Second Semester / First Term: Pituitary Gland

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o Ipapababa yung glucose sa bloodstream, key para

makapasok yung glucose sa loob ng cell (no insulin = high
blood sugar)
o To store fat in adipose tissue
o Pag nastore na sa liver, bababa na blood level


o Beta cells = more on insulin

o Alpha = glucagon
o Si akpha cells magrerelease ng glucagon pupunta kay liver
para itrigger na maglabas ng glycogen (stored glucose)
para mag increase yung blood level sugar -> homeostasis
pa rin
o Kahit wala kang kinain = tuloy tuloy pa rin si pancreas
maglabas ng insulin

(NEGATIVE FEEDBACK MECHANISM = pag may tumataas = pinipilit

pataasin [vuce versa])

POSITIVE FEEDBACK MECHANISM – childbirth = pag may mataas

= itaaas pa lalo

*Pancreas lang ang may duct

*Others secrete through vascular and bloodstream

Ferguson reflex = pag nagtouch na yung ulo ni baby sa cervix

trigger posterior pituitary gland to secrete oxytocin – travel form
bloodstream to uterus – oxytocin will contract para lumabas yung
ulo ni baby

ASSESSMENT o Result is extreme weight loss, emaciation, atrophy of all
o Health history endocrine glands and organs, hair loss, impotence,
o Physical assessment (head to toe) – acromegaly, amenorrhea, hypometabolism, and hypoglycemia
gigantism, dwarfism, cushing’s syndrome, addison’s o Coma and death occur if the missing hormones are not
syndrome replaced.
o Diagnostic evaluation PITUITARY TUMORS
o Stimulation test o Pituitary tumors are usually benign
o Suppression test o Although their location and effects on hormone
production by target organs can cause life-threatening
o Three principal types of pituitary tumors represent an
overgrowth (eosinophilic cell, basophilic cell,
chromophobic cells)
o Acromegaly
o Severe headaches; visual disturbances
o Eosinophilic tumors that develop early in life result in
o The affected person may be more than 7 feet tall and
large in all proportions, yet so weak and lethargic that
he or she can hardly stand.
o If the disorder begins during adult life, the excessive
skeletal growth occurs only in the feet, the hands, the
superciliary ridge, the molar eminences, the nose, and
the chin, giving rise to the clinical picture called
o Many of these patients suffer from severe headaches
and visual disturbances because the tumors exert
pressure on the optic nerves (Sachse, 2001)
o Assessment of central vision and visual fields may
indicate loss of color discrimination, diplopia (double
o Hypofunction of the pituitary gland (hypopituitarism) can
vision), or blindness of a portion of a field of vision.
result from disease of the pituitary gland itself or of the
Decalcification of the skeleton, muscular weakness, and
hypothalamus o may result from destruction of the
endocrine disturbances, similar to those occurring in
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
patients with hyperthyroidism, also are associated with
this type of tumor
o Postpartum pituitary necrosis
o Uncommon cause of failure of the anterior pituitary. It is BASOPHILIC
more likely to occur in women - postpartum secondary to o Give rise to Cushing’s syndrome with features largely
with severe blood loss, hypovolemia, and hypotension at attributable to hyperadrenalism, including masculinization
the time of delivery and amenorrhea in females, truncal obesity, hypertension,
osteoporosis, and polycythemia
o Panhypopituitarism
o Absence of all pituitary secretions

o A complication of radiation therapy to the head and neck

o Total destruction of the pituitary gland by trauma, tumor,
or vascular lesion removes all stimuli that are normally
received by the thyroid, the gonads, and the adrenal

o Octreotide (Sandostatin) (Somatosatin) may also be used
preoperatively to improve the patient’s clinical condition
and to shrink the tumor.
o Hypophysis – other term for pituitary gland
o Removal of the pituitary gland, may be performed to
treat primary pituitary gland tumors
o It is the treatment of choice in patients with Cushing’s
syndrome due to excessive production of ACTH by a
tumor of the pituitary gland.
o May also be performed on occasion as a palliative
measure to relieve bone pain secondary to metastasis
of malignant lesions of the breast and prostate
o Several approaches are used to remove or destroy the
pituitary gland: surgical removal by transfrontal,
subcranial, or oronasal– transsphenoidal approaches or
CHROMOPHOBIC irradiation or cryosurgery
o Chromophobic tumors represent 90% of pituitary tumors. o Even if surgery succeeds at removing the tumor, many
o Tumors usually produce no hormones but destroy the rest of the features or symptoms of acromegaly will be
of the pituitary gland, causing hypopituitarism unaffected (Sachse, 2001).
o People with this disease are often obese and somnolent o Absence of the pituitary gland alters the function of
and exhibit fine, scanty hair, dry, soft skin, a pasty many body systems
complexion, and small bones. They also experience
headaches, loss of libido, and visual defects progressing to  Menstruation ceases and infertility occurs after
blindness total or near-total ablation of the pituitary
o Other signs and symptoms include polyuria, polyphagia, a gland
lowering of the basal metabolic rate, and a subnormal  Replacement therapy with corticosteroids and
body temperature thyroid hormone is necessary.
o Diagnostic evaluation requires a careful history and o The pituitary gland is a pea-sized structure located at the
physical examination, including assessment of visual acuity base of the brain. It functions by producing hormones that
and visual fields control or regulate various functions of the body such as
o Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance growth, metabolism, sexual development and
imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose the presence and reproduction.
extent of pituitary tumors o Pituitary adenomas are noncancerous tumors that form in
o Serum levels of pituitary hormones may be obtained along the pituitary gland. These tumors cause hormonal
with measurements of hormones of target organs (eg, imbalance in the body by either secreting excessive levels
thyroid, adrenal) to assist in diagnosis if other information of a particular hormone or more than one type of
is inconclusive hormone. They can also grow in size and compress
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT important arteries and nerves at the base of the skull.
o Surgical removal of the pituitary tumor through a Endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal surgery is a
transsphenoidal approach is the usual treatment. minimally invasive procedure where the pituitary tumor is
o Stereotactic radiation therapy, which requires use of a removed by working through the nose. This surgical
technique can also be used to remove tumors located in
neurosurgery-type stereotactic frame, may be used to
other regions of the skull base.
deliver external-beam radiation therapy precisely to the
o Transnasal transsphenoidal surgery is a minimally invasive
pituitary tumor with minimal effect on normal tissue
technique performed to remove pituitary adenomas by
o Treatments include conventional radiation therapy, inserting an endoscope through the nose. An endoscope
bromocriptine (dopamine antagonist), and octreotide is a long tube with a camera attached at the end that sends
(synthetic analog of growth hormone). images to a computer screen for the surgeon to view
o These medications inhibit the production or release of inside the body.
growth hormone and may bring about marked
improvement of symptoms.

Indications associated with certain risks and complications, which
o Endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal surgery can be include:
utilized to remove pituitary tumors which are compressing o Loss of vision due to damaged optic nerves.
critical brain structures or are over secreting certain o Pituitary gland damage.
hormones. o Diabetes insipidus.
o Surgical procedure. o Nasal deformity and bleeding.
o The surgery is performed general anesthesia. o Stroke.
o You will lie on your back on the operating table and your o Cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis (tissue layers
nasal cavity will be prepared with antibiotic and antiseptic covering the brain).
solution. Benefits
o An image-guided device is placed on your head which o The resection of the pituitary adenoma through
creates a 3D map on a computer screen. This map assists endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal surgery has several
your surgeon in navigating through the nose. benefits over open surgery, which include
o A thin endoscopic tube attached to a lighted device and a o No external incisions and no visible scars.
video camera at its end is inserted through one nostril and o Minimal loss of blood.
moved up to the back of the nasal cavity. A small portion o Removes large tumors.
of the nasal septum separating the two nostrils and the o Faster healing and recovery time.
wall of the sphenoid sinus is opened. o Shorter hospital stay.
o The surgeon then makes an opening in a thin bone o Endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal surgery is an
overlying the pituitary gland called the sella, to view the effective technique for removing pituitary tumors. It is a
dura (the covering of the brain). The dura is then opened safe, minimally invasive procedure which confers
to view the tumor and pituitary gland. numerous benefits.
o Your surgeon uses special instruments called curettes
through the other nostril to remove the tumor. COMPLICATIONS
o At the conclusion of the procedure your surgeon will o Bleeding
usually take a fat graft from your abdomen which is used o Congestion
to repair the opening into the skull base and to prevent o Stroke
any CSF fluid leakage. Sometimes bone graft may be used o Transient DI
to close the opening made in the skull base. o CSF leak
o Your surgeon will apply biologic glue over the graft to o Meningitis
promote healing and prevent leakage of cerebrospinal (HALO Sign – di nagmimix sa csf)
fluid into the nasal cavity.
o After the surgery, medications are prescribed to control o Diabetes insipidus is a disorder of the posterior lobe of the
nausea, pain and nasal congestion. Your doctor will check pituitary gland characterized by a deficiency of antidiuretic
to see if the pituitary gland is functioning normally. hormone (ADH), or vasopressin.
Hormonal medications may be prescribed if the pituitary  Great thirst (polydipsia) and large volumes of
gland fails to produce the required level of hormones. dilute urine characterize the disorder
o Avoid coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, and
straining during bowel movements for a few weeks after  May be secondary to head trauma,
surgery. Resume normal activities gradually. If a fat graft brain tumor, or surgical ablation or
has been obtained from the abdomen, keep the wound irradiation of the pituitary gland.
open to air and prevent contact with water. Consult your  It may also occur with infections of the
doctor immediately if you experience continuous nasal central nervous system (meningitis,
drainage, excessive swallowing, nasal bleeding, high fever, encephalitis, tuberculosis) or tumors
frequent urination or weight loss. (eg, metastatic disease, lymphoma of
the breast or lung
 Another cause of diabetes insipidus is failure of the renal
o Crusts can form in your nose, causing nasal congestion.
tubules to respond to ADH; this nephrogenic form may be
These can be removed safely by spraying local anesthetic
related to hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, and a variety of
in the nasal cavity. Nasal saline rinses may be
recommended to remove the crusts and promote healing medications (eg, lithium, demeclocycline [Declomycin])
of the wounds.
o Risks and complications.
o As with any surgery, endoscopic transnasal
transsphenoidal resection of pituitary adenoma can be

SECRETION ADH Increased Decreased or none
o Excessive growth hormone (ADH) secretion from the (decreased UO)
pituitary gland even in the face of subnormal serum UO Decreased Increased
o Patients with this disorder cannot excrete a dilute urine Specific gravity = Specific gravity =
o retain fluids and develop a sodium deficiency known as >1.025 < 1.010
dilutional hyponatremia (oliguria) (polyuria)
o SIADH is often of nonendocrine origin; for instance, the S/sx Edema (inc BP) Dehydration, wt. loss
syndrome may occur in patients with bronchogenic (dec BP)
carcinoma in which malignant lung cells synthesize and Serum Decreased (kasi Increased
release ADH. Osmolality diluted)

o SIADH has also occurred with severe pneumonia,

Diluted Concentrated
pneumothorax, and other disorders of the lungs, in
hyponatremia hypernatremia
addition to malignant tumors that affect other organs
Management Furosemide Vasopressin (mas
(Terpstra & Terpstra, 2000).
↓ OFI, ↓IV fluids potent – pwede siya
o Disorders of the central nervous system, such as head magkaroon ng effect
injury, brain surgery or tumor, and infection, are thought sa blood vessel)/
to produce SIADH by direct stimulation of the pituitary Desmopressin
gland. (synthetic - preferred)
 Some medications (vincristine, phenothiazines, DI – Daming ihi
tricyclic antidepressants, thiazide diuretics, and
others) and nicotine have been implicated in
SIADH they either directly stimulate the pituitary
gland or increase the sensitivity of renal tubules
to circulating ADH.
 Eliminating the underlying cause, if possible, and
restricting fluid intake are typical interventions
for managing this syndrome
 Because retained water is excreted slowly
through the kidneys, the extracellular fluid
volume contracts and the serum sodium
concentration gradually increases toward
 Diuretics (eg, furosemide [Lasix]) may be used
along with fluid restriction if severe
hyponatremia is present.
 Close monitoring of fluid intake and output, daily
weight, urine and blood chemistries, and
neurologic status is indicated for the patient at
risk for SIADH.
 Supportive measures and explanations of
procedures and treatments assist the patient to
deal with this disorder (Terpstra & Terpstra,
Triggered by:
o Medications
o Tumor or surgery
o Infection


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