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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)

Special Program in Technical-Vocational Education
Entrepreneurship 9

Name of Learner: ________________________Grade Level & Section:_____________

Date:_________________________________ Score: __________________________


Product/Service Description

Background Information:
What is Marketing?
Marketing is not the same as selling. It involves various tasks that culminates in selling.
Marketing is getting people to want your goods, selling your goods to them, delivering these
goods to the buyers through certain chosen channels, and getting paid for the goods sold. It
means being active in every way to increase sales. It is not enough to sit and wait for orders.

What Will you Sell?

Primarily, part of the marketing plan provides answers to the question: What product or
services will I sell? People buy for a reason. There should be something in your product or
service that would give consumers a good reason to go back and buy for more. There must be
something that that has to make you the best option for your target customers; otherwise, they
have no reason to buy what you’re selling. This implies further, that you offer something to
your customers that will make them value or treasure your product or service

Provide the needed information about the product or service you will be selling. If your
proposed business is production-oriented, fill up Part I and if it will be a service-oriented
business, fill up Part II.

1. Type of Product:________________________
(Example : food, beverage, garment, beauty product, household materials,
Personal care, sports gears, health products, educational support, accessories)
2. What benefits will customers expect from your product(s)?

3. Give specifications that are applicable only to your product(s) in terms of:
a. Size

b. Color

:c. Shape

d. Packaging materials

e. Weight

f. Scent

g. Taste

h. Texture

i. value-added features

j. innovation ___________________________________
(Examples: minified, magnified, new or other uses, substitute raw materials,
combine , new packaging, fortified, etc. )

k. Others (Specify)

1. Type of Service_____________________________________
(Examples; catering, events management, laundry, transport, repair, dressmaking,
tailoring, computer services, beauty care services, massage, hairdressing,
delivery, sports training ,health care service, testing, laboratory services,
IT/research consultancy, housekeeping, tutorial, animal care, car wash,
bookkeeping, legal landscaping, bartending, etc.)

2. What benefits will customers expect from your service(s)?

(Examples: Low cost, fast, reliable convenient, holistic development )
3. Give specifications that are applicable only to the type of service(s) that you will deliver to
your customers. ( Examples: technology-based, research-based, manual delivery, traditional,
multi-approach, ) modern, high end)

III. Using your given information from Part I or Part II of this activity, describe properly in at
least two paragraphs the product or service you will be selling to your customers

Go to your Business Plan Template and copy paste your answer in Part III of
this activity to Part A ( Product/ Service Description) of the Marketing Plan.

The teacher will rate the learner’s answer based on
Content 50 %
Relevance 30 %
Organization of Ideas 20 %
100 %

Department of Education, Culture & Sports, Business Technology; Business
Management I (Bureau of Secondary Education: Instructional Materials Co.)
Manila, Philippines, 1993

Manu, George, et. al. (2008) Know About Business (KAB) Modules. Turin, Italy:
International Training Center of International Labor Office
What to do in Sheet 3.B
Go to your Business Plan Template and copy paste your
answer in Part III of this activity to Part A (Product/ Service
Description) of the Marketing Plan.


A. Product/Service Description 3.B

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