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Course Name: Course Description:

COMPETENCY APRAISAL 1 This course deals with the application of the concepts , principles and processes basic to the practice of nursing with emphasis on health promotion, health maintenance, preventive, risk reduction, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care for the mother, child and family, population group and community with problems of oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte balance, metabolism and endocrine system. It includes the utilization of the nursing process and the core competencies under the eleven (11) key areas of responsibility, research and management and leadership skills in the practice of nursing.

Course Credit: Contact Hours/Semester: Prerequisite: Placement: Terminal Competencies:

3 units lecture 54 hours lecture NCM 105, Nursing Research 1 4th year, First Semester

Given relevant simulated situation involving health promotion, health maintenance, preventive, risk reduction, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care for the mother, child and family, population group and community, the students will be able to: 1. Apply the nursing process in the care of individuals/families/ population group in selected setting. 1.1. Assess with clients his/her/ their condition/ health status through interview, physical examination, interpretation of laboratory findings 1.2. Identify actual and at risk nursing diagnosis 1.3. Plan appropriate nursing interventions with client and family for identified nursing diagnosis 1.4. Implements plan of care with client and family 1.5. Evaluate the progress of his/her/their client condition and outcomes of care, 2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system 3. Utilize bioethical concepts/ principles, core values and nursing standards in the care of clients, 4. Integrate the various competencies in the various key areas of responsibilities in the care of selected clients.


I. PATIENT CARE COMPETENCIES Definition: Cluster of key areas of responsibility that include safe and quality care, communication, health education and collaboration and team work. A. Safe and Quality Nursing Care The nurse promotes achievement of client outcome by providing nursing care that enhances the care delivery in any setting and across the life span in order to protect client, family/ significant others and other health care personnel.

1. Safety and Infection Control protecting clients and health care personnel from health and environment hazard. - Medical and Surgical Asepsis - Safety Use of Equipment - Use of Restraints/ safety Devices - Handling Hazardous and Infectious Materials - Injury Prevention - Home Safety - Error Prevention - 10 Golden Rules in Administration of Medication 2. Health Promotion and Maintenance The nurse provides nursing care of the client and family/significant others that incorporate the knowledge of expected growth and development principled, prevention and/or early detection of the health problems and strategies to achieve optimal health. - Growth and Development - Aging Process - Ante/Intra/Postpartum & Newborn Care - Health Promotion Programs and the Health care delivery System Expanded Program on Immunization Pneumonia Vaccine/Flu Vaccine Newborn Screening Reproductive Health - High Risk Behaviors - Health and Wellness - Family System -

Client unit and Basic Equipments The Chain of Infection Basis of Microbiology Standard, Precaution Barrier Techniques Key Nursing Concepts Key Nursing Concepts Specific Nursing Procedures Important Medications

Development Stages and Transition Local and National Health Agencies Preventive Health Care Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Family and Community Needs Personal Health Maintenance Community Health Maintenance Physical Growth and Development Piaget Cognitive and Motor Development Erickson Moral Development Infertility and Health Belief Model

Human Sexuality Lifestyle Choices Self Care Disease Prevention

3. Psychosocial Integrity The nurse promotes achievement of client/ outcome by providing nursing care that enhances health care delivery in any setting across the lifespan in order to protect clients, family significant others and others health care personnel - Crisis Intervention - Coping Mechanism in Illness Situation - Cultural Diversity - Family Dynamics - Grief, Loss and Mourning - Child Abuse/neglect - Stress Management - Situational Role Changes - Support System 4. Physiology Integrity The nurse promotes achievement of client outcome by providing nursing care that enhances care delivery in any setting across the life span in order to protect clients, family and significant others and other health care personnel. 4.1. Basic Care and Comfort providing comfort and assistance in the performance of activities of daily living - Nutrition and Oral Hydration - Personal Hygiene - Rest and Sleep - Elimination

Principles of Communication Therapeutic Communication Mental Health and Mental Illness Defense Mechanism Diagnostic Technique Therapeutic Modalities Psychosocial Development Stages of Death and Dying Management of Symptoms End of Life

Complementary and Alternative therapies


Mobility/ Immobility Non Pharmacological comfort Intervention Pharmacological and Parenteral therapies providing care related to the administration and parenteral therapies. Adverse/ Effect/ Contraindications Blood and Blood Products Dosage Calculation Medication Administration Parenteral/Intravenous Therapies Pharmacological Agents/ Action Pharmacological Interactions Total Parenteral Nutrition Reduction of Risk Potential reducing the likelihood that clients will develop complication of health problems to existing conditions, treatments or procedures Diagnostic test/ Treatment/Procedure Laboratory Values Potential for Complications from surgical procedures System Specific Assessment Vital Signs Potential for Complication of Diagnostic Test/Treatment/ Procedures Potential for Alterations in body System Therapeutic Procedure Physiological Adaptation providing care of clients with Acute Chronic or Life Threatening Physical Health Condition. Normal Pregnancy Normal Labor, Delivery and Postpartum Care Care of Normal Newborn Medication preparation Legal and Ethical Aspects Related to Medications General Classifications of Medications Desired and or adverse effect Safe Medication Administration Documentation



Alterations in Body System (Fluid and Electrolytes) Fluids and Electrolyte Imbalances Pathophysiology Illness Management Unexpected Response to Therapies Integrated Management of Childhood Illness

High Risk Pregnancy and Childbirth High Risk Newborn Sexuality, Fertility Pediatric nursing Care of Infant, Toddler or Preschool Care of School-age child or adolescent Child of adolescent with special needs Topics related to each body system Specific diagnostic test Common medical treatment Nursing process Common surgical procedures Important medications Disorder and special concern related to aging

B. Communication The nurse utilizes principles of communication in the care of clients/ families/ communities.

Nursing Informatics Nurse- Clients Relationship Inter and Intra Personal Communications Effective/Functional Communications Therapeutic Relationship Elements of Communication Clients Education Principles in Teaching/Learning Discharge Planning Learning Domains Teaching strategies Barriers to Learning

C. Health Education The nurse utilizes principles in teaching/ learning in addressing the health problems of the clients/family/ significant others

D. Collaboration and Teamwork The nurse establishes collaborative relationship with colleagues and other members of the health team.

Inter and Intra Professional Relationship The Health care Delivery System Referral


EMPOWERING COMPETENCIES Definition: Cluster of Key Areas of Responsibility that mandate compliance to the standards of legal, ethico-moral responsibilities and personal and professional development. A. Legal Responsibilities The nurse adheres to practice in accordance with the laws, policies and guidelines affecting nursing Relevant Laws and Legislation such as EPI: - Sanitation Law - Reproductive Right Selected Aspects of the Constitution Related to the Practice of Nursing such as: - Bill of Rights - Provision on Health, Women and Family - Health Care and Organizational Policies Documentation - Informed Consent - Contracts and Other Legal Forms B. Ethico-Moral Responsibility The nurse observes ethico-moral considerations int hepractice of the profession Accountability Professionalism Confidentiality

C. Personal and Professional Development- The nurse accepts responsibility for ones personal and professional development in the practice of nursing. -

Privacy Ethical Principles Code of Ethics Patients Bill Of Rights Ethical Dilemma Nursing theories Historical Development in Nursing Nursing as a Science, Art Profession, Vocation Professional Decorum


ENABLING COMPETENCIES Definition: Cluster of Key Areas of Responsibility that provide support to effective and efficient performance of patient care competencies including management of resources and environment and record management A. Management of Resources and Environment includes managerial and supervisory skills that enhance nursing care delivery to protect clients, family , significant others Establishing Priorities Case Management Advocacy Continuity of Care Resource Management Management of Care SOAPIE Charting Legal Imperatives in Record Keeping The Nursing Care Plan Kardex Confidentiality and Privacy of Patient

B. Record Management the nurse maintains accurate and updated documentation of patient care.

IV. ENHANCING COMPETENCIES Definition: Cluster of Key Areas of responsibility that endures safe and quality nursing care to include research and quality improvement A. Research Nursing research advances the discipline of nursing, helps develop nursing knowledge and improves nursing care B. Quality Improvement The nurse participant in activities towards quality care management that will ensure quality patient care. -

Records. The Chart as a Legal Document Recording and Reporting Nursing Informatics Health Care Technology Evidence based Practice Research Methodologies Research Process Sources of Knowledge COPAR Total Patient Care Individualized Nursing Care

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