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The Muslim Ethnic Groups  

      Lanao is a land rich in literature. Darangan is

an example of this. The existence of darangan
       Ethnic is an Italian term for nation. An ethnic
attests to the level of civilization that the Maranao
community may be defined as tribal group which
have achieved at one point.
has its own language, hold in common a set of
tradition different from others whom they are in        Potential resources like lake and agricultural
contact. It has its own territory from which its land are more than enough to support to make
ethnic identity is derived, and thus becomes a the goal of darangan into reality. The lake in the
uniting factor for group cohesion. The Muslim heart of Lanao Del Sur is the biggest lake in the
ethnic groups in Mindanao and Sulu are linked by Philippines. It is so far the current source of
both ideological and geographical factors. energy supply – at least supplying around 80%
power grid of the whole Mindanao.
       The Muslims in the south are also culturally
linked to Muslim countries in Southeast Asia such        The Mindanao State University is located at
as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and the Patani of Lanao’s capital, Marawi City.  Most leaders in
southern Thailand. They are composed of eleven Mindanao are in fact products of the MSU.  Sixty
ethnic groups. Each group has its own language percent of its best professors are Christians
but only a few controls a political unit like a Filipinos.
province or municipalities. Some groups speak
       Maranao society is a closed society. The
one language with three variations like the
entire municipalities of Lanao Del Sur, particularly
Maranao, Iranun and Maguindanaon. The Sama
at the vicinity of the lake are off limits to outsiders.
people have one language with many variation
The lifestyle of the people are in their traditional
such as the dialect of the Jama Mapun, and the
attire, the malong and the abaya. This is the only
place in the Philippines whose lifestyle is not
       1. The Maranao. Literally, Maranao means affected with the western trend. The Maranao
people of the lake. Their homeland is called contact to the outside comes through Iligan City
Lanao which means lake. Their oldest settlement and Malabang. Iligan City is 40 minutes ride from
started around here, and up to this day, highly Marawi City. Malabang a coastal town of Lanao
populated communities still dot the lake. Their Del Sur requires more than one hour to reach.
language is similar to Maguindanaon and Iranun. Under a long range plan of Christian movement in
One shall be confused as to which of them owns Mindanao, the Christians would penetrate the
the mother tongue since the Maranao and Iranun heart of Lanao from three areas – from Iligan in
can understand 60% of the Maguindanaon the north, Malabang in the south and Wao from
language. At any rate , these groups live in the east. They in fact controlled these areas for
proximity. Continuous contact allows them to long time already.
develop or share a common practice including
       2. The Maguindanao. Originally,
Maguindanaon is the name of the family or
       The Maranao are concentrated in Lanao dynasty which came to rule almost the whole
area. They occupy the most strategic place in island of Mindanao, particularly the former
Mindanao owing to their access to Iligan bay in Cotabato. It later refers to the Muslim people who
the north and Illana bay in the south. During the live in the Pulangi valley which sprawls the
colonial period, they fought against the Southwestern part of Mindanao. It is for this
Spaniards, usually under the flag of the reason, the Maguindanaon are called people of
Maguindanao sultanate. Like other Muslim ethnic the plain. They accepted Islam at the last quarter
groups, the Maranao are brave and have offered of 15th century. Total Islamization of the whole
sacrifice in defense of their homeland and Islam. Pulangi area succeeded only with the arrival of
Throughout the colonial period, Lanao was united Sharif Kabungsuan a prince from Johore who
as one province of the Maguindanao sultanate. came to Mindanao after the fall of Malacca and
Seeing the importance of Lanao, the American nearby areas to Dutch colonialists in 1511.
colonial government in Manila encouraged
       The greatest contribution of the Maguindanao
landless Filipinos to migrate to Mindanao. Most
to civilization in Southeast Asia were the
settlers targeted Lanao as their final destination.
sultanates of Maguindanao and Buayan. These
After about 50 years, the Filipino settlers became
sultanates rose almost simultaneously after the
established in the area north of Lanao. This
arrival of Sharif kabungsuan who founded the first
eventually led to the division of Lanao into Del
sultanate in Mindanao. During its heyday, the
Norte and Del Sur beginning 1960s.
sultanate of Maguindanao did bring the whole sultan, wielded central power over his people. On
mainland of Mindanao under its control. It account of their small population, the Iranuns
became the instrument of the Muslims in have been overpowered by their neighbor and
Mindanao in thwarting the western colonialism. prevented them from having their own sultanate.
Yet ethnic consciousness has been strong as the
       The Cotabato had been the seat of the
Iranun continued to preserve their own ways of
Maguindanao sultanate. This is the ancestral land
life and even to chart their own political destiny.
of the Maguindanao including the hill ethnic group
Like other Muslim groups, the Iranuns are also
such as the Tiruray, Tasaday and Subanun.
advanced in the field of education. They actively
Because of its wide valley, Cotabato area has
participate in local development; their
ever since the rice ganary of the country. The
professionals have managed to occupy key
colonialists had ever since been attracted to the
positions in the government, run their own
fertile land of Cotabato. Many times, the
business entities and Islamic institutions like
Spaniards made Cotabato as capital of Mindanao
masjid and madrasa.
during their military occupation. This colonial plan,
however succeeded only during the American        4. The Tausug. Prof. Muhammad Nasser
period. It was able to organize the first Filipino Matli argued that the term Tausug is a slang word
settlement in 1912. and originated from two words: tau (people) and
ma-isug (brave). Therefore, Tausug means brave
       The Maguindanao are the hardest hit of the
Filipino settlement. Their political power
diminished after long period of fighting and        Before the coming of Islam, the Tausug had
resisting colonialism and Christianization, already established a central government. When
particularly at the beginning of the 20th century. Islam came, Tausug leaders accepted Islam.
The Maguindanao fought alone without foreign They did not resist. As soon as they became
support during this period.  However, by 1970s, Muslims they made themselves models by
three-fourth of their homeland were lost to Filipino infusing Islamic values and politics to the
settlers, mostly Ilongo and Cebuano. The Manila government. The result was the spread of justice
government created in the area the five provinces in the land. Seeing the beauty of Muslim
of Maguindanao, Cotabato, South Cotabato, leadership, the entire natives finally accepted
Sultan Qudarat and Sarangani. Islam. The peaceful triumph of Islam in Sulu in
the middle of the 13th century led to the
       3. The Iranun. These people have inhabited
Islamization of local politics. This was the process
the area bordering between Lanao del Sur and
that brought about the establishment of the Sulu
Maguindanao province. They claimed to be the
sultanate in 1450. Many Tausug leaders were
origin of these two ethnic groups. The language
sent outside Sulu to further strengthen the Sulu
of the Maranao and Maguindanao is strongly
sultanate influence. This was the origin of the
rooted in the Iranun tongue. The Iranun may
growth of Tausug communities in Tawi-Tawi,
perhaps be the mother language and the rest are
Palawan, Basilan, Zamboanga, and Sabah. Up to
just a mere dialects. For several centuries, the
this period, these places are still the favorite
Iranun formed part of the Maguindanao sultanate.
destination of Tausug migrants who have been
Their culture received much influence from the
displaced by the wars and conflicts between the
Maguindanao rather than the Maranao. There
Muslims and the Philippine government.
was a case in the past the seat of the
Maguindanao sultanate was situated at Lamitan        5. The Yakan. The term Yakan is a
and Malabang that were the strongholds of the mispronunciation of the word yakal by the
Iranun society. They fought the western invaders Spaniards. While the term Basilan has originated
under the flag of the Maguindanao sultanate. The from two words basi (iron) and balani (magnate).
Iranun were excellent in maritime activity. They In the ancient time Basilan was thickly covered by
used to ply the route connecting the Sulu sea, the yakal trees. Foreign people often mistook the
Moro gulf to Celebes sea, and raided  the name of the yakal trees as the native identity.
Spanish held territories along the way. During colonial period the Spaniards branded the
inhabitants of Basilan as Yakan, and became
       The Iranun have also attained a degree of
carried up to the present.
social organization comparable to the
Maguindanao or the Tausug. This is evidenced by        Like other Muslim provinces, Basilan has
the datu system of leadership where a single been the target of Christian penetration since the
leadership is recognized. An Iranun datu, like a Spanish era. Her rich resources like timber and
fertile agricultural land as well as her structure is leveled. Rich people or elitism is
geographical proximity to Zamboanga City has completely absent in Badjao society. All of them
made her vulnerable to present capitalist belong to the poor strata. Family structure is the
exploitation and Christian domination. There have only factor that makes the Badjao society
been already a number of municipalities where possible. Roles and duties are allocated to every
the Filipino settlers have the upper hand. Isabela, member from the parents down to their children,
Maluso, Lamitan and other communities have an from the adult to the young ones. The father acts
overwhelming Christian population. And their as leader; the mother is responsible for cooking;
population growth and community expansion are children collect fire woods in the coastal areas,
kept on continuing. Vast tract of lands which are and helps gather sea food and fetch water.  As
strategic are mostly owned by the Filipino settlers. observed, the whole Badjao family constitutes
There are many areas where the Yakans become also the economic unit, which means, all of them
minoritized, and further displaced from their own have to work together (sama-sama) for their
lands. In the areas where they are already survival.
minoritized the Yakans are exposed to
       Poverty and backwardness are the two basic
marginalization. In politics, there are many
factors that keeps every Badjao family from
instances in the past, top leadership fell into the
sending their children to school. Children are
hands of the outside people.
needed at home or must accompany their parents
       The culture of the Yakans is similar to the in search of their daily sustenance. This is the
Tausugs. Its inner foundation lies on the spirit of reason the Badjao society suffers a high illiteracy
martabat. For the outer side, religious institution rate. Less than one percent can read the Qur’an
like masjid and madrasa, artifacts and the vast or Roman alphabet. Their present condition has
number of Yakan professionals, ulema, politicians deteriorated. They are highly exposed to the
and fighters reinforced further the strength of the oppression of Tausug warlords. They are often
Yakan culture. These two foundations are firmly exploited in some economic activities. Minimal
planted in the heart of the Yakans. This is their reward or compensation are given for their labor,
real strength. The challenge of the Yakans today and low price for their commodities, like lobsters
is to steer their young generation to assert their and fish.
rights and develop confidence in their both
       The Sama people who inhabited Tawi-Tawi
material and non-material culture.
are called by their place of residence. Thus, there
       6. The Sama. The Sama identity derived is the Sama Balimbing, Sama Simunul or Sama
from the term sama-sama which means Sibutu. These groups claim to be the origin of all
togetherness or collective effort. The Sama Sama sub-groups scattered throughout the Sulu
people are highly dispersed and scattered in the Archipelago. They inhabited most major islands of
Sulu Archipelago. They are geographically Tawi-Tawi. While in the mainland the Sama
diversified owing to their exposure to maritime concentration is confined to Balimbing and Sapa-
activities and fishing. There are five sub-clusters Sapa. These people have a high level of literacy
that make up the Sama people. Helping each rate compared to other Sama sub-group. Almost
other  is recognized as norm of the Sama people.  every Sama barangay in the mainland has a
Included in the Sama group are the Badjao public school. Higher institutional learning is also
known as the sea-gypsies of Sulu Archipelago available such as the MSU-Tawi-Tawi and the
and Celebes sea. The Badjao people call Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural College (TRAC).
themselves Sama Laut. In Malaysia, they are Most top government positions are held by Sama.
called Orang Laut. All these descriptions point to Like the Tausugs, the Sama are exposed to
them as being boat people. They always move almost all fields of discipline and it is common to
from one island to another, living in their small find them in national agencies occupying key
boat for weeks or even months without mooring positions.
or coming to town to buy their needs. The Badjao
       The Sama Bangingi are also considered
do not establish a permanent community like the
major group within the Sama ethnic group. Their
Arab and the Cossacks in central Asia. They have
dialect is just a variation of the Sama language.
not able to develop a political institution that can
Geographical distance being separated from
advance their collective interest of their society.
other Sama groups by seas has caused the
Their social organization do not approach even
variation of their dialect from their mother tongue.
the level of a clan, in a sense, because they have
But, generally all Sama people understand each
no recognized community leader. Their social
other. The Bangingi have a well-developed social people. The island is seen as strategic place for
organization comparable to the Tausugs. Back to the AFP forward force, because it is situated in
the sultanate period each Bangingi community the middle of  the Sulu sea and South China sea,
had its own panglima and maharajah as the and adjacent to Sabah. The government built 
highest and influential people in their society. The airports, which the military can use for advance
tip of Zamboanga peninsula, Pilas and Tungkil troop movements in the Sulu sea.
island were once dominated and ruled by the
       7. The Sangil. The  Sangil came from
Bangingi leaders. They had four strong Kuta at
Sangihe an archipelago sprawling the Celebes
Zamboanga before the Spaniards occupied it.
sea just south of the Mindanao sea. Their
The latter took several weeks before they were
migration to Sarangani province and to the
able to dislodge the Bangingi from their
coastal areas of Davao del Sur and South
strongholds. The Bangingi were good sailors.
Cotabato was ahead of the coming of Islam to
They were the first group in this country to reach
Southeast Asia. They embraced Islam later as a
Bengal bay and explore the Indian ocean. They
result of their continuous contact with their
discovered the connection of Sulu sea , the straits
motherland, which became Islamized, as well as
of Malacca and the Indian ocean. Most of the
with the emerging Muslim communities in
sultanate expeditions to Visayas and Luzon were
Maguindanao and Sulu in the 14th century.
commanded by the Bangingi warriors.
       The Sangil speak a language similar to
       The Bangingi unlike the Badjao are highly
Bahasa, and in the Philippines, to Tausug. They
exposed to the Filipino society and its institution.
also evolved their own social organization
Majority of them has studied in the Filipino school,
associated with central leadership, which enabled
and managed to occupy key positions in the
them to wage battle against the Dutch and
government. Unfortunately, they failed to build
Spanish colonialism. There were many instances
their own institutions like school, political parties
the Sangil allied themselves to the Maguindanao
and businesses that are capable of effecting
sultanate. They used to contribute war paraws,
social changes in the society. There are only
fighters and arms in major expeditions to Spanish
individual initiatives. The Bangingi remain far from
held-territories. The Sangil  have also high
collective social progress.
political and Islamic consciousness. They are
       Jama Mapun are another Sama sub-group. active in their struggle for self-determination as
They call their dialect as pullun mapun which is part of their strategy to have their culture and
part of the Sama language. The term mapun social institutions preserved and developed
stands for west. They call themselves as Jama further. They succeeded at last. In 1992, the
Mapun because they are situated at the distant Sarangani province was born intended to contain
west of Sulu. They are concentrated largely at the the clamor of the Sangil.
Turtle island, Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi an island
       8. The Kaagan. The Kaagan inhabited mostly
municipality located at the border adjacent to
Davao areas. They became Muslims as a result
Sabah. They are also found in southern Palawan.
of contact with the Maguindanao sultanate, and
Like the Bangingi, the Jama Mapun adopted
later strengthened with the arrival of some
permanent settlement, hence they have a clear-
Tausug groups who helped to organize the
cut social organization where the panglima is
Kaagan society. No wonder  the Kaagan
recognized as top community leader. During the
language has many bahasa sug root words. With
Sulu sultanate period, Jama Mapun used to be of
the departure of the Tausug and Maguindanao
a military strategic importance to the sultanate. It
influences at the height of the Filipinization
used to be the sultanate’s launching base to
process. Most of them have been marginalized
secure the unquestioning loyalty of the panglima
and were helpless to improve their society
of Sabah and Palawan.
because their social organization did not improve
       The whole Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi is as those in Lanao and Sulu.
recognized as local government unit, a
       9. The Kolibugan. The term kolibugan is a
municipality under the province of Tawi-Tawi.
Sama word which means “half-breed”. Originally,
With this the Jama Mapun have been subjected
they are part of the Subanun ethnic group, an
to central control from Manila since the days of
indigenous people inhabiting the interior of the
the Philippine Commonwealth government in
Zamboanga peninsula. Their neighbors,
1936. Government school and agencies were put
particularly the Sama Bangingi and the Tausugs
up there and placed under the control of the local
called these Islamized Subanun as Kolibugan
because their culture has been altered by their
Muslim neighbors and for years there has been 
intermarriage with other groups that produced
new generations, hence they are called
Kolibugan. These people still speak the Subanun
language and retain the Subanun type of social
organization, which is limited to clan orientation
with less political inclination. Today, the term
Kolibugan is applied to all Subanun who moved to
coastal areas and intermarried with the Muslims,
and finally embraced Islam.
       10. The Palawan. The early Muslim
inhabitants in mainland Palawan were
the Panimusan. These people became Muslims
as a result of close contact with the Sulu
Sultanate. Many Tausug during the sultanate
period came to Palawan in order to introduce
Islam to the local people.  The Muslim
concentration is mostly in the southern part of
Palawan such as Batarasa, Rizal, Quezon,
Brooke’s Point and Espanola. In these
municipalities the Muslims are likely dominant and
hold political power. Isolated Muslim communities
are also found in Narra, Roxas, Taytay and
       Since the collapse of the Sulu sultanate,
contact between the Palawani and the Tausugs
was almost lost. They have been isolated to each
other as there is no direct trade or cultural link
between the two people.
       11. The Molbog. The Molbog are mainly
confined in the Balabac islands located at the
southern tip of Palawan. They received Islamic
influence and later embraced Islam from Brunei
Muslim missionaries. The propagation of Islam
was active during the 15th century when Muslim
principalities rose from the eastern side of the
Malay peninsula and Borneo. At this period, the
Brunei sultanate was expanding its influence to
the Philippines and Palawan is not far from
Brunei. The Sulu sultanate also helped to
strengthen Islam among the Molbog.

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