan University have established world’s

highest weather stations at ……?

a) Tibet Plateau
b) North Pole
c) Mt Everest
d) Mt. Kilimanjaro

Q.48) Which of the following is famous for its bangles

a) Firozabad
b) Mirzapur
c) Shamli
d) Lalitpur

Q.49) The first ICC World cup was organized by which country?

a) Australia and New Zealand

b) Indian and Pakistan
c) South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya.

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d) England and Wales

Q.50) Who among the following women scientists for the first time have been appointed to lead ISRO’s
Chandrayaan 2 project?

a) Ritu Karidhal
b) Sunita Kumari
c) Muthayya Vanitha

d) Both a & c

Q.51) Radha mohan cup is related to which sports?

a) Polo
b) Billiards
c) Base ball
d) Shooting
Q.52) Which of the following ministries are merged to create Jal shakthi Ministry?

a) Ministry of Water Resource and Drinking Water and Sanitation

b) Ministry of Health and family welfare and Rural Development
c) Ministry of Rural Development and Urban Affairs

d) Ministry of Water Resource and Housing and Urban Affairs

Q.53) Who was awarded Mexican Highest Civilian Honour - order of the Aztec Eagle?

a) Ram Nath Govind

b) Harsha Vardan
c) Pratibha Patil
d) Gajendra Singh Shekawat

Q.54) One Nation One Election proposed by Indian PM refers to?

a) It refers to simultaneous election for both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
b) It refers to one election for the Lok Sabha and Presdiential Elections.
c) Simaltaneous elections for Lok Sabha, State Legislative Assemblies, Panchayats and Urban local bodies
simultaneously, once in five year.
d) None of them

Q.55) Which Organisation has developed first ever SDG Gender Index?

a) Oxfam International
b) CARE India
c) The Gender and Development Network
d) Equal Measure 2030

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Q.56) Who took charge of Jal Shakti Ministry?

a) Gajendra Singh Shekhawat

b) Ramesh Pokhriyal
c) Smriti Irani
d) Suresh Prabhu

Q.57) Who is the Co Author of the book “Game Changer” written by Sahid Afridi?

a) Wajahat Khan
b) Yousuf Khan

c) Sarfarj Khan
d) Sartaj Abbasi

Q.58) Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is a ……?

a) International terror financing watchdog
b) Development bank
c) International financial cooperation agency
d) Non of the above

Q.59) Which of the following is world’s Largest fresh water lake?

a) Lake Volta
b) Lake Baikal

c) Lake Superior
d) Lake Titicaca

Q.60) The Parliament of Denmark is called as–

a) Diet
b) Storting
c) National People’s Congress
d) Folketing

Q.61) Which is the first country to issue paper Currency?

a) Germany
b) Norway
c) China
d) United State of America

Q.62) ‘Abhay Ghat’ is the crematorium of which of the following people?

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a) Indra Gandhi
b) Morarji Desai
c) Jagjeevan Ram
d) K.R Narayanan

Q.63) Who among the following has been crowned as Miss India 2019?

a) Apurvi Rao

b) Shreya Shanker
c) Suman Rao
d) Priyadarshni

Q.64) Operation Sunrise is conducted between army of India and

a) Japan
b) UAE
c) Saudi Arabia
d) Myanmar
Q.65) Recently viart kholi has completed 20k runs in internation matches. How many Indian players have
achieved this milestone before him?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
d) 4

Q.66) The headquarters of international court of justice is located at:

a) Norway
b) Germany
c) New York
d) The Hague

Q.67) Which of the following released the second edition of Healthy State - Progressive India report
which top by Kerala?

a) Oxfam International
b) WHO
c) Care International
d) Niti Aayog

Q.68) Which of the following organization releases the Corruption Perception Index ranking annually?

a) World Economic Forum

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b) Transparency International
c) European Anti–Fraud office
d) World Bank

Q.69) The Asia’s largest solar Power project is located in which district of Madhya Padesh?

a) Rewa
b) Bhoapal

c) Indore
d) Ujjain

Q.70) Name the player who had played his 400th Grand Slam Match, highest for any player in the


a) Roger Federer
b) Sarena Williams
c) Rafel Nadal
d) Djkovic
Q.71) ISRO is planning to launch its own space station by which of the following years?

a) 2026

b) 2027
c) 2030
d) 2031

Q.72) Ravana–1 is a Satellite of which of the following country?

a) India
b) Nepal
c) Bangladesh
d) Sri Lanka

Q.73) Who has been appointed as new leader of Rajya Sabha?

a) Prahlad Joshi
b) Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey
c) Arun Jaitley
d) Thawarchand Gehlot

Q.74) Only Indian whose name is there on the Forbes 2019 list of world’s highest–paid athletes is?

a) Kidambi Srikanth
b) Virat Kohli
c) Harmanpreet Kaur

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d) Mahendra Singh Dhoni

Q.75) Who won the palyer of the tournament title in ICC World cup 2019

a) Kane williamson
b) Rohit sharma
c) David Warner
d) Rusell

Q.76) Who among the following is appointed as new chief minister of Andhra Pradesh?

a) N. Chandrababu Naidu

b) Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy
c) Ekkadu Srinivasan Lakshmi Narasimhan
d) K. Chandrashekhar Rao

Q.77) India’s first Dinosaur Museum and Fossil park is situated at–
a) Gujarat
b) Rajasthan
c) Telangana
d) Kolkata

Q.78) Which of these months is celebrated as LGBTO pride month around the world?

a) May

b) September
c) January
d) June

Q.79) Where did 1st National Science Film Festival took place?

a) Kohima
b) Agartala
c) Tripura
d) Chennai

Q.80) Who is the president of Kyrgystan?

a) Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziev
b) Sooronbay Jeenbekov
c) Asylbek Jeenbekov
d) Almazbek Atambayev

Q.81) Who won the 2019 Pacific International Billiards Championship?

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a) Sourav Kothari
b) Francisco Bustamante
c) Earl Strickland
d) Peter Gilchrist

Q.82) Which of the following is true about strawberry moon?

1. Full moon in June

2. Last full moon of spring
3. The name originates from strawberry harvesting season in northeastern North America.
4. The name originates from strawberry harvesting season in northeastern South America.

a) Only 1
b) Only 1, 2, 3
c) 1, 2, 3, 4
d) Only 4
Q.83) Along with Mohammad Shami who have taken hatrick in ICC Worldcup 2019

a) Mittachel Starc
b) Patt Cumins
c) Trent Bolt

d) Mohmmad Amir

Q.84) Om Birla, who has been appointed as speaker of Lok Sabha is a two–time MP and Three–time MLA
from which of the following state?

a) Kerela
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Rajasthan
d) Assam

Q.85) Chinese president Xi Jinping will visit which of the following becoming the first Chinese leader to
visit the country in 14 years–

a) North Korea
b) South Korea
c) Kygryzstan
d) Russia

Q.86) Crypto currency launched by Facebook is called as?

a) Cupon
b) Forint
c) Libra

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d) Gourde

Q.87) First Women to win Abel Prize?

a) Maryam Mirzakhani
b) Karen Uhlenbeck
c) Ingrid Daubechies
d) Christiane Linster

Q.88) Which of the following Indian has won gold medal in women’s 1500m at Folksam Grand Prix

a) Dutee Chand
b) Swapna Barman
c) Hima Das
d) P.U. Chitra
Q.89) Mohamed Morsi, was the President of which nation who collapsed and died during the court
session on June 17?

a) Jordan

b) Egypt
c) Greece
d) Israel

Q.90) According to UN report – world Population Prospectus 2019–India will become most populated
nation by around which year?

a) 2030
b) 2029
c) 2028
d) 2027


Q.91) By selling an article a person makes a profit of 20% on the cost price. What will be the equivalent
profit on the selling price?

a) 16 %
b) 25%
c) 20%
d) 30%

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Q.92) In what ratio water should be mixed with milk to gain 20% by selling the mixture at its cost price.

a) 1 : 5
b) 5 : 1
c) 2 : 5
d) 3 : 5

Q.93) Rs.60,000 is divided among A, B and C in such a way that A : B = 5 : 2 and B : C = 7 : 13. Find the A’s

a) Rs.35000

b) Rs.14000
c) Rs.30000
d) Rs.28000

Q.94) If 80% of a number is added to 80 gives the result as the number itself, then find the number?
a) 400
b) 320
c) 360
d) 440

Q.95) An uneducated retailer marks all his goods at 50% above the cost price and thinks that he will still
make 25% profit. If he offers a discount of 25% on the marked price, what is his actual profit on selling?

a) 20%
b) 15%
c) 12 %
d) 22 %

Q.96) The average of five consecutive number is ‘a’. If the next four numbers are also included, then
what will be the change in its average?

a) Increased by 2
b) Increased by 1
c) Increased by 4
d) Remain the same

Q.97) The rectangular floor of my office has its area equal to 56 m2 . The minimum number of tiles
required, if all the tiles are in square shape is –

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a) 15
b) 9
c) 14
d) Can’t be determined

Q.98) Find the unit digit of 1324  6857  2413  5768  1234  5678 .

a) 4

b) 6
c) 8
d) None of these

Q.99) A sum of money invested at compound interest doubles itself in 6 years. In how many years it will
amount to eight times of itself at the same rate of interest?

a) 15 years
b) 10 years
c) 18 years
d) 12 years

Q.100) Two trains are about to collide. They are 65 kms apart. The speed of the train coming from east is
55 kms/hr and the speed of other train coming from west is 80 kms/hr. Find the distance between these

trains just two minutes before the accident?

a) 4 km
b) 5 km

c) 4.5 km
d) Data insufficient

Q.101) If 48m + 48n = 2880, what is one–third part of the average of m and n?

a) 30
b) 20
c) 10
d) 15

Q.102) Income of a person is increased by 30% and expenditure is increased by 30%. Find the
percentage increase in his savings, if the person spends 45% of his income after the increment?

a) 30%
b) 40%
c) 45%
d) Can’t be determined

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Q.103) Amit wrote six negative and five positive natural numbers on the board and asked Shyam to pick
any three numbers such that the product of the selected numbers is always less than zero. In how many
ways Shyam can select numbers?

a) 20
b) 40
c) 80
d) 60

Q.104) 30 men can do a piece of work in 15 days. They all started working together but after five days, 5
men left the job. After another five days, 5 more men left the job. This process is repeated till the work
gets completed. Find the total number of days required to complete the entire work.

a) 15 days
b) 20 days
c) 24 days
d) 30 days
Q.105) N is the largest five digit natural number which when divided by 27, 37 and 111 leaves remainder
9 in each case. Find the sum of the digits of N.

a) 27

b) 18
c) 36
d) 21

Q.106) Consider the two equations:

2x + 2y ≤ 40
x – 2y ≥ 20
If ‘x’ and ‘y’ are two non negative integers then what of the following is true about ‘x’?

a) x ≥ 20
b) x = 20
c) x ≥ 25
d) x ≤ 20

Q.107) The average weight of a class of 10 students is increased by 2 kg when one student of 30 kg left
and another student joined. After a few months, this new student left and another student joined
whose weight was 10 less than the student who left now. What is the difference between the final and
initial averages?

a) 11
b) 1
c) 111
d) 121

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Q.108) Which of the following is true?

32   73 2
a) 7  
32   73 2
b) 7  
32   73 2
 

c) 7
d) None of these

Q.109) A bag contains 6 blue balls and 5 green balls. One ball is picked from the bag at random. Find the
probability that it is a green ball.

a) 5/11
b) 6/11
c) 1/2
d) 1/5
Q.110) A is inversely proportional to B and directly proportional to C. If A is increased by 20% and B is
decreased by 20%. Then find the percentage change in C.

a) 50% increase
b) 50% decrease
c) 4% decrease
d) 4% increase


S.111–112) Directions for Questions: Rule (Tort Law)

The maxim injuria sine damnum means infringement of private legal right without damage or loss. In
such a case, the person in whom the legal right is vested is entitled to bring an action and may recover
damages although he has suffered no actual loss or harm.

Q.111) Hillary is a regular customer of Blink Bank, a prominent public sector bank. One day, she
approaches the bank manager to encash a cheque to herself to withdraw Rs.30,000 from her account.
The manager refuses to honour the said cheque despite there being sufficient funds in Hillary’s account.
Choose the correct statement:

a) This is a case of injuria sine damnum.

b) This is a case of injuria sine damnum because Hillary is a regular customer of the bank.
c) This is a case of injuria sine damnum because Blink Bank is a public sector bank.
d) This is not a case of injuria sine damnum because there are other remedies available to Hillary.

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Q.112) Which of the following, if true, would change your answer to Question 111 above?

a) Blink Bank is a private sector bank.

b) Hillary is not a regular customer of Blink Bank.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

S.113–115) Directions for Questions: Rules (Constitutional Law)

A. Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution guarantees that all citizens have the right to practice any
profession or to carry on any occupation or trade or business.
B. The freedom is not uncontrolled because the provision authorizes legislation which

(i)Imposes reasonable restrictions on this right in the interests of the general public;
(ii)Prescribes professional or technical qualifications necessary for carrying on any profession, trade or
business (But the courts will have no power to decide if the technical or professional qualifications laid
down by a law in respect of any trade or business are reasonable or not); and
(iii)Enables the State to carry on any trade or business to the exclusion of private citizens, wholly or
Facts: Smriti is born and brought up in Canada. Her grandparents had migrated to Ottawa from India
way back in the 1920s. While Smriti has never been to India, she nurses dreams of starting her own
business in her ‘home’ country, India, to manufacture low–cost sanitary pads for women and spread

awareness about menstrual health. Smriti starts her business in 2000 in Mumbai, and it flourishes. Soon,
however, the government comes up with a rule requiring that all such businesses be run by people who
have an MBA degree, for reasons of quality and security. Smriti does not have the requisite degree and
has to shut her business, leading to losses.

Q.113) Smriti considers this a violation of her Constitutional right. Which of the following is correct?

a) Smriti is right because her right under Article 19(1)(g) has been infringed upon.
b) Smriti is right because she had already been running the business successfully since 2000.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

Q.114) WBC– Women’s Business Collective, files a plea in the Bombay High Court, seeking a declaration
that the government’s recent list of requirements regulating businesses in the field of menstrual health
were unreasonable and overly stringent. What are the chances of success of their claim?

a) They have very strong chances of success.

b) They have little chance of success.
c) They have no chance of success.
d) Facts are insufficient.

Q.115) Smriti wants to start a petrochemicals business, employing an all–women team, again a
pioneering initiative considering she has mostly come across men employed in the field. When she goes

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seeking a license for the same, she is told that such a business can only be operated and run in
partnership with the government. She is rather annoyed. Choose the correct statement:

a) This is an unjust restriction on Article 19(1)(g).

b) This is not an unjust restriction on Article 19(1)(g), because it is a partial restriction.
c) This is not an unjust restriction on Article 19(1)(g).
d) This is an unjust restriction on Article 19(1)(g) because Smriti is being restricted despite her good

S.116–117) Directions for Questions: Rules (Contract Law)

A. An injunction is a method of enforcing the specific performance of a negative stipulation in the

contract. The application of this remedy of injunction also applies to contracts where there is no actual
stipulation, but where one may be inferred.
B. In a contract where personal services are involved, a clear negative stipulation is required for the
issue of an injunction for enforcing specific performance.
Facts: Thomas entered into a contract with Kerbick, agreeing to purchase all the solar energy generated
at the latter’s farm for use in his shop.

Q.116) Can an injunction be applied in this case?


a) Yes
b) No, because it involves exchange of an intangible item.
c) No
d) It cannot be determined

Q.117) Kerbick’s wife Angela has contracted to sing exclusively at Viju’s club for Rs.5,000 per gig. In
breach of this contract, Angela enters into a contract with one Ramulu, to sing at his club. Which of the
following statements is correct?

a) Angela can be compelled to sing at Viju’s club to fulfill her contract with him.
b) Angela can be restrained by injunction from singing at Ramulu’s club.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

S.118–120) Directions for Questions: Rule (Criminal Law)

Nothing is an offence, which is done by accident or misfortune, and without any criminal intention or
knowledge in the doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner by lawful means and with proper care and

Facts: Romesh and Somesh, who have been friends for over two decades, are engaged in a heated
argument, when Romesh loses his cool and punches Somesh. Somesh, now bleeding from the mouth,

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hurtles towards Romesh. Romesh’s sister, Anita, steps in to save her brother. Somesh hits her
accidentally and she loses an eye in the incident.

Q.118) To whom does the defence illustrated in the Rule apply in the instant case?

a) Romesh
b) Somesh
c) Anita

d) None of the above

Q.119) Assume that Romesh and Somesh are two friends who are fond of jousting. During one such
match between them, Romesh trips, falls and hits his head at the corner of the table. He turns partially

blind. Is the defence under the Rule applicable in this case?

a) Yes
b) Yes, because Romesh willingly agreed to the joust duel with Romesh
c) No
d) No, because Somesh should have been more careful about his friend.

Q.120) Dylan is working as a fireman in the State Fire Rescue Department. One day, while reloading the
truck with requisite equipment, he spotted a fire extinguisher lying idle. He already had many pipes in
his hands that he was loading into the truck, and kicked the fire extinguisher really hard to get it out of

the way. The fire extinguisher rolls, strikes a nail jutting out of the wall and both the extinguisher and
the nail end up in Dylan’s colleague, Bob’s, head. Bob dies on the spot. Is the defence under the Rule
applicable here?

a) Yes
b) Yes, because Dylan acted without malice
c) No
d) No, because Dylan is a government servant

S.121–122) Directions for Questions: Rules (Constitutional Law)

A. The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place
of birth or any of them.
B. Nothing in the above provision shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women
and children.

Facts: Gautami is working as a cook for the Mid–Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) at a local school. She
belongs to what is considered to be a “low” caste and when some parents of children studying in the
school find out about this, they are very upset. The State administration decides to shift Gautami to
another school in a nearby neighbourhood to alleviate the parents’ “concerns”.

Q.121) The State’s action is:

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a) Unjustified as per Rule A.

b) Unjustified as per Rule B.
c) Justified as per Rule B.
d) Justified in the interests of the public as Gautami has only been shifted to another school and not
removed from service altogether.

Q.122) Caz & Co. Pvt. Ltd. decide to hold a women–only recruitment drive every three months.
However, in a bid to accommodate new workers and the rising wage rates, the company starts

retrenching several male workers who consider this discriminatory and detrimental. Choose the correct

a) This policy is allowed as per Rule B.

b) Rule B. will not apply here because the male workers are adversely affected by the company’s policy.
c) Rule B is not applicable in this case.
d) Caz & Co.’s liability for alleged violation of the Constitution is nil since they are acting to adjust new
workers and rising wage rates.
S.123–125) Directions for Questions: Rules (Tort Law)

A. The doctrine of strict liability requires that (i) some dangerous thing must have been brought by a
person on his land; (ii) the thing thus brought or kept by a person on his land must escape; and (iii) it
must be non–natural use of land. In such a scenario, the defendant will be strictly liable, irrespective of

intention/motive, if he is unable to prevent reasonably foreseeable harm through his activity.

B. The doctrine of strict liability is subject to certain exceptions–
(i) Sole fault of the claimant
(ii) Consent of the claimant to presence of that danger and adequate precautions taken by defendant

(iii) Act of God

(iv) Statutory Authority
(v) Act of third party provided the defendant took due care to prevent damages if the act of such party
can be foreseen by the defendant.
C. The doctrine of absolute liability, on the other hand, is the application of strict liability but without the

Facts: Setaval & Co. own and operate a fertilizer factory in Old Delhi Municipal Complex. One night,
there was leakage of a poisonous gas from the factory after one of the pipes cracked. In the immediate
aftermath of the incident, twenty workers died, and in the long–term, the area around the factory was
declared unfit for human habitation and had to be evacuated.

Q.123) Which of the following applies here?

a) Strict liability
b) Absolute liability
c) Could be (a) or (b), but facts are insufficient
d) None of the above

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Q.124) In the following facts, assume that the following are added: “Setaval & Co. have been awarded
the ‘Responsible Corporate’ Award by the All Industries Association for the last three years, and hold
periodic audits to assess the safety standards in the factory.” How would this impact your answer to the
question above?

a) Strict liability would apply now as opposed to previously.

b) Absolute liability would apply now as opposed to previously.
c) The answer would remain unchanged.

d) It cannot be determined

Q.125) Setalvan & Co. have been collaborating with a scientist, Martis, for obtaining various oxides of
nitrogen and some other chemicals used in the manufacture of fertilizers. Martis makes the chemicals in

a laboratory on his premises. There is often lack of space inside the laboratory and he has to put out
some chemicals out in his backyard. There is no danger to them from direct sunlight, and so he does this
pretty often. One day, there is a tumultuous thunderstorm and the chemical bottles crack, the chemicals
flow into Martis’ neighbor, Lisa’s, garden, and damages her plants as well as contaminates the water
supply. Which of the following statements is correct in this case?
a) Strict liability is applicable here.
b) Strict liability is applicable here but Martis will be saved by one of the exceptions as stated in Rule B.
c) This is a case of absolute liability.
d) This is a case of absolute liability because Martis has tied up with Setalvan & Co., and the nature of

the latter’s business makes him similarly liable.

S.126–127) Directions for Questions: Rule (Miscellaneous– Rules of Evidence)


When the court has to form an opinion as to the relationship of one person to another, the opinion,
expressed by conduct, as to the existence of such relationship, of any person who, as a member of the
family or otherwise, has special means of knowledge on the subject, is a relevant fact.

For the following two instances, determine if the fact is relevant in consonance with the Rule given:

Q.126) The court has to determine whether Yasir and Hamida were in a live–in relationship. As witness,
Hamida’s friend tells the court that Hamida and Yasir used to live at the same address and always used
to address their communication as Mr. and Mrs. Yasir Khan, implying that they already were or were
soon to be married.

a) This is a relevant fact.

b) This is not a relevant fact for live–in relationships do not have legal status in India.
c) This is not a relevant fact since Yasir and Hamida’s relationship can only be ascertained as per Islamic
d) This is not a relevant fact since only one party (Hamida’s) friend has testified about it.

Q.127) The court delves further into the matter and the security guard, Preetjot, from Yasir and
Hamida’s building confirms that they live together and often attend the society’s functions as a couple.

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a) This is a relevant fact.

b) This is not a relevant fact because the security guard is not related to/friends with Yasir and/or
Hamida to be considered a valid witness.
c) This is not a relevant fact for live–in relationships do not have legal status in India.
d) This is not a relevant fact since Yasir and Hamida’s relationship can only be ascertained as per Islamic

S.128–129) Directions for Questions: Rules (Sale of Goods)

A. Where the fulfillment of the main purpose of the contract depends on the fulfillment of the
stipulation, the stipulation is a condition and where it is not so, the stipulation is only a warranty.

B. Where there is a breach of condition, the contract may be repudiated, and the aggrieved party may
refuse to perform its obligation and either treat the contract as closed, or bring an action for breach of
contract. But in case of warranty, the contract cannot be repudiated, only a claim for damages may be
C. Where a contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the seller, the buyer may waive
the condition or elect to treat the breach of the condition as a breach of warranty and not as a ground
for treating the contract as repudiated.
D. The above provision shall not affect the case of any condition or warranty fulfillment of which is
excused by law by reason of impossibility or otherwise.

Facts: Udit is a grain dealer. Aditya enters into a contract with Udit, asking him to deliver 30 kg. of new
polished rice at his residence the next day, in return for Rs. 1,000. Udit delivers the desired rice the next
day and Aditya tells him, “I will send you the money by tomorrow at your shop.” The next evening, since
Udit has still not received the payment, he calls up Aditya, who tells him, “I am not paying you mister.

You sent me the wrong rice. The phirni I cooked with it turned out to be trash!”

Q.128) Assume that Aditya’s claim is correct. In this case, there has been breach of:

a) Condition
b) Warranty
c) More facts needed to determine whether it is (a) or (b)
d) There is no breach on Udit’s part

Q.129) Aditya contacts Rudra to supply him with 20kg. of basmati rice for Rs.600. Rudra supplies him
with Mansoori rice instead. Aditya does not have time and decides to take whatever rice Rudra has
provided him but he is not happy, and reluctantly pays him Rs. 600. What are the options available with

a) He can sue Rudra for breach of condition.

b) He can sue Rudra for breach of warranty.
c) He can no longer claim a remedy with respect to the contract with Rudra.
d) He can claim damages from Rudra equal to the market price of 20 kg. of basmati rice.

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S.130–132) Directions for Questions: Rule (Contract Law)

If the parties to a contract agree to substitute a new contract for it, or to rescind or alter it, the original
contract need not be performed.

Facts: Teesta enters into a loan agreement with Megha, wherein Teesta borrows Rs.1 lakh from the
latter and owes her Rs.1,50,000 as repayment. Teesta, Megha, and Roshni enter into an agreement,
wherein Megha agrees to accept Roshni as the debtor, in place of Teesta.

Q.130) Choose the correct statement:

a) The old debt between Teesta and Megha is at an end.

b) A new debt between Roshni and Megha has been contracted.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Both debts are subsisting

Q.131) Ramona and Shridhar enter into an agreement for the sale of Ramona’s 2.5% shareholding in
M/s. Traum Ltd. Due to a typing error in the first copy, Ramona and Shridhar get it re–typed and sign on
the new copy. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) There is a new contract between Ramona and Shridhar.

b) There is no new contract between Ramona and Shridhar because they have only signed a new copy.

c) The new contract can only come into effect with the consent of M/s. Traum Ltd.
d) None of the above

Q.132) Ishaan owes Rs.50,000 to Shashank, as per their agreement. Ishaan and Shashank sign an

agreement whereby the former gives his scooter worth Rs. 30,000 to the latter in place of the debt of
Rs. 50,000. Choose the correct statement:

a) Ishaan has to pay Rs. 20,000 to Shashank to discharge his whole debt.
b) Ishaan has to pay Rs. 50,000 to Shashank because the scooter is a separate consideration altogether.
c) Ishaan no longer has to pay Shashank.
d) None of the above

Q.133) Who is the Chief Information Commissioner?

a) Aruna Roy
b) MS Swaminathan
c) RK Mathur
d) Sudhir Bhargava

Q.134) India has dedicated legal provisions against:

a) Mob lynchings
b) Riots

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c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the above

S.135–137) Directions for Questions: Rules (Criminal Law)

A. Insanity is a defence in criminal prosecution, but for it to be availed of, three elements are necessary,
any one of which must be established by the accused: That the accused, because of unsoundness of
mind, was incapable of knowing

a. the nature of the act; or
b. That the act was contrary to law; or
c. That the act was wrong.
B. Every person is presumed to be sane and to possess a sufficient degree of reason to be responsible

for his crimes, until the contrary is proved to the satisfaction of a jury.
C. Where a criminal act is committed by a man under some insane delusion as to the surrounding facts,
which conceals from him the true nature of the act he is doing, he will be under the same degree of
responsibility as if the facts had been as he imagined them to be.
D. There is a difference between legal insanity and medical insanity, and it is only legal insanity that
exculpates an accused person on basis of unsoundness of mind.

Facts: Sama, a twenty–year old, has recently started showing symptoms of autism. One day, at work,
she hears her colleagues discussing how she has changed and will not go far in her career. They even
begin mocking her and imitating her. This irks Sama, and she decides to take revenge, by hook or by

crook. She mixes poison in the coffee machine in office, and ten colleagues of hers are admitted to the
hospital, after consuming coffee from that machine.

Q.135) Assume that Sama is brought to court for her actions, and she takes the plea of insanity. What

are her chances of success?

a) 0%
b) 50%
c) 100%, because no one has died
d) 100%, because she did not target anyone in particular

Q.136) Dhiru suffers from dyslexia. He has been running a tea stall for ages, unable to complete his
education and due to lack of support from his family and society. One day, the local goon, Mathira,
comes to his tea stall. She orders a set of ten teas for her coterie. They all chat and have a good time,
but when the time comes to pay the bill, Mathira shows Dhiru a thumbs–down and tells him, “I think
you’ve forgotten who I am. I don’t pay no bills, mister!”Dhiru is tired of being stepped over and takes
the boiling teapot and pours it all on Mathira. She suffers severe burns and has to be admitted to
hospital with 60% burn injuries. Choose the correct statement:

a) In court, Dhiru can claim the defence of insanity since he is dyslexic.

b) There is no valid legal claim against Dhiru because he was only taking action against a criminal.
c) There is no valid legal claim against Dhiru because Mathira survived.
d) None of the above

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Q.137) Jim is a successful musician. He is recently going through a rather rough patch. He takes to
substance abuse and alcohol. Gradually, his health and mental balance deteriorates and he is admitted
to a lunatic asylum. His ex–wife, May, comes to know about this and visits him on a regular basis in the
asylum. Jim has always resented her, holding her solely responsible for destroying their marriage. One
day, when she visits Jim, his doctor tells her, “His recovery is going very well. We should be able to
discharge him soon enough.” Ecstatic, May rushes to Jim’s room to cheer him up with some good news.
To her horror, Jim draws out a butcher’s knife and slashes her throat. May dies on the spot. Can Jim

plead insanity in this case?

a) Yes
b) No, because he has always resented May and the motive behind the murder is clear.

c) No, because the doctor told May that Jim had recovered and was in a stable mental state.
d) It cannot be determined

S.138–140) Directions for Questions: Rules (Contract Law)

A. To determine if fraud has occurred in a contract, the following ingredients are required in the
assertion/representation or active concealment by a person or his agent:
a. Such assertion/representation/active concealment must relate to a fact.
b. Such assertion/representation/concealment should have been made with knowledge of its untruth, or
recklessly or carelessly, whether it be true or false, and with intent to deceive.

c. It should have been made with a view to inducing the other party to enter into a contract.
d. The other party must be thereby damnified.
B. Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the willingness of a party to enter into a contract is not fraud,
unless the circumstances of the case are such that, regard being had to them, it is the duty of the person

keeping silence to speak, or unless his silence is, in itself, equivalent to speech.

Facts: Amar runs an English daily. His paper sells widely, mainly because he always manages to find new
information on political goings–on that no one else manages to. One day, Amar is informed about the
role of the sand mafia in the State, from some unconfirmed sources. Amar does not publish the news for
atleast one week.

Q.138) Can Amar be held guilty of fraud?

a) Yes, because he owes a duty to the public as a journalist.

b) No, because as a journalist, it is upto him to choose when and what to publish.
c) No
d) Yes, because he has built a reputation as a responsible journalist and editor over time.

Q.139) Amar is attending the Annual Press Meet in the city, when he meets Damak Ram, the head of a
huge conglomerate, who is both famous and infamous for supporting all types of newspaper, genuine
and irresponsible ones, through advertisements and funds. Damak Ram asks Amar, “Mr. Bhatia! You are
such a legend in the press circles here. Tell me, what do you think of this newspaper– NewsAll?” NewsAll
is Amar’s biggest competitor and without thinking twice, Amar responds, “With due respect Mr. Ram, I

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think it is absolute trash. Paid news, if you ask me.”Damak Ram was thinking of putting in money into
NewsAll but after hearing this, decides against it. Choose the correct statement:

a) Amar is liable for fraud because his statement was uncorroborated and malicious.
b) Amar is liable for fraud because he was maliciously trying to ward off his competition.
c) Amar is not liable for fraud because Damak had only sought his opinion.
d) Amar is not liable for fraud because he has an impeccable reputation as an honest journalist.

Q.140) Damak Ram visits Amar’s office the next day and tells him, “Mr. Bhatia, as you already are aware,
I am sponsoring huge ads in most popular newspapers. But somehow, we have never had the chance of
collaborating, which I find truly preposterous. Will have space for me in Sunday’s edition– a full page
spread on my company and I for Rs. 5 crore?” Amar says, “I am glad you finally asked Mr. Ram. I’m sure

we can work something out soon.” On Saturday, Damak Ram transfers Rs. 5 crore in Amar’s account, but
is aghast to find no mention of his company or himself in the Sunday edition. He decides to sue Amar for
fraud. Advise Mr. Ram:

a) Mr. Ram will succeed because Amar had promised to publish the said piece for Rs. 5 crore.
b) Mr. Ram will succeed because he had already transferred Rs. 5 crore to Amar’s account.
c) Mr. Ram will not succeed because Amar did not promise to publish the piece.
d) Mr. Ram will not succeed because he was trying to engage in paid news.

S.141–143) Directions for Questions: Rules (Constitutional Law)


A. Article 14 of the Constitution deals with equality for all, both equality before the law and equal
protection of the laws.
B. Article 19 of the Constitution delineates various freedoms for citizens– such as freedom of speech and

expression, association, residence, profession.

C. Article 21 deals with right to life, and states that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal
liberty except according to procedure established by law.
D. The right to life includes the right to privacy as well, which includes an individual’s right to make
decisions and bodily integrity as well.

Facts: Delton is a successful entrepreneur. He came out as a homosexual last year, and since then, while
he received some praise for his courage, he has mostly been subjected to trolling and abuse, both online
and offline. He files a plea in the High Court, citing the abuse and stating that the provision under
Criminal law that makes homosexuality a criminal offence is unconstitutional.

Q.141) Which of the following Articles of the Constitution are likely to be taken into account in this

a) Article 14
b) Article 19
c) Article 21
d) All of the above

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Q.142) Delton’s partner, Rocco, who is from Mexico, flies in from his country to be with Delton in these
trying times. However, the media get wind of this and start trailing the couple wherever they go,
publishing scandalous stories about them. Rocco decides to complain against this. However, the
authorities tell him that it is better if Delton files a complaint because as a foreign national, Rocco may
not get much help here, due to legal barriers. The authorities’ statement is:

a) Correct because Rocco, as a foreign national, is not a subject of Indian criminal laws.
b) Correct because they are only trying to help Rocco, and not turning him down completely.

c) Incorrect because of Article 14.
d) Incorrect because of Article 21.

Q.143) Due to relieve the stress of the recent events, Delton hosts a private gathering of his close friends

at his home. Some of his photographs with Rocco make their way to social media websites and Delton is
upset with this, claiming that the paparazzi, in particular, the editor of the entertainment website Sin
Sational, Mrunal Khappar, has been trailing him, violating his right to privacy. Choose the correct
a) There is no violation of the right to privacy because they were just photos from a public gathering,
and anyone from the invitees might have leaked the photos.
b) There is no violation of the right to privacy because the photos were not tampered or morphed and
were true reproductions.
c) There is a clear violation of privacy.

d) As a public figure, Delton should not be so sensitive to such petty issues.

S.144–145) Directions for Questions: Rules (Miscellaneous– Sale of Goods)


A. Whenever goods are sold by sample, the buyer shall have reasonable opportunity to examine them
and compare the bulk with the sample. Only after such comparison can acceptance of goods arise.
B. The buyer can reject the goods even after they have been delivered, if the bulk does not correspond
with the sample.

Facts: Ramsha takes out an advertisement calling for samples of dahlia flowers of best and durable
quality. They would be used for decoration for her new office premises. Param sends her blue and white
dahlias, and Ramsha is most impressed with them. She ordered 20 kg. of the flowers, with payment
upon delivery. When the flowers are delivered to Ramsha, she sees that they are all (15 kg., to be
precise) yellow and purple in colour. She refuses to take delivery and pay, citing that the flowers are
very different from the ones she agreed on.

Q.144) Which of the following statements is correct?

a) Ramsha is entitled to refuse acceptance since the goods delivered are very different from the sample.
b) Ramsha is not entitled to refuse acceptance since only a fraction of the goods delivered do not
correspond exactly with the sample.
c) Ramsha is not entitled to refuse acceptance since the delivered flowers are also purple, a variation of
the blue colour she had seen on the samples.

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d) Both (b) and (c)

Q.145) Assume that Ramsha had taken out the advertisement but the batch of 20kg. Flowers were to be
delivered to the Saspura railway station where Ramsha had to inspect them. From thereon, she would
send the consignment to Maitri, who would again inspect the goods. Param sent the flowers to Ramsha,
who inspected the consignment, and forwarded it to Maitri. Maitri rejected them as not being according
to sample. Now, Ramsha seeks to reject the goods. Is Ramsha entitled to reject the goods?

a) Yes, because she is just an intermediary between Param and Maitri.
b) Yes, because a double–check is more convincing than a single–check.
c) No, as the agreement is between Param and Ramsha.
d) No, as Ramsha’s inspecting the flowers and forwarding them to Maitri constitute acceptance of the


S.146–147) Directions for Questions: Rules (Constitutional Law)

A. Conferment of titles by the State has been abolished, except in the case of military or academic
B. A citizen cannot accept any title from a foreign State.
C. Even non–citizens, who hold any office of profit or trust under the State, cannot accept any title from
any foreign State without consent of the President.
D. The Supreme Court has held that the prohibition of titles extends to hereditary titles of nobility and

use of titles as prefixes or suffixes to the names of holders.

Facts: Sir Tony Rutherford, an eminent British scientist, is visiting Goa for the Annual Science Congress.
During his visit here, the newspaper, ScienceX, publishes a report illustrating his previous works. A case

is filed against the newspaper for addressing him as ‘Sir’ Tony Rutherford, since such discriminatory
titles are prohibited under Article 18 of the Constitution.

Q.146) The newspaper is:

a) Guilty of contravention of Article 18 of the Constitution.

b) Guilty of perpetuating discrimination and violating Article 14 of the Constitution.
c) Not guilty of violating the Constitution.
d) None of the above

Q.147) Onisha is a prominent classical singer. The Czech government wants to confer the honour of the
‘Larking Angel’ award to her. It is awarded by the Czech government to the top–ranking artistes from
around the world. Choose the correct option:

a) Onisha must take permission from the Indian government before accepting the award.
b) Onisha must ask the Czech government to take permission from the Indian government before giving
her the award.
c) Onisha can accept the award from the Czech government on her own.
d) None of the above.

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S.148–150) Directions for Questions: Rule (Contract Law)

Where a person lawfully does anything for another person or delivers anything to him, not intending to
do so gratuitously, and such other person enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter is bound to make
compensation to the former in respect of, or to restore, the thing so done or delivered.

Facts: Jhumroo is a popular diamond trader in Malkannagar. He is known for his innate charm which

draws plenty of customers and he is known to be in the good books of the who’s who of the city. He
frequently visits his friend, Jeet. One day, while at Jeet’s house, he takes out his latest collection of
diamonds imported from Sudan. Jeet’s wife, Saroj, takes a liking for one of them, and quips, “I wish I had
it!”Jhumroo says, “Well, consider it yours now, sister.” He packs all the diamonds back, except this one

and leaves. A fortnight later, Jhumroo comes knocking on Jeet’s door, asking for the diamond back, but
Saroj refuses to return it.

Q.148) Which way will this dispute go?

a) Jhumroo is entitled to the diamond as per the Rule.
b) Jhumroo is not entitled to the diamond as it is a blood diamond from Sudan.
c) Jhumroo is not entitled to the diamond.
d) Neither Jhumroo nor Saroj is entitled to the diamond because it is imported from Sudan, and the
police can confiscate it.

Q.149) One day, the local jeweler, Maniratnam, visits Jhumroo. He unwraps a little case and shows the
latter some exquisite new pendants, that he fashioned out of diamonds from Jhumroo’s rival, Rahul.
Jhumroo immediately says, “You’re wasting your time with Rahul, Mani! I will show you what real

diamonds look like.” They then have a good business discussion and Maniratnam promises to send
Jhumroo a sample from his latest pendant collection for further study. While packing the pendants,
Maniratnam forgets one and leaves it at Jhumroo’s house. Jhumroo treats the pendant as his own. What
are the options available with Jhumroo?

a) He must return the pendant to Maniratnam.

b) He must compensate Maniratnam for the pendant.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Either (a) or (b)

Q.150) Govil and Sunil are joint tenants in Jhumroo’s house. Sunil pays the whole rent for May to
Jhumroo. Choose the correct statement:

a) Sunil is entitled to compensation from Govil, his co–tenant.

b) Sunil is entitled to two months’ rent from Govil, his co–tenant.
c) Sunil is not entitled to any compensation from Govil for he paid Jhumroo for his private interest.
d) Sunil is not entitled to any compensation from Govil; Jhumroo could ask for compensation on Sunil’s

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S.151–152) Directions for Questions: Rules (Criminal Law)

A. Nothing is an offence which is done by a child under seven years of age.

B. Nothing is an offence which is done by a child above seven years of age and under twelve, who has
not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge the nature and consequences of his conduct
on that occasion. The ‘consequences’ do not refer to penal consequences to the offender but the
natural consequences which flow from a voluntary act.

Facts: Ashish is five years old. He has always been captivated by videos of people setting things on fire
and he loves to see objects melt. He decides to try the same on his uncle, Bipin’s scooter. The scooter, of
course, gets damaged.

Q.151) Which of the following is correct?

a) Ashish is guilty of arson.

b) Ashish is guilty of arson because he knew what effect setting fire to the scooter would have.
c) Ashish is not guilty because the scooter belonged to his uncle, not an outsider.
d) Ashish is not guilty.
Q.152) Titli is ten years old. She is one of those gamer kids and enjoys first person shooting games the
most, because of the gore. One day, she finds a pellet gun at home and is excited to enact the game
scenes in reality. She knows it might hurt but she had no idea she could be jailed for it. She shoots her

younger brother, Josep, who loses his right eye in the accident. Is Titli guilty as per the Rules?

a) Yes, because of Rule B.

b) No, because of Rule B.

c) Yes, because she needs to be taught a lesson irrespective of her age.

d) No, because she did not know that she could go to prison for this act.

S.153–155) Directions for Questions: Rules (Tort Law)

Private defence or self–defence is a good defence in an action for tort, but the use of force should be
reasonable, which is necessary to protect one’s property or person from an imminent danger or threat
to the safety of person or property.

For the following three cases, identify whether the defence of private defence may be applied?

Q.153) Elvis is very scared after he got threats from a maniacal journalist, whom Elvis has refused an
interview with, that he would break into his house and kill him. Elvis gets high walls constructed around
his house and puts barbed wire all around to prevent any trespass. A child tried to climb the wall to get
inside and click a selfie with Elvis, but got hurt from the barbed wire.

a) Yes
b) Yes, because the journalist was a maniac
c) No, he should have stopped at building the high walls; the barbed wire is a bit too much.

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d) No

Q.154) Assume that Elvis had not only raised the walls to his house but also put raised shards of glass on
them to prevent intruders from entering, since he is an iconic popstar and people are always after him.
But he did this as a matter of general safety, and never got any threats. In this situation, the child trying
to enter the house by the wall gets injured.

a) Yes

b) No, because there is no reasonable justification for the high walls or the shards of glass.
c) No, because Elvis should have realized that a child might get hurt because of the glass.
d) No, because he should have stopped at building the high walls. There was no need for the glass.

Q.155) One day, Elvis, who is terrified of dogs, sees his neighbour’s bloodhound having sneaked into
Elvis’ garden. Elvis decides to do something to protect himself, if such a horrific situation were ever to
arise again. He lays landmines in strategic patches and only tells his guards and gardener about their
location so that they do not get hurt. One day, his niece, Janet, comes visiting, and on seeing a pansy
flower blooming in the garden, rushes to it. She accidently steps on the land mine, there is a blast and
she gets severely injured.
a) Yes
b) Yes, because he laid out the mines in certain strategic locations.
c) No, because he should have told his cousin about the landmines.

d) No

S.156–157) Directions for Questions: Rule (Criminal Law)


When an offence is committed by means of several acts, whoever intentionally cooperates in the
commission of that offence by doing any one of those acts, either singly or jointly with any other person,
commits that offence.

Facts: Iqbal and Fred are joint jailors. One of the inmates, Rustom, is a particular nuisance but he is
influential and all of the jailors’ complaints to higher authorities about his misconduct have fallen on
deaf ears. They decide to do away with Rustom together. Iqbal starts mixing salmonella in Rustom’s
food, which gives Rustom food poisoning on a frequent basis. Meanwhile, Fred administers spurious
medicines to Rustom. Both these acts together are responsible for Rustom’s deteriorating health, until
one day, he dies.

Q.156) Who is responsible for Rustom’s death in this case?

a) Iqbal
b) Fred
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b) because if Rustom is troublesome, this is what he deserved.

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Q.157) Assume that Iqbal is the jailor. He is fed up of Rustom and decides to get rid of him. He starts
administering him food lined with salmonella, hoping the food poisoning will one day, kill him. While
Rustom grows weak, he does not die. Meanwhile, Iqbal gets transferred and Fred, a new jailor, is
appointed in his place. Fred reads Rustom’s file and is determined to kill him, considering it a favour to
humanity. He stops giving Rustom regular meals, knowing that with Rustom’s health, it was only a
matter of time before he would succumb. And sure enough, within a fortnight, Rustom dies. Who is
responsible for Rustom’s death in this case?

a) Iqbal
b) Fred
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b), because both acted under official authority.

Q.158) Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of the National Green Tribunal (NGT)?

a) Justice Jawad Rahim

b) Justice Swatanter Kumar
c) Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel
d) Justice Lokeshwar Singh Panta

Q.159) Which of the following High Courts recently accorded legal entity status to animals?

a) Allahabad
b) Delhi
c) Karnataka
d) Uttarakhand

Q.160) The Suresh Kumar Koushal v. Naz Foundation case dealt primarily with:

a) Section 376 of the IPC

b) Section 377 of the IPC
c) Section 295 of the IPC
d) Section 375 of the IPC


S.161–165) Directions for Questions: Analogies: Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.

Q.161) Binding : Book :: _________ : Painting

a) Frame
b) Glass
c) Canvas
d) Brush

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Q.162) Sun Pharma : Ranbaxy :: Manipal Hospitals : __________

a) Daiichi Sankyo
b) Fortis Healthcare
c) IHH Healthcare
d) Burmans of Dabur

Q.163) Analogy : Parallelism :: syllogism : ________

a) Assumption
b) Deduction
c) Inference

d) None of the above

Q.164) Flower : Petal :: _________ : ___________

a) Book : Pen
b) Bed : Cot
c) Bicycle : Tyre
d) Cup : Saucer

Q.165) Pedal : Bicycle :: _________ : _________


a) Oar : boat
b) Break : Bike
c) Engine : Train

d) Belt : Buckle

S.166–170) Directions for Questions: Choose the odd one out.

Q.166) Seal, Whale, Otter, Shrimp

a) Seal
b) Whale
c) Otter
d) Shrimp

Q.167) Equality, legal aid, life, freedom

a) Equality
b) Life
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

Q.168) Assumption, Hunch, Suspicion, Reality

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a) Assumption
b) Reality
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

Q.169) Conclusion, Cessation, Prelude, Denouncement

a) Conclusion
b) Cessation
c) Prelude
d) Denouncement

Q.170) Inference, Guess, Hint, Supposition

a) Inference
b) Supposition
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

S.171–175) Directions for Questions: Choose the correct option.


Q.171) Statement 1: The law and order situation in Jammu and Kashmir is deteriorating.
Statement 2: BJP pulled out from the coalition government in J&K to pave the way for Governor’s rule
to ensure the restoration of peace and normalcy.

a) Statement 1 is the cause; statement 2 is the effect

b) Statement 2 is the cause; statement 1 is the effect
c) Statement 1 is the cause but statement 2 is not effect
d) Statement 1 and 2 are independent statements

Q.172) Statement 1: The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) suffered a loss of ₹947.99
crore in 2015.
Statement 2: There was a lack of trained manpower that resulted in the delay in restarting a reactor at
the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in 2015.

a) Statement 1 is the cause; statement 2 is the effect

b) Statement 2 is the cause; statement 1 is the effect
c) Statement 1 is the cause but statement 2 is not effect
d) Statement 1 and 2 are independent statements

Q.173) Statement 1:“We take this step of quitting because our commitment does not allow us to remain
a part of a hypocritical and self–serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights,”
Statement 2: “But today we need to be honest… the Human Rights Council is a poor defender of human

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a) Statement 1 is the cause; statement 2 is the effect

b) Statement 2 is the cause; statement 1 is the effect
c) Statement 1 is the cause but statement 2 is not effect
d) Statement 1 and 2 are independent statements

Q.174) Statement 1: The U.S. has opted to stay out of the Human Rights Council.
Statement 2: The U.S. joined the Human Rights Council only in 2009 under President Barack Obama.

a) Statement 1 is the cause; statement 2 is the effect
b) Statement 2 is the cause; statement 1 is the effect
c) Statement 1 is the cause but statement 2 is not effect

d) Statement 1 and 2 are independent statements

Q.175) Statement 1: India has decided to pull out of a Memorandum of Understanding on the return of
illegal migrants
Statement 2: There is exclusion of Indian students from a relaxation of visa rules – that was extended to
10 other countries, including China and the Maldives

a) Statement 1 is the cause; statement 2 is the effect

b) Statement 2 is the cause; statement 1 is the effect
c) Statement 1 is the cause but statement 2 is not effect

d) Statement 1 and 2 are independent statements

S.176–180) Directions for Questions: Choose the correct assumption underlying the given premise:

Q.176) Statement: “Wanted a 2BHK flat near the Supreme Court/High Court area for immediate
possession.”– An advertisement on ‘Flats and Flatmates’ Delhi.
I. Flats are available near the court area.
II. Some people will respond to the advertisement.
III. It is a practice to give such an advertisement.

a) All are implicit

b) Only II is implicit
c) None
d) Both I and II are implicit

Q.177) Statement: CP makes books that even a layman can study law in the absence of a teacher.
I. A layman wishes to study law without a teacher.
II. A teacher may not always be available to teach law.
III. A layman generally finds it difficult to learn law on its own.

a) Only II and III are implicit

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b) Only I and III are implicit

c) Only I and II are implicit
d) All are implicit

Q.178) Statement: “We do not want you to see our product on newspaper, attend our demo classes and
gain full experience.”– An advertisement.
I. People generally decide to purchase any product after seeing its name in the advertisement.

II. People may come to attend the demo class.

a) None is implicit
b) Only I is implicit

c) Only II is implicit
d) None of the above

Q.179) Statement: “Silk is ideal as a gift for someone you love.” – A Cadbury advertisement.
I. People generally give gifts to loved ones.
II. Such advertisements may influence people.
III. Chocolate can be considered as a gift item.

a) All are implicit


b) Only II and III are implicit

c) Only I and III are implicit
d) Only I and II are implicit

Q.180) Statement: “I want to present a book on techniques of yoga to Som on his birthday.”
I. I like Baba Ramdev.
II. Som is unwell.
III. I do not like Som that much

a) Only I and II are implicit

b) Only II and III are implicit
c) Only I and III are implicit
d) None is implicit

2 4 7 11
Q.181) , , , ,?
17 19 22 26

a) 13/25
b) 15/29
c) 17/13
d) 16/31

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Q.182) ADHM : ZWSN : : CIFD : ?


Q.183) P, Q, R and S are four consecutive months in which P and S are of 30 days. Which month is S?

a) April
b) June
c) September

d) November

S.184–188) Directions for Questions:

Six friends – Cirat, Mhoni, Maina, Bahane, Badeja and Gujara belong to one of these cities namely Delhi,
Ranchi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. It is known that exactly two friends belong to the same city
while two friends whose name start with same initial letter as the city in which they reside. The two
friends who belong to the same city are sitting adjacent each other but they are not from Ranchi. Mhoni
sits third from the left end but is neither from Delhi nor Bangalore. There are four friends sitting
between Cirat and the person Hyderabad. Maina sits left of the friend from Bangalore. Gujara sits right

of Mhoni but not at any extreme. Only 3 friends sit to the left of the friend from Delhi. Cirat is not
among these 3 friends. Bahane doesn’t sit right of Mhoni. The person from Bangalore sits at least 3
positions left of Badeja who is not from Ranchi.

Q.184) How many arrangements are possible?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Q.185) Badeja belongs to which city –

a) Hyderabad
b) Mumbai
c) Delhi
d) Data insufficient

Q.186) The friend from Mumbai is –

a) Bahane
b) Mhoni
c) Maina

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d) Gujara

Q.187) How many friends sit between the friend from Hyderabad and Delhi –

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) Data insufficient

Q.188) Who belongs to Ranchi?

a) Mhoni

b) Gujara
c) Cirat
d) Badeja

Q.189) What is the missing group in the sequence:

B2Y, C3X, E5V, G7T, ___, M13N
a) I9R
b) K9R
c) K11Q

d) K11P

Q.190) Which word does not belong with the others?


a) Dollar
b) Peso
c) Ounce
d) Yen

Q.191) If “NUREMBERG” is coded as “KROBNFIVK”. Then what is the code of “AMSTERDAM”


Q.192) Six lawyers: Ajay, Binod, Charu, Deepti, Eknath and Faiz, of a prominent law firm XYZ, are sitting
around a circular table discussing while working on a case. Ajay is sitting immediate left of Charu who is
sitting opposite to Eknath. Deepti and Eknath do not have a good rapport and they don’t want to sit
Who is immediate left of Ajay?

a) Binod

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b) Charu
c) Faiz
d) Cannot be determined

S.193–196) Directions for Questions:

Six strikers Lukaku, Neymar, Ronaldo, Messi, Beckham and Silva appeared in three consecutive FIFA
world cup – 2010, 2014 and 2018 hosted in South Africa, Brazil and Russia respectively. They have

scored goals from 4 to 9 in each of the 3 World Cups. Further, the following information is known.

No two strikers scored the same number of goals in the same world cup. No striker scored the same
number of goals in more than one world cup. Total for any player is defined as the sum of goals scored

by him in the 3 world cups.

Lukaku and Ronaldo did not score the highest goals in any of the mentioned world cups.

Beckham scored the least in Russia, Lukaku scored the least in 2010 and Ronaldo scored the least in
The total number of goals scored by Lukaku is even, but he did not score goals that are even numbers in
all the 3 mentioned world cups. Also, Lukaku scored more number of goals in Brazil than in Russia.

The total number of goals scored by Lukaku is same as the total number of goals scored by Beckham.

Messi scored 6 goals in Brazil while Silva scored the highest in South Africa. The total number of goals
scored by Messi is even. The total number of goals scored by Silva is also even.

Q.193) Who scored 7 goals in FIFA 2018 (RUSSIA)?

a) Neymar
b) Ronaldo
c) Silva
d) Lukaku

Q.194) Who scored the highest number of total goals in the mentioned three world cups?

a) Silva
b) Neymar
c) Messi
d) Ronaldo

Q.195) How many goals did Messi Scored in FIFA 2010 (South Africa)?

a) 4
b) 5

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c) 7
d) 8

Q.196) Which of the following statements will be sufficient to determine the goals scored by each of the
strikers in all the three mentioned world cups?

a) Neymar scored the second highest total number of goals

b) Ronaldo did not score 8 goals in FIFA 2014 (BRAZIL)

c) Total goals scored by Ronaldo is even
d) Neymar did not score 6 goals in FIFA 2010 (South Africa)

Q.197) How is my father’s brother’s mother’s only daughter–in–law’s only daughter related to me?

a) Myself
b) Sister
c) Cousin
d) Data insufficient
Q.198) Ramesh is facing east, he walks 14 km and then takes a right turn and walks 4 km. Then, he takes
a left turn and walks 10 km. Further, he travels 3 km after taking 90° clockwise direction and stops. How
far and in which direction is he from the starting point?

a) 20 km, South West

b) 25 km, South West
c) 25 km, South East
d) 20 km, South East

Q.199) Look at the series and find the next term:

O, N, D, J, F, M, A, M, J, ___

a) A
b) K
c) D
d) J

Q.200) At what time after 4:00 PM is the minute hand of a clock exactly aligned with the hour hand?

a) 4:20:49.5
b) 4:21:49.5
c) 4:22:49.5
d) 4:23:49.5

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