Tokoh Golden Snail

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King (adit)

Candra Kirana (rado)

Galuh Ajeng (dafi)

The Witch (dicky)

Inu Kertapati/ Prince (aldi)

Narator (rizky)


Scene 1

Narator : Kertamarta was the King of Daha. He had two daughters. They are Dewi Galuh and
Chandra Kirana. Both of them were beautiful and kind. Chandra Kirana was purpose to Inu
Kertapati. He was the Prince of Kahuripan Kingdom. He was a just and wise person.

The King : “Kirana”

Kirana : “Yes, dad”

The King : “I think I was too old. I want you to enganged with Radden Inu Kertaparti from the
kingdom of Kahuripan”

Kirana :“yes, my father I will do it for our queendom, for you, and for my love.”

Ajeng : “What? I disagree with this. Why are not me dad?”

The King : “it’s my choice. Kirana it’s better than you, she is smarter, prettier than you, and
she has good behaviour too”

Ajeng : “It’s not fair to me, i never disagree with this.”

Kirana : “Thank you dad to trust me”

The King : “Of course my princess”

Scene 2

Narator : The people in the Kingdoms celebrated the good news of the engagement
andevery one was happy, except one. The jealous Lady was Ajeng.

The King : “ladies and gantleman! today, my daughter Kirana enganged with Raden
InuKertapati. May they will be happy until the end of time and they will marry one month after
this moment I’m happy now and I hope all of you feel what I feel.”

Inu Kertapati : “thanks a lot, Kirana. I will always love you forever I promise.”

Kirana : “I just can give my heart for you. Thank you so much.”

In another place

Ajeng (said to herself): “I need to find a way to separate the Prince and the Princess before
they get married I really hate this moment.”

Scene 3

Narator : Galuh Ajeng went to the witch.

Galuh Ajeng : “I have a job for you….”

Witch : “What is that?”

Galuh Ajeng : “I want you to kill Candra Kirana.”

Witch : “No, I can’t.”

Galuh Ajeng : “Why?”

Witch : “I am scared. Because my job is not to kill someone.”

Galuh Ajeng : “Then, what can you do to remove Candra Kirana?”

Witch : “I can change her into golden snail.”

Galuh +Queen : “It’s okay.”

Witch : “This is for you. (give a bottle liquid) It can change Candra Kirana into
golden snail.”

Galuh Ajeng : “How can?”

Witch : “You must splash this liquid on her body and say the spell.”

Queen : “Spell what?”

Witch : “The spell is ‘man man man man man cung cung cung cung cung’
remember, after she turned into the snail, you must throw it to the river. If someone found it,
it will change into Candra Kirana again.”

Galuh Ajeng : “Okay. I will remember it. Thank you.”

Witch : “You’re welcome.”

Scene 4

Narator : At the night when Kirana was going to sleep, Galuh Ajeng went to Kirana’s room.

Candra Kirana : “Ooh, I’m so sleepy right now. What time is it? 10 p.m.? Okay, it’s time to

Galuh Ajeng : (wishper). “Kirana is going to sleep. I have to splash the magic water soon.”

Candra Kirana : “Ajeng, what are you doing here?”

Galuh Ajeng : “No, I can’t sleep, dear. I want to sleep with you tonight.”

Candra Kirana : “Oh, alright. And what is that? The bottle in your right hand?”

Galuh Ajeng : “Umm (panic) nothing. You know at the night sometimes I…I…I’m thirsty.”

Candra Kirana : “Oh okay, let’s sleep…”

Galuh Ajeng : (splash the magic water)”Man man man man man cung cung cung cung

Candra Kirana : “What? What are you doing? Dad!!!!

Galuh Ajeng : “Bye bye Kirana… muah. I wanna throw you to the river!”

Candra Kirana : “Oh God… What happen with me? I feel like my body getting smaller and
there’s something hard grow in my back. What happen with me???”

Scene 5

Narator : In the castle, the King’s family having breakfast. The King looked for Candra Kirana.

King : “Galuh Ajeng, do you know where is Kirana? I didn’t see her this morning.
She should having breakfast with us right now. Candraa….”

Galuh Ajeng : “Oh, you’re overthinking, Dad. She is still sleeping right now.

King : “No, mom. She usually wakes up earlier in this castle. Do you know, where
she is, Galuh?”

Galuh Ajeng : “Exactly, I don’t know where she is, Dad.”

King : “I’m gonna check her on her room. (go upstairs and check Kirana on her
room)No..!!! Where is she??? Galuh Ajeng, Kirana isn’t at her room!!! I’m gonna find her. Inu
Kertapati go help me find her.”

Inu : “Okay, Sir. I’m worried about her.”

King : “Galuh Ajeng, look after at the castle. I’m gonna find Candra Kirana.”

Galuh Ajeng : “Okay, be careful, Dad! (Dad gone)

Scene 6

Narator : The next day in the morning, Candra Kirana was cleaning house.

Candra Kirana : (Kirana was cleaning and then Mbok Rondo came out) “Morning mom.”

Mbok Rondo : “Morning dear. Wow, you’re so diligent.”

Candra Kirana : “Ah, I think I just can do this to express my gratitude to you, mom.”

Mbok Rondo : “Ah don’t bother dear, I am sincere. Would you accompany me to the market?
I want to sell these fish. “

Candra Kirana : “Of course mom. Let’s go.”

(Go to the market, at the market)

Candra Kirana : “Fresh fish, just 10.000 for a kilo. Fresh fish Madame, fresh fish….”

Galuh Ajeng : “Like candra kirana’s voice.What? Candra kirana? No! It’s impossible. How
she can change into herself again? I must go to the witch.”

(Galuh Ajeng went to the witch house. In the witch’s house…)

Galuh Ajeng :”Witch, witch!!”

Witch : “ Come in! Yes, what’s up Galuh Ajeng?”

Galuh Ajeng : “you said that if I throw the golden snail into the river it will not change into
Candra Kirana. But today I see Candra Kirana in the market.”

Witch : “Do you remember that I said if someone found the golden snail, it can
change to Candra Kirana again?”

Galuh Ajeng : “Emm I remember.”

Witch : “I’m sure that there is someone who found the golden snail.”

Galuh Ajeng : “You not a professional witch!!”

Witch : “I’m sorry Ajeng, I can do nothing.”

Galuh Ajeng : “Huh I hate you!” (go back to the castle and told her mom about this)

Galuh Ajeng : “it’s a bad situation I think the witch can remove Candra Kirana forever. I
think she will be Golden Snail until the end of her life.”

Prince : (spy on) “What? Candra Kirana was changed into golden snail by Ajeng?
The witch! I must go to her!”

(Inu kertapati at the witch’s house)

Prince : “Madame, Madame…”

Witch : “Prince, come in. What’s up, why do you go to meet me?”

Prince : “I want to ask something to you.”

Witch : “What is it?”

Prince : “Have you changed Candra Kirana into the golden snail?”

Witch : “Ah, you are kidding, Prince. How can I change the princess into golden

Prince : “I heard from Galuh Ajeng that she was changed Candra Kirana into the
golden snail by your help.”

Witch : “Mmm, actually yes. I was forced to change the princess by Galuh Ajeng.
Forgive me Prince, I’m so sorry.”

Prince : “Where Candra Kirana now?”

Witch : “She is at Dadapan village with Mbok Rondo.”

Prince : “Okay, thanks for your information.”

Witch : “You’re welcome Prince. I’m so sorry.”

Scene 7

Prince : “I must go to Dadapan village and found Candra Kirana. Wait, hey that is
Candra Kirana. Candra Kirana, Candra Kirana!” (running to Candra Kirana)

Candra Kirana : “do You call me?”

Prince : “Of course Candra Kirana, I really miss you. Why do you leave me?”

Mbok Rondo : “Who is Candra Kirana? She is my daughter, Keong Mas.”

Candra Kirana : “It’s right. Who are you? Why you look so happy when you saw me?”
Prince : “I’m Inu Kertapati, Kirana. Do you remember?”

Candra Kirana : “No, I’m not recognizing you.”

Prince : “How can? You’re Candra Kirana. I’m Inu Kertapati who always love you.
Your father was worried with your condition.”

Candra Kirana : “Father? I have father? I don’t know about that.”

Mbok Rondo : “Don’t kidding, Boy. She is my daughter. I think you should go away from
here. Go!!”

Prince : “No, I’ll not go if Candra kirana would not go with me.”

Candra Kirana : “I can’t go with a stranger like you.”

Prince : “Kirana, what happened to you, why you forget me?”

Mbok Rondo : “You hear Keong’s answer? Go away now!”

Prince : “Kiranaa…”

Candra Kirana : I’m sorry…”

(Inu Kertapati back to the castle to meet Candra Kirana’s father.)

Prince : “Sir, I have something to tell you.”

King : “What is it Prince?”

Prince : “Actually, I have met Candra Kirana.”

King : “Where she is? How her condition?”

Prince : “She is at Dadapan village. But, she didn’t recognized me. I think she is

King : “How can you know if she on there?”

Prince : “Yesterday, I heard that Galuh Ajeng met Candra Kirana at the market.”

Galuh Ajeng : “What? I didn’t say that. Are you kidding me?”

Prince : “Don’t lie Ajeng, I heard your conversation with your mom, I know that you
changed Kirana into the golden snail and threw it to the river.”

Galuh Ajeng : “You are liar!”

King : “Stop. Don’t make noisy at this castle. Ajeng, are Inu’s said about Kirana is

Galuh Ajeng : “No, Dad. He is liar.”

Prince : “I’m not liar. You are liar. You with your mom!”

King : “Calm down Inu, calm down. Mom, are you lying? Please be honest.”

Really hasn’t feeling!”

Galuh Ajeng : “Please forgive us Dad, please. We will not do this again.”

King : “I can’t believe with your promise.”

Prince : “Calm down Sir, calm down. I think better we find Kirana and get her back.”
King : “Okay. Mom, Ajeng, you must find Kirana and get her back if you want I
forgive you.”

Galuh Ajeng : “Of course, Dad.”

King : “Oke!”

Scene 8

Prince : “This home. Kirana is definitely in there. Come on!”

King : “Are you sure? Do you know where?”

Prince : “Yesterday I followed Kirana until this house.”

King : “Oh, come on. I wanted to bring home my daughter.”

Mbok Rondo : “You again, you again. There is what you need here? I already told you
yesterday that Keong Mas was my daughter. Get out of here!”

Prince : “Mbok, please. I’m here to bring the King, the father of Candra Kirana.”

Mbok Rondo : “No! I’m not going to give Keong Mas to you! Keong Mas is my daughter.
Now you go from here.”

King : “I beg Mbok. Restore my daughter. I am very fond of her. I’ve been looking
for her for days, but I did not find it. I beg Mbok.”

Mbok Rondo : “No!”

King : “I would pay anything as long as Mbok want my child back.”

Prince : “Mbok, we beg.”

Mbok Rondo : “Well, I will restore Keong mas to you. You do not need to pay me anything.
Dear came out here!”

Candra Kirana : “Yes Mom, what happened?”

Mbok Rondo : “It is your family, dear. Do you recognize them?”

Candra Kirana : “I do not recognize them, Mom.”

King : “Dear,I am your father . Do you remember?”

Candra Kirana : “Dad!”

King : “Everywhere you dear? Dad misses you so much.”

Candra Kirana : “Kirana did not know what was going on well.”

King : “Okay. Daddy understood. Let’s go home now. Thanks Mbok been
restoring my child and my child has been cared for properly. Thank you very much.”

Prince : “Thank you Mbok.”

Mbok Rondo : “You’re welcome.”

King : “Well, now I want you to be in-law, Inu.”

Galuh Ajeng : “Will Prince definitely be a husband for me, right?”

King : “No. Prince will be married to Candra Kirana.”

Galuh Ajeng : “What? No, Dad. It cannot happen. Prince should be my husband not

King : “No! It was already a decision. Inviolable! (GA WAS CRIYING AND THEN
GO AWAY) Boy, will you marry my daughter Candra Kirana?”

Prince : “Of course, Sir. Because I really love her so much.”

King : “Good! My daughter, do you also want to get married with Inu Kertapati?”

Candra Kirana : “Of course, Dad. I love him too.”

King : “Okay. Well, the marriage must be implemented immediately.”

Prince : “Well, Sir. Thank you!”


Finally Prince Inu Kertapati and Candra Kirana married and live happily forever.

“do good to all people, for goodness brings the beauty while evil will take you to the misery.

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