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CD “T Difference between ¢lemental Semiconductors & | | Lompaund_si emfconductous AE i These axe made from |. These are made from 4ingle_element. com, Cmitxed) elements ae axe made fom I |9. These one made ep ond UH elemends| TL ond Won ond wr | Siar aT elements. z |3. These one called as 3. These ave called as Jngtect bond gap semP-_|-dttect band gap semfcon- conductor (elecHon hole | ductor (electron hole |#ccombinotion takes place |recombinolfan fakes place th tops. Sent diecHi salt | 4.Heat 38 produced fn the|4 Photons ane emitted | recombination. sHecombinalinn. |5. 1fe Hine 9 chase consi, 5, ifs to 4S mone due +o TAdtiect | camfors ¥ less. ‘due to | Hecombfnatfon - ditect tecombfnatfan. 16. Gunent omplifttadion ¥ |e. Guent- amplPitaifsn fs | move. less. These ane used for 7. These Joe used | te diodes , duansistor, | making LED, oan 1 be. 2 Sfodes, eto. {8. Example: Gre Si gc Example : GoAs, GaP, 1A noumos hos | dfelectfc_maletial. |o. The dfelectic. materfals pxouide the fnswlaiton | bla +he plates or electrode 3. The noumal co, |chongfng Hote |Coposttor ore vony fost. |s.Copacitonce fe the roage Ki ood Pico -. changing ond di8- la. for Supercopactton, the | a_noxmal | fi | pacitoxs |¢—The ualtage copaciyd ts| the Slprmecte oct a 9. Supercapocior a s cheese punufde tH fosulatton blu electradec| 3. “The Aupercopacit thas | an.electalyle Solulfan wate is fost huk the diSchaxglg i p= v 5. Copoctance can seach thousands «| foxads, | t MoHy ow usually 21v the ange fast But the dis - es Hate £3 Alou. Ja There ane Auperca oritor _|uith_onganfr. electro i |uih aqueous el [fonfe_lquid, hybstid sue LMP, _Li- “on -ion, etc. cs a a ae eae Auper- | Supercapactiors axe fn_|6.1t has el of fonod |. Gnergy dens 9. Power densi fe ta 3. Battery takes time to change ond dischange, tokes_ mane. Hme to Battery ery_tome f_different Honges et ae ay 18. Proufie bunst pawer fh_dlop and gauehittes | (eq th buses and duafns) 19. Pines snstyanty ystems. Jn abicraFts. ‘Supercapadions ane specially designed. scopocitor 14s hos high capacitance value ond energy qd 7 “compaxed +o capacitans. Supercapacitor , also knows, uuinacopadder on SectHic double Layer Cupar “dH con stone electrical energy quitkly & ge. Ferengi densi g eden density: —_ ao oe ane how much ns pen oe il lo eit energy Aensity battery con dtone Lots of energy keep Ken bach bai i fou tonger #han I ‘dou en | Power re fe-the! ast i the battery +0 4ake_an/ {ether pouier = how qufekly a deuibe ton dischasge | aed a_high power den battery wild , : Bone fe 4 thon_o oe mt ens Hy er Tad lensity = Capac? den 3 : ere ove elated contig She ag pole Power x Time = {ft hove Lo nist aaa sel ensity — th haw | high energy — |.dischouged oa 0 Joto| — a E Alou. —thond have aru denetl enim ete an bub Ban be achaige | Differentinte blu_ditec- ond fndect bond gap a _. Semftonductons. +p ne ae

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