Eng1681 1761

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pain, especially muscular pains, as in lumbago and other forms

he became an anchorite and ultimately abbot, distinguishing

with the Sanskrit mata, is owing to the shifting of the

a beautiful rose colour which becomes crimson in the shadows.

Recent Experimental Developments.---The modification of

days. The manufacture of matches is aided by the existence

upon the number of hydroxyl groups present, the other on the

resulting in a fodder famine in the succeeding winter, and

vice-legate of Bologna shortly afterwards. He became secretary

mineral manures alone. Of mineral constituents, whether used

fire, one of his lips, which he had licked, was consumed

owing to the lack of imagination, knowledge or scientific

suitable for measuring currents from a fraction of an ampere

hands of the kings of Numidia, who were allies of the Romans.

samples taken relatively to the population increased. Thus, in

success. A number of the heads of the Christians executed

an extra-judicial declaration should be obtained from the

of which the more prominent leaders were Joseph Arch and Jesse

1814-1815, written in collaboration with his brother and A. F.

made, which is administratively part of the Angola colony.

the mechanical properties of alloys in connexion with the

magistrate for Merthyr Tydvil and Aberdare, resigning the

paper-making have died out; but there is a large trade in

troops since 1806, was formally ceded to the British crown.

Athenae (Bliss), ii.141, 594; Cox's Literature of the Sabbath.

building, 220ft. in length, including the Drum Aisle (the

kalokagathia. So far as his writings embody the notion of

tint is developed by the action of hydrochloric acid.

brought about the skirmish of the 19th of April 1775 (see

that carried on with the neighbouring Japanese island of

church (Tillemont, Memoires, i. 3, pp. 990 ff ). Amongst

rational expression to the received ecclesiastical doctrine

early 16th century, Englishmen turned their attention at

upon one or more chromogenous substances present in the

Congregational Psalmist. For many years his collection of

Lentheric, L'Homme devant les Alpes (1896); F. Umlauft,

Revolurion, and offered an opportunity not likely to recur

torts committed within the body of a county, whether on land

Mercedes, titular queen from the death of her father until

The ordinary attire of the abbot was according to rule to be

smoothness of its diction. That it obtained the applause

however, altogether outside, for we know that when the vital

ABOMASUM (caillette), the fourth or rennet stomach of

in November 1900. On the other great lakes and on most of

but at whose execution in 1425 the dukedom became extinct.

frustrating the mountain warfare of its tribes by a precision

rather lead us to appreciate the motives which caused his

and flavopurpurin---are also very valuable dyestuffs. These

intentionally. In the latter case we must suppose either that

Grande Motte (W) . . . . . . . 12,018 (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,962

The exports of live stock and its products have increased

is navigable for small steamers from this town to its mouth,

born at Emden, where his father, Menso Alting ( 1541-1612), was

beyond the Egyptian frontiers in every direction that Ammon

occupation of the city (1830), built a rampart, parapet and

margins, Aussa remains fresh throughout the year, owing to

Development of Africa, 2nd ed. (1892): K. Dove, ``Grundzuge

Series,'' by his son, Charles Francis Adams, Jr. (J. F. R.)

the face and extremities (Gr. akron, point, and megas,

smaller balloon were employed. The dates, places of ascent

subjects it, directed in everything by petty considerations,

at Phylakope remains of all the Aegean periods, except the

on the death of Maecenas (In Obitum Maecenatis and De

A summary account is heregiven of the American aborigines,

spherical zygote surrounded by a cell-wall, in Leptosira it

a local anaesthesia produced by hypnotism (q.v.), but this

countries, as well as by the special interest for France,

ALBULA PASS, now the principal route from the N. to the Upper

and immediately opened negotiations with David, who welcomed

from Caesar, went to Africa, and was present at the disastrous

The unfortunate provisions of the legislature, giving to

great career in America; as the vehicle of use, books, journals,

Mexico, Central America, Caribbean Islands, Colombia, Ecuador,

is more easily and cheaply made by the ammonia-soda process.

state, Calhoun, secretary of war, and Crawford, secretary of

to Valenza (and thence to Vercelli, Mortara--for Novara or

to a famous victory gained over the Russians, on the 20th

Drink with me, and drink as I;

circles at the time that a very considerable concession to

Solutions, however, have been obtained in special cases (see

discourse, and made it his practice faithfully to commit to

was known as the ``Alexandria Government'' (see VIRGINIA).

higher learning:--the Allegheny Theological Seminary (United

Divorce courts before the Judicature Acts. (See PLEADING.)

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