AVP NarrativeFINAL

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In the ragged platform of the law enforcement arena, what stabilizes and validates a
good commander is his authenticity, commitment and the ability to unmasked the
greatness of his team towards setting a higher standard for police force.

On January 10, 2022, PCOL JULIO REYES GO, took the gargantuan task of leading
the best police provincial office in the region at a time when our peace and order
landscape has been altered and challenged by the COVID19 pandemic and when the
entire police organization is about to shoulder another huge undertaking; the May 2022
National and Local Elections.

Today marks his 100th day of Office, a period characterized by small triumphs from
taking calculated actions, and facing varying challenges of the province’ peace and
order environment.

Given the caliber of Isabela PPO’s level of performance, upon his assumption to office,
PCOL GO accelerated the pedal for the unit’s administrative and operational arsenal
that yielded remarkable feats on our major Campaign against Illegal Drugs, with the
arrest of 31 drug personalities, along with the confiscation of 13.6184 grams of
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride with a DDB value of P92,605.12, and 1,846.803
grams of Marijuana valued at P184,680.30 by the Dangerous Drug Board. Riding on
the momentum of these gains, PCOL GO directed the launching of a more intensive
and focused intelligence operations which led to the eradication of huge marijuana
plantation in Tinglayan, Kalinga with an estimated land area of 11,000 SQM planted
with 115,000 Fully Grown Marijuana Plants with an estimated Dangerous Drug Board
Value (DDBV) of P23,000,000.00.

PCOL GO’s diverse intelligence background afforded him the leverage in launching an
intensified pursuit of criminals hiding from the law, resulting in Isabela PPO’s spiraled
success in the Campaign Against Wanted Person, which inked a record of 582
wanted personalities, arrested in a span of 100 days. Highlighting these remarkable
records is the arrest of JONARD VALDEZ ALAVA for the crime of Statutory Rape
under COPLAN AVATAR covered by DILG order on reward amounting to
Php135,000.00. The massive crackdown of wanted persons within AOR can also be
attributed to the strengthened legal offensives, intensified intelligence operations
and the efficient liaising with the courts initiated by the Acting Provincial Director.

Predominant among the varied indicators that show the performance of a police
commander is the peace and order situation in his area of responsibility. Data on the
successful Implementation of special laws is indicative of how PCOL JULIO R GO
steered IPPO personnel to tread the same path and share a common understanding of
goals. Thus, for the period, a total of 470 violators on Special Laws were apprehended
and lodged with appropriate cases before the court.

PCOL JULIO R GO’s relentless drive to cover all aspects of police operations has
resulted in IPPO’s other operational accomplishment particularly, Bilang Boga with 175
firearms surrendered/deposited to different police station for safe keeping pending
renewal of license, while efforts on Kontra Boga yielded the surrender of 56 assorted
loose firearms

As the province’ top cop, PCOL GO’s well-rounded portfolio in the quad concept of
operation has made Isabela PPO the cream of the crop, adjudged as the Over-all
Number 1 for having the greatest number of Police Operations conducted regionwide,
in the weekly Simultaneous Anti-Criminality Law Enforcement Operations (SACLEO) for
the first quarter of this year.

Parallel with the intensified Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign is to enlist the participation of the
local government unit in cleansing the barangays from illegal drug proliferation, PCOL
JULIO R GO has kept the ball running in the unit’s Barangay Drug Clearing Operations.
Since taking the helm of Isabela PPO, 11 BARANGAYS were declared as drug-cleared
and the Municipality of Mallig as drug-free as attested by the Dangerous Drug Board on
March 18, 2022. At present, 676 barangays have been cleared, and efforts are
underway for the subsequent clearing of the remaining 60 drug affected barangays.
Also, under PCOL GO’s efficient liaising efforts and constant coordination with LGUs,
TWO (2) Balay Silangan in Roxas and Cabagan were inaugurated, and 3 additional
Police Stations were declared as drug-free workplace.

Under IPPO’s ELCAC convergence activities, PCOL GO has directed tasked units to
sustain the tactical and legal offensives against the Communist Terrorist Groups,
targeting their strongholds and evaluating their network of connections and activities,
this eventually resulted to the arrest of 296 CTG members and supporters and
surrender of 18 assorted firearms, accomplishing all these whilst working for Isabela
PPO’s Retooled Community Support Program, wherein 10,601 activities were
successfully undertaken, as a mechanism to counterbalance and support the
aggressive tactical operations by Isabela PPO’s mobile forces.

Acknowledging the huge positive impact of a strengthened Police-Community

Relationship, Isabela PPO through the able leadership of PCOL JULIO R GO has
recorded in the pages of its history numerous innovative and laudable initiatives and
best practices comprising IPPO’s Community Support Programs such as 1 st IPMFC’s
PROJECT H2O, a potable water supply for identified red communities in AOR,
Conduct of Medical and Dental Mission to around 160 Individuals, Distribution of
Assistance/Benefits worth PHP 574,550.00, continuous implementation of PROJECT
HEAL, or distribution of vegetable seedlings to marginalized sector of the province,
PROJECT CHICKEN or the provision of a pair of Chicken to indigent families, and
PROJECT AKLAT or the distribution of books to children, all in all benefiting 25,610
individuals with an estimated amount of P3.2 million worth of assistance given.

Under his guidance, Isabela PPO thru Ilagan City Police Station, in coordination with
TESDA has successfully facilitated the conduct of bread and pastry-making and
masonry and carpentry training, of 94 individuals, who are former CTG

Under his tutelage, 4 newly constructed houses were awarded to beneficiaries under
Isabela PPO’s Pabahay Program.
PCOL JULIO R GO, firmly believes that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the
imperative of community empowerment as a prime mover to boost the capabilities of the
uniformed organization against all forms of criminality, thus, under his command, TEN
(10) Lingkod Bayan advocacy groups and force multipliers with 631,554 members were
mobilized as IPPO’s operational support system.

The effectiveness of all anti-criminality measures like police visibility/patrol, checkpoint,

intensification of security measures, implementation of laws and ordinances and other
police initiated operations for crime prevention and solution is dependent on how a
leader manage, monitor, and supervise the fulfillment of their sworn mandates, PCOL
JULIO R GO’s blueprint of managerial style is characterized by the cohesive and
harmonized efforts of operations, intelligence, police community relations, and
investigation functions of all units.

Comparative statistics shows that Isabela PPO has recorded significant decrease in
crime incidence this 1st quarter of 2022. From January 10, 2022 to April 12, 2022, there
were 582 crime incidents recorded. These crime incidents decreased by 1,847 or
76.04% as compared to 2,429 recorded crime incidents in the same period of 2021.


The operational successes achieved by Isabela PPO is anchored on the effective

administrative support which is an integral component of law enforcement.

Under his command, the momentous groundbreaking of the Standard type B/C building
of San Isidro Police Station materialized.

PCOL GO’s leadership manner emphasizes the importance of every role each
personnel play in the organization, a kind of leader who molds, empowers, motivates,
and rewards every member of Isabela police force, since he took his post, 1,646
awards and commendations were issued to deserving IPPO personnel. He also
approved the conduct of 92 trainings and seminars participated by 2,042 personnel
from provincial headquarters, and lower units. PCOL GO is also keen on the adherence
to the internal cleansing policy, mandating every IPPO personnel to be mindful of the
basics on discipline and ethics, under his stewardship, Isabela PPO have not recorded
any case of erring personnel.

PCOL JULIO R GO’ deep sense of kindness, humility and remarkable character is
manifested in his initiative of hosting a tribute/gift giving for our retiring police officers, as
his way of acknowledging and recognizing their services not only to the police
organization but most importantly to country and people.

Reaping the gains of our sustained administrative initiatives, Isabela PPO was adjudged
as the Best Technical Working Group and Best Advisory Group for Transformation and
Development on the Search for PRO2 Transformation Champions for CY-2020-2021.

With the leadership of PCOL JULIO REYES GO, support for Isabela PPO’s
administrative and operational plans and programs, has snowballed and efforts are
continuing to beef-up the beginning statistics as we boldly say,, Isabela PPO on the GO!

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