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GUMAMELA (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) EXTRACT AS




March 2023


This chapter presents the introduction of the research study and its problem. It includes

the dependent and the independent variable that are used in the study as well as the significance

and limitations.

Background of the Study

One of the biggest responsibilities we have in our daily life is washing dishes. The tenacious
stains and grease that are all over typical kitchen equipment are the most difficult part of washing
dishes. This research introduces a new liquid soap to replace existing ones that have a premium
cost on the market. It is more practical because its natural raw material is simple to locate. It has
the capacity to eliminate grease from cooking tools, to get rid of odors, and to cut kitchen sink

The gumamela will be used as an organic replacement in this study. The gumamela is a 1 to 4
meter tall, upright, heavily branched, glabrous shrub. It is one among the most extensively grown
flowers due to its beauty. Brilliant crimson, orange, or purplish-red colours are among the many
variations, and they have fleeting but persistent blooms. Due to its medicinal components, the
red flower variation has also been recognized in medicine. The gumamela blossoms, which are
typically overlooked or used as ornaments, will be utilized in the dishwashing liquid. This will
make gummela flowers more valuable and necessary by preventing them from being wasted.

Gumamela's flower extract has an antibacterial and a stain-removing agent, making it a useful
ingredient in dishwashing solutions. It will stop the spread of germs that are frequently caught on
dishwashing sponges thanks to its antibacterial components. To create a dishwashing liquid that
is chemical-free but still effective in eliminating grease or stains from common kitchen utensils
at the most competitive price compared to commercial brands supplied in the market, it will
employ crushed gumamela flowers blended with water and a scent ingredient.

1. To produce an alternative dishwashing liquid out from the gumamela.

2. To determine whether Gumamela's mucilage components works well as a bacterial
inhibitor for cleaning dishes.
3. To learn more about the elements of the gumamela flower is thought to contain properties
Antimicrobial components.
4. To further explore the elements of the rumored antimicrobial properties of gumamela

Statement of the Problem

This research was done to ascertain the efficacy of gumamela flower petals as a

dishwashing liquid. This research specifically attempts to find solutions to the subsequent


1. How effective is Gumamela's petal extract as a dishwashing detergent that fights

difficult oil and spots on the plates?

2. What capacity does the dishwashing liquid have to get rid of any remaining bacteria on

the sponge after doing the dishes?

3. Does dishwashing solutions with gumamela flowers extract work well to get rid of

grease, stubborn stains, and bad smells from kitchenware?

Statement of the Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference between the Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) extract

and the Alternative Gumamela Dishwashing Liquid

2. There is a significant difference between the Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) extract

and the Alternative Gumamela Dishwashing Liquid

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Gumamela as a

dishwashing liquid. Specifically, this study is ought to answer the following questions: specially,

this study shall be beneficial to the various groups of people.

STUDENTS. Learners will be able to gain insights and understanding regarding the extract of

gumamela as an alternative dishwashing liquid,

TEACHERS. Teachers will gain insights of how Gumamela extract can become an alternative

to commercialize dishwashing liquid..

PEOPLE WHO DEMANDS INEXPENSIVE GOODS. People will gain knowledge about the

way to get or create a dishwashing liquid.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. Will gain from this study by receiving ideas and information that

they can utilize to create an innovative product that is more eco-friendly.

PROPONENTS. Will gain from this since they will bw able to cultivate moral principles and a

strong desire to fulfil the study's objective, which is to employ gumamela extract as an

alternative dishwashing liquid.

Scope and Delimitation

This research covers to develop and test the efficiency of gumamela extract as

dishwashing liquid. It also contains the ingredients and procedures for generating an alternate

dishwashing liquid.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined according to how they are used in the study:

Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) – is a fast growing evergreen shrub with dark green and

glossy leaves with dicot flowers.

Dishwashing Liquid- also known as dishwashing soap, dish detergent, and dish soap is

a detergent used to assist in dishwashing. 

Mucilage - is a gelatinous substance of various plants (such as legumes or seaweeds) that

contains proteins and polysaccharides


Review of Related Literature

After a thorough and in-depth search by the researchers, this chapter offers the relevant
Gumamela flowers, contains this certain mucilage that levels up the effectiveness of it to
remove stains and grease present in common kitchen tools. Mucilage is a gelatinous substance of
various plants (such as legumes or seaweeds) that contains proteins and polysaccharides. The
flower also contains emollient and emmenagogue; they are used in all types of inflammation,
decoction given in bronchial catarrh, cough, and urinary infections. Fresh juice of the flowers is
used in the treatment of gonorrhea. Ethanolic extract of the flower has significant antipyretic
activity on brewer’s yeast induced pyrexia in rats.
According to Pak J Pharm Sci, (2014), Antioxidant and antibacterial potential of different
solvent extracts of locally grown Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn was evaluated. The antioxidant
activity was assessed by estimation of total flavonoids contents, total phenolic contents, DPPH
free radical scavenging activity, and percentage inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation capacity.
Antibacterial study against three human pathogens such as staphlococus sp. Bacillus sp. and
Escherichia coli showed growth inhibitory effect in the range of 12.75 ± 1.17 to 16.75 ± 2.10
mm. These results showed that the Gumamela flower indigenous to Kallar Kahar and its allied
areas bear promising medicinal values and could be used for developing herbal medicines to
target oxidative stress and infectious diseases. With all these information provided, the
researcher came up with the idea of making use of these benefits from Gumamela and convert it
to something more useful which can be an aid to our daily lives. An organic alternative like this
might be what our world needs because of the continuous disruption of our ecological treasures
that are taking place due to harmful chemicals present in different human demands. This study
shows how a simple organic material can turn out into something useful as a dishwashing liquid.
This Dishwashing Liquid is eco-friendly and possibly be cheaper than those chemical
dishwashing liquid.
Gumamela is not just a blossom of beauty but a possible ingredient for good health. A study
conducted by Davao Medical School Foundation revealed that Gumamela flower (Hibiscus rosa-
sinensisis) contains ingredients that maybe used to prevent cancer, by inhibiting mutation of
cancer cells in human body. Cancer is a result of genetic mutation when our bodies exposed to
carcinogens (cancer causing substances). A single abnormal cell will grow, leading to multiple
mutations to form tumors. Tumor cells eventually invade and destroy normal cells. In the
laboratory experiments (Modified Ames Salmonella Assay), the researchers tested the anti-
mutagenic properties or the ability to control mutation of gumamela flower extracts to the growth
of mutant salmonella bacteria. They compared effects to Mytomycin C, a standard mutagen
(positive control) and mineral water as negative control. Results showed that gumamela extracts
significantly decreased the growth (mutation) of salmonella compare to Mytomycin C and
mineral water. In fact, the study highlighted that eve presence of mutagen (agent that promotes
thismutation), gumamela extracts have successfully halted the bacteria’s growth in most of the
trials conducted. According to the study, these effects may be attributed to the active ingredients
in gumamela such as flavanoids and proanthocyanins, the phytochemical components that act as
powerful antioxidants and free radical scavengers. Proanthocyanins trap hydroxyl, lipid
peroxides and other damaging free radicals and stimulate cells to produce detoxifying enzymes.
Meanwhile, flavanoid is one of the few free radical scavengers that protect the body against fat
and water soluble free radicals. With these findings, researchers claimed that gumamela is a
potential natural resource that can prevent the development of cancer cell in human body. The
study was funded by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development of the
Department of Science and Technology (PCHRDDOST) through its Regional Research Fund in
Region 11. About 300 species of Gumamela are found worldwide. Its beauty makes it one of the
most widely cultivated of flowers, in brilliant huers of red, orange, or purplish-reds, with short-
lived but continuing blooms.

Theoretical Framework

The study considered the theory on how the gumamela extract become an

alternative dishwashing liquid.

1. Using Gumamela as a major component of dishwashing liquid will minimize your time in

removing those tough stains. With Gumamela's extract components which is soft, chemical-free,

and has an antibacterial compound, removing stains and washing dishes will become eco-

friendly. There are different colors of Gumamela flower and with the help of this theory that

the red blue, and green can produce any color.

Researcher’s Theory Lithium-Ion Battery as the main
component in constructing solar storage inverter.

The 2ndTheory
The 1 Theory
st The 3rd TheoryHow Solar
How Solar Batteries Work
How does a Solar with a Solar Batteries Work with
Battery Work?, PowerSystem?, Inverter?

Inverters are electrical devices that are used to convert direct current (DC) to an
alternating current (AC). At our homes, we get AC power supply, and due to of its
properties it cannot be stored, hence we store DC power in a battery which comes with
Conceptual Framework
Figure shows the conceptual framework of the study about The Lithium-Ion
Battery as the main component in constructing solar storage inverter and the methods done to

explain on how does it work.The conceptual framework is composed of the input, process ant

Input – It is done to determine thatSunlight hits the solar panels and the energy

is converted to Direct Current electricity.

Process –as a result that the electricity enters the battery and is stored as DC


Output – The product that the DC electricity then leaves the battery and enters

as an inverter to be converted into AC electricity the home can use.

A single 100-Watt Solar Panel can power up several small devices which include cell phones, lamps, fans on
ceilings, router of wifi, laptops and other small devices. Bigger appliances such as heaters, TVs, air
conditioning systems, and others similar to these require more than one 100-Watt Solar Panel.


Solar Panel Battery Appliances

1. Sunlight hits the 2. The electricity 3. The DC electricity then

solar panels and the enters the battery and leaves the battery and enters
energy is converted to is stored as DC as an inverter to be converted
DC electricity. electricity. into ACelectricity the home
can use.

In sunny days your 50W panel will charge the battery

enough to turn on three lamps 4.5 hours each, or two
lamps 7 hours each. If you manage to buy LED lamps
at 12 volts, How
a 7wattDoes
will illuminate almost like the
11W fluorescent and you can increase the
by 50%.

Figure 1

Conceptual ParadigmFigure 1 shows the input, process, and output that are used by the

researchers inthe study. The input includes the materials which the researchers used in

making theoutput of the study. It includes kamias, foam booster, antibacterial, washing soda,

lemonscent, and a glass container with dispenser. These materials will undergo


Synthesis of the Art

Understanding how a gumamela works as an alternative liquid is important

because it helps will helps us minimize the time in removing tough stains With the use of

the gumamela as alternative dishwashing liquid you can take advantage of it because of

the fact that the ingredients in creating dishwashing liquid is not actually that costly

The researchers presented different Related Literature and Study on the topic

about Gumamela extract as an alternative dishwashing liquid. The idea of the researchers

that the viscosity of the Gumamela extract will help on producing such cleaning product

with addition of other extracts liquid, to produce a dishwashing liquid with a good smell

and a good variety on cleaning dishes and other kitchen wares. The other idea that the
researchers believed was the ability of the Gumamela flower to produce bubbles that will

help the dishwashing liquid to be more presentable to wash dishes.

The researchers discussed various studies and related literature on the topic of

gumamela extract as a substitute for dishwashing liquid. The researchers hypothesized

that the gumamela extract's viscosity would aid in the production of such cleaning

products when combined with other extracts, resulting in a dishwashing liquid with a

pleasant scent and a wide range of cleaning options for dishes and other kitchen utensils.

The researchers' second hypothesis was that the gumamela flower's capacity to create

bubbles would make dishwashing liquid more appealing to use when washing dishes.

Chapter 3


The study's methodology is presented in this chapter. It starts off with a

description of the research design, setting, participants, measurements, ethical

considerations, and procedures.

Research Design

This study will employ an experimental design that will determine and

explain on how does Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) extract as an alternative

dishwashing liquid.
This study will be conducted at San Agustin (Stand Alone) Senior

High School chemistry lab where all necessary equipment is present.

The respondents of this research are the people in the community and

conduct a house to house survey for those houseshave their solar power set up.

Inverters are used to change direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), and

the power inverters can power a household with standard 120V/240v alternating current

when most home appliances for home use are rated at 42.5 amps. That is to say, besides

the number of batteries needed to power the 5000-watt inverter, you also need to take

battery capacity, voltage input of the inverter, and the time duration you use the inverter

into consideration.Ideally speaking, the capacity of the battery is discharged 100% but

the fact is not. If you choose lithium battery instead of lead-acid battery, the DOD can be

as high as 80% instead of 50%, which means the inverter gets 80% of the lithium battery

power. When considering the inverter voltage input, you need to know the typical and

surge power rating as well as the average power.

Calculate how much power is needed by summing up the power consumption of

the home appliances. Besides the usual power need, the inverters also need to supply the

surge power which usually last for a short time ranging from a few seconds to at most 15

minutes. In sunny days your 50W panel will charge the battery enough to turn on three

lamps 4.5 hours each, or two lamps 7 hours each.

If you manage to buy LED lamps at 12 volts, a 7watt lamp will illuminate almost like the

11W fluorescent and you can increase the abovementioned times by 50%.

You will need a 12volt battery at some 40–50 Ah, that will be enough to cover 3 cloudy

days. Better buy a battery for deep discharge but a car battery will do the job, only they

will last 2 years and that is if ensuring to charge them on a daily basis (except on the

cloudy days).


Step by step set up and procedure

Step 1: Gather solar power components

It all begins with gathering the basic ingredients of a solar power unit. You will need four

major items – solar panels, charge controller, inverter, and a battery pack.

Step 2: Calculate your power load

Before getting to the solar installation task, you need to sum up the power that you use at

your home. 

Step 3: Select and charge the battery

This provides a steady supply of energy, provided you have selected the optimum battery

storage capacity. You will need a power controller to monitor your battery’s charging.

These come between the panels and the battery. 

Step 4: Set up the inverter

Solar arrays produce electricity in direct current (DC), but electrical appliances use power

in the form of alternating current (AC). Inverter is a device that saves the day by allowing

you to use electrical devices without using adaptors.

Step 5: Fix the solar panels on your roof

Once the battery, controller, and inverters are ready, you need to get started with

mounting the solar panels. Select the best spot for the panels on the roof or on open

ground that receives an unhindered supply of the sun’s radiation. 

Step 6: Connect the solar panels with battery

You need to connect the solar panels with the battery. In certain PV systems, these come

paired together, so you don’t have to put in the additional effort. In cases that are not

given as a single unit, you need to make series and parallel connections. You can make a

series connection by connecting a device’s positive terminal with another device’s

negative terminal. For a parallel connection, you need to connect one device’s negative

terminal with another device’s negative terminal and so on.

Step 7: Setup stands for inverter and battery

Your residential solar unit is incomplete without stands for the battery and inverter.

Again, you have the option of building the stands or getting them. Once the allocated

positions for the inverter and battery are ready, you can start working on the wiring. Start

with wiring the controller. 


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