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1. My uncle is a typical _____, he has never taken any medical courses but
keeps doubting how doctors are treating COVID patients.
A smart cookie B armchair critic
C class act D pen pusher
2. My grandmother is tough as _____— she lived through the Vietnam War
and raised four kids all on her own after my grandfather’s sacrifice.
A stone B leather C taws D scale
3. What’s the point in paying attention to a teacher who _____, you will never
be able to keep up with his lecture.
A talks the hind leg off a donkey B takes the rap
C talks nineteen to the dozen D thinks on his feet
4. As my brother discovered the fact that I am in a relationship, I have to
_____ to stop him from telling mom.
A keep my distance B give the shirt off my back
C collect his thoughts D grease his palm
5. We've been led up the _____ path about the position of our hotel - it's much
farther from the beach than what the advertisement said!
A rocky B mountain C garden D muddy
6. I wonder why he, instead of always trying to _____ himself with the boss,
won’t try to improve himself and rely on his own capabilities to be promoted?
A curry B ingratiate C flatter D charm

7. Racism, despite being rarely overt, is deeply _____ in professional and

institutional practices.
A engraved B inscribed C ingrained D incised
8. When I was a kid, I would usually _____ Oreo cookies in milk until they
were a bit soft before I ate.
A dunk B plunge C drench D douse
9. If you have an apple-shaped body, A-line coats or straight, knee-length
trench styles will really _____ your figure.
A commend B praise C flatter D compliment
10. She was determined not to be _____ into marriage before she became
financially independent.
A compelled B bludgeoned C urged D impelled
11. There’s a nasty flu _____ going round the school at the moment so
parents please tell your kids to wear masks and pay attention to their health.
A gale B scourge C plague D bug
12. Although it takes quite a bit of time at the beginning, once you have
acquired the basic knowledge, a quick learner like you will surely _____.
A forge ahead B plunge ahead C plough ahead D press ahead
13. Although Loki is usually thought to be the son of Odin, he in fact originally
_____ the cold and dark realm of the Frost Giants.
A bleeds from B hails from C veers from D springs from
14. I thought that my dog would be _____ intelligent, but it seems like a breed
name doesn’t mean everything.
A keenly B avidly C shrewdly D piercingly

15. People are watching _____ TV much less these days, preferring on-
demand platforms like Netflix and Youtube.

A striated B non-stop C beeline D linear

19. The water ________ in the building is of great concern. It can damage the
walls if not managed properly and timely. (FILL)

20. He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was ________ a trick. (GUILE)

21. In a _________ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his
voice. (DOUBT)

22. You should not assess a situation from such a(n) ________ side. (LATERAL)

23. The homless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) _________
tone. (PASSION)

24. The man reported than he had seen a(n) _________ object, which might well
be a UFO. (EGG)

25. The coal cellar needs to be equipped with _________ system in order to
prevent suffocation. (VENT)

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