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A. Cross-Cultural Understanding adapted from Abbe and Halpin (2008) and Ilter
No Questionnaire code
Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3
1. Do you observe that Yes, I do. I see Yes, I think we are Yes, the Knowledge
your cultural beliefs, that both not too many majority of the
values, and practices Indonesia and differences. people here is
differ from those of Thailand has muslim.
the community in the several
country where you similarities and
teach? Please explain difference
your answer briefly.

2. Has anyone in your Yes, we always I think no, Yes, my Skill

teaching community talks with buddies teachers’ (communica
ever asked you about and some of my friend and my tion)
your cultural beliefs, students ask too students
values, and practices? always sharing
Please explain your about culture.
answer briefly.

3. Fill the things you Knowledge

find from your host
Language Thai Indonesian Tagalog and Language
greeting Wai Say hi Shaking hand norm
Things that contrast Norms Religion Foods Norm, value
with your host country and attitude.
Major Religion Majority Buddhist Christian Islam religion
Ritual/ event that you Mother day Event in the church Islamic event Custom and
join practice
4. How do you know I browse from I just observing and I ask my buddy Knowledge
your host culture? internet at first asking my buddy about
explain briefly Indonesian
5 Have you ever asked Yes. I asked my Of course I ask Yes, I ask what Knowledge
anyone in the country buddy about the about anything cannot do in
where you teach about culture, Indonesia.
their cultural beliefs, characters, and
values , and practices? customs that are
Please explain your usually carried out
answer briefly. there.

6. After learning about I respect the Very interested. I try to accept Attitude
the different beliefs, difference Because there must and open (openness)
values, and cultures of be some values that minded.
the community you have in common,
teach, how did you Thailand, such as
react first? Please being friendly,
explain your answer helping, etc. So we
briefly. are very happy to
be able to share
culture with them

7. What will you do if I will learn new I learn and try to I will open Attitude
you see/observe a new culture adapt minded (openness
cultural practice and respect)
there? Would you like
to learn more?

8. What would you react respect Of course, we Respect it Attitude

if the culture is exchanged (respect)
difference? thoughts and
experiences about
many topics. We
found out that we
are different but
diversity itself still
is beautiful. We
could live in
harmony with
9. Did you learn Yes I did. I learn I learned a lot of Yes I do, I Skill and
anything new about that Thailand is things there, so learn a little to attitude
the cultural practices very respecting much that I can’t speak (openness
you teach? Please person older and even count. I’d Indonesia and
provide an example or teachers. love to share one interaction)
two. of impressive
things I’d
experienced there
which is the short
and peaceful
classroom routine.
They started every
class by letting
students involved
in the class for
greetings, cool
quotes they like to
share to the class,
and then teacher
would step up to
summarize and
start the class. I
was very impressed
by that because
involving students
before jumping
into the lessons is a
brilliant idea to get
them together..
10. If you saw/observed I will explain my I’d love to learn I always enjoy Attitude
different cultural culture more since it is one and respect (openness)
practices you teach, of the ways to seeing a
how would you relate and get close different
explain and justify to the community. cultural
them yourself? I would watch perspective
carefully first, and from another
asked some country. I
questions in order usually stay
to understand more quiet and just
before trying to observe. If I
blend myself in the have
community. questions, I
11 Do you easily adapt to At first it is hard It was very easy to At first, it was Skill
new situations in the because most of me to adapt the difficult for (interaction
country where you Thailand person new culture and me to adjust to and
teach? cannot speak situations in the the communicat
English, but my host community. I environment ion)
buddy and think that I was and the people
supervisor doing well enough around me.
teachers always to feel comfortable But as the
help me a lot. around host days go by,
community. I'm slowly
getting used to
12. Did you experience Yes, we have to Yes, I greet local Yes, Skill
any changes (in greet every person people in the (interaction)
manners, customs, and in school without community with the
cultural practices) excuse addition of "Po"
during your stay and the local
there? How do you language. My
manage change? attitude is neutral
and just exciting

13. Is it difficult to build No, all my friends No, they are so kind I think the Skill
relationships with and teachers here and help me a lot in most difficult (Interaction)
fellow members are friendly. We everything. adjustment
where you teach? often discussing was the
Please explain your and prepare communicatio
answer briefly. together for n part. Most
teaching. Indonesians
don't speak
English very
Sometimes, I
had to give
hand gestures
or body
language to
deliver my
message so we
can understand
each other.
14. In most interactions, In my opinion, at Me and other Me Skill
who initiates the first our parties. Because we (interaction
conversation first? colleagues in the are already close, and
You or the other office and the it's no longer communicat
party? coordinator rather awkward to start a ion)
started the conversation even
conversation than if it's just to say
me. They tried to hello when we meet
get me out of on the street
discomfort, I
guess. But after a
while, the
between me and
others were
15. What do you find I Think language, It was very Skill
challenging in because many challenging for me (interaction
communication with local people here at first because I and
people from another cannot speak always had trouble communicat
country? English, so making new ion)
language barrier is connections, but
challenging. thanks to my kind
and friendly
colleagues, I was
able to do so.
16. What is still difficult We always most Language It is hard to Skill
for you to of the time in communicate (interaction
communicate with school. with people and
people with various from different communicat
cultural backgrounds? language. ion)
17 Based on your This is a good Yes, from the Yes, I know knowledge
perception, does SEA program so that program I can know culture from
Teacher program our neighboring the culture of Indonesia, we
increase your countries Philippine, and have some
understanding of understand the make me realize similar culture
similarities and culture, their that it is not too such as climate
differences between values have different from condition and
your own and target obedience and Thailand. geographical,
culture? responsibility, so but have some
there are lessons different such
there. There are as norms and
moral values and practice.
character. Until
they are in 7th
grade, what is 7
Even if it's just
writing, it's

18. Based on your It makes me think I see the difference Increase my Attitude
perception, how does the difference as a unique thing tolerance and (openness)
your understanding of from some respect to
both your own target perspective. others.
culture improve your

General Pedagogical Knowledge adapted from Konig (2011) and Hill (2006)
No Questionnaire Code
Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3
1 How is Their English skill Their skill is They still lack in
students’ is still in low level advance since speaking and writing.
English level in for eleventh grade they use English
your school compare in as second
Indonesia. language.
2 Did you change Yes, I try to use No, I always use I use common
your teaching many games to study group and technique such as
techniques, attract them in it is working for lecturing and group
beliefs and learning them discussion.
practices after
the program? If
so, what is the

4. Do you use Yes, commonly I I use problem I think no

special method use real media to solving and
in teaching? make them easily group discussion
5. How is the Not based on The English The curriculum is
curriculum? government but curriculum of lower than Philippine
every school has senior high since we had
its own curriculum school in here is different focus.
focusing on
writing and it
more advance
from Thailand
6. Do you find Yes, language Yes, since the I think no, my
difficulties in becomes obstacle English level of students can get what
teaching yet my supervisor senior high I am trying to deliver.
teachers help me a school is higher I
lot. have to learn fist
and prepare
material from the
two days before
7. How important It is important to To create To organize the time
for teachers to make students get effective of the learning
manage the effective learning learning
8. Do you make a No, because the Yes, I made it At first no, because
lesson plan lesson plan has with home lesson plan in
before teaching been provided by teachers here Indonesia is
my supervisor complicated , but
teachers, so I only they allow me to
have to follow it. make lesson plan in
simple way.
9. Do you always I think no, my Yes, I made quiz No, because the time
evaluate your supervisor teachers and asking limitation.
students did it answer session
in the end of
10 Do you think Yes, they look
your students excited and ask a
understand lot during the
about your lesson

1. What do you find challenging in communication with people from another country?
2. What is still difficult for you to communicate with people with various cultural
3. Can you describe the most challenging culture during the program?
4. Based on your perception, does SEA Teacher program increase your understanding of
similarities and differences between your own and target culture? In terms of beliefs,
values, and behavior.
5. Based on your perception, how does your understanding of both your own target culture
improve your communicative competence in intercultural communication?
6. Why is teaching experience important to you?
7. Did you change your teaching techniques, beliefs, and practices after the program? If so,
what is the change?
8. What do you think about the SEA teacher system?
9. What support do you need in developing skills and knowledge?
10. Do you learn from other teachers/colleagues while teaching? What did you learn?
11. What do you think about the students there in general?
12. Do you learn “something” when interacting with students?
13. What teaching skills/competencies do you need to improve?
14. What do you see as the most challenging aspects of an increasingly diverse academic


1. What is curriculum adopted in host country
2. What did you prepare for teaching?
3. What is learning material that you used?
4. How you set the classroom?
5. What method that you use for teaching
6. Do you have the rules in your class?
Interview Pre-Service Teachers’ 1 (Indonesia)

Participant 1: Indonesian Pre-Service Teachers in Thailand

a. Cross-Cultural Understanding

I: apakah sebelum berangkat mencari tahu dulu tentang Thailand?

P1: iya saya mencari tahu dulu dari youtube terutama tentang kebudayaannya, tempatnya dan
apa saja yang harus saya siapkan sebagai orang asing yang baru pertama kali kesna
I: selain dari youtube dari mana anda mencari tahu tentang budaya thailand?
P1: saya mencaritahu dari temen yang ada disini dari buddy dan guru pamong saya
1: apakah kamu melihat adanya perbedaan budaya antara Thailand dan Indonesia
P1: ada beberapa perbedaan dan persamaan budaya kita dan Thailand
I: apa saja budaya local atau sekolah yang beda dari inonesia?
P1: pertama budaya sekolah yang beda misalnya upacara nya depan kelas tidak harus di
lapangan, dan mereka sangat open tentang budaya LGBT, yang tidak disembunyikan atau
dibatasai seperti hal normal. Dan anak anak, guru, dan orang dewasa pun sama dan mereka
I: Bagaimana anda bersikap tentang hal tersebut?
P1: Untuk pertama kalinya kaya kaget dan shock, setiap hari kaget kaya melihat waria, gay, lesbi
barengan jalan. Tapi ya karena sudah terbiasa jadi saya paham dan mengerti dan tidak kaget lagi.
I: apakah ada persamaan antara budaya Thailand dengan kita?
P1: mereka sama seperti kita, polite bgt dan sama kaya kita suka pakai baju adat ke sekolah,
dan disekolah juga ada sesi agama sebelum belajar.
I: apakah orang Thailand di sekolah atau sekitar selalu bertanya tentang budaya anda?
P1: ya, saya ngobrol dengan buddies dan guru disini,ada beberapa siswa juga yang sering
I: biasanya mereka bertanya tentang apa?
Pi: biasanaya sih, tentang makanan di Indonesia terus tentang tempat wisata.
I: apakah anda juga bertanya tentang budaya Thailand? Biasaya apa yang anda tanyakan
P1: ya, saya banyak bertanya tentang budaya basic saja sih, kaya makanan khas disini, tempat
wisata, terus cara menyapa, sama perayaan adat disana dan apa yang ga boleh dilakukan disini.
saya juga bertanya tentang bagaimana menyapa disana.
I: dari perbedaan budaya, mana yang menurut anda contrast antara budaya Thailand dan
Pi: hm, menurut saya sih pandangan soal LGBT ya kak, soalnya di Thailand LGBT itu menjadi
hal yang biasa dan tabu, even siswa guru-guru dan orang local menunjukan bahwa mereka
LGBT itu sudah biasa saja, dan bahkan ada festivalnya. selain itu di Thailand juga ada praktek
budaya yang cukup menarik, setiap hari pemerintah akan memutar musik untuk lagu kebangsaan
mereka dan musik tersebut akan muncul di speaker atau televise. ada juga hari ibu untuk
merayakan lahirnya ratu sirikit, para orangtua akan dating ke sekolah dan siswaa membasuk kaki
orangtua mereka.
I: bagaimana anda bereaksi setelah mengenai hal tersebut?
P1: pertama saya cukup geli melihat laki-laki tp seprti perempuan atau cewek dan cewek act
romance ditaman, tapi lama lama saya menghargai dan toleransi, karena menurut budaya mereka
hal terserbut bukan suatu hal yang buruk.
I: setelah mengetahui perbedaan yang cukup contrast bagaimana anda bersikap?
P1: saya menghargai dan terbuka terhadap setiap perbedaan dan tidak menjudge sesuatu hal,
meski di Indonesia itu tidak boleh bukan berarti budaya itu saya anggap buruk
I: apakah sulit untuk beradaptasi disana?
P1: enggak, karena mereka friendly banget orangnya, meskipun kita orang asing tapi tetep
respect dan hormat dan baik ke semua orang. kita juga sering sharing dan jalan jalan malam ke
night market di Chiang Rai, pergi ke Golden Triangle, Mesai, Choifung, kebun the dan candi
biru di minggu pertama. saya juga banyak bertanya soal makanan, tempat wisata dan pandangan
mereka soal LGBT.
I: apa budaya yang kamu pelajarai disana
P1: saya belajar banyak hal, selain tentunya mengajar. Saya mengobservasi bahwa orang
Thailand sangat menjunjung tinggi rasa hormat, terutama kepada guru dan orang yang dituakan.
Malah ada siswa yang lepas sepatu hanya untuk memberi salaam kepada saya. Mereka sangat
respect even pedagangnya juga selalu ramah dan kasih tau temen saya yang muslim kalau
maknananya non halal. Mereka juga sangat mencintai budaya, kadang kalau kita sedang jalan-
jalan aka nada banyak sekali orang sana menari tradisional dan mengajari mereka menari, bisa
dibilang mereka sangat bangga terhadap budayanya.
P1: apakah anda senang belajar budaya baru?
I: ya saya senang sekali karena saya belajat banyak hal terutama keunikan dan perbedaan,
walaupun dalam waktu sebulan saya belajar banyak hal disana.
I: apakah anda sering berinteraksi dengan masyarakat sekitar?
p1: asrama saya nyatu sama sekolah, jadi kita hanya bisa bermain disekitaran sekolah, tapi hari
minggu kita bisa main, seringnya ke night market. kita ngobrol kadang kadang sama buddies,
mereka yang menolong kita berinteraksi dengan warga sekitar. kita juga kadang main di taman
tapi seringnya menghabiskan waktu dengan siswa dan rekan guru di sekolah
Pi: apa hal yang menurut and sulit dan menjadi tantangan disana?
I: menurut saya bahasa ya, karena orang Thailand itu tidak begitu lancar berbicara bahasa inggris
dan saya juga tidak berbahasa Thailand, kadang sesama guru bahasa inggris pun susah,
makannya kadang kami menggunakan body language.
I: menurut pengalaman anda, apakah kita perlu belajar budaya local sebelum kita mengajar
P1: sangat perlu, walaupun kita tahu budayanya via internet tapi pas sampai sana ada beberapa
perbedaan dan kalau kita tahu justru in the end kita ga kan rasis. karena kita mengalami langsung
ketemu dan berinteraksi, dan kita sadar bahwa its ok. walaupun kita beda kita tetep bias jadi


I: bagaimana mingu pertama anda di sekolah?
P1: pada minggu pertama kami belum mengajar, kami harus mengobservasi guru disana, jadi
kami masuk kelas dan hanya melihat juga mencatat point2 penting selama guru mengajar
1: apakah yang anda amati tentang kegiatan siswa diawal sebelum pembalajaran
P1: sebenernya sama kaya kita, berdoa dan langsung masuk kelas, tapi disini upacara nya setaip
hari, jadi sebelum ke kelas mereka melakukan kegiatan upacara dulu
I: apakah anda melakukan persiapan sebelum mengajar? Apa saja persiapannya?
P1: saya sudah menyiapkann bahan ajar sebelum ke thailand. Sesuai silabus indonesia. Tapi
ternyata seteleh observasi itu berbeda sekali dengan kurikulum thailand. Karena bahasa inggris
anak sma disana tidak sebagus di indonesia. Mereka masih jauh lebih rendah, karena mereka
susah belajar bahasa inggris. Jadis saya harus merubah rpp saya menjadi materi yang lebih basic
I: bagaimana perasaan anda pertama kali mengajar disana?
P1: Kurikulum yang digunakan di sekolah saya berfokus untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan
kreativitas siswa. Sebagian besar siswa masih belajar tentang kata kerja dasar dan mencoba
untuk menghafalnya. Keterampilan lain seperti tata bahasa tidak diajarkan secara mendalam
seperti di Indonesia. Umumnya kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa masih rendah. Itu sebabnya
tingkat materi tidak terlalu maju untuk SMP.
P1: Saya gugup pada praktik mengajar pertama saya karena saya takut siswa tidak
memperhatikan saya tetapi untungnya, mereka sangat baik dan menghormati saya. Mengelola
kelas sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit karena menurut saya baik di Thailand atau Indonesia,
kebanyakan siswa akan diam jika diajar oleh guru baru. Dan untuk siswa Mengrai, saya pikir
mereka bersemangat dalam pelajaran

I: Bagiamana level bahasa inggris mereka?

P1: Tingkat bahasa Inggris siswa di sekolah saya masih rendah untuk sekolah menengah atas.
Area belajar mereka masih kosa kata. Jadi, ketika kita mengajar mereka para pengajar ke rumah
hendaknya menemani kita di dalam kelas. Alasannya adalah siswa sering tidak memahami
materi yang kita ajarkan dan harus diterjemahkan oleh pengajar ke rumah. Selanjutnya dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris umumnya pengajar ke rumah menyampaikan materi menggunakan
bahasa Thailand. Jadi, mereka tidak merasa asing ketika guru menyampaikan materi
menggunakan bahasa Inggris lengkap
I: skill apa yang mereka susah pahami
P1: pronounciation sih, karena mereka susah bgt melafalkan vocab. Jadi biasanya saya kasih
tugas diakhir berbentuk speaking dan writing di akhir pembelajaran
I: bagaimana cara anda mengatur kelas anda
P1: tidak ada yang special sih, cuman ada sedikti hambatan saja karena di awal awal kita
kelasnya kaya di aula gitu, jadi memang kadang susah mengatur tempat duduk. Tapi itu semua
bisa diatasi dengan baik dengan membagi kelompok kecil
I: kalau materi anda biasanya ambil dari mana sebagai sumber?
P1: biasanya, dari website, banyak sih jadi saya gak ambil dari buku sih tapi saya adopt dari
I: apakah anda berinteraksi dengan sesame guru disana?
P1: kami haya berkomunikasi dengan guru bahasa inggrisnya saja. Karena guru lain tidak begitu
mengerti bahasa inggris even guru bahasa inggrisnya pun masih banyak yang kesulitan. Hanya
beberapa guru yang bagus yaitu guru seniornya atau bisa dibilang guru pns nya.
I: apakah anda mempersiapkan bahan ajar sendiri apa dibantu oleh disana?
P1: supervisor teacher saya selelu membantu dan memberi saran kepada saya, selain saya
mempunyai bahaan ajar sendiri kami juga diberi bahan ajar oleh guru disana, jadi kami hanya
tinggal melengkapi yang kurangnya saja
I: apakah anda harus menyiapkan lesson plan?
P1: tidak, karena lesson plan sudah disediakan disekolah, jadi kami harus mengikuti sesuai
dengan lesson plan tersebut termasuk waktunya harus 100% sesuai dengan yang tercatat.
I: bagaimana cara anda berinteraksi dengan siswa? Apakah ada metode khusus?
P1: saya memberi reward ke anak2 sama seperti di indonesia mereka suka bermain game dan
ketika saya memberi reward mereka tetap engaged ke materi
I: apa teaching skil yang ingin anda improve kedepannya
P1: saya ingin lebih ekspresif, , menyampaikan materi degan cara fun dan mudah d pahami.
I: apa perbedaan kurikulum indo dan thailand?
P1: bedanya karena setiap sekolah punya kurikulumnya masing2. Seperti sekolah saya adopt
kurikulum dari finlandia. Mereka focus ke meningkatkan skill dan kreativitas siswa jadi belajar
nya ga pakai buku cetak dan lebih ke topic. Contohnya belajar tentang grammar, mereka ga
diajarin macam2 tensis gitu. Tapi kaya diambil satu topic misalnya noun. Nanti guru nya
menjelaskan di papan tulis lalu siswanya disuruh menggambar dan membuat main maps nanti
disuruh mencari noun yang ada dikelas atau diluar, atau mislmya dikebun binatang, setiap anak
punya topiknya masing2. Dan mereka boleh memakai handphone, gadget dan boleh ngapain aja
asal tugasnya selesai,
I: apakah mungkin jika metode itu dipakai di indonesia ?
P1: sebenernya akan bagus kalau metode belajar di thailand itu dikombinasikan dengan metode
kita. Cman kalau untuk dirubah mengikuti versi mereka kurang tepat. Karena di kita knowledge
mereka sudah bagus hanya kurang exercise aja. Karena mereka masih basic banget jadi masih
belajar vocab. Karenanya kita mengajar itu ditemani home teacher untuk membantu kesulitan
kita. Terus home teacher ngajar bahasa inggrisnya masih memakai bahasa thailand
I: apakah anda mengkonsultasikan metode mengajar yang anda pakai?
P1: saya mengikuti metode mereka, karena lesson plannya memang disesuaikan dengan yang
mereka minta. Dan harus 100% sesuai dengan rpp terutama waktu nya. Setiap kegiatan harus
sesuai waktunya.
I: selain thailand apakah anda pernah mengikuti international teaching internship lagi?
P1: tidak hanya sea teachers saja
I: menurut anda apakah perlu bagi calon guru untuk mengikuti international teaching program?
P1:penting bgt, karena pertama kita bisa secara langsung membandingkn kualitas pendidikan
dengan negara lain, kedua kita bisa tau metode ngajar yang paling tepat itu seperti apa karena
kita udah menpunyai pengalaman at least di dua culture, itu bisa membantu kita mencari materi
kalau kita ngajar lagi nanti
I: kalau anda compare kurikulum di thailand dengan di indonesia bagaimana ?
P1: lebih better di indonesia, karena mereka tiap sekolah itu bikin kurikulum maisng2 jadi tiap
sekolah mempunyai standar kualitas pendidikan yang berbeda sehingga tidak merata. Di
indonesia kebanyakan kan sama.
I: setelah mempunyai pengalaman ngajar di thailand apakah ada metode atau approach yang
anda pelajari dan anda ingin terapkan ketika anda terjun sebagai guru?
P1: kalau saya lebih pingin focus melatih pronunciation. Karena itu sangat penting.
I: apakah abda merasa skill mengajar anda meningkat setelah mempunyai pengalaman mengjar
thailand ?
P1: meningkat, karena saya jadi lebih berani, lebih percaya diri, controlling kelas saya juga jadi
menigkat saya merasa bias menguasi kelas dengan baik. Anak anak disana cenderung lebih aktif
dan guru disana diarang membentak dan memarahi anaknya, guru cenderung selalu lemah lebut
dan mengakibatkan mereka lebih seenaknya yang membuat saya harus menyusun strategi
bagaimana mengkontrol kelas tanpa ada kesan memarahi.

I: apakah anda setuju dengan statement kita harus belajar culture baru belajar bahasnya meskipun
kita mengajar inggris bukan di native country?
P1: mungkin itu cuman buat daily life tapi kalau untuk mengajar english di negara yang bukan
native tidak terlalu dipakai.
I: menurut anda apakah dalam waktu 2 minggu kita cukup untuk mengenal dan mengerti budaya
dinegara lain dan cukup untuk melatih skill mengajar anda?
P1: sebenarnya cukup , karena kita jalan2 3 hari saja kita sudah bisa mengenal budaya mereka
dan untuk mengajar cukup tapi memang kurang lama dan materinya kepotong. Kita juga kalau
jalan jalan, setiap minggu kita ke pasar malam, kita pasti membaca mereka cara communicated
bagaimana. Misalnya dijam2 tertentu pemerintah akan memutar lagu2 kebangsaan dan kita tidak
boleh melakukan kegiatan apapun, ita harus mengeheningkan cita. Disana juga sering anget ada
pagelaran tari ditengah2 pasar dan banyak orang nonton. Itu seperti menonjolkan budaya mereka.
I: apakah ada kegiatan dari sekolah disana yang unik yang belum anda temukan di home country
P1: ada, jadi ketika disana sekolah saya ada program jalan2 ke mall dengan semua murid dan
guru pakai bus kaya study tour. Disana anak2 dibawa ke food court dan home teachers membuat
game. Dan guru sudah bekerja sama dengan staff mall dan semuanya sudah siap. Disana mereka
main game yang melatih mereka dalam mengasah otak. Seperti me-list barang yang mereka
harus temukan. Melatoh vocabulary dengan cara menyenangkan

Interview pre-service teachers’ 2 (Thailand)

Participant 2: Thailand pre-service teachers in Philippine

a. Cross-cultural Understanding

I: did you try to find any information about Indonesia before you come to Philippine?
P2: I have browsed a lot about it. I am trying to know about the culture, the practice others
from the internet. I also asking my coordinator about the school that i’ll teach later
I: did you did discussion or share any information about home teachers in with your group?
P2: it was hard at the first, because i am hard to make new friend and socialized, but yes, i did.
We often talked directly and in our chat group too. We talk about the school, the students,
material that we will use for teaching.
I: after you observe the culture, do you find some difference with your home country?
P2: I think the most obvious difference is the religion, because in Thailand most of us are
Buddhism and in Philippine they were Christian and i learn and ask them about Christian. I
even go to church when school had any agenda to the church. Besides, they had routine
ceremony in Monday, they gathered and pray read bible together. It is very interesting from
me because I can learn much.
I: what language that Philippines spoken?
P2: the first language in Philippine is Tagalog. But, their second language is English.
Sometimes they mix the language between Tagalog in English. In the school many of the
students also speak English, and many local people also good in English, so i don’t have
difficulties to communicate and teaching in the class
I: is there any similarities between Philippine and Thailand culture?
P2: of course, we have same food. It’s quite same. We like to eat hot food. And also the people
were very respectful, kind and generous just like in Thailand. In Philippine local people are so
kind, they greet us warmly and i think it is not different with the people in Thailand, they
always say hi to each other but may be what make it different is in Thailand we also use
gesture but it Philippine, they only stated good morning
I: what about the value or norm? Do you find the difference?
P2: in Thailand we use gesture when we greet others people, like we stick our hand together
and put it around our chest and we use “sawadikhap” but in Philippine, there is no gesture, they
only say hallo. We can wave our hand or shaking hand to the person in the first time meeting
I: have you ever asked anyone in the country where you teach about their cultural beliefs,
values , and practices? I: during you stay in host country what are you learn from local people
P2: yes, i ask the home teachers and coordinator lecture, because I am afraid I will make a
mistake. I often talk with my students. They teach me a little bit Tagalog language and give me
recommendation about the food there. I was curious about everything when I was there. I
wanted to learn everything I could, so I kept asking about their ways of living. They kindly
answered and explained the reasons which I really appreciated. I learned a lot about them so
that I can reach out to the students
I: do you often have interaction with local people there?
P2: we don’t make communication too much with local people, because we spent much time in
the school, so we often have interaction only with home teacher and students, when we go for
hangout the buddy help us to communicate. We talk to local people when we go to
supermarket but it is just basic such as asking the price
I: after you know the difference related to culture, how did you react?
P2: of course I am very interesting to know, I respect every single difference, even if i don’t
have religion but when the buddies ask me to the church to join event. I involved happily
I: do you want to learn more about the culture?
P2: of course, I really want to stay longer in Philippine and explore more especially the tourist
destination here, and following some event here, it will be interesting I guess. I learned a lot of
things there, so much that i can’t even count. I’d love to share one of impressive things I’d
experienced there which is the short and peaceful classroom routine. They started every
class by letting students involved in the class for greetings, cool quotes they like to share to
the class, and then teacher would step up to summarize and start the class. I was very
impressed by that because involving students before jumping into the lessons is a brilliant
idea to get them together
I: what is your first time in Philippine?
P2: it’s so nervous, I don’t even know how to do.
I: is your home teachers always help you?
I: they always have us, like accompany us when teaching, help us preparing material and gave
us some suggestion about the method. They told us about how to get students attention so, we
can close with the students there
I: do you think we have to learn cross-culture fist before teaching the host country?
P2: yes, I think as a teacher candidate, we need to have good cross-cultural understanding in
order to know the culture and manners of other countries. When we become teachers, many
students are born and we can welcome students from different countries. By understanding ccu,
we can understand their culture and know how to act and teach. So cross-cultural
understanding prepares us to teach students from other countries.
b. General Pedagogical Knowledge
I: how is your first day at school?
P2: we have teachers observation on the first week at school
I: how is it important in teaching students?
P2: yes, it is really important. Because the different culture make you feel aware about our act
and attitude especially in the school. We will be aware about something can and cannot be
done. Trying to find the good method that is suitable with the students
P2: it is different especially in skill. Philippine are so advance in English skill. But their
attitude are same. They are respecting teachers very well, always greet us and always
participated in the class. They are very active in the class and often ask several material. That
is why it is trigger me to prepare the materials for them. I always learn and learn every day
before I teach in the classroom
P2: as a teacher, i believe that a variety of student activities during the teaching and learning
process will ensure that the students’ multiple intelligences and varied learning styles are being
taken into consideration. I rather deal with minor inattention and disruption before they
become major disruptions. For example, sometimes, students don’t pay attention to the lessons,
and just keep talking to each other. That has a huge effect to the whole class
I : is the English curriculum different between Thailand and Philippine?
Yes it is, the level of the study is advance in there. They use English as their second language.
They often use it in daily live. But in Thailand we barely use English. We use English only in a
school. The students also have good knowledge. That is why we have to prepare more before
we teach in the classroom. Besides in Thailand has more students in a class compare with
I: how is the students’ English level?
P2: the level of the study is advance in there. They use English as their second language. They
often use it in daily live. But in Thailand we barely use English. We use English only in a
school. The students also have good knowledge. That is why we have to prepare more before
we teach in the classroom. Besides in Thailand has more students in a class compare with
I: is there any difficulties to teach them?
P: the difficulty is basically English itself. English in Thailand and Philippine is different. In
Thailand we have Singlish yet in Thailand they have their own accent and word. Like the same
word but it has different pronunciation. It can make misunderstanding.
A: what about the lesson plan?
P2: the lesson plan in my school is not quite difference. I though the structure is same. Thus, in
Philippine is more simple compare with Thailand
I: have you ever joined international teaching experience before sea teacher?
P2: no, I haven’t. But I have ever been foreign students before in Korea. That is why i know
their feeling and I am trying to make them feel comfort with me.
A: do you think it is important for future teacher to follow international teaching program?
P2: yes, it is. Because in my opinion we can compare students characteristic between two
culture. In Thailand students seldom as question because they put high respect to the older
make them not really close and afraid to make the question
I: what are the good things for joining sea teachers program?
P2: I got many advantages after joining the program. I learn how i can integrate all my
teaching method. And I learn that we teach English not only just a material but how i can teach
it for the right function it’s for communication. It gives me good effect. I studied to be more
dedicated in teaching English for communication not only for testing. I learn how I can
motivate my students to not be shy and be brave to speak English. It changes me on my
teaching believe and technique.
I: what is your teaching skill that you want to improve?
P2: I want to improve my class room management skill. Sometimes, i think i’m too kind to my
students. It make a little mess. We can close but not too much.
I: what is your first time in Philippine?
P2: it’s so nervous, I don’t even know how to do.
I: what is your recommendation for the program?
p2: Sea teacher program is good but it can be better if they build up more in the future. Like its
purpose to take student in having experience in foreign country but after end the program
nothing happen. Its only evaluation, may be its better for us to work or give some advice to
other generation. So it’s good to follow up us to check whether its program effective or not

Interview pre-service teachers’ 3 (Philippine)

Participant 3: Philippine pre-service teachers in Indonesia

a. Cross-Cultural Understanding

I: did you try to find any information about Indonesia before you come to Philippine?
P3: before going to Indonesia I search a lot on the internet basic information, the language,
culture, and tourist spot
I: after you observe the culture, do you find some difference with your home country?
P3: yes, we have some similarities and difference

I: what are the culture that different with your country?

P3: We are actually same, may be what difference is religion, because most people in Semarang
is Muslim. Almost all female students wear hijab, between the girls and boys also cannot be very
close like in the Philippines.

I: what about the similarities?

P3: I think because we are in same continent, we have some environment and climate.

I: what is language that Indonesian people use in daily communication?

P3: In Indonesia, English is the foreign language, meanwhile Indonesia is as the second
language. My students told me that their first language id Javanese and it is called local language

I: what religion majority in Indonesia?

P3: The religion, because in Philippine is Christian and Indonesia is Muslim. Even all my
students in the class are Muslim. There are only 2 teachers who are Christian

I: do you find the culture that quite strange for you?

P3: When I was in Indonesia, I was quite surprised because they told me that when we eat in
front of people and do not offer to other is considered as the bad habit. Because of that, if I eat
some food or snack I will ask other, whether they want to try my food or not case
I: is there any similarities between Philippine and Thailand culture?
P3; we have same place or environment. It’s quite same. There were many spot that Philippine
has. For example lawing sewu, kota tua is quite same especially the structure and architecture.

I: what is the unique food that you try in Indonesia?

P3: They cook food made from vegetables (mostly tofu), chicken, seafood, and other non-
pork ingredients. When I tried most of their traditional food, Sambal is always on the table.
The very spicy kick gives a more appetizing flavor to the food. Unfortunately, I am not one
of those daredevils who like to eat spicy food but I tried only very small amounts of Sambal
on my meals, and even so, I think the spicy paste still enhances the flavor of the food

I: how you react the difference?

P3: I always keep an open mind and give respect to different cultures. I always enjoy and
respect seeing a different cultural perspective from another country. I usually stay quiet
and just observe. If I have questions, I ask
I: is there something that interesting for you?

P3: In Indonesia, the major population religion is Islam. We celebrated several Islamic event but
I forgot the name, what I think is we held it in the mosque. There is always be yellow rice and it
is so delicious.

I: how Indonesian people do greeting?

P3: I think how the students greet the teachers by shaking hand for showing that she respect
and honored them

I: do you find challenge in communication in host country?

P3: yes, it comes from language.

I: how you deal with that?

P3: First, I learned Bahasa Indonesia, but only the basics. Simple greetings, courtesy statements,
how much things are and such. It is quite easy to use and helpful to get someone's attention.
Second, I have an Indonesian friend who can translate it for me. Well, he happens to be our
buddy in school where we were assigned to teach. Third, hand gestures and body language are
great assets to use in communication
I: did you did discussion or share any information about home teachers in with your group?
P3: Yes, we always talk each other during the day especially sharing about our school
I: what did you usually discuss?

P3: Of course, we always doing consultation with our home teachers and lecture coordinator.
How the best way to teach students. They told us to make learning simple, like discussion or
group activities, make them collaborate with other during the learning
I there any similarities between Philippine and Thailand culture?
P3; we have same place or environment. It’s quite same. There were many spot that Philippine
has. For example Lawing Sewu, Kota tua is quite same especially the structure and architecture.
I: how you react the difference?
P3: I think when we understand other culture, we won’t easy to judge people because they
know that the background culture can be different as they become more empathetic. Basic
knowledge of other cultures helps us understand and respect their diversity. Maybe we will
see teaching overseas students, who knows? But to avoid misunderstandings, both teachers
and students share their backgrounds.
I: during you stay in host country what are you learn from local people there?
P3: I don’t really often having any interaction with local people. but my teachers coordinator
took me the church once it was very crowded and we talk with local people. we also went to the
local market and make friend with people around our dorm.
I: do you think it is important to know the culture before we teach in the other country?
P3: yes I do agree, because we don’ t know whether we will offending them and we have to
adjust further, when we want to teach them especially different culture.

b. General Pedagogical Knowledge

I: how is your first week at school?

P3: I was quite nervous yet they are so kind and welcome me very well.

I: how is the students’ English level in Indonesia?

P3: I though students that I though at the time had very good ability in English. When I
gave them material about grammar, they easily comprehend it. Yet they were still lack in
communication skill. Their speaking needed to be improved and they often spelt the word
I: how long you stay in host country.
P3: We only have one month for this program. We have two week for observation. We
observed the teacher when teaching in the classroom. We go there often. From those case I
can see how the teachers teach and the character of the students that I will teach later
I: how you manage the class?
P3: Before my class begins, I allot time for each major step. I give bigger chunks of time
for the presentation and evaluation part. In the earlier parts, I always make sure to finish it
quick so I can have more time when I discuss the lesson because I believe that this is the
most important. During the presentation of the lesson, I allot 40% of the time. For the
practice exercises and lesson summary, I allot 20%. Lastly, I allot 30% for their final
activity. I always bring a watch with me in class so I can effectively track the time and
make everything run as smooth as it possibly can
I: How you compare curriculum between Indonesia and Philippine?
P3: It is different, we have different focus. Since we have democratic. In Philippine is
quite highest cause we have already learn since kinder garden. We also use English
almost every day. That is why the curriculum especially in English is higher than
I: how about the lesson plan?do you make lesson plan?
P3: The lesson plan is too long and complicated. Because in here the lesson plan only 2
sheet, but your lesson plan contains a lot of things. So, it is quite difficult. Fortunately, my
teacher adviser helped me a lot in making lesson plan
I: do you think this program give you a benefit?
P3: I got many advantages after joining the program. I learn how I can integrate all my
teaching method and I learn that we teach English not only just a material but how I Can
teach it for the right function it’s for communication. It gives me good effect. I studied to
be more dedicated in teaching English for communication not only for testing. I learn how
I can motivate my students to not be shy and be brave to speak English. It changes me on
my teaching believe and technique.
I: is international teaching program important for us?
P3: Yes, it is. Because in my opinion it’s forced us to push our limit, get out from the
comporting zone, and try to teach different kind students and foreign students, it will be
more challenging and add more ability and students in this program. Understanding other
culture, understanding teaching practice more. What kind of lesson plan and teaching
method. Especially when we were handling students, who had different language it will be
refreshed how to communicate. How we think to make the students

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