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2/9/23, 10:39 AM About ClusterXchange | European Cluster Collaboration Platform

Home ClusterXchange About ClusterXchange

Supporting short-term
exchanges to better
connect Europe's
industrial ecosystems.

About ClusterXchange
ClusterXchange (CXC) is a program aiming to support short-term exchanges to better connect industrial ecosystems in Europe. It
foresees the facilitation of transnational cooperation, peer learning, networking and innovation uptake between members of industrial
clusters. It is implemented with support from Cluster Organisations that have teamed up as  European Cluster Partnerships |
Excellence (Partnerships). The scheme is funded by the European Union through its program for Competitiveness of Enterprises and
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME). The first set of CXC exchanges have been implemented from 2020 to 2022 in the pilot
phase of CXC. The second set of CXC exchanges is to happen between 2022 and 2024.

Download our Brochure and leaflet

Download the European Cluster Partnerships | Excellence Leaflet
Download the Host and Visitor Brochure

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What is an exchange?
An exchange constitutes a stay abroad performed by a visiting organisation from an eligible country at a host organisation in another
eligible country.

Exchanges can be used to:

Learn from actors in another cluster

Explore growth opportunities in new markets
Adopt new technologies, digitalisation and green low-carbon solutions
Invest in strategic interregional collaboration

Duration of the exchange

An exchange can last from three constructive working days (excluding travel days) to one month. While eligible
participants can host exchanges multiple times and even simultaneously, they can only visit organisations in the
scheme once.

The stay is partly financed by the European Commission through a lump sum paid to the visitors for travel and
accommodation expenses. The lump sum must not exceed the threshold defined per host country.

If the duration of the stay is shorter than five working days (excluding travel time) and/or the distance between the
two involved organisations is shorter than 200 kilometres, the lump sum is reduced by half.

Activities during an exchange

The nature of each exchange exercise may follow different specific objectives within a broader approach aiming at the consolidation
and/or the creation of new value chains across Europe. 
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2/9/23, 10:39 AM About ClusterXchange | European Cluster Collaboration Platform

The types of activities visiting and host organisations may carry out during an exchange are:

Individual or grouped capacity building

Sharing of knowledge, experience and information in specific areas
Project development, innovation and research and development
Market research
Networking, identifying new partners and creating business opportunities.

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Mission of the ECCP

Cluster Definitions
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European Commission funded by the EU programme for the reuse of Commission documents Unless otherwise indicated (e.g. in individual copyright notices), content owned by the EU on
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allowed, provided appropriate credit is given and changes are indicated.
The European Commission encourages the partnering of
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