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The Feasibility of Malunggay (Moringa)

and Calamansi (Calamondin)extract as an
Alternative Facial Wash.
David Jericho H. Labaguis

Statement of the Objective

The purpose of this study is to determine the possibility of Malunggay (Moringa) and
Calamansi (Calamondin)extract as an Alternative Facial Wash. Specifically, it aims to:

1. To determine the active components present in Malunggay (Moringa) and

Calamansi (Calamondin) in making an alternative facial wash.
2. To determine the active components present in the three set-ups that can be used as
an alternative facial wash.

3. To describe the active components present in the three set-ups, if it can be an

alternative facial wash. In terms of:

2.1 odor;

2.2 comfort and

2.3 effects on the skin.

4. To determine which is the most acceptable among the three set-ups. In terms of:

3.1 odor;

3.2 comfort and

3.3 effects on the skin.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is to know the possibility of malunggay and calamansi
extract as an Alternative Facial Wash Specifically it attempts to answer the following

1. What are the active components present in Malunggay (Moringa) and Calamansi
(Calamondin) that can be use in making an alternative facial wash ?

2. How can the active components present in the three set-ups be described? In terms

2.1 odor;

2.2 comfort and

2.3 effects on the skin.

3. Which is the most acceptable among the three set-ups that can be used as an
alternative facial wash? In terms of:

3.1 odor;

3.2 comfort and

3.3 effects on the skin.

Specifically the following are the answers to the problem:

1. There are active components present in the three set-ups that can be used as an
alternative facial wash.

2. The active components present in the three set-ups can be described as an alternative
facial wash. In terms of:

2.1 odor;

2.2 comfort and

2.3 effects on the skin.

3. 2.The experimental Malunggay (Moringa) and Calamansi (Calamondin) as an

alternative facial wash is the most acceptable among the three set-ups, in terms of:

3.1 odor;

3.2 comfort and

3.3 effects on the skin.

Significance of the Study

It benefits students because, they suddenly deal with oily face and pimples. Besides these
days teenagers are fast when it comes to maturing so the possibility of the appearance of
pimples has a very high chance.

Review of Related Literature

According to Celo (2001) Citrofortunella microcarpa, the Calamondin or Calamansi, is a

fruit tree in the family Rutaceae native to the Philippine Islands and has been dubbed the
calamondin, golden lime, panama orange, chinese orange, acid orange, calamonding , or
calamandarin in English..

It is believed to have originated from China and has spread throughout Southeast Asia,
India, Hawaii, found that the West Indies, Central and North America. The plant is
characterized by wing-like appendages on the leaf stalks and white or purplish flowers. Its
fruit has either a spongy or leathery rind with a juicy pulp that is divided into sections.

Wanderer (2011) found that citrofortunella microcarpa, the Calamondin or Calamansi, is a

fruit tree in the family Rutaceae native to the Philippine Islands and has been dubbed the
calamondin, golden lime, panama orange, chinese orange, acid orange, calamonding, or
calamandarin in English. It is believed to have originated from China and has spread
throughout Southeast Asia, India, Hawaii, the West Indies,Central and North America.
The plant is characterized by wing-like appendages on the leaf stalks and white or
purplish flowers.

According to Timpson (2012) The extract reduces oiliness in skin, thus clearing up skin
problems such as pimples, acne, blackheads and freckles. It also moisturizes and increases
skin hydration. The Vitamin C in the juice penetrates the skin so it is more effective than
commercial products which can be rubbed off or removed when washing or taking a bath.
Moringa Oil or Ben oil is obtained by pressing the seeds of Moringa Oilefera Tree.
Moringa oil is the most stable oil in nature and it does not go rancid. Moringa oil has
numerous applications in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry.

Belo (2012) conclude that moringa oil possesses exceptional oxidative stability which
may explain why the Egyptians placed vases of Moringa oil in their tombs. The healing
properties of Moringa oil, also known as behen oil, were documented by ancient cultures.
It has tremendous cosmetic value and is used in body and hair care as a moisturizer and
skin conditioner. Moringa oil has been used in skin preparations and ointments since
Egyptian times. This is very long lasting oil with a shelf life of up to 5 years. Applications
of Moringa Oil is highly valued in the cosmetic industry for its unique property.

Review of Related Studies

According to Wanderer (2011) calamansi has vitamin C which enhances your beauty, by
rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face. That's because
vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is key to the production of collagen, a protein that
aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels and gives skin its firmness and strength. It is
an antioxidant that slows the rate of free-radical damage -- free radicals are unstable
molecules that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles so it helps
skin to recover, prevent premature ageing and can protect it from future damage.

Belo (2012)found that moringa oil has been used in skin preparations and ointments since
Egyptian times. This is very long lasting oil with a shelf life of up to 5 years. Applications
of Moringa Oil is highly valued in the cosmetic industry for its unique property. Moringa
oil is light and spreads easily on the skin. It is best for massage and aromatherapy
applications. The antioxidants and the nutrients present in the Moringa oil help to curb the
activity of free radicals on the skin.

According to Celo (2001) one of the natural benefits of calamansi juice is it acts as a
natural skin bleaching agent. It is good for treating dark spots or discoloration of the skin,
it helps erase scars and other blemishes for a more even tone. In fact some skin whitening
soap manufacturers use it as their main ingredient for soap. It is also a popular main
ingredient for facial cleansers and toners nowadays. Pimples/spots occur because of the
build-up of oil and dirt within your pores, so how to remove pimples is all about cleaning
your pores up.

1. The researcher gathered the following materials for the procedure knife, bowl, 500
ml water, 225 ml bottle, stool, chopping board, cotton, crushing board, and drainer.

2. The researcher washed the malunggay leaves.

3. The researcher chopped the malunggay leaves.

4. The researcher put the chopped malunggay in a bowl of water for 20-minutes for the
malunggay extract to be released.

5. After 20 minutes the results have been quickly noticed as the water turns green
significes that the extract is now ready.

6. The researcher boiled the malunggay exract to make sure that it is clean.

7. After the boiling process, the researcher just let it cool for several minutes.

8. The product of setup B is done, it was placed in a 225ml bottle and ready to be use.

9. The calamansi leaves is placed under the sun for 20-30 minutes.

10. The researcher chopped the calamansi fruits into 2.

11. The researcher mixed the calamansi fruits and leaves in a bowl of water.

12. Now the researcher mixed the boiled malunggay and calamansi fruits and leaves in a
bowl of water.

13. The researcher hardly squeezed the calamansi fruit for the juice to be released.

14. After waiting it will be now placed in a 225ml bottle ready for usage.

Results and Discussion

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