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books and other writings (usually by expert authors and writers)
**(any written works that is published on a particular subject)
**(it entertains, also teaches us and we can gain knowledge from it and lastly it
improves our language skills)
Literary Genre
Type or category of literature
**(same and songs and movies that has several genres, literature also have that
too to to help us figure out how a certain character or a protagonist in a story
act, react and interact with the literary work or a story itself)
4 main types of Literary Genre
**(in this report, we'll only focus on the poetry genre since the other 3 will be
reported by other groups)

-writing using language and sounds in any special ways to express ideas. It is an
imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound and
rhythmic languages choices to evoke an emotional response.
**(in this genre, the author of any poetry works play with words to release any
expression, feelings or ideas in a special way to make the reader of the work
**(Example is this verse, "The rose is red, the violet's blue, sugar is sweet and so
are you).
**(The said verses had a rhythm and rhyme.It's already Noticed that after
reading it, it's kinda different to other genres as poetyr express thoughts in a
special way)

Poetry Subgenres **(more like a subgroup or a category of the genre poetry or

simple genre of the genre)
-poem about the speakers thoughts
**(most common and popular subgenre)
Example of lyric poetry include:
•elegy-a sad poem, written to praise and express sorrow for someone that is
**(it is more on expressing feeling rather than telling a story
•ode- poem written in celebration, dedication, or appreciation
**(it is generally directed to a specific person, place etc.)
**(it doesn't have any restrictions)
-a 14-line poem with a variable rhyme scheme
**(rhyme scheme - an ordered pattern of rhyming words at the end of the
Several Kinds of sonnet poem include:
Petrarchan sonnet - fourteen lines of iambic pentameter split into two
stanzas: the first eight lines, called an octave (focus on a stance) followed by the
final six, called a sestet (focus on a new perspective) .On the first line of the
sestet is called volta (to change the poem's direction)
The rhyme scheme is ABBAABBA-CDECDE (the most common) or ABBAABBA-
**(EXAMPLE OF The Italian Sonnet)
"Poetry is not what's in front of you, it's what's inside of you"
Inside of me, there is another me
Observing, as I act upon life's stage
My mind is where he hangs his open cage
To him that is the same as being free
I keep him in touch with reality
At times he claims to be some sort of sage
At other times he doesn't act his age
What's best, is that we never disagree

But he is really not like me at all

He's innocent with curiosity
Where he is quiet, I am always loud
To him the moon's a flying orange ball
He does not see the ugliness I see
He flies above it, on each passing cloud.

**(The first stanza is called the octave, the eight lines that means about the
inside of us that is an observer and also decides. It has a rhythmic scheme
**(The next stanza is called the sestet as it focus on a new perspective that also
the inner us is also not really like us at all. He or she is also innocent with
curiosity. It was being change direction because of the first line of the second
stanza called the VOLTA)
•haiku - short form poetry from japan consist of 3 phrase that has a pattern of
syllables of 5-7-5 with a total of 17 phonetic units (word from japan that is similar
to sylabbles)
Fallen flowers i see
Returning from it's branch
Ah! a Butterfly
poem that tells a story
Examples include:
-Epic - a long poem that tells a story
**(Mostly all epic tales include a long and lots of battles and fights that the
hero wins in the end
Example of an epic story is Beowulf.
**(an old poem that is 3,000 lines long and it is a story about a hero named
Beowulf, a warrior who saves the king from a monster named Grendel)
-words spoken by a character
**(can also be seen in drama literary genre)
Examples of dramatic poetry include:
•monologue -a poem written in the form of a speech of an individual character
**(monologue allows them to write about situations and subject matter that is
not taken from their own lives.)
•dialogue -type of dramatic poetry when two or more characters talk to each
other and give us a sense of what is going on and what is going to happen in the
**(Dialogue carries the plot forward as well as gives us an idea of how the
characters interact with each other)
•soliloquy-monologue in which a character in a play expresses thoughts and
feelings while being alone
**(Since William Shakespeare was a very famous drama writter, he is also
responsible for many of the soliloquy)
Example of a Soliloquy In The Famous Play Romeo and Juliet
(Juliet unaware of Romeo's Presence)
**(Juliet says these words to herself and Romeo is standing nearby but she
doesn't realize it)
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
What's in a name? That which we call a rose,
By any other word would smell as sweet.
(In these words, Juliet is talking about Romeo and it means that the name we call
to a person doesn't matter, and what matters is that about what we feel about
that person)

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