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How to Register on atingi

1. In your web-browser, please type in Click on ‘’Register’’.

2. Choose the language of your choice, and please enter your details.
Read and then tick the Terms and Conditions box. Then click ‘’Register’’ to create an
account with atingi.

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3. You will now see the following page. Please follow the instructions and check the
email you used for registration in the previous step.

4. In your inbox, open the e-mail from atingi admin, with the subject line: atingi: account
confirmation. If you do not see the email, please check your spam mail inbox.

Scroll down to check

SPAM if you do not see
the mail in your inbox

5. Open the mail and CLICK on the account confirmation link

Important: Click
activation link!

6. A new tab will open to the Complete Registration page. Please fill out all the fields,
and then click ‘Create Account’.

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Please note: In the password field, you must choose a password that you can
remember easily. Follow the password instructions to create a safe password.

Please note: Use your own e-mail address and a password of choice, that you
will remember. You should write down your login details (especially your
password) somewhere, so you do not forget them the next time - you will need them
again for every login to atingi.

1. Fill out all fields

2. Create a password you will

easily remember, according to the
instructions. You will need it for
every login.

3. Write down your login

details somewhere else,
in case you forget them.

4. Click ‘Create My New Account’

7. You did it! Please take the helpful user tour that you receive only after the first login!
Enroll in courses that interest you, and take them at your own pace. You can always
go back to and log into your account to continue your courses.
Enjoy your learning journey!

Take user tour and

enjoy learning on atingi!

Stand: Erstellt von: Seite 3

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