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Division of City Schools


Buenos Aires corner Manga Avenue Sta. Mesa Manila
Telefax. 8715-6883

Daily Lesson Plan in Grade 10 QIII

(February 16, 2023)

I. Objectives
 Understanding job descriptions based on job descriptions
 Filtering and choosing job descriptions that best fit interests and skills

II. Subject Matter: Steps of the Job Search Process

Topic: Understanding job descriptions based on job descriptions

References: MOOC, English for Career Development

Materials: Laptop, Projector, speaker

III. Procedure
a. Motivation
“Now that you’ve identify your skills and interest and determined what type of job
that best fits, how do we now start looking for a job?”

The teacher will present two pictures on the board and students are tasked to
answer the following questions:

1. What do these images show? What do you call them?

2. Where do you usually see this type of images?
Task 1. We’re Hiring!

The teacher will play two short video clips of job advertisements from Tiktok
and students will be tasked to answer the following:

Guide Questions:

1. Are these videos good at persuading people to apply for the job they offer?
2. What makes these types of advertisement particularly convincing?
3. Were you convinced to try the job they offered? Why or why not?

Task 2. Video Presentation

The teacher will play a short video clip discussing the different parts of a job
advertisement and students will summarize the three highlighted terms in the video.

Qualifications Duties and Responsibilities Contact

b. Discussion Points
 Job Advertisement
o Refers to advertisements that “sell” a position in a company. Before, they are
predominantly found in newspapers and even on television. But nowadays,
they are commonly posted in social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube or Tiktok.

 Dangers of unreliable Job Advertisements

o With the wide reach of social platforms, some people are utilizing job
advertisements to scam applicants, especially job advertisements that are too
good to be true. Thus, it’s best to tread carefully and analyze job with
discerning eyes.

 Job Descriptions
o Qualifications/ Requirements – having the minimum requirements to do a
job. Different kinds of jobs require different kinds of qualifications. It usually
consists of educational attainment, work experiences, and skills.
o Duties and Responsibilities – tasks done regularly in a job. These are tasks
that the company is expecting you to accomplish in the job.
o Contact and Information – an email address or a number of the person in-
charge of the hiring process to be contacted in case an applicant is interested
in the job.
Task 3. Searching the Net for a Job

Directions: Given the following materials, find a job description that you would
like to apply for. If the desired job description is not provided, you can access the search
engine to look for other jobs. Afterwards, write in 2-3 sentences the reason why you
chose that job advertisement.

IV. Assignment
Directions: Ponder about the following questions.
1. What is a resume?
2. What is the importance of writing a resume?

Prepared by:

Justine Anne L. Sande

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Maica A. Lopez
Teacher III

Josephine G. Dasco
Head Teacher VI

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